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Nama : Seli Fitria Rahma

NIM : 202270114


Strategy is a long-range plan for achieving something or reaching a goal, or the skill of making
such plans.
1. Types of Strategies
• Corporate strategy
• Business strategy
• Functional strategy
2. Levels of Strategies
• Across range of industries (i.e. merger & acquisition, diversification)
• Within the industry (i.e. new product & service, product diversification)
• Specific function (i.e. resource & production planning)
3. Strategic Goals
• Bigger value
• Market leader
• Effective & efficient

Building a Business Strategy in 4 Steps:

1. Define the destination
2. Environment analysis
3. Generate alternative
4. Implement and monitor

SWOT analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to

develop strategic planning.
1. Internal: Strengths, Weaknesses
2. External: Opportunities, Threats
Building Financial Model
1. Set objectives
2. Gather data
3. Identify key drivers
4. Build revenue projections
5. Estimate costs and expenses
6. CapEx and depreciation
7. Consider taxes
8. Cash flow statement
9. Sensitivy analysis
10. Valuation
11. Scenario analysis
12. Document assumptions
13. Validate and test
14. Present and interpret results
15. Iberate and update

Business Model versus Revenue Model

A business model describes the logical connections and the way in which a company generates
value for its customers. While, a revenue model describes the structure of how a company
generates revenue or income.

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