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Struggling to Write Your Thesis on Childhood Obesity?

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is undoubtedly a daunting task, especially when it
comes to a topic as complex and significant as childhood obesity. With the weight of research,
analysis, and synthesis on your shoulders, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not, because you're
not alone in this journey.

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To prevent and treat childhood obesity, it is important to promote healthy habits. Surgery for Obesity
and Related Diseases, 13 10, 1643-1650. The main causes of childhood obesity known so far
through research include lack of physical exercises and lack of balanced diet. Stages of childhood
include; infancy, toddler hood, pre-school, middle childhood and adolescence. This increase is
usually not normal and hence is a cause of concern. However, physically obesity can also lead to life-
threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer,
and other disorders. This quote acknowledges the critical role that parents have in reducing childhood
obesity. The changes of social practices especially eating pattern and lifestyle within the community
level describe the extent to which the society considers the program as instrumental to their lives. A
balanced diet is a mixture of food that together provides sufficient nutrients for healthy living.
Found in all age groups from two year old children to 50 year old men and women, obesity has been
linked to everything from the popularity of computers and video games, to the decline of family
dinners, to super sized portions of fast food. Children used to play in parks and playgrounds with
friends whereas now the preference has been shifted to mobile and computer games. The level of
obesity has tripled in the past 20 years, and is still rising; by 2010 at least 1 in 4 adults will be obese.
Therefore, communities should be empowered to have a respond to childhood obesity while
emphasizing the environmental risks, which exploit the health of a child. The meta-review by Story
1999 analyzed 12 studies and found that 11 of those studies reported reduced obesity rates among
students. It is extremely important for the child to have a parent with a healthy nutrition and
physical activity. This places a strain on the health care system and creates health issues that will
extend into adulthood. Answer: The steps that can be taken to reduce the chances of obesity are as
follow: Intake of healthy food Exercising Adapting to a better lifestyle Say no to munching and junk
food. The paper also looks to shield parents from the blame that they are responsible for their
children's obesity. Right now one in four obese children are displaying symptoms of metabolic
syndrome, which is a serious cardiovascular condition. Introduction Childhood obesity has become a
widespread epidemic, especially in the United States. Medical goals is to prevent any issues or
complications in their bodies. The study concluded that there was a small but consistent protective
effect of breastfeeding against obesity risk in later childhood. It is everyone’s general knowledge
especially for parents the proper food to eat. An appropriate definition of obesity is based on a
classification of individuals into percentiles as compared with others in their age group. Children are
using their leisure activities on the computer and watching television. All of this can create serious
problems for the child and for our health care system. Obesity is a condition wherein a person starts
to gain unnecessary body fat. As a result, children are spending more time watching television and
playing video games rather than going outside and being active. However, it is possible that
childhood obesity rates will continue to rise. The food industry has a role to play by reducing sugar,
salt, and fat in processed foods, providing affordable nutritious options, and limiting marketing of
appealing foods for children.
The obese individuals have been noticed to be at a higher risk in case of pregnancy and additional
prenatal complications. Hence, it is essential to address childhood obesity in order to promote overall
good health among children. In effect, the fact that the article highlights the roles of the nurse in
intervention in childhood obesity makes it an important component for my study. Long and Short
Essays on Childhood Obesity for Students and Kids in English We are providing essay samples on a
long essay of 500 words and a short essay on 150 words on the topic of Childhood Obesity for
reference. Rather than solely attributing it to fast food consumption, parents bear responsibility for
childhood obesity. Such as, Elementary schools offering a variety of physical education programs in
which the student can get involved in, schools limiting their junk food and replacing it with healthier
and smaller portions of food, lastly limiting the usage of technology o. The fact that they are
responsible for it, they should know how to cure it with the help of their pediatrician. Given below
is a long essay composed of about 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words on
Obesity in English. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
The technology that this world holds has become a huge active role in child obesity. In the United
States, rates of childhood obesity have more than doubled in the past thirty years. The third reason is
related to heredity or genetics. Also, food that appears on the smaller upper levels should be eaten in
smaller amounts. Of the 8000 children included obese children were found in the following
percentiles in the study 13% were Asian 16% were white,21 % were black,22% were Hispanic and
31% were American Indians(Holecko,2011). Certain parents may opt for restrictive parenting
techniques to raise their children by restricting high-energy foods in their diet with the aim of
cultivating healthy eating habits. Interestingly, since policy will affect the entire society, collecting
views from the society helps in making informed opinion about the challenges in question. Yes,
childhood obesity can be outgrown through healthy lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a
balanced diet. This can be accomplished by increasing the number of mothers who breastfeed their
babies, thereby delaying the introduction of solid foods to six months of age, limiting the television
and video game intake of toddlers and older kids alike, providing healthy, low-fat nutritious snacks
and meals for kids of all ages, and creating family exercise plans. Childhood obesity makes the child
fat and uncomfortable. They might be encouraging us but we should know where to stand. Studies
as early as 2002 illustrate the correlation between obesity in children and sleep duration. You can use
essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Living by example: Since children cannot
decide what they eat and the kind of environment they live in, adults around them should choose
healthy foods. Davis et al 2007 assert that there is a strong positive correlation between high intake
of sugary beverages and soft drinks by children and obesity. This experiment aims to determine the
effect an increasing temperature has. The aim of the study was to find out the relationship between
breastfeeding and obesity in children. They don’t know what is happening inside of their offspring’s
body. The best way to keep the self and family away from obesity is to have a healthy lifestyle. 10
Lines on Obesity Essay in English Obesity is very common today. Global statistics by the World
Health Organization indicate that in 2010 over 42 million children below the age of five are
overweight. Other states had a prevalence rate of 25% except for only four which had a rate of 20%.
( ).
Mayo Clinic 2017 Next, children need to strive for more physical activities. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. A mother who ate a diet low in saturated fats and rich in protein
significantly improves the lipid profile of their baby. No matter what the exact definition, obesity is,
simply, excess body fat. There are various drug therapies as well as surgeries like bariatric surgery
that can help reduce the weight. Additionally, obesity is even caused due to genetics as well. There
are other factors that cause obesity in children for instance, hereditary genes, disease and
psychological triggers. It is important to take steps to prevent and treat it by promoting healthy habits
and encouraging physical activity and a balanced diet. Firstly is displaces time for physical activity
replacing it with sitting. Obesity or rather childhood obesity is a medical condition that has drawn
great concern among stakeholders in recent times. Other than that, exclusive breastfeeding from birth
to 6 months of age is an important way to help prevent infants from becoming overweight or obese.
Ever-increasing cases of obesity are surely a cause of concern, but there are various cures available to
treat it. In retrospect, this explains the basis behind my choice of this article as my primary research.
The second cause of obesity is a decrease in physical activities. Hispanics, African-Americans, and
American Indians, females to males are more prone to this devastating medical condition. These
types include breast cancer, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, gallbladder cancer,
kidney cancer, liver cancer, meningioma, multiple myeloma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer,
stomach cancer, and thyroid cancer. Childhood obesity is a condition where extra body fat negatively
impacts a kid’s fitness or well-being. This preference starts during fetal development when the fetus
can detect the smells and tastes from the mother's diet. Although parents may be blamed for
childhood obesity, fast food consumption also plays a significant role in this problem. Parents
should be consulted on exclusive breastfeeding of their babies up to six months to eliminate any
chances of children getting obese from the early childhood Haerens, 2012. The obesity rate has been
rising all over the world. I plan to discuss and argue the causes, health complications, psychological
effects. This experiment aims to determine the effect an increasing temperature has. This epidemic
has been increasing throughout the industrialized world. Managing diabetes depends on how one
controls blood sugar levels. Long and Short Essays on Obesity for Students and Kids in English In
this article, we have provided a long essay and a short essay, along with ten lines on the topic, to
help students write this essay in examinations. Kids who are having excessive body fat are said to be
clinically obese and at risk of developing health problems (Thompson). The author concludes that the
use of a creative strategy to help students learn about the childhood obesity problem is essential in
equipping the students with the best practices for intervention in the issue of childhood obesity.
Other institutions, though, suggest that a child whose body weight is at least 20% higher than a child
of a similar height is obese. A baby whose mother was undernourished in pregnancy is at a risk of
obesity (James et al., 2004). Some children have a sedentary lifestyle, and this directly relates to
The childhood obesity rate is almost 15% in the United States Tom Harkin 2008. When parents
prioritize nutritious choices, like fruits and vegetables, it makes these options readily available to
their children, facilitating their consumption. Schools can play a role in promoting healthy habits by
offering healthy food options and physical education programs. Parents can also set a good example
by maintaining a healthy lifestyle themselves and teaching their children about the importance of
healthy habits. As techniques to decide physique fat directly are difficult, the analysis of obesity is
frequently based on BMI. Today children are suffering from health conditions that were once
identified as adult diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, increased the level of blood cholesterol, Child
Obesity and sometimes increased blood pressure. They don’t need to remind children what to eat or
should not because they should already know that before even entering school (Metallo). For
instance, children are exposed to community environments that do not foster healthy habits such as
junk food advertisement. According to the source from Apollo Hospitals, more than 10 million cases
per year (India) diagnosed childhood obesity. Obesity puts children at a high risk of developing
many serious illnesses. Adults are often more conscientious of the benefits physical activity has on
their. Obesity is now considered to be a global epidemic. “Obesity” refers to an excess amount of
body fat. The study concluded that there was a small but consistent protective effect of
breastfeeding against obesity risk in later childhood. Nutrition plays a very important role in
preventing these medical conditions hence it is up to the parents to ensure that they teach children on
proper diets so that they can make healthy food choices while away from home. A survey conducted
among over 550 families revealed that the consumption of fruits and vegetables by parents was the
most influential factor in determining a child's intake of those same foods. Fats, fat molecules consist
of 3 fatty acids attached to a molecule of glycerol and are used as stored energy. The children are
our future, and thus, it is unacceptable to put them at risk for obesity and the health problems
associated with being overweight. But the good thing about all these matters is it is easy to cure.
Some parents might think their child is healthy by just looking at their physical features, but looks
can be deceiving. Childhood obesity and juvenile diabetes are diseases that have become very
common today and while risk factors like hereditary traits, psychological disorder, disease have a
contribution to their advancement they take a back seat as compared to behavioral and lifestyle
factors like exercise and eating habits. Natural ways to cure obesity include healthy food habits, a
healthy lifestyle, and exercising. There are a number of health complications that children go
through, and one of these complications is obesity. In this study, the researchers carried out research
using a convenience sample of 99 family NPs (FNPs) and pediatric NPs (PNPs) from the
Intermountain area. Obesity is a situation where a person faces a continuous increase in body mass.
The rates of obesity in researc age groups are reseafch increasing thezis year. Many children today
spend hours in front of screens, whether it be television, computer, or phone screens, and do not get
enough exercise. They are also most likely to experience learning disabilities, asthma, headaches and
ear infections (Katz). Some of the treatments are such that are related to changes in diet and
adapting to physical activities. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Long and Short
Essays on Childhood Obesity for Students and Kids in English We are providing essay samples on a
long essay of 500 words and a short essay on 150 words on the topic of Childhood Obesity for
reference. For instance, Neuropeptide Y is a hormone that controls gluttony.

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