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Natural mined Uranium contains U-238 99.2 percentage AND U 235 0.

Enrichment Uranium increasing U235 concentration
- Ultra centrifuge
- Gas Chromotograph
Reactor Grade U235 – 0.8% to 4%
Weapon geade U235 more than 20%
Components of Reactor
- Moderators
1. converts fast neutron into slow neutron
Breeder Reactors conversion of fertile to fissle material eg, Th 232 to U233 it need s fast nutron so no Moderators need

Moderators poor- water H2O

Good- Heavy water- D2O
Protium -1P 1E 0N
Deuterium, 1P 1E 1N
Tritium 1 p 1 E 2N
Tritium is produced by neutron capture method in reactor from lithium
Graphite is also good moderator

coolant passes through the fuel block and carries away the heat to the steam generator through heat exchanger
Heavy water Liquid sodium carbon dioxide

Breeder Reactor liquid sodium used in breeder reactor

Control Rod regulates rate of chain reaction by absorbing the neutron eg BORON or Cadmium

Commonly used reactors in India

1. Boiled water reactor vvper kudangulam moderator used normal water
Enriched Uranium used in this
2. Pressurized water reactor useds normal water
3. PHWR pressurized heavy water reactor uses heavy water natural uranium
Commonly uses indigeneisly manufactured reactor

BARC designed and produced 700mW BWR

4. Fast Breeder Reactor - needs no moderator coolant liquid sodium
Fuel composite fuel mixture of Uranium or plutonium , thorium

Gas cooled Reactor

Based on the concept of Nuclear fission
Critical mass Minimum mass of Uranium for the atomc bomm to start uncontrollable fission reaction

Weapon grade uranium 20% enriched Uranium

Bomb – Uncontrolled chain reaction

Uses of Radioactivity
1. Agriculture – P 32 to make hybrid crops and to kill pests agriculture
Prevents sprouting of vegetable
2. Medicine ;- used as tracers
Sodium 24 to monitor the effective functioning of the heart
Iodine 131 to treat goiter hypothyroidism
Iron 59 to diagonise anemia
P32- to treat skin diseases
Cobalt 60 and Au198 for surgical sterilization
3. Industrie
Tracers to detects leak and cracks
Californium 252 to detect explosive
Americium 241 smoke detection
4. Arachaeological studies
C14 dating

Permited range 20milli sieverts 1yr

No threshold limit for radioactivity
Means radioactivity will damage any concentration

Sieverts is measure SI unit of damage DNA

Docimeter used to detect ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation gama xray UV

Nuclear fusion it is fusion of atomic nuclei not fusion of atom

State of the matter
Atoms are always neutral when Electrons are added or removed, ions are formed
Cation- positive -anode
Anion- negatively charged - cathode

Plasma 4th state of matter – ionized gas

Sun 10milli degree Celsius

Fusion 100 million

Stars used Gravity

Fusion reactors- 2 methods 1. Magnetic(tokamak) confinement ITER

JT 60 currently operating
2. LASER confinement Inertial confinement National ignition facility California
Columb force –it is an electromagnetic force that repels positively charged atomic nucleus
Strong force - . will be effective when atomic nucleus are closer

“reduced Gravity in the earth needs more temperatures”

Nucleus fusion first proposed by William Harking

Fuel in N,Fusion
Until Fe 56 Fusion is possible
Hydrogen is preferred fuel , neutron
Gernerally deuterium and tritium is used





e) Answer not known
விடை தெரியவில்லை

Neucler capture by lithium

Uses of NF
Nucleosynthesis nucleus fusion is stars is the origin oh all others elements in the universe
Source of clean energy


Almost infinite source of fuel

Generally fusion reaction are safer
Very negligible radiactive
Abundant source of energy


Extremely difficult to master

Neutron released during during affects the material arounf the reaction

Important Fusion reactor facilities

1. Internation Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (2013) expected to become fuction from 2025
Members :- china EU switzer land india Japan south korea russia and USA

2. National Ignitiion facility – located at Lawerence Livermore national liberty California

Laser inertial confignment
Dec2022 for the first time Net energy Again by factor of 1.5

3. JT 60 Tokamack

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