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BEM 1st GT- (2023-2024)

Name of Student: Subject: Materia Medica- II

Reg. No. Total Marks: 50
BEMS: Fourth Professional Time: 02 hours


Choose the best choice from the following choices. (1×15=15)
1. The subjects of pharmacokinetics are all a. GABA
except; b. Histamine
a. Route of administration of the drug. c. Dopamine
b. Biotransformation of active substance. d. Adrenaline
c. Distribution of active substance within 6. Choose medicinal plants that have antiulcer
the organism. properties
d. Binding of the active substance with a. Ginger
plasma albumins. b. Licorice
e. Adverse effects of the drug c. Bakain
d. Both a and b
2. Which of the following is not the subject of 7. What is true of acid control therapy with H2
pharmacodynamics; blockers:
a. Mechanism of action. a. It generally heals duodenal ulcers faster
b. Duration of effect. than gastric ulcers
c. Adverse effects. b. It checks bleeding in case of bleeding
d. Phases of metabolism. peptic ulcer
e. Affinity c. It prevents gastroesophageal reflux
d. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are correct
3. The ratio of the quantity of drug reaching 8. Choose the correct statement about H2
systemic blood flow and the total amount of receptor blockers:
introduced drug in different forms, or a. They are the most efficacious drugs in
manufactured by different producers is inhibiting gastric acid secretion
referred to as; b. They cause fastest healing of duodenal
a. Pharmacokinetics. ulcers
b. Pharmacodynamics. c. They prevent stress ulcers in the
c. Pharmaco-economics. stomach
d. Bioavailability. d. They afford most prompt relief of ulcer
e. Bioequivalence pain
4. An antagonist is a substance that; 9. The following is true of proton pump
a. Binds to the receptors and initiates inhibitors except:
changes in cell function, producing a a. They are the most effective drugs for
maximal effect Zolinger Ellison syndrome
b. Binds to the receptors and initiates b. Their prolonged use can cause atrophy
changes in cell function, producing a of gastric mucosa
submaximal effect c. They inhibit growth of H. pylori in
c. Interacts with plasma proteins and stomach
doesn’t produce any effect d. They have no effect on gastric motility
d. Binds to the receptors without directly 10. The primary mechanism by which
altering their functions prostaglandins promote ulcer healing is:
5. Taking Abused drugs causes a rush of a. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion
hormones in the brain:
b. Augmentation of bicarbonate buffered
mucus layer covering gastroduodenal
c. Increased bicarbonate secretion in
gastric juice
d. Increased turnover of gastric mucosal
11. In peptic ulcer, antacids are now primarily
used for:
a. Prompt pain relief
b. Ulcer healing
c. Preventing ulcer relapse
d. Control of bleeding from the ulcer
12. The primary mechanism by which general
anesthetics produce their action is:
a. Affecting receptor-operated ion
channels in cerebral neurons
b. Blocking voltage-sensitive Na+
channels in neuronal membrane
c. Depressing metabolic activity of
cerebral neurons
d. Blocking the production of high-energy
phosphates in the brain
13. Barbiturates exert the following actions
a. Anticonvulsant
b. Analgesic
c. Antianxiety
d. Respiratory depressant
14. Currently barbiturates are primarily used as:
a. Hypnotic
b. Sedative
c. Antiepileptic
d. Preanaesthetic medicant
15. The primary mechanism of action of
benzodiazepines is:
a. Dopamine antagonism
b. Adenosine antagonism
c. Opening of neuronal chloride channels
d. Facilitation of GABA-mediated chloride


Sr. No. Questions Marks

1. A lady presented with dyspepsia and heart burn. The physician diagnosed 10
peptic ulcer disease and prescribed antacid which provide rapid relief. She
continued to take the drug for a month and had no dyspepsia for other six
However over the next few months her symptoms reappeared and grew
progressively worse. On a return visit to her the ulcer showed the presence of
H. pylori.
a. What drugs should be prescribed on the second visit? (03)
b. Why did the ulcer relapse? (03)
c. What drugs can be prescribed to relieve the symptoms of peptic ulcer? (04)

2. A 24-year-old patient presents in the Psychiatry OPD unit. He complained of 10

feeling very low, having suicidal thoughts, and disturbed sleep for the past 6
months. He says that people can hear his thoughts, song lyrics refer to him, and
voices in his head. His family members claim that it's increasing day by day and
stopped going to work. He looked shabby and unkempt.
a. Classify drugs that can be used in this condition. (05)
b. Name common adverse effects of these drugs. (05)

3. A 50 years old male came to the emergency department with severe burning 05
chest pain radiating into his neck. His electrocardiogram was normal and test
for troponin was negative, but H. pylori stool antigen were positive.
a. Which different drug therapies you can give to treat the patient? (01)
b. Write down mechanism of action and uses of Zancid cap.? (04)
4. A 22-year-old male with a history of epilepsy diagnosed at age 12 presents to 10
the epilepsy clinic. The patient’s first seizure, which was a generalized tonic–
clonic seizure, occurred at age 10. The patient was not started on antiepileptic
medication (AED) at that time. The next event, which was also generalized,
occurred at age 12. The patient was started on valproic acid. He remained
seizure-free for four years and was tapered off valproic acid. At the age of 16,
the patient was diagnosed with depression, for which he was started on
sertraline. He remained on sertraline until the age of 20, when it was tapered off
as his symptoms had gone into remission.
a. Write the mechanism of developing epilepsy
b. Classes of drugs used for this condition.
c. Write down the management and natural treatment of this condition.

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