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The Rationale of Studying Anthropology,

Political Science and Sociology

Understanding of Culture, Society, and Politics
12 STEM E | Mr. Omela | SEM 1
◆ any other capabilities and
habits acquired by man as
“Change is the only a member of society.
permanent in this world”

-Heraclitus Significance of Culture

1. Adaptation and Integration
2. Patterns of acceptable social
Nation-state behavior
➔ a sovereign state whose citizens 3. Conveys and Facilitates meaning
or subjects have common culture. 4. Production of man-made things
They speak the same language, 5. Human satisfaction
have a common descent, and
share a common history.

Personality Identity ➔ A group of individuals involved in

persistent social interaction or a
➔ is the concept you develop about large social group sharing the
yourself that evolves over the same spatial or social territory,
course of your life. typically subject to the same
◆ A naturalized Filipina in political authority and dominant
Japan, may identify herself cultural expectations.
as Filipina, having come ➔ It is characterized by relationships
from a nation-state called (social relations) between
the Philippines and individuals who share a distinctive
possessing the culture of culture and institution.
most Filipinos. ➔ In the social sciences, a larger
◆ Filipina may identify herself society often exhibits stratification
as Muslim because of her or dominance patterns in
Islamic tradition. subgroups.

Culture Significance of Society

➔ serves as the foundation of man’s 1. Representation of our identity
continuing interaction with his 2. Symbol of political independence
surroundings. 3. Avenue for economic
➔ people develop a culture of their interdependence
own out of their learnings and
experiences from their Politics
environmental exposure.
➔ refers to the complex whole, which ➔ set of activities that are associated
includes: with making decisions in groups, or
◆ knowledge other forms of power relations
◆ beliefs among individuals, such as the
◆ arts distribution of resources or status.
◆ moral ➔ the branch of social science that
◆ laws studies politics and government is
◆ customs referred to as political science.

The Rationale of Studying Anthropology,
Political Science and Sociology
Understanding of Culture, Society, and Politics
12 STEM E | Mr. Omela | SEM 1

Anthropology Archaeology
● Study of the human past using
➔ Study of humans’ past and present materials remains. These remains
in order to understand the full can be objects that people created,
sweep and complexity of cultures modified, or used.
across all human history. ● Archaeologists carefully uncover
➔ It draws and builds upon and examine these objects to
knowledge from the social and interpret the experiences and
biological sciences as well as activities of peoples and
humanities and physical sciences. civilizations throughout history.
Subdisciplines of Political Anthropology
● Study of politics and power.
Anthropology Cultural Anthropology ● Questions the assumptions of
● Known as social anthropology. global politics.
● Study of the learned behavior of
groups of people in specific Medical Anthropology
environments. ● Study of health and illness
● Cultural anthropologists base their ● Explores differing experiences of
work on ethnography, research medicine and diseases.
methods that use field work and
participant observation to study Feminist Anthropology
individual cultures and customs. ● Study the role of gender in human
Linguistic Anthropology ● Explores the ways in which gender
● Study of how language influences intersects with other social
social life. categories such as race, class,
● Linguistic anthropologists say and sexuality.
language provides people with
intellectual tools for thinking and
acting in the world. Sociology
● Linguistic Anthropologists focus on ➔ Systematic study of social
how language shapes societies, behavior and human groups.
their social networks, cultural ➔ Focuses on social relationships,
beliefs, and their understanding of how these relationships influence
themselves and their environment. people’s behavior and how
societies, the sum of these
Biological Anthropology relationships, develop and change.
● Also known as physical
Political Science
● Study of evolution of human
beings and their living and fossil ➔ Study of politics and power from
relatives places human evolution domestic, international, and
within the human culture and comparative perspectives.
behavior. ➔ Entails understanding political
● Biological anthropologists look at ideas, ideologies, institutions,
physical developments, such as policies, and behavior, as well as
skeletal or genetic makeup groups, classes, government,
changes, that are interconnected diplomacy, law, strategy, and war.
with social and cultural behaviors
throughout history.

The Rationale of Studying Anthropology,
Political Science and Sociology
Understanding of Culture, Society, and Politics
12 STEM E | Mr. Omela | SEM 1


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