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LENNOX: A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions,

and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He/she does not set out to be a leader, but
becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his/her intent. Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
Northwestern Luzon Chapter Induction Ceremonies of Officers and Members. Good evening,
JACO: Hi, Lennox. Naimbag a rabii kadatayo amin, doctors and guests. This is a special day for all
of us, especially with our incoming officers who will be inducted. As a person who is also in the
medical field, I know the challenges and joy of being in this field – but the happiness of helping
a patient is incomparable.
LENNOX: I agree, Jaco. Speaking of which, doctors play an important role in the wellness of
individuals. But aside from those jobs that they have, they are still able to extend their
knowledge not just in hospital setting nor in the operating room but also in the academe as
instructors and some other institutions.
JACO: That is right. And by having a profession, it is also important to widen your rapport and
linkages with your co-workers and allies. That is why tonight, we will be having an induction
ceremony of an organization that will also help these individuals to share insights, to create a
bond, and to discuss problems and making solutions.
LENNOX: The Philippine Society of Anesthesiologist NWL Chapter is a socio-civic organization of
the PSA which is also one of the specialty societies of the Philippine Medical Association. The
PSA NWL Chapter holds an induction ceremony every after 2 years to formally announce its
members and it will serve as an avenue for past officers to turnover wholeheartedly the
responsibilities to the new leaders.
JACO: And now, we are gathered here tonight to witness the new set of officers and we will also
be witnessing our new president on the turnover and we will be hearing her message.
LENNOX: As we go on with the program, we would like also to answer some questions, what do
anesthesiologists do? What do we have in the Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists?
To welcome us all tonight, allow me to call the Treasurer for her Welcome Remarks. A round of
applause to Dr. Herminia Pascua-Nares.
JACO: (insert some of statements) (discuss with Lennox if necessary)
Again, thank you very much, Dr. Herminia Pascua-Nares.
2 years ago, we saw how he brought leadership in the organization. Fulfilling the responsibilities
and achieving the vision. It is such an honor for us to hear his message most especially about his
journey during his administration. For his valedictory address, please welcome, Ex-Officio
President Dr. Wilbert P. Cuevas.
LENNOX: (insert some of statements) (discuss with Jaco if necessary)
Such wonderful experiences to reminisce and journey to look back on. I know for sure that the
leadership being started will be continued. Again, thank you very much Dr. Wilber Cuevas.
In every organization, it is important that there is a transaction. In life, we always do business
and money is always involved. For a more transparent and accountable view, one needs a
trustworthy holder. May we call on Dr. Riza B. Gallardo, Ex-Officio Treasurer, to present us the
financial report.
JACO: Thank you very much, Dr. Gallardo for the very clear and detailed amounts and figures. It
is an important thing to always have a clear and clean financial report. We could safely say,
money is one of the weapons for an organization to function.
LENNOX: I agree, Jaco. Now, to cut our program and to free ourselves temporarily from
technicalities, we have prepared sumptuous food for all. May we all rise for the prayer.
Dear Lord, thank You for providing us with this nourishment. We are grateful for your
continuous provision and the hands that prepared this meal. As we partake in this food, may it
strengthen our bodies and energize our spirits. Bless this meal and our fellowship around this
In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.
JACO: As we are served with food, allow me to call on a great companion. A tenor and an active
advocate for culture and the performing arts, Edwin Gillian Itum Azurin, or Ega (as we fondly call
him), is a graduate of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication program at the University of
Northern Philippines. He recently finished his degree in both vocal pedagogy and vocal
performance at the University of the Philippines, Diliman College of Music, under the tutelage
of Professor Ma. Cecilia Valeña and the National Artist for Music, Prof. Emeritus Fides Cuyugan-
LENNOX: He was also a touring member of the premier Filipino all-male choir ALERON, who
garnered a gold diploma at the 2nd LIMBURGER MANNERCHOR FESTIVAL held in Limburg,
Germany, in the summer of 2019. Ega has performed as a soloist in various productions, such as
Mozart's Opera Dov Giovanni, in which he played the role of Don Ottavio and performed
timeless Filipino art songs at Manila Piano's Himig ng Luha at Ligaya. To entertain us all with his
sensational voice, please welcome, GILLIAN AZURIN.
JACO: (insert personal reactions on the songs and personal thoughts to kuya EGA as a
Thank you very much, Ega, for bringing us to another world with your songs.
LENNOX: Truly, kuya Ega is a connoisseur of music and a true leader of songs. Speaking of
leader, the PSA NWL is a chapter of the PSA itself. At this moment in time, let us watch a very
important person who will be giving us a message. An individual who truly champions
leadership and responsibility. Eyes on the screen for the message of the PSA National President,
Dr. Peñafrancia Cano. A round of applause.
JACO: (insert some of statements) (discuss with Lennox if necessary)
Again, what an honor for us to hear the message of our PSA National President, Dr. Peñafrancia
Cano. Let’s give her a resounding applause.
LENNOX: And now, we’ve already heard the message of our National President, it’s high time for
us to meet a protagonist. One of the reasons why we are gathered here is for us to meet our
new leader – our new president who will be holding the responsibilities and who will be
inspiring us through new hopes and future. But before we call her on stage, allow us to call first
Dr. Mylene Fatima S. Cobangbang to introduce our PSA NWL incoming president.
JACO: With this, we would like to call on Dr. Ma. Janeth Serrano, PSA Secretary for the induction
of our new president – Dr. Nella Plete.
Thank you very much, Dr. Serrano for inducting our new president – Dr. Nella Plete. And of
course, congratulations to doc Nella as well. Now, we proceed with one of the highlights of
tonight’s event.
LENNOX: Let us now witness the turnover of symbols of authority to our new president – Dr.
Nella Plete. With this memorable highlight, we would like to call on the members of the family
of Dr. Nella Plete, Atty. Hadji Pugat, PSA Board of Director, Dr. Deneb Stella Davalan, Regional
Director for Luzon, the past presidents who are present here to witness the turnover.
LENNOX: Once again, congratulations, doc Nella Plete, our new PSA NWL president. As she
receives the responsibility and position, it’s also a sweet moment if we will be knowing some of
her initial plans and agenda, her thanksgiving, her commitments, her words of wisdom, her
gratitude to all. Let’s give a big hand to our new PSA NWL President, Dr Nella Plete for her
Inaugural address.
JACO: (insert some of statements) (discuss with Lennox if necessary)
Thank you very much, doc Nella, for your message. May your administration and leadership be
full of dexterity and may you inspire more people to become a leader.
LENNOX: Speaking of becoming a leader, one of our guests here is an epitome of leadership as
she is hailed as the secretary of the Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists. On a personal level,
our guest speaker who inducted our new president has a good connection to doc Nella. During
her term, doc Nella was an organizing committee and she was one of the observers of doc Nella
during her examination. What a lucky charm.
JACO: But with that, we would like to give this floor to Dr. Riza Gallardo, CME Coordinator, as
she will be introducing our guest speaker for tonight.

JACO: Thank you very much, Dr. Ma. Janeth Serrano, PSA Secretary for your messages and
intelligent thoughts. (insert something she said)
LENNOX: Now, let us award her certificate and token of appreciation for gracing this
momentous occasion and for inducting our new president.

JACO: We would like to request doc Nella to remain on stage as she will be presenting the new
set of officers who will be having pivotal roles in the development of the organization.
LENNOX: To officially call them as the new officers, we would like to call on Atty. Hadji Pugat PSA
Board of Director to induct the new set of officers.
JACO: Congratulations to our new set of officers, let’s give them a big hand. Also, thank you to
Atty. Hadji Pugat for inducting our new set of officers.
LENNOX: At this point, allow us to call on a very important dignitary to inspire us, move us, and
inform us. From the organization where everything has created. An honor to introduce and
welcome our PMA President, Dr. Ma. Minerva Calimag for her message.

JACO: Thank you very much, Dr. Calimag. (insert some of statements) (discuss with Lennox if
We are close to finishing our program but it wouldn’t end without recognizing our new
members. Allos us to call on Dr. Gracelyn Gureng, Secretary, to present our new members.
LENNOX: I know for sure, this organization will continuously grow as I see potential members
who will be helping hand in hand to sustain its legacy. And to induct our New Members, may we
call on Dr. Deneb Stella Davalan, PSA Regional Director for Luzon.
JACO: Before we end this ceremony, let us all be filled with sounds of joy and camaraderie. To
sing us songs, please welcome __________________________________________.
LENNOX: (insert wrap up to answer the rhetorical questions)
JACO: To officially end our program, we call on Dr. Amina Matumadi-Alamada, Coordinator for
Abra for her closing remarks.
(closing spiels)

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