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These false envoys and overlords imposed taxation, enforced slavery and sacrifice,

and generally lived off the labor of the hybrid Earth people. The indigenous people of
Earth did not rebel immediately against these foreign oppressors. Strong assertive
leaders, it seems, were needed after the destruction of Tiamat and the subsequent terrestrial
calamities. The false ones promised consolidation, order, safety, and privilege.
They instigated hierarchic control, the division of labor, merit-oriented advance, and
induced conditions that inevitably lead to man’s disconnection from nature. Necessity
fostered the worst of tyrannies to descend on prehistoric humanity.
Humankind would not just create or accept such structures as a matter of course. It takes
extraordinary circumstances for the millennia old, symbiotic “umbilical” connection to the
planet of origin and to the universal order to be occluded and for humankind’s chthonic sensibility
and natural love to become sublimated and directed away from its prime source and
object into purely pragmatic power-relations. It is logical to assume that these incongruent
and deviant patterns have not arisen merely as a matter of course, as a consequence of the
erstwhile organic evolution of our species, as modern intellectuals advocate. We feel that it is
more consistent with the facts to posit some external interference. And there are many
myths, legends, and sagas that conceal, behind the wide and complex panoply of euphemisms
and allegories, allusions to this very predicament.
From the presence of the aliens and from their overt dominion, we have the creation of
competitive sports, tests of prowess, and the exaltation of the muscular skills. There
also came the pursuit of aggressive warfare and the conquest of other tribes and
nations. There came the division of people into superior and inferior groups.
We must ask – are such habits intrinsic to Earth humans? Are they productive? Would they
not be more commensurate with the agenda of those bent on weakening the populations of
the Earth, on embroiling them in futile and destructive wars, on arousing aggressive
instincts, which cause so much systemic and social despair?
From their presence, came the reality of ritual murder and human sacrifice to further
instill fear and provide sustenance to the gods of the “Underworld” (sic, night sky).
This accounts partly for why once great and benign civilizations, peaceful and respectful
of nature, suddenly descend into debauchery and civil strife.
In the legends of the Tahoe (California) Indians, for instance, we read of the strife:
There was a time when their tribe possessed the whole Earth and were strong and numerous,
and rich; but a day came when a people rose up stronger than they and defeated and
Old World Disorder
20 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation
enslaved them. Afterward the Great Spirit sent an immense wave across the continent from
the sea, and this wave engulfed both the oppressors and the oppressed, all but a very small
The records of hundreds of cultures lead us to the conclusion that their eventual
decline and fall was indeed due to external interference. The alien invaders and their
lackeys also instilled the idea, now so all pervasive, that nature was threatening and
antithetical to humankind, something to be abused and possessed. This instinct is certainly
not natural to terrestrial humans but would be consistent with the outlook of
those not from this planet.
It is extremely unlikely that such a pernicious philosophy could originate from within
humankind. For reasons that should now be apparent, historians have suppressed most of the
evidence of the pre-diluvian matriarchies. All the various tenets of post-diluvian religion
have their roots in the lexicons of those bent on mind control and the enslavement of humankind.
The utter perversity of their natures could not be better revealed than by the philosophical
perusal of these so-called religious credos.
A study of Christian history discloses the portentous fact that the concept of the “malignancy
of matter,” coming into the movement from Hinduism through Zoroastrianism,
became an influence overwhelmingly dominating the theology and the ethic. It bred the monstrous
cult of asceticism, whose driving motivation was the idea that the instincts of the flesh
must be crushed down in the interests of the spirit... The tragic consequence of this staggering
default of insight are incalculable, but in all conscience overwhelming to any intelligence
that discerns it. It lay the Christian mind open to the obsession of a psychological
influence that has been nothing less than devastating to sanity, inflicting upon the psyche a
trauma that has produced morbidity and crushed to a degree the natural instinct for human
happiness. (Alvin Boyd Kuhn, The Ultimate Canon of Knowledge)
From these malefactors comes the notion of the removed god, a distant, immaterial
and punitive “Demiurge” that requires man to repress natural instincts and live in constant
guilt. From them also comes the pernicious concept of a fallen god who tempts
the unwary and leads one into everlasting perdition.
They also instilled the fallacy that women are lower in ontological status than men and
that they are to be distrusted and kept in subordinate positions. Polygamy, another
practice pervasive in certain ancient societies, was again based on the need for these
biologically “superior” entities to reproduce their kind as fast as was possible. Keeping
women in submissive positions and having them uneducated mitigated against
Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 21
Old World Disorder
them ever wondering why they were being used as incubators. Tribes who are in true
harmony with nature and who desire to remain so are instinctively repulsed by the
over-population of the Earth. (See the works of Prof. L. A.Waddell).
Rebellion broke out on Atlantis, possibly due to a falling out between factions of the
oppressors, with one group, as a result, taking sides with the humans. Some say that a
small group of alien priests took pity on the Earth and sought to restore the natural
rule, or close to the original condition (see David Wood’s Genesis, A First Book of
Revelation). Others contend that it occurred due to the intervention of galactic forces
that sought to eradicate the “Bent Ones” from this planet, or at least restrict their corrupting
operations. Whatever the actual truth, it appears the rebels decided that it
would be futile to go into the individual colonies throughout the Earth to depose

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