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Narator: Long ago, in a village there lived a beautiful girl named Ella. he
lives happily with his parents in a nice house. until one day, the mother
fell ill. the woman felt she would not live much longer. for that, he gave
advice to his girl.
Mother: my child, mother will not be able to survive. live your life
happily. Be a hard worker and never forget to help others
Ella: Don't say that, ma'am. Mom will get better soon
Narator: But not everything we want comes true, right? Ella's mother
died as soon as she finished speaking
Ella: No ma'am! No!
Narator: Not long after her mother died, Ella's father remarried. Ella's
stepmother has two children. At first they treated Ella very well. so they
gain father's trust.
Father: (in his heart) it seems like my new wife really loves Ella. I'm
very relieved.
Narator: One day, father had to go away for a long time. He was sure
that his new wife could take care of Ella well. As soon as father left,
stepmother began to show her true colors. He forced Ella to move to the
attic and sleep in an ugly bed. He also took all of Ella's nice things for
her son.
Stepmother: from now on, this is your room. and you have to do all the
Narator: Since then, Ella has done all the housework. On the contrary,
his two half-brothers just sat quietly. Because she has to do all the
housework, Ella's face is full of dust and her clothes are not neat. Seeing
that, his mother and two half-brothers often mocked him
Stepmother: Ella, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? ha ha
Stepsister (1): right! what a mess he is.
Stepsister (2): she should be named cinderella from now on, because she
is a maid!
Stepmother: great, hahaha! He doesn't deserve to use the beautiful name
Stepfamily: hahaha!
Narator: Cinderella is humiliated, taken advantage of by her stepfamily.
he couldn't even eat enough
Ella: Mom, can I eat for a moment? I am very hungry.
Stepmother: get out of my sight! You can only eat leftovers, after we
finish eating, understand?!
Narator: Because she always lives at home, Cinderella doesn't have any
friends at all. he could only make friends with two mice in the attic and a
sparrow in the window. even though he only got a little food, he always
shared the food with two mice and a sparrow.
Narator: One day, the king ordered the palace spokesman to announce a
party that would be held at the palace.
spokesperson: on new year's eve, his majesty will hold a party for the
prince to choose his future wife. The king invited all the girls to come to
this party
Narator: All the girls in the kingdom were so happy. Cinderella knew
that her stepmother would never allow her to go to the party. but he tried
Ella: Mom, can I go to the party?
Stepmother: apparently you want to come too. hahaha! Okay. but, you
have to help your sisters prepare their dresses
Narator: Cinderella was very happy, because at least she had the
opportunity to join the party. She also prepared a dress and did her
stepsister's hair
Narator: After finishing helping her brother, her stepmother gave
Cinderella a basket of peas and asked her to pick them
Narator: Cinderella was shocked. it seemed impossible to get it done,
and get to the party on time. Seeing that, Cinderella's best friend tried to
help her. All the work was finished in half an hour, and Cinderella
immediately told her stepmother.
Ella: Mother, everything you ordered has been done. can I come to the
party tonight?
Stepmom: do you want to come to the party with us? No! can we be
embarrassed by your ugly appearance! stay home, and clean everything.
Narator: Cinderella was so sad and crying. His best friend tried to cheer
him up. suddenly a light came on. A fairy appeared before Cinderella.
Fairy: poor girl, why are you crying?
Ella: my mother and my two stepsisters went to a party, and were going
to meet. while I have to do housework.
Fairy: don't worry dear, because you are a good girl, then I will help you
Narator: then the fairy used her magic to turn the pumpkin into a
beautiful carriage, two mice into two horses, and a sparrow into the
Narator: once again the fairy waved her hand chanting a spell. and
Cinderella found herself wearing a very beautiful dress.
Fairy: now you can go. but remember my magic only lasts until 12 at
night. so you have to go home before midnight.
Ella: OK, thank you Fairy!
Narator: When they arrived at the palace, everyone gaped in admiration
when they saw Cinderella walking into the palace
no doubt, the prince couldn't help but stare at cinderella. The prince
walked towards Cinderella and asked to dance with her.
Prince: Am I allowed to dance with you, beautiful girl?
Ella: my pleasure, prince!
Narator: While they were dancing, Cinderella suddenly realized that
there were 5 minutes left until 12 o'clock at night.
Ella: Sorry Prince, I have to go home.
Narator: On the way to the train, one of Cinderella's shoes came off. but
he didn't have time to take it. he hurriedly boarded the train, and returned
home as quickly as possible. The prince didn't find Cinderella again.
Suddenly the prince saw shoes lying on the stairs. The next day, the
prince and his soldiers looked for the owner of the shoes. A month
passed, the prince had not found anyone suitable to wear the shoes.
Cinderella's house was the last one they visited.
Narator: Cinderella's stepmother wouldn't let her go downstairs, and
locked her in the attic. but the sparrow tried to take the key and give it to
Cinderella. Meanwhile, his two stepsisters couldn't wear the shoes
because their feet were too big.
Prince: Madam, is there another girl living here?
stepmother: no, I only have two daughters.
Ella: Prince, wait! I haven't tried the shoes yet
stepmother: cinderella, you stupid maid! how dare you come here.
stepmother: sorry prince, she is a servant. he had never even been to the
Prince: Shut up! how dare you cheat me! but wait, why do I feel familiar
seeing this girl? let's try the shoes.
Narator: The prince helped Cinderella put on the shoes. and fits perfectly
on Cinderella's feet
Prince: you were the girl who danced with me that night. come to the
palace with me!
Prince: Guards, put them in prison!
Narator: Not long after, the prince and Cinderella's wedding was held
with joy. they also live happily.

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