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From an assessment of multiple chelators,

clodronate has potential for use in continuous

P. P. Wright1 , C. Cooper2, B. Kahler1 & L. J. Walsh1

The School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, Herston, Qld; and 2Central Analytical Research Facility (CARF),
Institute for Future Environments, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Abstract sequences 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA/5% NaOCl and 5%

NaOCl/17% EDTA. The area fraction occupied by open
Wright PP, Cooper C, Kahler B, Walsh LJ. From an
dentinal tubules as a percentage of the total area (%
assessment of multiple chelators, clodronate shows potential
AF) from scanning electron microscopy micrographs
for use in continuous chelation. International Endodontic
was calculated using Image J. The results were statisti-
cally analysed with alpha set at 0.05.
Aim To identify chelators which when mixed with Results Compared to its control, the mixture
sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) are stable, exhibiting 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl lost no FAC
minimal loss of free available chlorine (FAC) over over 18 h (P > 0.05). The FAC of 0.25 mol L 1
80 min and to further investigate potential mixtures CDTA mixed with 5% NaOCl fell to 96%, 92%, 75%
by assessing FAC over 18 h and the capacity to and 4.9% at 20, 40, 60 and 80 min, respectively.
remove smear layer. Temperature rises were observed in all cases except in
Methodology 0.25 mol L 1 EDTA (10%), the etidronate and clodronate mixtures. Only in the
0.25 mol L 1 EGTA (egtazic acid), 0.25 mol L 1 CDTA clodronate mixture did the pH remain above pH 12
(cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid), 0.25 mol L 1 for the whole experiment. Although smear layer was
DTPA (pentetic acid), 0.5 mol L 1 ATMP (aminotri removed, the % AF in 1 mol L 1 clodronate + 10%
(methylene phosphonic acid)) and 1 mol L 1 HPAA, NaOCl, 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl,
(hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid), all at alkaline pH, were 1 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl was less than for
mixed equally with 5% NaOCl. 0.5 mol L 1 alkaline 0.5 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl/
clodronate and 0.5 mol L 1 Na4etidronate (15%) were 17% EDTA/5% NaOCl and 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA.
mixed equally with 10% NaOCl. For all mixtures, the Conclusion Alkaline 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate mixed
pH and temperature were measured over 80 min and equally with 10% NaOCl has potential for use in con-
additionally for the clodronate mixture over 18 h. Iodo- tinuous chelation, based on this assessment of stabil-
metric titration was used to measure the FAC of all mix- ity and smear layer removal. Further research is
tures except for HPAA. The following were compared needed to establish its efficacy and safety.
with respect to their ability to remove smear layer:
Keywords: clodronate, continuous chelation, eti-
1 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl, 0.5 mol L 1 clo-
dronate, smear layer, sodium hypochlorite, stability.
dronate + 10% NaOCl, 1 mol L 1 etidronate + 10%
NaOCl, 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl and the Received 3 May 2019; accepted 28 August 2019

Correspondence: Patricia P. Wright, The School of Dentistry, The University of Queensland, 288 Herston Rd, Herston, Qld
4006, Australia (Tel.: +61 410 404 325; fax: +61 7 33658183; e-mail:

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 1
Clodronate in continuous chelation Wright et al.

Introduction Even though these findings are promising, etidro-

nate-hypochlorite mixtures lack chemical stability and
Endodontic irrigation involves the use of sodium lose their free available chlorine (FAC) over time. The
hypochlorite (NaOCl) and a chelator. The application ‘use life’ of solutions containing 18% Cublen etidro-
of NaOCl both dissolves organic material and exerts nate and 5% NaOCl (Biel et al. 2017), or 9% Dual
antimicrobial actions (Haapasalo et al. 2014). The Rinse HEDP and 2.5% NaOCl (Zollinger et al. 2018) is
subsequent use of a chelator removes the instrument- 1 and 2 h, respectively, at room temperature.
created smear layer. The prior application of NaOCl Alkaline EDTA in the form of tetrasodium EDTA
assists the chelator in removing the inorganic compo- (Na4EDTA), as opposed to the pH neutral EDTA used
nent of the smear layer because it removes associated in standard irrigation, has also been tested in contin-
organic matter (Haapasalo et al. 2014). The removal uous chelation. Even at concentrations as low as 5%
of smear layer is recommended as it can contain not EDTA and 2.5% NaOCl, the chemical stability is con-
only bacteria and nutrients for bacterial growth, but siderably less than the etidronate mixtures, with a
it impedes irrigant penetration into the dentinal use life of only 30 min after mixing (Biel et al. 2017).
tubules (Violich & Chandler 2010). EDTA is the most The identification of a suitable chelator with
commonly employed chelator, although the use of improved stability when combined with NaOCl would
citric acid is also well documented (Sch€ afer 2007). extend the therapeutic window of continuous chela-
Typically, EDTA solutions are either pH neutral or tion. It would streamline endodontic irrigation and
slightly alkaline (Wright et al. 2017). The sequence may give benefits similar to those described for etidro-
NaOCl/EDTA/NaOCl is common, and although this nate mixtures. Particular chemical properties may be
combination gives powerful antimicrobial actions, bio- useful in the search for chelators compatible with
film removal in the root canal system is incomplete NaOCl. These are the ligand stability constant for the
(Neelakantan et al. 2015). Additionally, the risk of formation of calcium ion (Ca2+) complexes, pH, chem-
eroding peritubular dentine is of concern, and some ical structure and solubility.
have advised against the use of a final rinse with The stability constant is a measure of how well a
NaOCl for this reason (Wang et al. 2016). Also of chelator binds metal ions, with a higher value indi-
concern is the inactivation of NaOCl, as it reacts cating stronger binding. EDTA has a higher stability
chemically with EDTA. This has led to the recommen- constant than etidronate (Smith & Martell 1989).
dation that NaOCl and EDTA should not be used This explains the better removal of smear layer by the
sequentially, without first emptying and drying the former under the same conditions (Deari et al. 2019).
canal (Clarkson et al. 2011). The other common A high stability constant is then a desirable quality
sequence, NaOCl/EDTA, lacks a final rinse with an for a chelator. The alkalinity of chelating agents is
antimicrobial agent, and its use results in less killing particularly important. Acidic chelators such as citric
of bacteria in biofilms when compared to NaOCl/ acid react rapidly with NaOCl, with a concomitant
EDTA/NaOCl (Neelakantan et al. 2015). rapid loss of FAC (Zehnder et al. 2005). Alkaline
In 2005, in the search for new improved irrigation chelator solutions are needed to ensure that when
regimes to address some of the above issues, the concept mixed with NaOCl, the pH remains high. Na4EDTA
of continuous chelation was introduced. This involves and Na4etidronate, when mixed with water, give
the simultaneous use of a chelator and NaOCl in a sin- solutions of over pH 11 (Deari et al. 2019). Solutions
gle solution, thus simplifying the irrigation procedure of other chelators can be made alkaline by the addi-
(Zehnder et al. 2005). Considerable research has tion of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Structural differ-
focused on the use of the weak chelator etidronate at ences in chelators, such as elemental variances where
alkaline pH combined with NaOCl, and from this, a chelators contain phosphorous rather than nitrogen,
commercial product, Dual Rinse HEDPâ has been devel- or have altered stereochemistry, can also be expected
oped (Zollinger et al. 2018). The form of etidronate used to contribute to differences in stability.
is tetrasodium etidronate (Na4etidronate), also known If a chelator with improved compatibility with
as Na4HEDP. The reported benefits include the NaOCl were identified, its useful application to
increased removal of dentinal debris (Paque et al. endodontics would need to be demonstrated. As the
2012), enhanced antimicrobial effects (Arias-Moliz main function of a chelator is to remove smear layer,
et al. 2016, Morago et al. 2016) and good compatibility the ability of any new chelator-NaOCl mixtures to
with dental materials (De-Deus et al. 2008a). clear the dentinal tubules of debris would help

2 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Wright et al. Clodronate in continuous chelation

establish its clinical relevance. This can be achieved

Mixtures tested for FAC and pH assessment over
by employing a variety of techniques including scan-
80 min
ning electron microscopy (SEM) (Tartari et al. 2017),
co-site optical microscopy (De-Deus et al. 2008b) and (i) 0.25 mol L 1 EDTA (10%) (pH 11.1) mixed
laser microscopy (Deari et al. 2019), all of which equally with 5% NaOCl (pH 12.6). (ii) 0.25 mol L 1
have assessed smear layer removal in endodontics. EGTA adjusted to pH 11.0, then mixed equally with
Calcium removal from dentine can be determined by 5% NaOCl (pH 12.5–12.6). (iii) 0.25 mol L 1 CDTA
atomic absorption spectroscopy (Zehnder et al. 2005, adjusted to pH 11.4, then mixed equally with 5%
Deari et al. 2019). NaOCl (pH 12.5–12.6) (iv) 0.25 mol L 1 DTPA
The aim of this study was to identify chelators that adjusted to pH 10.8, then mixed equally with 5%
have improved chemical compatibly with NaOCl, as NaOCl (pH 12.7). (v) 0.5 mol L 1 ATMP adjusted to
measured by FAC levels, when compared to those pH 10.3, then mixed equally with 5% NaOCl (pH
currently identified for use in continuous chelation. 12.6). (vi) 1 mol L 1 HPAA adjusted to pH 11.1,
An additional goal of this research was to demon- then mixed with 5% NaOCl (pH 12.5). Only the pH-
strate that such a chelator-NaOCl mixture can temperature experiment was performed. (vii)
remove smear layer. Thus, the hypothesis tested was 0.5 mol L 1 etidronate (15%) (pH 11.6) mixed
that a chelator with better stability with NaOCl than equally with 10% NaOCl (pH 12.6–12.7). (viii)
either Na4EDTA or Na4etidronate can be identified 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate adjusted to pH 11.4, then
and that such a chelator when mixed with NaOCl is mixed equally with 10% NaOCl (pH 12.6–12.7).
capable of removing smear layer from dentine. Each of solutions a–h above was matched with a
control of demineralized water mixed with equal vol-
umes of NaOCl. The final concentration of NaOCl was
Materials and methods
the same as that used in the chelator-NaOCl mixtures.
Mixture tested for FAC and pH assessment over
The following chelators were used: Na4EDTA
18 h
(ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt)
(34104-500G; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany), EGTA 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate was adjusted to pH 10.7,
(egtazic acid) (BePharm, Shanghai, China), CDTA (cy- then mixed equally with 10% NaOCl (pH 12.7) with
clohexanediaminetetraacetic acid) (BePharm, Shang- a control of 10% NaOCl mixed with an equal volume
hai, China), DTPA (pentetic acid) (BePharm), ATMP of demineralized water.
(aminotri(methylene phosphonic acid)) (BePharm),
HPAA (hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid) (iChemical,
Mixtures and sequences tested for smear layer
Shanghai, China), Na4etidronate (tetrasodium etidro-
nate) (Cublen, Zschwimmer & Schwarz, Burgst€ adt,
Germany), Na2clodronate.4H2O (iChemical) for the (i) 1 mol L 1 clodronate adjusted to pH 10.7, then
FAC experiment over 80 min and Na2clodronate mixed equally with 10% NaOCl (pH 12.7). (ii)
(Enke Pharma-tech, Cangzhou, China) for all other 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate adjusted to pH 10.7, then mixed
experiments. equally with 10% NaOCl (pH 12.7). (iii) 1 mol L 1
Chelator solutions were prepared freshly with dem- (30%) etidronate (pH 11.5) mixed equally with 10%
ineralized water and the purity of the chemical NaOCl (pH 12.7). (iv) 0.5 mol L 1 (15%) etidronate (pH
accounted for. All solid chelators were 98–99% pure 11.5) mixed equally with 10% NaOCl (pH 12.7). (v)
except for the Cublen product which contained 85% 0.14 mol L 1 phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). (vi) 5%
Na4etidronate. ATMP and HPAA were aqueous solu- NaOCl (pH 12.5) followed by 17% EDTA (pH 7.2). (vii)
tions with a concentration of 50%. All pH adjust- 5% NaOCl (pH 12.5) followed by 17% EDTA (pH 7.2)
ments were made with NaOH (SA178-500G; Chem- and then followed by 5% NaOCl (pH 12.5).
supply, Gillman, SA, Australia). NaOCl (AJA-485-5L;
Ajax Finechem, Scoresby, VIC, Australia) was titrated
pH-temperature and FAC recordings
by iodometric titration and diluted to either 5% or
10%. The stock and diluted solutions were stored at All measurements were performed at a room tempera-
2–4 °C in the dark until used. ture of 23 °C. A total of 10 replicates was used for

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 3
Clodronate in continuous chelation Wright et al.

every group. The pH-temperature experiments were temperature, without agitation. A total of 7.5 mL of
conducted separately to FAC testing. At T = 0, 4 mL active irrigant over 15 min was used for all groups,
of either the chelator solution or demineralized water with additional demineralized water rinses between the
was mixed with 4 mL of NaOCl, and stored in a NaOCl and EDTA, in groups 6 and 7. All discs were
closed 15-mL Falcon tube (Corning, Tewksbury, MA, finally rinsed in a beaker containing 100 mL of dem-
USA). ineralized water. For groups 1–5, the dentine discs
pH and temperature recordings were performed at were moved to a new well containing 1.5 mL of fresh
1, 20, 40, 60 and 80 min and additionally for the irrigant every 3 min. This was also the pattern in
clodronate solution at 1 min, 3 and 18 h after mix- groups 6 and 7 for the first 9 min, where NaOCl served
ing, using a pH electrode (Ionode IJ40CT; Ionode, as the irrigant. After this, in group 6, the discs were
Brisbane, QLD, Australia) connected to a pH metre immersed in 1.5 mL of NaOCl for 4 min and finally
(Orion Star 211; Thermo Scientific, Beverly, MA, 1.5 mL EDTA for 2 min and for group 7, 1.0 mL
USA). The pH electrode, which incorporated an ATC NaOCl for 3.5 min, then 1.5 mL EDTA for 2 min and
temperature sensor, was rinsed in demineralized lastly 0.5 mL NaOCl for 30 s. These changes for
water between recordings and wiped dry. The pH groups 6 and 7 ensured that equal irrigant times and
metre was calibrated daily. volumes for all groups were maintained.
Under the same conditions, FAC was measured by
iodometric titration with a burette. A variation of a Disc imaging and image analysis
standard iodometry technique was employed (Stan- The discs were air-dried, mounted on aluminium
dards Australia 2003). This variation entailed the stubs using conductive adhesive carbon tabs and car-
delivery of a 1 mL sample of the neat solution with a bon paint before being coated in 4 nm of platinum
1000 lL pipette, as opposed to a 10 mL sample of a using a Leica ACE EM600. The slices were imaged at
1 in 10 dilution. The variation was tested by compar- 3 kV using the secondary electron detector on a Tes-
ison of the variation with the standard technique. can Mira3 field emission SEM. The microscope opera-
tor, who was blinded to the experimental details, was
instructed to obtain five images/disc at low magnifica-
Smear layer assessment
tion (30009, field of view 92.3 lm), from a region
Disc preparation and treatment roughly equidistant to the canal and root surface,
The study was approved by the ethics committee of where the tubules were round and approximately
both the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia equal in number. Additionally, a representative image
(approval number: 2018001868) and Metro South from each group was obtained at high magnification
Health, Brisbane, Australia (reference number: HREC/ (20 0009, field of view 13.8 lm).
17/QPAH/521). Following extraction, the external sur- Nine discs in each group were chosen for image
face of 71 human third molars was scraped to remove analysis using Image J 1.52i (NIH, Bethesda, MD,
soft tissue and cementum from the coronal aspect of USA). Discs were excluded for variance in tubule
the root, stored in 0.05% thymol in PBS and then ster- number or shape. The 16-bit images were batch anal-
ilized by gamma irradiation at a dose of 25 kGy. A pre- ysed with a sequence of operations which included
cision saw (IsoMet 1000; Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) image thresholding at 11 000/65 535 in order to
was used to cut a 1.8-mm thick cross-sectional slice calculate the area occupied by open tubules as a per-
from immediately below the CEJ. The coronal aspect of centage of the total area, that is, the percentage area
each slice was polished with a series of coarse, medium fraction (% AF). The output images were checked to
and fine Softlex discs (3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), ensure that the Image J routine had not excluded any
rinsed in demineralized water and subsequently stored open tubules. Of the 315 images analysed, three were
in 0.05% thymol in PBS at 2–4 °C until 24 h before excluded for this reason.
the commencement of the experiment when they were
transferred to demineralized water.
Statistical analysis
The discs were allocated randomly to the seven
groups, each group containing 10 discs except for the Prism software version 7.00 (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA,
PBS group which was comprised of 11 discs. All discs USA) was used for the statistical analyses. The
were treated in 24-well cell culture plates (Costar D’Agostino and Pearson test was used to assess nor-
3738; Corning, Kannebunk, ME, USA), at room mality. For the FAC data over 80 min, the Mann–

4 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Wright et al. Clodronate in continuous chelation

Whitney test was used to test each chelator-NaOCl 96%, 92% and 75% at 20, 40 and 60 min, but by the
mixture against its control at each time point, after end of the experiment this had diminished to just 4.9%.
which the Bonferroni correction was applied to adjust The EDTA mixture maintained a reasonable level of
for multiple comparisons. Unpaired t-tests with the FAC at 20 min (82%), but with large variations in
Bonferroni correction were employed for the 18-h FAC the FAC values between replicates at this time point.
experiment of the 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% By 40, 60 and 80 min, the FAC had fallen to 6.1%,
NaOCl mixture and its control at each time period. The 4.5% and 2.9%, respectively.
smear layer assessment was performed with a one-way FAC levels in the remaining mixtures were low. In
ANOVA. Alpha was set at 0.05 for each experiment. the ATMP, EGTA and DTPA mixtures, the FAC had fal-
Means of the pH and temperature data were calculated len to 15%, 7.6% and 1.5%, respectively, at 20 min.
to connect replicate values in the line plots.
pH, temperature and FAC measurements of
Results 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl over 18 h
There were no significant differences in the FAC levels
pH and FAC measurements over 80 min
between the test and control solutions at each of the
Replicate measurements for the pH and temperature time periods (P > 0.05). At 1 min, 3 and 18 h, for
experiments are shown in Fig. 1 (pH) and Fig. 2 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl, the FAC,
(temperature). Only the clodronate mixture main- respectively, was 47.5  0.1, 47.4  0.1 and
tained a pH level of 12 or above for the entire experi- 47.4  0.1 g L 1 whilst for 5% NaOCl control at the
ment. The etidronate mixture held this pH level for same time points it was 47.6  0.1, 47.5  0.1 and
60 min, dropping to pH 11.9 at 80 min, whilst the 47.5  0.1 g L 1. All test and control solutions
CDTA mixture maintained a pH of 12 or above for maintained a pH of 12.5. Temperature variations in
40 min, which then fell to pH 11.6 and pH 9.2 at 60 both the test and control solutions were minor and
and 80 min, respectively. In contrast, the EDTA mix- less than one degree Celsius.
ture had a pH of 11.2 at 20 min, but by 40 min this
had fallen to a pH of just 9.0. The EGTA, DTPA,
Smear layer removal
ATMP and HPAA mixtures all showed dramatic falls
in pH, with the latter two dropping to pH 8.8 and pH Figure 4 illustrates the % AF results for 1 mol L 1
7.4, respectively, by 1 min. Large pH falls were clodronate + 10% NaOCl, 4.39  1.27; 0.5 mol L 1
accompanied by temperature spikes, the highest of clodronate + 10% NaOCl, 4.18  0.72; 1 mol L 1
which were for HPAA and ATMP. The temperature etidronate + 10% NaOCl, 4.07  1.06; 0.5 mol L 1
in these solutions rose from the baseline of 23–42.2 etidronate + 10% NaOCl, 5.09  1.21; 5% NaOCl/
and 37.1 °C, respectively, at 1 min. 17% EDTA, 5.39  1.47 and 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA/
The minor variation in the titration method used in 5% NaOCl, 5.27  1.33. There were no significant
this study did not give results that were significantly differences between the first three groups mentioned
different from those obtained by using the standard (P > 0.05) nor between the second three groups
titration technique with larger volumes, and thus, the (P > 0.05), whilst each of the first three groups dif-
altered method was accepted as valid. Individual FAC fered significantly to all of the second three groups
data points for the chelator mixtures and correspond- (P < 0.05). Every treatment group differed signifi-
ing controls at all time points appear in Fig. 3. The cantly to the PBS control (P < 0.05), for which the %
mixture of 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl was AF was 0.23  0.16.
the only solution where there was no significant dif- Scanning electron micrographs are shown for each
ference in FAC compared with the control at any time group taken at high magnification as well as, for the
period (P > 0.05). FAC values for all other mixtures 1 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl group, an image
were significantly different (P < 0.05) to their controls at low magnification and its corresponding Image J
at every time point except for T = 1 min. output file, illustrating the identification of open
However, two of the other chelator mixtures showed tubules (Fig. 5). On a qualitative level, the high mag-
reasonable maintenance of FAC over time. In the eti- nification images (d)–(g) revealed a similar texture in
dronate mixture, FAC fell to 93% of the control value the intertubular dentine for mixtures containing
at 80 min, whilst for the CDTA mixture the FAC was either clodronate or etidronate together with a lack of

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 5
Clodronate in continuous chelation Wright et al.

(a) (b) (c)

12 12 12

pH 10 pH 10 pH 10

8 8 8

6 6 6
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80

Time, min Time, min Time, min


NaOCl control NaOCl control NaOCl control

(d) (e) (f)
12 12 12

pH 10 pH 10 pH 10

8 8 8

6 6 6
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time, min Time, min Time, min

NaOCl control NaOCl control NaOCl control

(g) (h)
12 12

pH 10 pH 10

8 8

6 6
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time, min Time, min
Etidronate + NaOCl Clodronate + NaOCl

NaOCl control NaOCl control


Figure 1 Replicate pH values connected by their mean at 1 min, then at 20 min intervals for groups: (a) 0.25 mol L
1 1 1
EDTA + 5% NaOCl, (b) 0.25 mol L EGTA + 5% NaOCl, (c) 0.25 mol L CDTA + 5% NaOCl, (d) 0.25 mol L Pentetic
acid (DTPA) + 5% NaOCl, (e) 0.5 mol L 1 ATMP + 5% NaOCl, (f) 1.0 mol L 1 HPAA + 5% NaOCl, (g) 0.5 mol L 1
Etidronate + 10% NaOCl and (h) 0.5 mol L 1 Clodronate + 10% NaOCl.

erosion of the peritubular dentine. For sequences con- respectively. At room temperature, solutions of
taining 17% EDTA, (h) and (i), canicular branches 0.25 mol L 1 CDTA mixed equally with 5% NaOCl
are seen both within the tubules and in the peritubu- have a use life of up to 60 min and 0.5 mol L 1 clo-
lar dentine. The peritubular dentine is eroded in the dronate mixed equally with 10% NaOCl loses no FAC
sequence 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA/5% NaOCl, (i), whilst over 18 h. This latter result compares with a drop in
in the sequence 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA, (h), it has a the effective NaOCl concentration from 5% to 3.7% in
moth-eaten appearance. 1 h for etidronate mixtures of the same concentration
(Zollinger et al. 2018). All other potential chelators
when combined with NaOCl lost their FAC rapidly,
with a concurrent spike in temperature. In the case of
This study clearly identifies NaOCl mixtures of CDTA HPAA, the 1-min fall to pH 7.4 coupled with a tem-
or clodronate at high pH as being more compatible perature rise to 42.2 °C precluded its inclusion in the
with NaOCl than alkaline EDTA or etidronate, FAC experiment.

6 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Wright et al. Clodronate in continuous chelation

(a) (b) (c)

45 45 45
40 40 40
°C °C °C
35 35 35
30 30 30
25 25 25
20 20 20
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time, min Time, min
Time, min

NaOCl control NaOCl control NaOCl control

(d) 45 (e) 45 (f) 45
40 40 40
°C °C °C
35 35 35
30 30 30
25 25 25
20 20 20
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time, min Time, min Time, min

NaOCl control NaOCl control NaOCl control

(g) (h)
45 45
40 40
°C °C
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time, min Time, min
Etidronate + NaOCl Clodronate + NaOCl

NaOCl control NaOCl control

(superimposed) (superimposed)

Figure 2 Replicate temperature values connected by their mean at 1 min then at 20 min intervals for groups: (a)
0.25 mol L 1 EDTA + 5% NaOCl, (b) 0.25 mol L 1 EGTA + 5% NaOCl, (c) 0.25 mol L 1 CDTA + 5% NaOCl, (d)
0.25 mol L 1 Pentetic acid (DTPA) + 5% NaOCl, (e) 0.5 mol L 1 ATMP + 5% NaOCl, (f) 1.0 mol L 1 HPAA + 5% NaOCl, (g)
0.5 mol L 1 Etidronate + 10% NaOCl and (h) 0.5 mol L 1 Clodronate + 10% NaOCl.

Table 1 lists the nomenclature and the Ca2+ stabil- CDTA and EGTA being higher than that of EDTA.
ity constant for the chelators evaluated in this study: HPAA and clodronate were included because they are
EGTA, CDTA, DTPA, ATMP, clodronate and HPAA. structurally similar to etidronate, containing phospho-
Na4EDTA and Na4etidronate are included for compar- rous rather than nitrogen. ATMP is a known chelator
ison. Except for ATMP, none of these chelators have containing only one nitrogen atom. All the chelators
previously been tested in continuous chelation. ATMP salts chosen for examination are water-soluble at the
has been previously examined (Zehnder et al. 2005), desired pH and concentration. ATMP and HPAA are
but in the current study, the pH was alkaline rather both liquids and can be diluted with water to the
than acidic. desired concentration.
The EDTA analogues, EGTA, CDTA and DTPA all The reason for the observed chelator compatibility
have high stability constants, with the values for of CDTA and clodronate with NaOCl relates to their

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 7
Clodronate in continuous chelation Wright et al.

(a) 30 (b) 30 (c) 30

20 20 20
g L–1 g L–1 g L–1
10 10 10

0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Time, min Time, min Time, min
NaOCl control NaOCl control
NaOCl control
(d) 30 (e) 30 (f)

20 20 No HPAA in the FAC

FAC FAC experiment
g L–1 g L–1 10

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80

Time, min Time, min


NaOCl control NaOCl control

(g) (h)
40 40
g L–1 g L–1
20 20

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80

Time, min Time, min

Etidronate + NaOCl Clodronate + NaOCl

NaOCl control NaOCl control

Figure 3 Replicate values connected by their medians at 1 min then at 20 min intervals for FAC in g L for groups: (a)
1 1 1
0.25 mol L EDTA + 5% NaOCl, (b) 0.25 mol L EGTA + 5% NaOCl, (c) 0.25 mol L CDTA + 5% NaOCl, (d)
0.25 mol L 1 Pentetic acid (DTPA) + 5% NaOCl, (e) 0.5 mol L 1 ATMP + 5% NaOCl, (f) the HPAA group was not used in
the FAC experiment, (g) 0.5 mol L 1 Etidronate + 10% NaOCl and (h) 0.5 mol L 1 Clodronate + 10% NaOCl.

chemical structure. Comparing EDTA and its ana- two chlorine atoms bonded at the central carbon
logues, CDTA is the only chelator that contains a cyc- atom, chlorine addition here is unlikely. Indeed,
lic hexane group, and this would impose NaOCl is used in the synthesis of clodronate, with the
stereochemical restrictions, limiting molecular move- end-point of the reaction being the formation of clo-
ment. This is likely responsible for its lower reaction dronate (Veps€ ainen et al. 1991), and this fact helps
rate with NaOCl as compared to EDTA. Clodronate, explain its lack of reaction with NaOCl.
like etidronate, is a non-nitrogenous chelator contain- The actual concentrations employed in the FAC
ing phosphorous instead. In NaOCl, the chlorine experiments were based on previous research. For eti-
essentially carries a positive charge and will attack dronate, much of the literature has used the
electrophilic centres such as nitrogen atoms (Fukuzaki Zschwimmer & Schwarz product Cublen K8514 GR,
2006). Phosphorous is less electronegative than nitro- in concentrations of 18% Cublen (0.5 mol L 1 (15%)
gen (CRC Press 2017) so is less likely to react with etidronate) mixed equally with 5% NaOCl, giving a
NaOCl. Additionally, as clodronate already contains final concentration of 2.5% NaOCl and 9% Cublen

8 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Wright et al. Clodronate in continuous chelation

Mean and SD of the area fraction 0.5 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl, with differ-
of open tubules ences being of the order of 1% AF. Both clodronate
ns mixtures and 1 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl
ns showed a similar % AF. In continuous chelation,
increased chemical reactions occur between the chela-
tor and NaOCl as the concentrations increase (Biel

et al. 2017) and the somewhat surprising result of
the 1 mol L 1 etidronate mixture compared to the
0.5 mol L 1 mixture is possibly explained by this fact.
Of concern in using chelators concurrently with a
0 proteolytic agent such as NaOCl is the potential for
S peritubular erosion because solutions remain in con-




0% Cl






tact with dentine for prolonged periods. Thus, the






current study did not use short chelator rinses follow-









ing the application of NaOCl as some other etidronate







L –1 o




smear layer studies, possibly with other focuses, have




L –1
L –1


done (De-Deus et al. 2008b, Deari et al. 2019).







Instead, it followed a methodology where the chelator





is admixed with NaOCl (Zehnder et al. 2005, Lottanti

Figure 4 The area fraction of open dentinal tubules as a per- et al. 2009). Because when chelator pH increases, the
centage of the total area (% AF) for the groups: 1 mol L 1
chelation ability in dentine is reduced (Deari et al.
clodronate + 10% NaOCl, 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10%
2019), the method used has the additional benefit of
NaOCl, 1 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl, 0.5 mol L 1
making smear layer assessments at the pH of the
etidronate + 10% NaOCl, PBS, 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA/5%
NaOCl and 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA. The statistical analysis actual mixture, rather than at the lower pH of the
was performed with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) chelator. An important finding of the present study
and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests, with alpha set at was that even though dentine discs were exposed to
0.05. ns = no significant differences. the chelator-hypochlorite mixtures for 15 min, nei-
ther the clodronate nor etidronate mixtures caused
peritubular erosion. This pattern was seen not only in
etidronate (Neelakantan et al. 2012, Tartari et al. high magnification micrographs but also upon
2015, Arias-Moliz et al. 2016). However, because 5% enlargement of the low magnification images. This is
NaOCl is a better antimicrobial agent than 2.5% consistent with previous research which reported neg-
NaOCl (Vianna & Gomes 2009), the former was cho- ligible decalcifications, but smear layer free dentine,
sen for the current study. The clodronate concentra- following irrigation with a mixture of 2% NaOCl and
tion copied that used commonly for etidronate. The 18% etidronate over 18 min (Lottanti et al. 2009).
same concentrations that were previously shown to The time period of 15 min could be regarded as a
result in a use life for Na4EDTA mixtures of 30 min minimum time for endodontic treatment, and future
were used for Na4EDTA, EGTA, CDTA and DTPA evaluations should assess longer timer frames.
(pentetic acid) solutions. For ATMP and HPAA, Traditionally, the analysis of smear layer removal
0.5 mol L 1 (15%) and 1.0 mol L 1 (15%) solutions has employed a scoring system and a team of scorers
were used, respectively, to match those used in a pre- using SEM images (H€ ulsmann et al. 1997). More
vious experiment using ATMP (Zehnder et al. 2005). recently, image analysis software has facilitated and
The superior stability of the clodronate mixture refined this evaluation (George et al. 2008). Nonethe-
warranted further examination of its clinical poten- less, the assessment of smear layer removal from
tial, and its ability to remove smear layer was dentine can be problematic due to variations in den-
assessed. Two concentrations of clodronate were tine tubules both from within a single sample and
tested and compared with corresponding etidronate between samples (Deari et al. 2019). Dentine sclerosis
solutions and standard endodontic sequences. Smear can also lead to erroneous results (Lottanti et al.
layer was removed in the clodronate mixtures; how- 2009). The technique known as co-site optical
ever, the % AF was found to be lower when com- microscopy has been successfully employed to auto-
pared with the standard sequences and the mixture mate image analysis and to follow the evolution of

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 9
Clodronate in continuous chelation Wright et al.

(a) (b) (c)

2 µm
20 µm

(d) (e) (f)

2 µm 2 µm 2 µm

(g) (h) (i)

2 µm 2 µm 2 µm

Figure 5 Representative scanning electron microscopy micrographs of dentine slices. Low magnification (a) and high magnifi-
cation (c)–(i) micrographs collected with a secondary electron detector. (a) From the group 1 mol L 1 clodronate + 10%
NaOCl and (b) the corresponding Image J analysis. (c) PBS control. (d) From the group 1 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl.
(e) From the group 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate + 10% NaOCl. (f) From the group 1 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl. (g) From
the group 0.5 mol L 1 etidronate + 10% NaOCl. (h) From the group 5% NaOCl/17% EDTA/5% NaOCl. (i) From the group 5%
NaOCl/17% EDTA. Scale bars: (a)–(b) = 20 lm, (c)–(i) = 2 lm.

the opening of a defined set of tubules over time (De- mentioned problems first by choosing coronal slices
Deus et al. 2007). This method was not employed in of dentine, where sclerosis is known to be less com-
the current study due to difficulties in adapting the mon (Lottanti et al. 2009). Next, as much as possi-
technique to a large number of test groups. Addition- ble, image acquisition was standardized during
ally, the SEM analysis used allowed for high magnifi- microscope operation and although large standard
cation micrographs and additional insights. An deviations in the data were seen, significant differ-
endeavour was made to address some of the above- ences were recorded.

10 International Endodontic Journal © 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Wright et al. Clodronate in continuous chelation

Table 1 Chelator common names and Ca2+ stability constants

Chelator common names and IUPAC nomenclature Ca2+ stability constant

Na4EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid tetrasodium salt, sodium edetate tetrasodium, 10.65 (Smith & Martell 1989)
tetrasodium; 2-[2[bis(carboxylatomethyl)amino]ethyl-(carboxylatomethyl)amino]acetate*
EGTA, ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid, egtazic acid, 2-[2-[2-[2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino] 11.0 (Owen 1976)
ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl-(carboxymethyl)amino]acetic acid*
CDTA, cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid, 2-[[-2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino]cyclohexyl]- 12.5 (Kroll & Gordon 1960)
(carboxymethyl)amino]acetic acid*
DTPA, diethyltriaminepentaacetic acid, pentetic acid, 2-[bis[2-[bis(carboxymethyl)amino] 10.63 (Kroll & Gordon 1960)
ethyl]amino]acetic acid*
ATMP, aminotri(methylene phosphonic acid), [bis(phosphonomethyl)amino] 6.7 (Smith & Martell 1990)
methylphosphonic acid*
HPAA, hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid, 2-[hydroperoxy(hydroxy)phosphoryl]acetic acid* Not found
Na4 Etidronate, 1-hydroxyethane 1,1-diphosphonic acid tetrasodium salt, Na4HEDP, 6.04-6.08 (Smith & Martell 1989)
Na2Clodronate; disodium clodronate, clodronic acid disodium sat, disodium;[dichloro- 5.95 (Smith & Martell 1989)

IUPAC, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

*indicates IUPAC compliant nomenclature.

Clodronate has many desirable attributes. As a 2002, UK Teratology Information Service 2017).
first-generation bisphosphonate, it has been used for Other issues include the high cost of disodium clo-
the treatment of osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, dronate and the lack of a commercially available
osteoarthritis and malignant hypercalcaemia for over tetrasodium salt. However, tetrasodium clodronate
30 years (Frediani & Bertoldi 2015). Extensive medi- can be synthesized, and this has been used as the
cal research exists on its safety and effectiveness starting material for the manufacture of clodronate
(Frith et al. 2001, Atula et al. 2003, Frediani & Ber- pro-drugs (Kunnas-Hiltunen et al. 2010). If it were
toldi 2015, Rodrigues et al. 2015). Clodronate inhibits necessary to use solutions of clodronate to mix with
osteoclastic activity, and it is anti-inflammatory NaOCl, experimentation would need to establish an
(Atula et al. 2003), with both these properties being appropriate storage temperature and pH in order to
potential advantages for an endodontic irrigant. achieve long-term stability.
Recently, in the field of orthodontics, an in vivo study, The hypothesis tested was accepted. A chelator, clo-
employing injections of clodronate solutions around dronate, was identified with improved stability in
rat teeth, investigated the usefulness of the antiresorp- NaOCl mixtures compared with Na4EDTA and Na4eti-
tive property of clodronate for augmenting anchorage dronate and which when mixed with NaOCl was able
(Nakas et al. 2017). Furthermore, clodronate itself to remove smear layer. Although clodronate has
possesses some antibacterial activity against Pseu- potential for use in continuous chelation, other irrig-
domonas aeruginosa (Kruszewska et al. 2002). A final ant requirements need investigation. Such aspects
point in its favour is that the use of clodronate is not include the following: the ability to dissolve organic
associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), a com- material and kill microorganisms, penetration into
plication that has only been associated with nitrogen the intricacies of the root canal system, safety, com-
containing bisphosphonates (Rodrigues et al. 2015). patibility with dental materials and the fracture resis-
Nonetheless, areas of concern exist, notably the rec- tance of tooth structure.
ommendation for the avoidance of the use of bisphos-
phonate drugs such as clodronate and etidronate in
pregnancy or in women of childbearing age (Ioannis
et al. 2011). This cautionary approach has been Alkaline 0.5 mol L 1 clodronate mixed equally with
advised because of a paucity of human safety studies, 10% NaOCl, resulting in final concentrations of
but the topic is considered open to debate (Losada 0.25 mol L 1 clodronate and 5% NaOCl, has poten-
et al. 2010). Indeed, even for NaOCl itself, possible tial for use in continuous chelation. This mixture does
adverse effects during pregnancy remain undefined not lose FAC over 18 h. It is capable of removing
(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry smear layer, although the opening of dentine tubules

© 2019 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Endodontic Journal 11
Clodronate in continuous chelation Wright et al.

is to a lesser extent when compared with standard De-Deus G, Namen F, Galan J, Zehnder M (2008a) Soft
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De-Deus G, Zehnder M, Reis C et al. (2008b) Longitudinal
Acknowledgements co-site optical microscopy study on the chelating ability of
etidronate and EDTA using a comparative single-tooth
Patricia Wright is supported by a UQ Graduate School model. Journal of Endodontics 34, 71–5.
scholarship. The authors acknowledge the facilities Frediani B, Bertoldi I (2015) Clodronate: new directions of
and the scientific and technical assistance from the use. Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 12, 97–
Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research 108.
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