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This lesson is designed to discuss facets of human and did not condone sex outside of marriage.
sexuality such as diversity of sexual behaviour, Premarital sex, therefore, was considered immoral
understanding the human sexual response, identifying (Cate and Lloyd 1992 in Rosenthal, 2013).
sexual orientations and differentiating love from lust.
Human sexuality is influenced by physical, In the Victorian Era (1837-1901), homosexuality and
psychological, spiritual and cultural factors. As sexual prostitution were rampant and considered to be
beings, people are identified by gender, role, threats to social order. In this period the
assignment, and perception. Risky sexual behaviour Psychoanalytic Theory of Sigmund Freud became
that may lead to sexual diseases and unwanted popular. People in this era were not comfortable
consequences will also be explored. Though some discussing breast or buttocks, they used other terms
may feel uncomfortable with these topics, it is instead (like white meat or dark meat). Sex for women
important to keep in mind that discussing this was just a marital duty and it was assumed that they
objectively will help the individual deal with issues that were pure and asexual. Women were told that they
are usually considered taboo. should not enjoy having sex, and if they did, there
was something wrong with them. Other beliefs that
PERSPECTIVES OF HUMAN SEXUALITY proliferated in this era were: ejaculating more than
once a month would greatly weaken a man,
Sexual selfhood is defined as how one w thinks about masturbation leads to blindness, insanity and death
himself or herself as a sexual individual. Human (Robinson, 2005 in Rosenthal, 2013). Despite all
sexuality is a topic that just like beauty is culturally these beliefs. prostitution still flourished in the city of
diverse. For the learner to be able to grasp it in its London.
totality, he should be aware of the varied ways in
which it can be understood. Through the years and in the 20th century, interest in
sexuality became more evident and accepted in
1. Historical. In Ancient Greece, it is the male that society. The separation of church and state reduced
assumes the dominant role. The male symbol, the the influence the church had over sexual mores. This
penis, was viewed as the symbol of fertility and how is the period when pregnancy can be controlled by
the male body was structured was greatly admired. natural and artificial contraception. This period is also
Their wives were considered as objects to be marked by increased incidence of 11) sexually
possessed just like property. Women, on the other transmitted infections because of high risk sexual
hand, were forbidden to own property and had no activities. The rise of feminism allowed for changes in
legal and political rights. Women were not allowed to employment, home life, and sexual standards for
even read and write. Her only function was to bear women. Over time, cultural diversity and social norms
children. The Greek word for woman is "gyne offered varied views on what today may be
means-bearer of children. considered as sexually normal (Rosenthal, 2013).

The Middle Ages (476-1450), bore witness to the 2. Biological. Knowing the structures and functions of
strong influence of the church, particularly in matters the reproductive system is essential to the
of sexuality. The church decreed that all sexual acts understanding of sexuality. In the nervous system, it is
that do not lead to procreation were considered evil. the brain that initiates and organizes sexual
Women were labelled as either a temptress (like Eve) behaviour. Through the process of sexual
or a woman of virtue (like the Virgin Mary). Prostitute reproduction, the next generation of human beings
are created by the fusion of the egg cell and sperm
In the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century cell. At the start of puberty, changes that happen in
(1483-1546) Martin Luther, John Calvin and other the bodies of young males and females are both
Protestant leaders initiated a movement against the secondary and primary sexual changes. As was
corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. mentioned in the previous lesson, secondary sexual
Protestantism believed that sexuality is a natural part changes are physical changes that distinguish the
of life and that priests should be able to marry and males from females.
have families. Martin Luther and John Calvin asserted
that the reason for sexual intimacy was to strengthen On the other hand, the primary sexual changes that
the physical and emotional bond between husbands happen during the course of puberty prepare the male
and wives and not just for procreation. and female's body for procreation. These involve
changes in the reproductive organs for these parts to
By the 17th and 18th century, the Puritans, a group of attain functional maturity. Female's ovaries begin
people who were discontented with the Church of producing egg cells (ova) and the male's testicles
England rallied for religious, moral and societal begin producing live sperm cells (spermatozoa) When
reformation. They had positive views on marital sex intercourse happens between a healthy, sexually
mature male and female then fertilization may take it also involves emotions, thoughts and beliefs.
place and pregnancy (gestation period) begins. In the Sigmund Freud was one of the most prominent
first few weeks of gestation, the internal as well as the people to explain sexuality through his theories.
external genital structures of all human fetuses are According to him, human beings are faced with two
the same. The gender of the baby which is forces - sex instinct or libido (pleasure) and death or
determined during fertilization is not yet conspicuous. aggressive instinct (harm toward oneself or towards
It can only be physically noted within 16th to 18th others). Sex instinct does not only pertain to the
weeks of pregnancy sexual act rather it could also mean anything that
( could give pleasure to the person. Thus, human
a- baby-develop-gender/). behaviour is geared towards satisfying the sex instinct
and/or death instinct. A person's libido or sexual
Chromosomes which are the threadlike structures energy is located in an area of the body at different
found in the nucleus of each cell of the body are psychosexual stages. These areas of pleasure are
composed of genes which are the basic unit of called erogenous zones. It includes the mouth, anus
heredity. It is the sequence of DNA contained in the and genitals. There are five stages in Freud's
genes that gives instructions as to how the body will Psychosexual Stages of Development:
be structured and how it will function. Human beings
have 23 pairs (46) of chromosomes in the nucleus of a. Oral stage, the child erogenous zone is the mouth
each body cell. The first 22 pairs are called which receives gratification through eating and
autosomes, and the 23" pair are the sex sucking.
chromosomes (XX or XY). It determines whether the
individual is male or female. Females normally have b. Anal stage, the erogenous zone is the anus in
XX chromosomes as her 23 pair while males normally which sexual gratification is derived from defecation.
have XY (Rosenthal, 2013). In the early stages of
embryonic development, both sexes have similar c. Phallic stage, erogenous zone is the genitals. Here
internal structures. the child experiences sexual attraction towards the
opposite sex parent. Oedipus complex (sexual
Sociobiological/Evolutionary. This perspective studies attraction of the boy child toward the mother) and
how evolutionary forces affect sexual behaviour. electra complex (sexual attraction of the girl child
According to sociobiological theory, natural selection towards the father).
is a process by which organisms that are best suited
to their environment are most likely to survive. Traits d. Latency stage, sexual impulses lie dormant as the
that lead to reproductive advantage tend to be passed child is occupied by social activities such as going to
on, whereas maladaptive traits are lost. On the basis school and playing.
of human sexual behaviour, it all begins with physical
attraction. e. Genital stage where the erogenous zone is again
the genitals. At this time, the sexual attraction is
Beauty is more than just a cultural standard. It is directed towards others, usually one of the opposite
primarily an evolutionary standard for attracting the sex.
best male or female in the lot to ensure that one's
genetic characteristic will be passed on to the next Freud also regarded personality as composed of
generation. Sexual preference for females with big three structures: the Id, the Ego and the Superego.
breasts or for males with broad shoulders and The id is the part which always seeks for pleasure
muscular torsos is instinctively more for genetic and aggression. It follows the pleasure principle
survival than for pleasure or social status. Big because it wants the person to attain gratification
breasted females produce more milk to ensure the immediately. It is unconsciously saying "I want it now!"
survival of the offspring while broad shouldered, The superego is the person's sense of morality
muscled males ensure safety and security of the It follows the moral principle whose role is to restrict
offspring. the demands of the id. It is developed when children
are taught the difference between right and wrong.
Although survival is the goal of the evolutionary The ego follows the analytical principle. It analyses
perspective, physical attraction which ends in sex the need of the id and its consequences as dictated
does not mean that the attraction will be lasting. For by the superego and thinks of ways to satisfy the
what is really important in human sexual relationships need in an acceptable manner.
is the love, care and responsibility each gender has
for the other. To have this is to ensure not only the According to social learning theories, sexuality
physical survival of the offspring but the kind of life the develops from the behaviour learned in childhood,
offspring will pass on to the next generation. from rewards and punishments, from Imitation and
identification and from thoughts and perception
4. Psychological, Rosenthal (2013) also explained (Rosenthal, 2013).
that sexuality is not a mere physical response. Rather,
Religious. Judaism holds a positive and 5. natural
outlook toward marital sex which they consider as In the DSM V (2013), the words sex and sexual refer
blessed by God and pleasurable for both man and to the biological indicators of male and female or
woman. Sexual connection provides an opportunity having the capacity to reproduce. Gender assignment
for spirituality and transcendence. In Islam, family is (natal gender) refers to the initial assignment as male
considered of utmost importance, and celibacy within or female which usually occurs at birth. Gender
marriage is prohibited. Muslim men are allowed to reassignment denotes an official and usually legal
have up to four wives but Muslim women can only change of gender. While gender identity is a category
have one husband. Sex is permitted only within of social identity that refers to an individual's
marriage and extramarital sex is penalized. According identification as male, female or some category other
to Taoism, which originated in China, sex is not only than male or female. It is a person's subjective sense
natural and healthy, but a sacred union necessary to of being a man or woman.
people's physical, mental and spiritual being. The
sexual union is a way to balance male and female Masculine refers to the qualities and behaviours
energy. In Hinduism, sexuality is seen as a spiritual judged by a particular culture to be ideally associated
force, and the act of ritual lovemaking is a means of with or especially appropriate to men and boys
both celebrating and transcending the physical. whereas feminine can be described as qualities and
behaviours judged by a particular culture to be ideally
For the Roman Catholic Church, marriage is purely associated with or especially appropriate to women
for intercourse and procreation. Pope John Paul II and girls. There are also those who have both
confirmed the idea that married couples should masculine and feminine traits, feelings and qualities.
engage in intercourse only for the purposes of They are referred to as androgyny. Asexuals are the
procreation as late as 1995 in the encyclical persons who do not experience sexual drives or
Evangelium Vitae. They further believed that attraction to either sex while hypersexual are persons
homosexual orientation in itself is not sinful, but with an excessive interest in sex to the point where it
homosexual acts are immoral and sinful. The use of can cause problems in one's life (Rosenthal, 2013).
birth control is strongly opposed but they agree to
natural family planning and prohibit abortion. THE PHASES OF HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE
(Rosenthal, 2013)
Masters and Johnson categorized the human erotic
CLARIFYING SEXUAL TERMINOLOGIES response into four stages which they called the
Human Sexual Response Cycle (HSRC):
The word sex is derived from the Latin word secare
which means 'to divide' while the word sexuality Stages
means 'to unite, thus it can be seen that the two
words have opposite meanings (Rosenthal, 2013). Excitement- This is the body's initial physical
According to the contemporary psychologist Shirley response to sexual arousal.
Feldman of Standford University, sexual arousal has -It is characterized by an increase in heart rate and
emerged as a new phenomenon in adolescence and blood pressure as well as heightened muscle tone.
that it is important that sexuality be viewed as a
normal aspect of adolescent development. Although Plateau
sexuality in adolescence is often associated with early -This is the period of sexual excitement prior to
pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection, it orgasm.
remains a fact that sexuality is a normal part of the -It is characterized by intensification of the changes
period of adolescence (Santrock, 2014). Adolescence begun during the excitement phase.
is a period of sexual exploration and experimentation
which includes sexual fantasies and realities. Thus, Orgasm
sexuality can be incorporated into the adolescent's -This is characterized by waves of intense pleasure
identity (Santrock, 2016). An adolescent's sexual (climax), often associated with vaginal contractions in
identity includes sexual orientation (either females and ejaculation in males.
homosexual or heterosexual), his ability to manage
sexual feelings (such as sexual arousal and Resolution
attraction, activities, interest and style of behaviour) -In this phase the body returns to its non- excited
and his capacity to regulate his sexual behaviour to state.
avoid undesirable consequences.
Sexual response varies from person to person and
According to Santrock (2014) gender refers to the sexual fulfilment can occur without the completion of
characteristics of people as males or females. It is the all phases described by Master and Johnson.
lived role of a boy or girl, man or woman. A set of Rosenthal (2013) has included the stage of desire
expectations that prescribes how females and males prior to excitement which is a drive or motivation to
should think, act and feel refers to gender roles. seek out sexual objects or to engage in sexual
activities. verified in a study in which 17 participants who were
madly in love were asked to go to the lab and bring a
The Triaphasic Model of Sexual Response was picture of their loved one. Participants were then
introduced by Helen Singer Kaplan which includes placed in a brain scanner fMRI (functional magnetic
only sexual desire, excitement and orgasm. resonance imaging) which measures the neural
activity of the brain. Their brain activity was recorded
2. The Erotic Stimulus Pathway Theory by David while they looked at the picture of their loved one. The
Reed did not focus on the physical changes of sexual results revealed that when participants gazed at a
response but on the psychosocial aspects of sexual photo of their beloved, regions in the brain were
response. His theory includes four stages: seduction activated. Those parts are closely associated with the
(all actions that enhance attractiveness such as what anticipation of reward and with focused attention. This
people wear and how they act), sensation (sound, is the dopamine system in the brain which is the same
touch and smell that affect arousal), surrender system involved in pleasure and addiction. Fisher et
(orgasm) and reflection (a positive or negative sexual al., (2006) concluded that, rather than defining love as
experience that affects future sexual patterns). an emotion, "being in love" can be considered a
strong motivation - an addictive craving to be with the
Thus, early passionate love is not an emotion in and
Attraction is a characteristic that causes pleasure or of itself. Rather, it is best characterized as a
interest by appealing to a person's desires or tastes, "motivation or goal oriented state that leads to various
and causes one to be drawn to the other. Human specific emotions, such as euphoria or anxiety."
societies greatly value physical beauty. A desire for Unlike many emotions, love is not associated with any
beauty lies within the brain. In a research conducted specific facial expression, and it is focused on a single
by Langlois, et al., (1987), even infants who are not reward. The emotions associated with love - elation,
yet exposed to cultural standards of beauty will show anxiety, joy, fear-may come and go. But the motivation
a preference for beautiful faces. When 2- 8 month old to be with the beloved - remains.
infants were shown pictures of women's faces that
had been previously rated for their attractiveness, the JOHN LEE'S LOVE STYLES
infants spent more time looking at the faces of the
ones which are rated to be more attractive. In another 1. Eros (EH-ros). Love is based on a strong sexual
study, adult subjects were asked to rate the and emotional component. This type of love creates
attractiveness of flashed images of faces within 13 the initial excitement of a new relationship. A romantic
milliseconds. Though many of the participants and passionate love which emphasizes physical
reported that they only guessed their responses, it attraction and sexual desire. The Eros lover dreams
showed that they were able to rate the attractiveness of the ideal characteristics of a partner and usually
of the faces which means that images of beauty are experiences love at first sight. The relationship,
processed automatically in the brain (Olson and however, seldom lasts forever because they tend to
Marshuetz, 2005 in Rosenthal 2013). be quick to fall in and out of love.

Criteria of beauty are subjective and vary over time in

different cultures. Girls of the Kayan tribe on the 2. Agape (AH-gah-pay). This is altruistic and selfless
border of Burma and Thailand wear brass rings love. The person shows his love without expecting to
around their necks as a sign of elegance and status. receive the same in return. He considers the wishes
As the girls grow, more rings are added, elongating of his partner as more important than his own. He
their necks. Women of the Maori tribe of New Zealand may not have a perfect partner but he will always be
tattoo their lips and chin. A woman with full blue lips is there to support and offer his love. This type of love is
considered the most beautiful and desirable. In more acceptable to women than men
Mauritania, a country on the northwest coast of Africa,
heavier is better. Thick ankles, plump arms, stretch 3. Storge (Store-gay). This is love-related friendship
marks, and large buttocks are considered among the and based on
most beautiful parts of the body. The universal
hallmarks of beauty include characteristics of nonsexual affection. The person experiences love as
symmetry, averageness, skin, hair, eyes, height, a gradual and slow process. When love is strong, love
weight and age. takes time. Storgic lovers don't suddenly fall in love
with an idealized lover. Commitment, stability and
LOVE: EMOTION OR DRIVE? comfort are their goals.

Most romantic relationships begin with two individuals 4. Ludus. For ludic lovers, love is just a game,
falling in love with each other. The singer Robert something for fun or entertainment. They do not
Palmer compares love with an addiction. This was experience jealousy. They don't value commitment or
intimacy. They manipulate their partners by lying, The components are both intimacy and commitment
cheating and deceiving. which is experienced in long deeply committed
friendship or marriage where passion has faded. It is
5. Mania. This is characterized by an intense feeling more durable than romantic love and may grow over
which may lead to obsessive and possessive love time.
towards the loved one. Manic lovers always check the
partner's whereabouts. They easily get jealous and 6. Fatuous love (passion and commitment). A
their experience of love is out of control. They are combination of passion and commitment experienced
easily taken advantage of by ludic lovers. by a couple who spent a short time in courtship and
suddenly decided to get married.
6. Pragma. This is a practical and business-like love.
Pragmatic lovers may plan the best time to get 7. Consummate love (passion, intimacy and
married, have children, and other future plans. Love is commitment) There exists a healthy balance of
based on what is appropriate. It is not intense nor out passion, intimacy and commitment shared by couples
of control (Rosenthal, 2013). considered to be ideal for each other


Why do people fall in love? From a biological
According to psychologist Robert Stenberg, love is perspective, there is a part of the brain that is active
made up of three components: when people are truly, deeply and madly in love. The
activity of the brain in the areas of positive emotions,
1. Intimacy. This includes the desire to give and motivational drives and reward increases whereas
receive emotional closeness, support, caring and brain activities in the areas related to negative
sharing. emotions, fear, aggression and social judgement
decreases. Similar reactions were seen in couples
2 Passion. This is the hot component of love which who have been in love for 20 years. Oxytocin (for
can be described as intensely romantic or sexual uterine contraction, love and bonding functions) and
desire for another person usually accompanied by vasopressin (for water levels in the body, bonding and
physical attraction and physiological arousal. parenting behaviour) are hormones that affect
bonding. Another is the physiological reaction that
3. Commitment. This is the cold component of love. It occurs when people are in love, which is not looking
is the decision to maintain the relationship through or giving attention to other people of the opposite sex.
good times and bad times.
The Chemistry of Love explains how several chemical
Stenberg also described several types of love based substances in the body have been found to naturally
on the above components: influence the experience of love:

1. Liking (intimacy). This only involves emotional 1. Dopamine (DA) and Norepinephrine (NE)- are
intimacy and has no passionate intention for neurotransmitters that are involved in mood,
long-term commitment. It is Just a friendly relationship motivation, attention and excitement. Brain areas that
fire when people view a picture of their romantic
partner are pathways that are rich in dopamine, Drugs
2. Infatuation (passion). This is associated with a high such as cocaine, amphetamines, and Ritalin raise DA
degree of physiological arousal. There is only passion levels that lead to physiological reactions such as
without intimacy or commitment. It is usually called Increased attention, exhilaration, pounding heart, loss
"love at first sight" and may fade quickly. of sleep and appetite, and anxiety.

3. Empty love (commitment). This involves only 2 Serotonin- is a neurotransmitter that has been
commitment. A relationship with no intimacy and associated with mood, obsession, sex and sleep. The
passion. Couples only stay together for their children level of serotonin decreases during infatuation, which
or other important reasons. may cause the obsession one feels during the early
phase of love. It is also low in patients who have
4. Romantic love (passion and intimacy). It is a obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. It is
combination of both passion and intimacy which may believed that passionate romantic love generally lasts
be present during the first phase of a relationship. within 6-18 months based on a study conducted
This is characterized by emotional intensity and which suggests that people who are madly in love
sexual excitement. The experience of passionate love have increased the level of serotonin after this period.
may be positive and negative.
3. Phenylethylamine (PEA)- is a neurochemical that
5. Companionate love (intimacy and commitment). can increase the levels of DA and NE especially in the
pathways involving mood and pleasure. This has breathing would quicken, The brain would interpret an
been called the "love drug" because high levels of this emotion associated to this experience as the feeling
substance has been associated with love and orgasm of FEAR. In another situation a girl who happens to
and to people who are happy with their relationship. see her crush walking by will have the same
Some studies suggest that PEA levels decrease experience as the person who encounters the spider
within 18 months to 3 years. During breakup the PEA (a person might gasp, the heart and respiratory rate
levels are low. Chocolates have high levels of PEA would elevate), the brain would have different
causing some to believe that it is a popular gift during interpretation in the second case, a feeling of LOVE.
courtship because it elevates levels of "love drug."
However, the PEA in chocolates is broken down 3. Evolutionary Theories. This explains that love
before it reaches the brain. Amphetamine-like PEA is arose due to some sociobiological need. Males tend
partially responsible for the feelings of euphoria and to look for young, healthy female mates to carry their
exhilaration experienced during infatuation. offspring. Females prefer males who have the
resources to support them and their offspring.
4. Oxytocin and vasopressin are neuropeptides
released from the pituitary gland. The oxytocin causes Based on social psychological data, the factors that
the uterus to contract during childbirth and allows the would determine with whom people fall in love are
release of breast milk. It is also important to trust. (Rosenthal, 2013):
empathy, emotional accessibility, pair bonding and
close relationships. It also promotes positive 1. Physical attractiveness (though beauty is in the eye
judgments. When the brains of couples who said they of the beholder)
were still in love after 20 years of marriage were
scanned, areas rich in oxytocin showed increased 2. Reciprocity (people tends to like an individual who
activity. Orgasm increases levels of oxytocin also like them)
promoting a desire to be with their partner and
enhancing the pair bonding process. Vasopressin is 3. Proximity (being around anytime physically or
also important in pair bonding and social behaviour, virtually)
memory formation, as well as blood pressure.
4. Similarities (same age, religion, education, race,
5 Endorphins were named for "endogenous physical attractiveness,
morphine," the body's natural opiates, similar to the
man-made drugs morphine or heroin. If PEA, DA and intelligence and socio-economic class)
NE are responsible for cocaine-like euphoria in the
beginning of a relationship, at some point in time it DIVERSITY OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR
may drop, losing the feeling of exhilaration. After the
infatuation ends and if the long-term relationship is Adolescence is not only a time of physical changes, it
continuous, endorphin levels may increase. It gives a is also the period of increased sexual behaviour such
feeling of security, euphoria and peace. Being as preoccupation with sexual curiosity, fantasies,
separated from the beloved can make you lovesick masturbation and sexual experimentation. These
like an addict who needs drugs to maintain the feeling sexual desires may lead to poor social judgments,
of euphoria. high risk behaviours and lack of discrimination
(Rosenthal, 2013),
The psychology of love shows that there are
psychological theories that would explain why people Human sexual behaviour is any activity, solitary, by
fall in love. pair or by group which induces sexual arousal. It can
be classified according to the gender and the number
1. Behavioral Reinforcement Theory. When someone of participants. Not all sexual arousal could lead to
receives a reward such as a free ride or other favors sexual activity. Humans are constantly exposed to
from another, a positive feeling may be experienced. sexual stimuli when seeing attractive persons or
The better the feelings associated with the behaviour seeing advertisements with sexual themes through
of a person, the more likely it is for the behaviour to mass media.
be repeated.
The response to sucks stay and other stimuli should
2. Physiological Arousal Theory. This explains the be regulated. Thus, one of the necessities takes some
most acceptable theories about emotions: the bodies and we are learning to cope with one's sexual arousal
experience a physiological change first, then people and to achieve some balance between when and
assign an emotion to that physical sensation. It is where to properly express and suppress it.
based on the interpretation of the brain. For instance,
when a big spider falls in front of an individual, the Sociosexual behaviour is sexual behaviour involving
stress reaction would be: the person more than one person. It is generally expressed in
might gasp, the heart would pound faster, and heterosexual behaviour (male with female) and
homosexual behaviour (male with male or female with
female). 1. There are, however, sexual behaviors that the
majority of societies will always consider wrong or
2. Solitary behaviour is self-masturbation or deviant. For instance, having intercourse
self-stimulation with the intention of causing sexual indiscriminately with several partners is not healthy
arousal, a feeling of pleasure and often results in due to the risk of acquiring sex related diseases and
orgasm. It involves only one individual which is engaging in paraphilic behavior, a condition
commonly done in private by males and also females characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically
at the beginning of adolescent period. Many myths involving extreme or dangerous activities (such as
persist, such as this is physically harmful and a sign exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual sadism and
of immature behaviour. But the psychological masochism) (
significance of masturbation depends on how the
individual regards it and his thoughts and feelings Rosenthal (2013) defined sexual orientation as a
during and after it is done person's predisposition or inclination regarding sexual
( behaviour, emotional attachment or physical attraction
sexual-behaviour). to one or both sexes. The phrase 'sexual orientation'
is preferred over 'sexual preference' which implies a
According to Rosenthal (2013) children may conscious or deliberate choice of a sexual partner.
masturbate at a very young age which may be The following are types of sexual orientations:
spontaneously expressed unless or until the child is
taught to repress or inhibit these behaviours. It was 1. Homosexual refers to a person whose sexual
explained that there are therapeutic benefits to health orientation is toward another of the same sex. om
in self-stimulation. Aside from producing sexual
pleasure, it may relieve stress and lower blood a. Lesbian is a term used to describe a woman whose
pressure. It improves man's fertility because sexual and romantic attraction is toward women.
ejaculation flushes out the old, less motile sperm left
behind in the urethra. It also lowers a man's chance of b. Gay is a man whose sexual and romantic attraction
getting prostate cancer. Recent findings contradict is towards other men.
historical beliefs that masturbation is dangerous and
sinful. Masturbation was once thought to lead to
impaired morals, depression, social failure, epilepsy, 2. Heterosexual is a person whose sexual orientation
tuberculosis, blindness, insanity, sterility and early is toward others of the opposite sex.
death (Shannon, 1913 in Rosenthal, 2013).
3. Bisexual is a person who may be sexually oriented
During the sexual revolution of the 1960s, to both men and women.
masturbation began to be more accepted. When
former U.S. Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders stated Pansexual is a new sexual orientation of persons who
that because masturbation was safe and healthy, it are sexually 4. attracted to people regardless of their
should be mentioned in school curricula. She was sex or gender identity. The word "pan" is a Greek
misinterpreted by the people and President Clinton word for "all or every." Thus, they may also be called
fired her in 1994, Masturbation is treated differently in "gender blind" for they believe that gender and sex
different cultures. Society's response to masturbation are not determining factors for getting sexually
may vary depending on the age or sex of the attracted to others. It differs from bisexual in such a
participant, and where or when it occurs. If way that bisexuals are attracted to both males and
masturbation begins to interfere with your life such as females whereas pansexual is more fluid. Aside from
frequently missing work or social engagements - then men and women they may also be attracted to
it is a sign that a person has a problem (Rosenthal transgender, transsexuals, androgynous and other
2013) gender categories
Erotic dreams are involuntary images that occur when
people are asleep. Most females and almost all males 5. The transgender according to DSM V (2013), refers
report of having erotic dreams at some point in their to the broad spectrum of individuals who transiently or
lives. These images alone can result in vaginal persistently identify with a gender different from their
lubrication and penile erection and orgasm. In males, natal gender. Transsexual denotes an individual who
these are called nocturnal emission or wet dreams. seeks, or has undergone, a social transition from
However, not all erotic dreams are wet dreams and male to female or female to male, which in many, but
not all wet dreams are erotic. Nocturnal emissions are not all, cases also involve a somatic transition by
most likely to occur during teenage and early adult cross-sex hormone and genital surgery (sex
years but they can occur throughout one's life. In reassignment surgery). In the clinical viewpoint, a
general, the less often a man masturbates, the more person is suffering from gender dysphoria if there is a
nocturnal emissions he will have. distress that may accompany the incongruence
between one's expressed gender or gender identity March 2017, 315 (33%) cases were among youth
and one's assigned gender. Although not all aged 15-24 years old. Males represent the majority
individuals will experience distress as a result of and reported modes of transition were sexual contact
incongruence, many are distressed if the desired males who have sex with males (MSM), needle
physical interventions by means of hormones and/or sharing among injecting drug users (IDU), and other
surgery are not available. to child transmission (http://

Sexually transmitted infections are diseases that are 2. Genital Herpes. This is a sexually transmitted
contracted primarily through sexual contact with an infection caused by a large family of viruses of
infected individual. It is an increasing health problem. different strains. These strains produce other
The following are some examples of STIs: non-sexually transmitted diseases such as chicken
pox and mononucleosis.
1. HIV/AIDS- stands for Human Immunodeficiency
Virus while AIDS stands for Acquired 3. Genital Warts. This is an STI caused by the human
Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Thus, HIV is a virus papillomavirus; genital warts are very contagious and
while AIDS is a condition or syndrome: HIV can lead are the most commonly acquired STI in the United
to infections that attack and destroy the CD4 (Tcells) States in the 15 to 24 year old age group.
of the immune system which is the body's natural
defense against such illnesses as tuberculosis, 4. Gonorrhea. This is a sexually transmitted infection
pneumonia and cancer. HIV without treatment can caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae
lead to AIDS but not all cases of HIV develop AIDS. which thrives in the moist mucous membrane linings
Only untreated HIV may lead to AIDS. Presently, of the mouth, throat, vagina, cervix, urethra, and the
there is no effective cure for HIV. But the condition anal tract. Symptoms for males are discharge from
can be controlled with proper medical care. the penis and burning sensations during urination. For
females, sometimes irritating vaginal discharge.
The antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a combination of Complications for males may include prostate,
medications that are used to prevent HIV from bladder and kidney problems as well as sterility. For
replicating to protect the body against the virus and females, it may lead to infertility.
infection. However, ART is not a cure. It helps those
with HIV positive to live longer and happier and
lowers the risk of advancing the condition into AIDS. . Syphilis. This is a sexually transmitted infection
AIDS can be diagnosed by the number of CD4 cell caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, a
counts. A count of less than 200 cells/mm3 in the spirochete. If left untreated, syphilis may progress
blood indicates AIDS, whereas a typical, healthy through four phases: Primary (chancre sores appear)
individual has around 500-1,600 cells/mm3 in a blood Secondary (general skin rashes occur), latent (a
sample. When someone dies of AIDS, it is typically period that can last for several years with no overt
because they got sick with another type of disease or symptoms), and tertiary (cardiovascular disease,
infection. The immune system is not strong enough to blindness, paralysis, skin ulcers, liver damage, mental
fight the infection ( problem and even death may occur).
6. Chlamydia. This is one of the most common
In the statistics of Philippine Department of Health sexually transmitted infections, named for Chlamydia
(DOH), in 2008, there was one (1) newly diagnosed trachomatis, an organism that spreads through sexual
HIV case per day. In 2010, it increased to four (4) contact and infects the genital organs of both sexes.
cases per day. In 2012, there were nine (9) cases per Many females with chlamydia are asymptomatic.
day. In 2014, it has blown to seventeen (17) cases per Although they can occur without sexual contact,
day and in 2016, there are twenty-six (26) reported urinary tract or bladder infection and vaginal yeast
daily cases of newly diagnosed HIV infection are common among sexually active females
( According to a news article (Santrock, 2014).
( posted August 1, 2017, the
Philippines has the highest HIV infection growth in METHODS OF CONTRACEPTION (ARTIFICIAL AND
Asia-Pacific as reported by the health ministry and the NATURAL)
United Nation.
In 1930 the first mainstream Christian sect-the
Angelican Church-officially permitted certain forms of
The first AIDS care in the Philippines was reported in birth control. Nowadays, some religions, including the
1984. The highest recorded number of cases since Roman Catholic Church, a few Protestant
1984 was in May 2017 alone, with a record of 1,998 denominations, and many Hindus condemn the use of
(33%) cases of HIV-AIDS (newsinfo.inquirer, with a contraception. Contraceptives are medicines and
other devices that are used to prevent unwanted by charting the menstrual cycle. It is also known as
pregnancy. natural family planning or fertility awareness.

1. Hormonal method of contraception (prevents the b. Abstinence or celibacy - It refers to the avoidance
release of an egg or ovulation) of sexual intercourse.

a. oral contraceptives (Pills) - These are daily oral c. Outercourse - It is a sexual activity that does not
contraceptives. Some contain estrogen and include the insertion of the penis into the vagina.
progestogen; others are progestin only and are over
99% effective if used according to instructions. d. Withdrawal (Latin - coitus interruptus) - It happens
when a man removes his penis from the vagina and
b. The patch-it is a small patch you stick on to the skin ejaculates outside of the woman's body.
that releases estrogen and progestogen. It stops
ovulation and is over 99 percent effective if used 4. Sterilization (procedures that make an individual
according to instructions. permanently incapable of conceiving or fertilizing a
c. The ring- The contraceptive vaginal ring is a small
plastic ring a woman inserts into her vagina every a. Tubal ligation / sterilization- It is the surgery for
month and releases hormones to stop ovulation. It is women in which fallopian tubes are tied to prevent
over 99 percent effective if used appropriately based eggs from traveling to the uterus so a woman cannot
on the instructions. get pregnant.

d. Implants - The contraceptive implant is a small b. Vasectomy- It is an operation in which the surgeon
flexible rod that is placed under the skin of the upper makes a small cut in the upper part of the scrotum
arm by a health professional and releases then ties or blocks the vas deferens. Men can still
progestogen to stop ovulation. have orgasm or ejaculation after the operation.

e. Injectable - The contraceptive injection which is a 5. Intrauterine Device (IUD) - It is a small device that
long-acting reversible contraception does not depend is placed in the uterus by a doctor to prevent
on you taking it daily and is more than 99 percent pregnancy.
6. Emergency Contraception (EC) - It is a measure
2. Barrier methods (methods that physically or that protects against pregnancy after unprotected sex
chemically block the sperm from reaching an egg and has already occurred. It could be through IUD or
provide a barrier between direct skin to skin contacts) higher dosage of pills (Rosenthal, 2013).

a. Diaphragm - It is a soft dome made of latex or

silicone and is used with spermicide. It is put into the
vagina to cover the cervix and is 92 to 96 per cent
effective when used correctly.

b. Cervical Caps - These are similar to the diaphragm,

though they are generally always made of silicone.
They are put into the vagina to cover the cervix and
are 92 to 96 per cent effective when used correctly.

c. Male and Female Condoms or spermicides - Male

condom is made up of thin latex put over the penis to
stop the sperm from entering vagina. It is 98%
effective when used exactly according to instructions.
The female condom is made of thin polyurethane that
loosely lines the vagina and stops sperm from
entering. It is 95% effective if properly used

3. Behavioral Methods

a. Rhythm or Calendar Method - It is a way to

determine a woman's most fertile and infertile times

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