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LESSON 6: Words and Culture the Visayan subgroup

within the Visayan

Kinship language family. The
● Refers to the social and familial Visayan languages,
relationships that connect including Cebuano, are
individuals through blood, part of a wider
marriage, or adoption. Austronesian language
● It encompasses the way people family. This serves as an
are related to one other within a example of linguistic
society and often plays a crucial taxonomy as Cebuano is
role. classified within a specific
○ Ex. The bond between group of languages based
siblings who share the on its shared
same biological parents. characteristics and
historical development.
● Refers to the classification of Color
languages or linguistics ● Often related with the field of
elements based on their shared semantics
characteristics and relationships. ● Explores how languages
● Linguists use taxonomy to categorize and describe colors
organize languages into and how color terms are used to
families, groups, or categories convey meaning.
typically based on similarities in ● Can reflect cultural, cognitive,
grammar, vocabulary, and and perceptual differences.
historical development. ● Delves into the cultural
● Helps linguists understand the associations, metaphors, and
evolution and relationships psychological aspects of color
between languages and their terminology
common ancestors. ● Delves into how it can influence
○ Ex. The Indo-European our perception and expression
language family includes of the world.
languages like English, ○ Ex. In Philippine culture,
Spanish, and Hindi which red is often associated
share a common with love, passion, and
ancestry. danger, while white
○ Ex. Cebuano, also known symbolizes purity and
as Bisaya or Sinugnoanon, peace.
is as Austronesian
language spoken in the Prototypes
Philippines. It belongs to ● Refers to a mental
representation of a typical or
ideal example of a word ○ Ex. Instead of saying
category or concept that allows “passed away” to refer to
speakers to organize and someone's death, saying,
categorize language items “nipahuway sa dayon” in
based on similarities and shared Cebuano sounds less
attributes. harsh
● Functions as a cognitive
reference point for making
judgments about category
○ Ex. A prototype for the
category “fruit” could be
“saging” or banana, cars
or “awto” for the category
“vehicle”, and “kabaw” for
the category “animal”.

● Refers to behaviors, customs, or
practices that are considered
socially unacceptable,
inappropriate, or forbidden
within a particular culture or
● Often relate to topics that are
sensitive, offensive, or morally
unacceptable to a specific
portion of the population.
○ Ex. Using offensive/vulgar
words can be considered
taboo in many social

● A figure of speech in which a
milder or less direct word or
phrase is used to replace a more
direct or harsh one.
● Are often used to make
something unpleasant sound
less offensive.

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