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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office-MALABON CITY

GAD Training Seminar on Comprehensive

Sexuality Edsucation for DIS Students
November 24, 2023

The Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Policy Guidelines on the

Implementation of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) curbing the rising
incidences of early pregnancy, sexual violence, and human-immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) among young Filipinos.

Otherwise known as DepEd Order No. 31, series 2018 (DO 31), the policy aims
to enhance the holistic wellness of the Filipino adolescents and effectively address
their needs for health and protection through education by ensuring that they are
equipped with comprehensive information and appropriate life skills that can advance
gender equality and empowerment, clarify their values and attitude, and reduce risks
related to poor health outcomes – thereby enabling them to achieve their full

Recognizing the roles and responsibilities of the school system to provide

learners their right to good health, the school conducted a training seminar to
establish a common understanding of CSE key concepts and messages and ensure a
clear implementation of CSE protocols in Dampalit IS - Junior high school.

The 1st speaker discuss the changes experienced by a person as they transition
from puberty to adolescent. The speaker pointed out the importance of taking care of
their body against physical, emotional and other factors that might harm their body.

The 2nd speaker highlighted the pivotal role of CSE in education. According to
her CSE covers a broad range of issues relating to the physical, biological, emotional
and social aspects of sexuality. This approach recognizes and accepts all people as
sexual beings and is concerned with more than just the prevention of disease or

In conclusion, the session equipped the learners with knowledge, skills, attitude
and values as evident with their active participation during the session.

Dampalit Integrated School Rodriguez Subdivision Dampalit, Malabon City

((02)8 352-18-97

prepared by:

GAD Focal

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