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Political Science

Class XII
Time: 3hrs. Marks: 80


Question 1

i) Which of the following is an example of Proportional Representation? [1]

a) First Past the Post System b) Hare system c) Trial and Error System d) Both a & b.

ii) Assertion: In a Parliamentary form of government, the Executive is a sub set of the Legislature.
Reason: The Prime Minister and the members of the cabinet are also members of the Parliament.
a) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not an explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
d) Both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

iii) Universal Adult Franchise reduces chances of: [1]

a) Reaction b) Revolution c) Participation d) Rotation.

iv) Which of the following country has a multiparty system? [1]

a) China b) USA c) India d) UK.

v) The Senate and the------------, are the two chambers of the US Congress. [1]

vi) ----------------------- is also called Relative Majority Vote System. [1]

vii) Conservative totalitarian State : Nazi Germany :: Radical totalitarian State : ------------------ . [1]

viii) In USA, Judicial Review is based on the principles of ‘-------------------‘ and ‘procedure established
by law’. [1]

ix) State whether the following are True or False: [4x1=4]

a) Written constitution is ideal for a federal state.

b) Non fixed tenure of the real executive is a distinguished feature of Parliamentary government.
c) “India that is Bharat shall be a Union of States”- declares India to be a typically unitary state.
d) The civil servants are the best examples of non - permanent executive.

x) Answer the following questions in short: [4x1=4]

a) Mention the two words added to the Preamble of the Constitution of India by the
42nd Amendment Act of 1976.
b) What is the basis of classifying a constitution into rigid and flexible?
c) Give atleast two examples of indirect election in Indian context.
d) Which function of the Supreme Court gives it the power to check the constitutional validity
of a law and even declare it null and void if proved ultra vires.
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Question 2
What do you mean by a liberal democratic state? Explain any two of its features. [4]

Question 3
Compare the two upper houses of the bicameral legislature of USA and India in terms of
financial powers and special powers. [4]

Question 4
i) The Presidential system is based on an unambiguous Separation of Powers.
Explain any two features of this system. [4]
ii) Discuss the Prime Minister of India as the real executive head of the government. [4]

Question 5

i) Identify the two apex courts of the two countries. [2]

ii) State any two differences between the original jurisdiction of the two courts. [2]


ii) Define the terms Judicial Activism and Judicial restraint. [4]

Question 6
Discuss the amendment procedures of the Constitution of USA and Great Britain. [4]

Question 7
What do you mean by Ministerial Responsibility in a Parliamentary form of government?. [4]

Question 8
Discuss any four principles of the category of Directive Principles that aims at securing welfare
of the people particularly in rural areas. [4]

Question 9

Discuss the functions of the body at the apex of the three tier Panchayati Raj system [4]

[ Pg2/3]

Question 10
“An independent judiciary is necessary for a free society and constitutional democracy”.
With reference to the above discuss the following:
i) Single integrated judiciary in India. State the structure. [3]
ii) Ways by which independence of judiciary can be secured. [5]

Question 11
Look at the picture below and answer the following:

i) Identify the factor in the above picture, that is posing a threat to the Indian Democracy. [1]
ii) How do you think the above situation has affected Indian polity? [3]
iii) Discuss any four measures to overcome the challenges faced by Indian democracy today. [4]

Question 12
i) Enumerate the composition and functions of the Municipal Corporation. [8]
ii) Discuss the key features of the 74th Amendment Act. [8]
Question 13
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
‘Taali’ is a highly acclaimed drama series that is deeply rooted in authenticity. It is based on the
true story of Shreegauri Sawant, a renowned transgender activist hailing from Mumbai,
In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court created a ‘third gender’ status for the transgender.
Earlier, they were forced to write male or female against their gender. The SC asked the Centre
to treat transgender as socially and economically backward.

a) Which fundamental right did Shreegauri Sawant fight for? Why do you think she succeeded?
b) Discuss in detail the fundamental right or rights applicable to the mentioned situation.
c) Which writ will be applicable if a transgender activist, organising a peaceful protest rally, is
detained in custody? Give reason for your answer. [2+4+2=8]
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