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Derek Gregory views the economic policies, military apparatu, and corporations of the western
world as instruments of colonialism (Gregory, 2004). He doesn’t only aim to have his region but also
punish the enemies. Conrad's image of Africa: Recovering African voices in Heart of Darkness Peter
Mwikisa University of Botswana When Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness first appeared exactly a
century ago, it was unlikely that the author, the publishers or the critics who showered it with
accolades envisaged an African readership. Often, the subaltern makes an attempt at self-
representation, perhaps a representation that falls outside the 'the lines laid down by the official
institutional structures of representation' (306). Postcolonial literature seeks to describe the
interactions between European nations and the peoples they colonized. In short, the author makes an
essential point when he suggests that a network of interdependent histories have contributed to the
contemporary, post-colonial, situation of the world. Moreover, some incidents reveal that Caliban is
even afraid of Ariel. It is not either to suggest that all Europeans necessarily share this view of the
continent. The colonized nation is unable to manage and run itself properly, and thus it needs the
wisdom and expertise of the colonizer. What traces have been left by colonial education, science and
technology in postcolonial societies. Inevitably, given that resistance to a colonial past helps define
new writers, the unwanted colonial attitudes reappear, even if as despised negatives. Hence, today,
the term hybridity has become one of the most recurrent conceptual leitmotivs in postcolonial
cultural criticism. Such a drastic situation was meticulous to India and Africa. When Marlow sees the
pathetically suffering Africans at the trading station on the Congo, he is outraged. In Robinson
Crusoe, Crusoe enslaves Friday, uses his manpower in advancing his own cause. The colonialist,
while committing these atrocities against the natives and territories of the colonies, convinces
himself that he stands on high moral grounds. Colonialism is about the dominance of a strong nation
over another weaker one. In this seminal essay, Spivak emphasizes the fact that representation is a
sort of speech act, with a speaker and a listener. However, those of us unwilling to adopt the label
quot. Though Jamaican, Nigerian, and Indian writers have much to say to each other; it is not clear
that they should be lumped together. The Irish are often put forward as an instance of a postcolonial
European people, and indeed many African writers have been inspired by Irish ones for that reason.
The problem of identity is both personal and national theme.Saleem was born at the midnight of 15
august 1947 when India also become independent from British rule. Though Jamaican, Nigerian, and
Indian writers have much to say to each other; it is not clear that they should be lumped together. In
The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon develops the Manichean perspective implicit in BSWM. Yet the
British have been neither malicious nor cynical; they have merely been ethnocentric. Since an
ethnocentric point of view admits only ones own way of thinking as valid, cultures that differ from
ones own are perceived as negations of that single set of values. It is not necessary, therefore, to go
into speculations about what exactly Kurtz had done that made him the degraded monster that he is
made out to be in the novel. Caliban, as a native of the land, experiences a most painful situation in
his life, compelled to do all works forcefully and not willingly. It is transnational because
contemporary postcolonial discourses are rooted in specific histories of cultural displacement,
whether they are the middle passage of slaver and indenture, the voyage out of the civilizing mission,
the fraught accommodation of Third World migration to the West after the Second World War, or the
traffic of economic and political refugees within and outside the Third World. Faithful to the
already-established Spanish tradition, he names him Friday, teaches him English, the words of God,
and above all, the basics of humanity; in other words, he has driven him out of utter darkness to an
overwhelming whitening light.
In other words, it is necessary to understand why ethnocentrism stereotypes different groups of
people, not uniformly, but differently. Inevitably, given that resistance to a colonial past helps define
new writers, the unwanted colonial attitudes reappear, even if as despised negatives. Weaving
together interviews with family members and friends, documentary footage, readings from Fanon's
work, and dramatizations of crucial moments in his life, the film reveals not just the facts of Fanon's
brief and remarkably eventful life but his long and tortuous journey as well. Generations of writers
and intellectuals who are born under and after colonialism write inspiringly about the struggle for
independence. From the perspective of such critics Kurtz in Heart of Darkness is simply an
embodiment of the weak idealism that is incapable of sustaining the ideals of European imperialism
in the face of quot. Hybridity in arudhati roy’s the god of small things. By the middle of the
twentieth century, the vast majority of the world was under the control of European countries.
Moreover, Caliban is also promised to have liberty if everything goes well. As the above dictionary
entry shows, the actual definitions for the word alone are cause for some confusion. Bottino
Download Free PDF View PDF Inventaire numerique detaille. Even though Ariel possesses
exceptional skills and mesmerizing qualities, she is destined to serve Prospero. I offer a reading of
the novella that seeks to recuperate the African voices that are silenced in both dominant critical
approaches to it as well as in the novella itself. Noteworthy here is that the main aspect of that
economic relationship and activity during the colonial era (mainly from 1800 to 1960), was a
strategic direction in the emergence of influence of European capitalism in Africa identified as
follows: a. Colonialism is the acquisition of the colonialist, by brute force, of extra markets, extra
resources of raw material and manpower from the colonies. Further, the rise of Postcolonial Studies
at a time of growing transnational movements of capital, labor, and culture is viewed by some with
suspicion in that it is thought to deflect attention away from the material realities of exploitation both
in the First and the Third World. Download Free PDF View PDF A Companion to Postcolonial
Studies Santiago Lozano Download Free PDF View PDF Globalization and Postcolonialism:
Hegemony and Resistance in the 21st Century, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2009
Sankaran Krishna Download Free PDF View PDF Developing a postcolonial approach to the study
of gender and sexuality in Central and Eastern Europe. Hybridity, Bhabha argues, subverts the
narratives of colonial power and dominant cultures. Marlow, a green horn, is in no position to assess
these charges critically. This radical view not only denies any positive effect of colonialism, but also
incriminates those so-called apologists for colonialism. And doubtless the language in which we write
or talk supports and perpetuates those views. Major figures include Edward Said (sah-EED), Homi
Bhabha (bah-bah), Frantz Fanon (fah-NAWN), Gayatri Spivak, Chinua Achebe (ah-CHAY-bay),
Wole Soyinka, Salman Rushdie, Jamaica Kincaid, and Buchi Emecheta. Zins further accuses Achebe
of committing the sin of anachronism by demanding from Conrad our contemporary knowledge and
experience (Zins, 122). Much of the discussion among postcolonial scholars involves criticisms of the
term quot. He left Martinique in 1943, when he volunteered to fight with the Free French in World
War II, and he remained in France after the war to study medicine and psychiatry on scholarship in
Lyon. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create your own paper.
Ultimately, the successful execution of plot by the master with the assistance of Ariel, and Ariel
results in promised freedom. The world in currently in a globalization age and the difference and
similarities between globalization and colonization should be identified to confirm whether
globalization is colonialism’s legacy. Reading the novella from such a postcolonial perspective, I
argue, enables us to see that in Heart of Darkness justice and humanitarian concerns for the victims
of Europe's colonial expansion overseas are incidental themes. The transnational dimension of
cultural transformation -- migration, diaspora, displacement, relocation -- makes the process of
cultural translation a complex form of signification. This create another question as to whether the
current writers are supposed to write about globalization in ways that differ from the manner in
which they wrote about colonialism.
These various yet related definitions are all implicated in the public debates about representation. As
result, he was successful in realizing or fulfilling his motivation through different means and
activities. Generations of writers and intellectuals who are born under and after colonialism write
inspiringly about the struggle for independence. They also examine ways in which the literature of
the colonial powers is used to justify colonialism through the perpetuation of images of the colonized
as inferior. Marlow's concern, really is not with the humanitarian aspect of African suffering, but the
fact that it is evidence of the inefficiency as one of the qualities that detracts from the whitemen's
fitness to carry out the civilizing mission. The researcher firstly introduced and explained these two
notions and their basic concepts and classifications. Thus in the thickness of colonialism, national
movements, and most of them were radical and violent in their approaches, emerged to encounter
the aggression of colonialism. Similarly Charles Sarvan and Wilson Harris patronizingly assume that
Achebe failed to grasp Conrad's real intention in Heart of Darkness. Some writers exhibit a high
level of animosity to the colonialist and their agents; others are less aggressive in their representation
of the colonial past, and the postcolonial present. Often being irritated from the stage of slavery, he
undertakes many plans to kill Prospero believing that Prospero conquered his island. NY: Routledge,
1994. p. 86 Mimicry is, then, the sign of a double articulation; a complex strategy of reform,
regulation and discipline, which quot. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly
journals. The present study cpntemplates the application of important parameters of postcolonial
cultural theory. These and similar questions are the object of constant debate. Download Free PDF
View PDF Colonial and Post Colonial Theory Atif Izaz Without colonialism there would be no post-
colonialism. Bhabha analyses the slippages in colonial political discourse, and reveals that the janus-
faced attitudes towards the colonized lead to the production of a mimicry that presents itself more in
the form of a quot. Indeed what constitutes Kurtz's triumph in Marlow's eyes is precisely his having
retained the ability to carry out these three roles simultaneously. quot. The total rejection by some
elements among the colonized of everything western as a form of reaction and protest against the
colonizer. 4. The categorization of the world into ranks, such as first world, second world, the West
and the rest with all the subsequent stereotyping and prototyping that follows. 5. The emergence of
different forms of fundamentalism that aim at purifying their local cultures from the residues of the
colonial past 6. Until Achebe's essay, critics generally seemed to collude, perhaps unwittingly, in
preventing African voices from emerging in their reading of Heart of Darkness. While Fanon charts
the psychological oppression of black men, his book should not be taken as an accurate portrait of
the oppression of black women under similar conditions. Secondly, that Orientalism has produced a
false description of Arabs and Islamic culture. It is concerned with the mutual understanding and
growing, by moving beyond what the colonization offered. Firstly, that oriental studies functioned to
serve political ends. Moreover, he even makes every decision and executes it. Colonialism is the
acquisition of the colonialist, by brute force, of extra markets, extra resources of raw material and
manpower from the colonies. If the English book is read as a production of hybridity, then it no
longer simply commands authority. He controls Ariel and Caliban as he holds complete right over
them and they can’t question him. While it seems reasonable to posit ethnocentrism as the instinct
behind the human habit of negatively stereotyping groups other than one's own, the explanation
seems too general to account for the specific ways in which Africa is stereotyped in Conrad and in
the tradition that he represents. The real difficulties arise when we look for evidence. Comparatively
he is a weaker category thereby fears the exceptional skills and powers of Prospero and Ariel.
It clearly indicates a governing literary tradition (Ibid. 14). It is a tradition, one might add, in which
although the number of bad writers, like Edgar Rice Burrouhgs, exceeds the number of so-called
good writers, like Conrad, one can well understand an African like Achebe rejecting such a
distinction because the better writers only handle the dehumanizing and depersonalizing images with
greater skill and subtlety. The transnational dimension of cultural transformation -- migration,
diaspora, displacement, relocation -- makes the process of cultural translation a complex form of
signification. Most importantly, “subaltern” and “essentialism.” She cautioned against ignoring
subaltern peoples and viewing them as “cultural Others” (Spivak, 2021). Border Crossings:
Multicultural and Postcolonial Feminist Challenges to Philosophy 2. As the foregoing discussion
suggests, the term thus yokes a diverse range of experiences, cultures, and problems; the resultant
confusion is perhaps predictable. Fanon was born in 1925, to a middle-class family in the French
colony of Martinique. Much of the discussion among postcolonial scholars involves criticisms of the
term quot. Moreover, Prospero has promised to release Ariel after the completion of the task. To a
postcolonial reader it seems possible to argue that even though Conrad through Marlow does not
permit himself the thought, Kurtz's fall from grace may well suggest that ethnocentrism is the fatal
flaw against which Europe must guard. Post-colonial studies go further than simply documenting the
unavoidable, however: they use the strategies of hermeneutics, Bakhtin, Derrida, Foucault and others
to discern and often denounce such harmful prejudices. Facts are hard to establish, and capable of
being given many meanings. Literary license allows every author to depict Africa in much the same
way as every other author. It may make American and European scholars feel better to disassociate
themselves from the crimes of their ancestors (which are admittedly, enormously bloody and
oppressive, and should be acknowledged and studied--see resources below), but people struggling
for freedom in oppressed nations are more likely to draw inspiration from the quintessentially
European Enlightenment concept of rights under natural law than they are to turn to postcolonial
theory. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create your own paper. It
is not an attack on colonialism and imperialism themselves. It is these methods which threatened a
break up of Western civilization, anxieties about which are evident in T. S. Eliot's quot. Henryk Zins,
a pole who taught for many years in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Botswana, defends Conrad against
Achebe thus: He is (.) definitely doing an injustice to Conrad when writing about his alleged racism
and antipathy to black people, which makes no sense when we remember Conrad's words full of
sympathy and pity about the enslavement of Africans in the Congo (Zins, 122). Finally, I again turn
to Spivak and her question, 'Can the Subaltern Speak'. Usually the term is used negatively, to
describe stereotypical ideas of--to take as an example my own ancestors--the Irish as drunken,
irresponsible louts. To a postcolonial reader it seems possible to argue that even though Conrad
through Marlow does not permit himself the thought, Kurtz's fall from grace may well suggest that
ethnocentrism is the fatal flaw against which Europe must guard. The theory is based around
concepts of otherness and resistance. How did colonial education and language influence the culture
and identity of the colonized. On the one hand writers like Salman Rushdie and Arundhati Roy are
best-selling authors; and on the other hand, no college English department worth its salt wants to be
without a scholar who can knowledgeably discourse about postcolonial theory. It is no clear,
therefore, how the black man's comprehension is articulated in the novel. In the play A Tempest by
Aime Cesaire is based upon the character of Caliban in Shakespeare's the tempest. NY: Routledge,
1994. p. 86 Mimicry is, then, the sign of a double articulation; a complex strategy of reform,
regulation and discipline, which quot. Content: Preventing Oil Spill thru Standards Authors of this
literature are Nicholas P. Bhabha analyses the slippages in colonial political discourse, and reveals that
the janus-faced attitudes towards the colonized lead to the production of a mimicry that presents
itself more in the form of a quot. On the contrary, it seems to be a view of the continent that some
contemporary Europeans, consciously at any rate (for what happens at the subconscious level may be
another matter altogether), perceive as quot. Hybridity can thus be seen, in Bhabha's interpretation,
as a counter-narrative, a critique of the canon and its exclusion of other narratives.
Noteworthy here is that the main aspect of that economic relationship and activity during the colonial
era (mainly from 1800 to 1960), was a strategic direction in the emergence of influence of European
capitalism in Africa identified as follows: a. It is these methods which threatened a break up of
Western civilization, anxieties about which are evident in T. S. Eliot's quot. Mimicry, Ambivalence
and Hybridity When Robinson Crusoe set foot on the island and declared it his own, a new page was
inscribed in the history of colonialism. All the threats that the Africans pose to Europeans in the
novella are products of the white man's imagination, invented to justify his own aggression. Given
Fanon's importance to postcolonial studies, the obituaries marking his death were small; the two
inches of type offered by The New York Times and Le Monde inadequately describe his
achievements and role. The same goes for Dr Aziz and his cohorts in Passage to India. The literature
and art produced in these countries after independence has become the object of quot. Literary
license allows every author to depict Africa in much the same way as every other author. It clearly
indicates a governing literary tradition (Ibid. 14). It is a tradition, one might add, in which although
the number of bad writers, like Edgar Rice Burrouhgs, exceeds the number of so-called good writers,
like Conrad, one can well understand an African like Achebe rejecting such a distinction because the
better writers only handle the dehumanizing and depersonalizing images with greater skill and
subtlety. How can texts in translation from non-colonial languages enrich our understanding of
postcolonial issues. The non-synchronous temporality of global and national cultures opens up a
cultural space -- a third space--where the negotiation of incommensurable differences creates a
tension peculiar to borderline existences... Hybrid hyphenisations emphasize the incommensurable
elements as the basis of cultural identitiesquot. His letter of resignation encapsulates his theory of the
psychology of colonial domination, and pronounces the colonial mission incompatible with ethical
psychiatric practice: quot. A variation on this argument is one that takes this racist imagery simply as
rhetorical devices, a mere manner or style of writing about Africa. In practice, postcolonial literary
studies are often sharply divided along linguistic lines in a way which simply reinforces Eurocentric
attitudes. How do gender, race, and class function in colonial and postcolonial discourse. There is
irony that Thambu herself begins to make choice leading to her further away from her roots. The
struggle to 'speak for oneself' cannot be separated from a history of being spoken for, from the
struggle to speak and be heard. (173) It cannot be ignored that representations effect the ways in
which actual individuals are perceived. In Nervous Condition, more than Nyasha, Babamukuru
represents a pure colonial subject or a mimic man. However, some critics use the term to refer to all
culture and cultural products influenced by imperialism from the moment of colonization until today.
Along with these questions, there are some more that are particularly pertinent to postcolonial
literature: Should the writer use a colonial language to reach a wider audience or return to a native
language more relevant to groups in the postcolony. The accident or the West came into contact with
the East or the orient during the process of colonization. On the contrary, it seems to be a view of
the continent that some contemporary Europeans, consciously at any rate (for what happens at the
subconscious level may be another matter altogether), perceive as quot. A host of fine Indian writers
is neglected simply because they do not write in English on the sensible grounds that India has a
millennia-long tradition of writing which should not be arbitrarily linked to the British imperial
episode. Mimicry is also the sign of the inappropriate, however, a difference or recalcitrance which
coheres the dominant strategic function of colonial power, intensifies surveillance, and poses an
immanent threat to both 'normalized' knowledges and disciplinary powers. The play imparts deep
knowledge regarding thebackground of colonization to readers of all times. Hanif Kureishi is more
English than Pakistani in his outlook, and many Caribbean-born writers living in England are now
classed as quot. This intentional relationship is apparent in every character. In other words Africa
serves as a setting upon which to demonstrate an apocalyptic warning against the danger Europe
faces of losing its empires if its agents do not uphold the virtues upon which empire building
depends. For Later 0% 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful 0% 0% found
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to Page You are on page 1 of 10 Search inside document. Introduction to Postcolonial Studies The
field of Postcolonial Studies has been gaining prominence since the 1970s.
Therefore, Prospero utilizes given opportunities and power, he witnesses an ultimate success in the
plot. He doesn’t only aim to have his region but also punish the enemies. Mimicry is also the sign of
the inappropriate, however, a difference or recalcitrance which coheres the dominant strategic
function of colonial power, intensifies surveillance, and poses an immanent threat to both
'normalized' knowledges and disciplinary powers. The problem of identity is both personal and
national theme.Saleem was born at the midnight of 15 august 1947 when India also become
independent from British rule. Many others write about fossilized social habits and customs in need
of rehabilitation or replacement. Although the term postcolonialism generally refers to the period
after colonialism, the distinction is not always made. Thus the native resorted to violence to shake
the colonizer off his shoulder; and eventually he did. Often, the subaltern makes an attempt at self-
representation, perhaps a representation that falls outside the 'the lines laid down by the official
institutional structures of representation' (306). It produces myths of aliens that often seem to be
antagonistic, even if hostility was not intended. Colonialism is the acquisition of the colonialist, by
brute force, of extra markets, extra resources of raw material and manpower from the colonies.
Reading the novella from such a postcolonial perspective, I argue, enables us to see that in Heart of
Darkness justice and humanitarian concerns for the victims of Europe's colonial expansion overseas
are incidental themes. Outside of this, however, the term is used so freely that it becomes necessary
for each author to define what they mean when they speak of postcolonial theory. The following
questions suggest some of the major issues in the field: How did the experience of colonization affect
those who were colonized while also influencing the colonizers. Hence, Caliban seeks assistance and
support from Trinculo and Stephano to kill Prospero. Fanon claims that non-agrarian revolutions end
when urban classes consolidate their own power, without remaking the entire system. He is an ever
incomplete, insubstantial image, a mere inorganic shadow, a dark spot on the ground, an image.
When Marlow sees the pathetically suffering Africans at the trading station on the Congo, he is
outraged. Despite the fact that Spivak's formulation is quite accurate, there must still be an effort to
try and challenge status quo representation and the ideological work it does. For Fanon, being
colonized by a language has larger implications for one's consciousness: quot. In short, there is no
privileged viewpoint, nothing that is free from earlier prejudice or subsequent reaction. The Oxford
English Dictionary defines representation primarily as quot. They feel alienated from themselves and
their societies because they are barely tolerated by their colonialist peers, and are envied and
despised by their countrymen for their intimacy with the colonialist. 3. Exploitation and misuse of
power. Yet some of the more nationalist ones (like Yeats) tended toward distressingly conservative-
-even reactionary--politics, and James Joyce had the utmost contempt for Irish nationalism. Solutions
for this conundrum are difficult to theorize. What traces have been left by colonial education,
science and technology in postcolonial societies. According to this paper, the foundation for failure
was laid in Africa during colonialism and is sustained through colonial legacies with the accomplice
of African elite leaders. They also examine ways in which the literature of the colonial powers is
used to justify colonialism through the perpetuation of images of the colonized as inferior. Post-
colonial literature comes from Britain's former colonies in the Caribbean, Africa and India. The rise of
the many family planning service providers is not a portrayal of the rise of capitalism in post-colonial
Africa but a manifestation of developing economies. The use of any parts of the work without proper
citation is forbidden.
Generations of writers and intellectuals who are born under and after colonialism write inspiringly
about the struggle for independence. It clearly indicates a governing literary tradition (Ibid. 14). It is
a tradition, one might add, in which although the number of bad writers, like Edgar Rice Burrouhgs,
exceeds the number of so-called good writers, like Conrad, one can well understand an African like
Achebe rejecting such a distinction because the better writers only handle the dehumanizing and
depersonalizing images with greater skill and subtlety. My divergence with Miller consists in the fact
that he sees Heart of Darkness as suggesting that Africa is both a symbol of, and the source of the
darkness that threatens to engulf Europe. Students should always cross-check any information on
this site with their course teacher. Nevertheless, some postcolonial critics argue that it is precisely this
kind of mimicry that disrupts the colonial discourse by doubling it. Hence, without any doubt one
can state that everyone will follow the motivation to do every action or inaction, and this motivation
is clearly portrayed in the relationship of the master and slave as they co-operated each other in
defeating the enemies. The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert
fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. According to this paper, the foundation for failure was
laid in Africa during colonialism and is sustained through colonial legacies with the accomplice of
African elite leaders. Heart of Darkness, therefore, enacts a trial in which the white man qua Kurtz
is the criminal, the prosecutor, and the judge. Dr. Visam Mansur Historical Overview: Without
colonialism there would be no post-colonialism. Representations or the 'images or ideas formed in
the mind' have vast implications for real people in real contexts. The sheer extent and duration of the
European empire and its disintegration after the Second World War have led to widespread interest
in postcolonial literature and criticism in our own times. The narrator and the main character,
Thambu, expresses her experience with colonization, as a child growing up from a poor African
community, with tremendous correctness and detail. Some claim that in spite of the ugly face of
colonialism, it did a lot of good to the colonized. Even as some deplore its imprecision and lack of
historical and material particularity, others argue that most former colonies are far from free of
colonial infuence or domination and so cannot be postcolonial in any genuine sense. His analysis,
which is largely based on the Lacanian conceptualization of mimicry as camouflage focuses on
colonial ambivalence. Particular attention were drawn from the transformation of existing colonial
enterprise and foreign investments into conduit pipes to milk Africa through the introduction and use
of multinational and transnational corporations to exploit and dominate the capital and economic
structure of the African nations and the transfer the profits back to Europe through import
substitution regime. It is largely Conrad's image of Africa that we encounter forming the backdrop to
news dispatches, television footage, films and even in new novels about Africa. The value, efficacy,
strength, apparent veracity of a written statement about the Orient therefore relies very little, and
cannot instrumentally depend, on the Orient as such. What were the forms of resistance against
colonial control. He subscribes to the idea that Heart of darkness expresses the fear that European
civilization is vulnerable to corruption if it admits the validity of the validity of the values of other
cultures. They eroded the natives’ cultures and languages, plundered the natives’ wealth and
established their orders based on settlers’ supremacy. Ashish nandy the intimate enemy loss and
recovery of self under colonialis. What all of these schools of thought have in common is a
determination to analyze unjust power relationships as manifested in cultural products like literature
(and film, art, etc.). Practitioners generally consider themselves politically engaged and committed to
some variety or other of liberation process. It is an image of a continent peopled by archetypal
figures: howling savages, faithful servants, sinister half-breeds, white hunters and gallant colonial
officials or their modern counterparts such as aid-workers, animal documentary film makers etc.
However, some critics use the term to refer to all culture and cultural products influenced by
imperialism from the moment of colonization until today. In practice, postcolonial literary studies are
often sharply divided along linguistic lines in a way which simply reinforces Eurocentric attitudes.
Rather he urges them towards higher standards of moral virtue, namely efficiency and restraint,
which alone make them fit emissaries of the light. It is obvious that representations are much more
than plain 'likenesses'. They asserted in their discourses that no culture is better or worse than other
culture and consequently they nullified the logic of the colonialists. Page 8.

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