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Tittle:A Love for Revenge

Setting:United States of America

Individual setting:Seattle

Time: Autumn,2023


Main Protagonists:-Aliyah and Kaiden

Aliyah Reed:-Female lead


She grew up with her brother and parents until the gae of 13 when they died.she went to study in
Arizona then returned 5 years later to Seattle.On returning she discovers the secret to her parents
death,falls in love and seeks vengeance.

•Personality:-Brave,Confident,Smart and Funny

•Initial desire:-To have a new start from her parent's death

•Action:-Seeks Revenge for her parent's death

Kaiden Scott:-Male lead


Was born with a twin brother who was stolen at birth.he was raised and trained to be the upcoming
alpha by his parents,he grew up with his younger sister,Kira and the rest of the pack after their parents
died in combat.They live a normal teenage life and keep there identity a secret.

•Personality:-Introvert,Fearless,Smart and Caring

•Initial desire:-Form peace with wolves and humans

•Action:-Save the female lead and avenge his and her parents


Kai Scott

Kaiden's twin brother,who was stolen and raised by her aunt Jada,who aimed at getting Revenge on
Scott for picking her sister,Karina over her.After Jada's death,he became an Omega and had to survive
on his own until he managed to kill an alpha and tool his tittle.After getting into power,he seemed
redemption towards Kaiden

•Personality:-Ruthless,Cunning and Dangerous

•Initial desires:-Seeks revenge and redemption by killing Kaiden and pulling over his pack

•Action:-Kidnaps Aliyah and transforms her into a wolf

Supporting Characters;

Roy Michael

Austin Roy

Kira Scott


Other characters will be introduced as the story progresses


After the tragic and mysterious death of their parents,Aliyah Reed vows to do whatever it takes to get
vengeance for her parents,five years later after discovering the truth.But what happens when the
alleged killer happens to be her first and only love.

Will she manage to fulfill her goal?

Or will her love get the better of her.


The story starts with the death of Aliyah and Jackson's parents.from there they are left in the care of
their uncle,Roy.And Aliyah's taken to study in Arizona.She returns 5 years later to move on and enrolls
to a new school,makes some new friends and meets Kaiden.


The truth to their parent's death is revealed.and Aliyah wants to take part in the revenge despite being
in a relationship with him.Kaiden reveals his real form to her despite her already knowing.After
grafuating,Aliyah goes to live with Kaiden and infiltrates his pack.Unexpectedly,she bonds with most of
them as she learns there ways.Despite Kira not trusting her,Kaiden opens up more to her.After Aliyah
witnesses Kaiden saving humans, she begins to have doubts.Kaiden and Aliyah make love.

Through the earpiece she was given,she keeps Jackson,Austin and uncle Roy informed.With the
information they get,they plan out a trap for him,which Aliyah helps set him up.After reaching a dead
end with the questioning,Jackson wants to shoot Kaiden but Aliyah intervines,and shoots him
herself.they escape as planned but Aliyah gets kidnapped at the airport and is taken by Kai,who reveals
the real truth to her and the rest of them through her earpiece


Jackson begs Kaiden to help them find Aliyah no matter the cost,which he does.they invade his territory
as awaited and manage to outwit them.Kai and Kaiden clash and as Kaiden appears victorious,Kai takes
Aliyah captive and bites her,Jackson appears and shoots Kai dead.After time flies,Jackson becomes Alpha
of Kai's pack,and leads them to a better way.Aliyah becomes a Luna wolf and remains by Kaiden's side,as
the continue with a normal life and move on with college.

Chapter 1

My name’s Aliyah Reed. I’m thirteen years old.

I live with my family in Seattle,I have an older brother called Jackson,he’s just three years older than me no
big deal.Although he doesn’t seem to think so.We’ve always been a very close family,despite our parents busy
schedule and frequent moves,they’ve always managed to make time for us.

Whatever mom and dad did must have required a lot of hard work,because they’d always insisted on giving us
training,at thirteen I already knew how to shoot and properly defend myself,of course I still had to carry on
with training until I was at least eighteen.I never really knew what they did,it didn’t occur to me to ask
either,all that mattered is that we were all together as family.Or at least I thought…..

Until the tragedy happened,One that changed the course of our lives completely.Dad had received a phone
call in the afternoon,the expression on his face changed as soon as he was told whatever news he received,he
turned to look at mom and they understood each other instantly.As soon as he hung up,they both left the
living room and headed upstairs,Jackson soon followed afterwards leaving me in the dark.

After what was 10minutes they all descended the stairs in a rush with black bags in there hands,Jackson took
them and rushed to the jeep outside.

“Alyah sweetheart we’ll be right back” mom said with a smile “something came up with work and we have to
check it out ok dear”

“Listen to your brother he’s in charge okay?!” Dad said coming in for a hug “incase of any trouble you know
what to do right?”

“Kick there ass!” I exclaimed with a smile

“That’s my girl!” He said proudly messing up my hair after a hug

“We won’t be long” mom said with d smile and they left
They talked with Jackson for a while outside,probably some instruction of some sort,they always did this
before leaving. I watched them through the window as the car drove off. Jackson came back and found me
standing by the curtains.

“You heard them,I’m in charge!!” He declared

“Jackson,you’ve been my brother for thirteen years now”I said sarcastically “I’m pretty sure I know the drill by
now” I finished as I threw myself on the couch lazily

I decided to watch some TikToks on my phone to pass the time as Jax watched a football match.I didn’t realize
when I fell asleep as I woke up to find Jackson wasn’t there.

“Jackson!” I called out “Jackson!!” I called louder

“Yes okay keep me updated” he said on the phone as he popped up from the kitchen “what’s wrong Alyah?”
He asked after hanging up

“Nothing,I thought I was alone. What time is it? Mom and dad aren’t back yet?” I asked with a yawn

“No,it seems there have been some delays they’ll be back any minute now. Go sleep in your room” he said

“And what about you?” I asked

“I’m a big boy” he teased and is scoffed “I’ll be fine.I’ll just wait up for them”

“Okay. Wake me when they get back” I said and he nodded with a slight smile

Tired as I was I dragged myself upstairs to my room.

3am in the morning,was the time I got up after getting the urge to go to the bathroom.On my way back to the
room I heard people talking and figured it was mom and dad,so I immediately went downstairs.

“No! There has to be a mistake!” Jackson yelled

“Jackson calm down your sister is upstairs” a man said

As I got closer to the staircase is what I heard

“This has never happened before! What the fuck happened!” I heard Jackson say in a low yet furious tone

“They were tailing a big one this time,I don’t understand why they didn’t inform us of anything and decided
to face it alone”

“No! This can’t be happening” he said tracing his fingers through his hair in a confused manner “They can’t be
dead!” He said to him

“I’m so sorry son,the remains of what was left of there bodies have sent to the morgue”

“Who’s dead?” I finally descended and asked

And they both turned to look at me in shook

As getting down I realized there were also a group of men who looked like bodyguards in and out the
house,all carrying guns in there hands.
“Alyah why are you awake at this time?” Jackson asked rubbing off his face

“I went to the bathroom,who died Jax?!” I asked no worries

“Alyah I…” he stummered with anguish all over his face as I looked at him in confusion

“I’m very sorry madam,but your parents have-“he was explaining as he got interrupted

“Passed away!” Jackson finished

“Wh-what?!” I stummered in disbelief

“Mom and dad were in an accident and” he said breathing in “they didn’t make it.They’re gone Alyah” he
finished and hugged me

I stood there in a total state of shock unable to move or comprehend what they were saying.

“You’re kidding me…right? This is some sick joke yeah? What do you mean they died?!” I asked

“No Alyah,Mr and Mrs Reed are dead.Jake’s brother,Roy will be your legal guardian,he will have arrived here
in the morning”the man said with pity

It was at that moment that the news finally hit me and tears began streaming down my face uncontrollably,I
felt my legs get weak as I fell to my knees.

“She doesn’t know anything?” The man whispered

“No! Our parents wanted to keep it that way” Jackson said “Did they do it?” He asked as they continued

“Here’s my number,we’ll talk more tomorrow. This is clearly not the time” he said as they both turned to me
and he nodded

“I am very sorry for your loss,we shall be available for whatever it is that you may need” the man said “I hope
you can get some rest” he said and signaled to to the men as they left the house

“Alyah?!” He called out to me for the third time as I snapped from my daze to look at him “we’ll be okay. I
promise you,I will always take care of you” he said an hugged me close

“She said she would be right back” I said in a faded and weak whisper in his embrace

“It will be okay” he reassured once again and tightened the hug “I will avenge you,I promise mom and
dad.even if it’s the last thing I do” he said to himself

Chapter 2

5yrs later

“I have just received yet another call from Arizona!” Roy said

“What did she do this time?” Jackson said chuckling in disbelief

“Apparently she broke a guy’s nose”

“Seriously?! Damn!” He said chuckling as Roy have him a sharp eye

“I mean damn-bad-girl” he said trying to cover

“Anhaaa” Roy said and tooled his eyes “well she has finally been expelled.She has to move back”

“No!! Cant she just be allocated to a different school?!” Jackson protested

“Jackson! You can’t protect her from everything forever,besides if It’s her safety your worried about,then here
is the best option”

“She can’t know the truth yet”

“Not now.but we will tell her.She has every right to know the truth,you were told younger than her right now
and you handled it fine”

“Ok uncle,but we’re not telling her anything until we are sure of its identity.We can’t risk it”

“That is fine. I will book her flight right now” uncle Roy said and heading to his room

“Ahh Aliyah,you finally got what you wanted” Jackson said to himself

Meanwhile in Arizona

“I demand to talk to my brother!” I yelled at the guards at my apartment

“Ma’am,we were told that you shall receive a phone call soon.And that’s that” one of them replied calmly

“You can tell them-I won’t stop until I get what I want even if it means moving to the fifth school” I said in
rage and paced the in the living room of the luxurious place they got me leaving at.As if they could by me off.

I was snapped back from thought as one of the men’s phone rang and he picked up

“Yes boss”the man said over the phone then handed it to me

“Hello” I said

“My lovely niece-“ was what he said for me to realize who I was talking to

“Uncle Roy,I wanna return to Seattle.5years is long enough don’t you think?” I asked firmly

“Yes Aliyah we got your message.Did you really have to go to such extreme though?” He asked

“I will do further more if you keep transferring me to more schools” I threatened

“Calm down now,there is no need for that.your flight is already been booked for tomorrow morning,we’ll be
expecting you then”

“It’s about time.Thank you uncle”

“Of course,Now please stay out of trouble in the next couple of hours”he pleaded

“I can’t make any promises”I teased and handed over the phone to the man

“Just like her mother this one” Roy said to himself “keep an eye on her,you will escort her to the airport
tomorrow morning,is that clear?”

“Yes sir” he responded and the call ended.

The following morning,just an hour before midday,Aliyah’s flight landed and was received and escorted by
some other similar looking men to a car,and was drive home.

“I’m finally home”I said to myself in exhaustion “after 5 years I have returned”

After my parents death,Uncle Roy did move in with us,I went into a mere state of shock with the news,it was
never clear to me what happened,all I knew is what I heard that night and that I would never see them again.
Two weeks after the funeral,Jackson suggested I go study somewhere else as a way to start over.I objected at
first,but being in that house,seeing there pictures everywhere,passing by there room,every day was torture. I
was still having a hard time accepting there death so in the end I agreed.

It started off great at first,a new school,new friends,a brand new city.Arizona is beautiful,but it wasn’t home.I
carried on with my training as of my late father’s wishes until I turned eighteen.and now I just work out to
maintain shape.I wasn’t very tall a mere_____my raven black hair had grown to my back,everything else
remained was as it was of course including my emerald green eyes.Apart from that I would say I still looked
the same.I was finally ready to face our home.And move forward.

We got home and it was just as I left it,I inhaled deeply at the sight of it,there were more cars added and my
parents jeep was still there.I got off the car was led inside,as I got in I couldn’t help but look around as the
memories of that night came flashing back.

“Aliyah!” Uncle Roy said coming in for a hug which snapped me to reality

“Hello uncle Roy” I said hugging him back

“Look at you,your a grown woman now!”

“We’ll am sure someone would beg to differ” I teased as Jackson appeared from the kitchen

“Baby sister!” He teased coming towards me

I almost couldn’t believe what I was looking at,it was Jackson but,not the little man I left 5 years ago.He was
now 21 with a similar drafted tattoo on his left arm just like dad’s,He’s body had incredibly built up too,The
resemblance to our father was now undeniable

“Come here!” he said taking me in for a hug

“I missed you soo much Aliyah”he added

“Ohh really”I mocked “so much so I had to punch my way here” I said

“That was awesome by the way! Preferably your best stunt” he whispered with a chuckle causing me to smile
in disbelief

“Is my room still around or did u turn it into a store or something” I teased

“Well actually the laundry room,but you can barely smell my socks now” he teased back

“Aghh Jackson!!” I complained and he laughed

“Go ahead,your luggage is already there” uncle Roy said

“Thank you uncle” I said and heading up to my room

Everything was as I left it,except for the neatly made bed.

“I can’t believe time has passed this much” I thought to myself as I stared at my photos

After looking around I went to mom and dad’s room,it was also neatly maintained,with there wedding photo
on one side of the bed and our family photo on the other.

“There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought of you guys,I miss you soo much” I said to myself wiping the
droplet streaming my cheek.

Then I went back downstairs after having arranged my room and clothes for some lunch.

“So what can I do here?” I asked as we dined on the table

“Go back to school” uncle Roy replied casually

“What?!” I asked

“Yes little sister,your credentials and report ms have already been sent to Westview high and they have
accepted you.You start class on Monday” he said with a coy smile

“That’s tomorrow!! I just got back!” I complained

“You better get some rest then” he casually said whilst eating

“That’s not fair,I did all of that just to get back here into another school!! How comes Jackson isn’t even going
to college?!”

“What you did wasn’t acceptable either young lady? You got what you want but you will still be going to
school of course!” Uncle Roy said

“And who said I don’t have school either ,I study my courses online while having job” Jackson added

“Well I could also do that and find a job!” I protested

“Absolutely not! Your just eighteen! Besides you only have senior year left and outstanding grades,why the
retaliation?” Jackson asked

“You will go to school Aliyah,you will take a car of your choice,once you get used to everything and show
changed behavior,then we’ll discuss your curfew and you getting a job” uncle Roy said

“A curfew?!“I repeatedly asked

“Yes a curfew! It’s not safe these days”he said

“So that’s why we have more men than the president?” I asked sarcastically

“What did our parents do exactly for us to receive such treatment?” I asked as the door opened and a guy
came in

“Hello father! What’s up Jackson” he casually said heading for us

“Thank God for your timing bro” Jackson said to himself as he sighed in relief

“Austin! My man!” Jackson said as they fist bumped and stood beside him

“Aliyah,this Austin. He’s like a son to me” uncle Roy explained

“I thought I was your son,dad?” The guy teased

“Hello nice to meet you”I said turning to look at him and he froze for a moment looking at me then shook my

“Pleasure is all mine” he then casually said

“Austin goes to Westview as well,so he’ll show you around”Jackson said “no big deal,right?” He asked Austin

“Of course.I could even pick you up in the morning” he politely offered

“Yes,that would be for the best. Your documentations including your license are still yet to arrive” uncle Roy

“Sure.” I said emotionless “it’s not like I have a choose anyways” I replied getting upset from my seat and
heading upstairs

“Is she okay?” Austin asked

“She’s fine. She does have a temper though,be careful” Jackson teased

“We’ll be fine in no time” Austin reassured “how’s the investigation going?” He asked

“We’re getting close.But we have to extra careful with what we say now,Aliyah can’t know about anything just
yet,so choose wisely what you say to her” Jackson said

“Understood”he firmly replied

Chapter 3

The following morning,I got up at early dawn and had my daily exercises from there I went to have a warm
shower and began getting ready for school. Jackson was right,I was always an A grader,I did all I could to
maintain to my grades despite my rebellions,which was another reason as to why they didn’t expel me
sooner.I always kept my self ahead in my studies and had a very sharp mind,all of which boosted my grades,I
had no doubt that Westview would be any different me.probably why soo didn’t interest me at the time.

I wore tight leather pants with a sleeveless black top barely revealing my abdomen along with white ankle
boots and a black jacket.I let my hair loose with a princess braid,my mom did it for me all the time.

After a final look in the mirror,I took my bad and went downstairs,no sooner had I reached the kitchen that
Austin honked the horn outside.

“Ma’am, I made this for you” a nice maid said offering a wrapt sandwich

“Ohh thank you so much,where is everyone?” I asked taking the food

“Mr Roy has gone out,Sir Jackson is still asleep“

“Has a job and studies huh” I said to my self chuckling

“Thank you-“

“Ana” she replied understandingly

“Thank you Ana” I said and was heading out when Jackson got down
“Little sister! Stay away from boys” he teased in a yawn as he got down

“With you as my brother,that won’t be too hard” I teased back and left the house

“Good morning!” Austin cheekily said opening the door of the jeep

“Why did you pick this one?” I asked as I got in

“A little birdie told me it was your favorite” he teased with a smile as he got in the started the car

I looked at him curiously but decided to drop it and had my sandwich

“So what’s the story between you and uncle Roy? Aunt Lily never had kids” I asked eating

“He knew my parents and took me in when they passed away” he said casually as I almost choked

“Are you okay? He asked

“Im fine!” I said after drinking some water he gave him “I’m sorry to have brought that up”

“It’s okay,you were just curious “ he replied

“Changing topics tell me about Westview”

“Well for one it isn’t that far from here we’ll be there in 15minutes tops.It’s not bad I guess for a school of
snobs” he said and I giggled

“I live in a house with tons of bodyguards and we’re riding to school in a jeep,are we really that different?” I
stated with a chuckle and he chuckled too

“Well sure but these people feel like they’re on top of the world or something,with parents as
governors,senators,soldiers and many many more,everyone feels better that the other”

“Aghhh,why do I already see myself getting expelled?” I said and he laughed

“Relax,apart form that some of the people there are pretty cool,it’s only a few percentage of the snobs,the
sport there is football and am assistant captain” he said

“Yes yes,brag why don’t you?!” I teased and he laughed

“There’s also cheerleading” he said

“So I can wave pompoms in half naked outfits each time you score,no thank you” I said sarcastically and he
laughed once more

“I didn’t think of it that way but now that you mention it-“he teased

“Yeah! Forget it!” He said and we both laughed

“There’s also swimming and a couple of clubs; science,arts,music,chess,math,dance,karate your choice” he

said and I remained silenced as we arrived at school

We were still 30min early according to schedule,enough time for me to see my classes and find my locker.He
parked the car and we walked towards the entrance.
As we walked in the glances and stares could be felt right away,some guys even whistled.the nerve.We were
having the same first class so that wasn’t a problem,he showed me to my locker and I got myself organized.

“I’ll be right back” Austin said as he was called by the coach

As I took all that I needed and was about to close the locker,I heard a girl complain as some guy harassed her.

“Let me go! What is wrong with you?” She said trying to release herself from his grip

“Why do you keep playing hard to get? am right here doll” he said with a smirk

“I don’t want you! Get that through your thick skull” the golden blonde girl said

I don’t know what it was but some thing about her confidence made me like her.I watched around as
everyone else carried on with what they were doing as if nothing was happening,literally no one even stared.

“Hey,let go of her!” I demanded as I yanked his grip from her

“And who do you think your are?!” He said angrily at me now,loud enough for people to actually stare at us

“She’s not into you,bro. Move on” I said and he laughed

“Ohh I see,well if you wanted me for yourself you should have just said so doll” he said with a grin and
attempted to touch my cheeks

I caught a hold of his arm and twisted it sideways causing him to scream in pain

“Don’t you dare lay a finger on me” I said chuckling “or her either” I added and released him with a push

Everyone was shocked,as if what I did has never happened before.the mummering could already be heard in
the hallways.

“Ohh you-“he began

“Jake?!” The couch called interrupting him mid way

“This isn’t over!” He mumbled

“I’ll be waiting” I said with a smile and he left

“Thank you so much,but you didn’t have to do that,now he will be all up in your face” the girl said

“Ehh I missed a little drama” I teased and she smiled

“I’m Debrah,but you can call me Debby”

“Aliyah” I said as we smiled at each other

“I leave you for 10 minutes-“ Austin said returning by my side

“Oh come on he asked for it”I teased and he laughed

“Let’s go before you keep pleasing other people” he said leading me to class

“See you around Aliyah” Debby said as we left

We got into class and I took a seat around the back as other got settled in.

“That’s my seat” a snobbish girl said to me

“There’s an empty seat right there” I said pointing beside us

“Then you move there,this is my seat” she said

I turned to look at Austin who was shaking his head signaling “no” and I turned back to look at her

I exhaled and was about to get up when the teacher said

“Laura take a seat!”

“My-“ she began

“Seat down please” the teacher insisted once more

And she sat down to the seat beside me and glared at me with rage as I rolled my eyes.

“Says here we have a new student,can you you identify yourself?” The teacher said looking around and I
raised a hand

“Ahh would you mind telling us a little about yourself” hhe added turning everyone’s attention onto me

I looked around and said “I’m Aliyah”

“Nice to meet you Aliyah.and-“he said gesturing for me to continue

“That’s it!” I said and some started laughing

He was about to say something when someone arrived at the door

“Your late,Scott” the teacher said to the guy at the door

He’d worn a black trouser tshirt and leather jacket without a single bag on him,he jet black hair was kind of
messy but in his own particular style i guessed,he just stood their with his blue eyes glaring at him in silence

“Take a seat”he finally said and he got in and headed for his seat right beside me in the corner of the room

“Now back to Geography” he said

I took out a book and began taking some notes Laura just glared at me still and noticing where I was seated I
finally realized what she was complaining was him,the mysterious guy beside me.I looked at him
pretty quick and he was just fiddling with his pen as if nothing was happening or he was just bored I decide to
focus and continued on writing

As class was over I gathered my things and got up only to bump into the brick wall that was this guy

"Damn it!" I said aloud as some people turned to look, he simply stared at me and said

"Watch where your going" he had this husky voice which was cool and emotionless

"What the-" I began in rage

"Mrs Reed Mr Scott join me here please" the teacher said cutting me shot
He passed by me and was on his way to his desk as I gathered my stuff,then walked over to them as the class
was now empty.

"Miss Reed,as I said before you happens to be really behind on your classes"

"It's fine I'll catch up,borrow some notes and do some studying you don't have to worry about that"

"I know your capabilities,I've seen your records.but I insist you get a tutor it will help more"he said

"No!" The guy said in control

"Mr Scott you have no participation in any extra curricular activity other than baseball which is not condoned"

"No" he said again

"Then I guess I'll have to enlighten the principal of your report,you could participate In in chess club"he said

"Sir you dont have to-" I began

"Fine"he cutted in lifted his bag and left the room

"Are you sure there's no other student who can do this?" I asked him

"I know he's a little intimidating,but he's an A grade student and the perfect tutor for you,also he needs to
learn people this benefits you both"

"(Aghh)" I sighed "Excuse me" I said and left

"Is everything okay" Debby asked me as soon as I left the room

"Aghh he insists I get a tutor and guess who that is?"


"The weird quiet guy,Scott something"

"Kaiden Scott?!" She asked excitedly

"Yeah I think so"

"Oh my God girl,i can't believe you will be studying with kaiden scott!"

"You speak of him as if he was a king"

"At West view he pretty much is! Practically every girl in this school has there eyes on him,and he has never
spoken to even one during his entire school year"

"That's just weird"

"Well the mystery behind him,makes him even more interesting" she said

"Aghh great! Am about to be the most hated girl here" I said and she just chuckled as we headed to our next

With our schedules I didn't see Debby til lunch break where we sat together
"Have you guys talked yet?" She asked referring to Kaiden

"No! Who does he think he is!?" I said eating my fries

"Kaiden Scott,top student,baseball co captain,and voted west view's hottest guy" she teased

"I'll show him!" I said getting up

"Aliyah!" She called out as I headed to to his table where he sat with a girl and four other guys,they all looked
at me intimidatingly

"Will you tutor me or not?" I asked upfront as he continued eating

"Do you need a written contract or something? I agreed,didn't I? He said in a harsh tone

"Well you haven't said anything to this point,how was I to believe what you said" I said calmly

”if you hadn't noticed,I'm not looking forward to this.i don't teach"

"You should have told him that! And not waste my time" I said now pissed "Some top student you are,you
can't even handle explaining the basic" I said getting up from there table to leave

"Fine Aliyah!!" He suddenly said,i didn't even realise he knew my name since, he wasn't present for my

"You win,i'll teach you" he said

"Tutor me"I corrected "you don't teach remember" I replied and left there table as people watched surprised

"What was that about?" Kora asked

"She's interesting" he replied

"A human!?" She asked sarcastically

"It's my final year let me have some fun"

Have some fun" he finished

"I'd like to see what these girls do for you talking to her" kora teased

"Let's find out" he said in a grin and got up

He came towards our seats just as Debby and I were about to leave and held my hand to a stop

"Meet me at the parking lot after class for the first session" he said to my ear

And slowly let go of my hand and walked away and everyone was stunned

"Aliyah!" Debby said chucking

"Class now" I interrupted and dragged her along

After classes,i told Austin I have tutoring to do and he understood without me even having to explain to
him,debby came over and we walked outside when a splash of water was thrown to my face and before I
realised it my top half was wet
"Oh my God I'm so sorry, it was an accident" she said as I quickly realised who it was

I opened my eyes to see Laura with her two companions who were practically giggling,before I could do
anything I felt a familiar touch to my hand.i turned and saw Kaiden standing beside me holding my hand,as
he already knew what I was about to do

"Ohh your wet Aliyah" he said and took of my soaked jacket

I was motionless since I couldn't fathom what exactly was happening right now.

He took off his jacket and covered me,and held onto mine

"Come on,we'll be late" he said and led me away whilst wrapping his hand on my shoulders

Chapter 4

We got on his bike and he rode away as we left people still not believing what they saw.we stopped on a
trailway which led to the forest and we walked on,

"What are you playing at,Scott?" I finally asked

"What do you mean?" He casually asked and kept walking

"I heard you don't talk to girls,what was that?!"

"Don't listen to rumours" he said and kept on walking

"If you think I'm on those girls who'll follow you around and bow to your feet,then you are highly

"I'm aware" "where are we going?"

"To study"

"In the woods?"

"I don't have notes I don't use books, I learn practically"

"That's crazy"

"More crazy than you following a stranger in the woods!" He said and I was about to say something but
no words came out

The forest wasn't scary or maybe its just daytime,he explained alot to me as I followed behind taking
notes,as weird as it was I was actually getting what he said.when i had time I'd sketch some of the
features.before I knew it fifty minutes had gone by."that's enough for today" he said

"Okay"I said as I packed my notebook while we walked back,until I stumbled on log and fell down
"Ouch!" I exclaimed feeling a sharp pain on my knee

"Are you okay?" He asked helping me up "for a tough girl,you sure get yourself in alot if trouble"

"Trouble finds me"I replied noticing the bruise on my torn trouser

"Come here" he said and carried me up

"What are you doing? I can walk!!" I said

"No need to be dramatic princess I'm trying to help" he said as he carried me to his bike

"Princess,really!?" I repeated in sarcasm

"Yeap,your demanding,defensive and don't take no for an answer,always wanting things your way.stuck
up princess to me"

"Asshole!" I replied and he chuckled

Revealing his perfectly white teeth just for a second

"Seat still!" He ordered plucked some leaves from a tree,with one handkerchief he wiped off the blood
that oosed with another he wrapped up my knee with the leaves.he helped me onto the bike and drove
me home."you didn't have to drive me home"I said as we walked up the porch

"I didn't ask"he said helping me to the doorway

"And you say I'm the arrogant one"

"Aren't you he teased?" He teased

Uncle Roy opened for us and led us in,he didn't seat down showing he wasn't staying,Jackson came
down and found us and his face turned sour

"On your first day of school,you get hurt and bring a boy?" He teased

"He's just a-" I began then thought about it "friend,and this was an accident"

"Anhaa sure"he replied "He's some water,young man" uncle Roy offered to Kaiden and he accepted with
a slight smile and drank it whole

"Thank you sir,i'll get going now"he said handing back the glass

"Your welcome"he replied and Kaiden left

I got up and went to my room and uncle Roy remained with Jackson

"Out of all the people,he gets attracted to my sister!" He demanded

"Stay calm,look at what Aliyah brought us so easily" he said shoving the glass

"Go get this tested for DNA and see if it matches the blood or fur" he said and Jackson smiled doing as
he was told

I exhaled deeply after catching his scent from the jacket,it smells alot like him.i began to recall the event
of the day from him holding my hand to the jacket to my wound.

"theres no way I could be attracted to him,i just met him,i must be crazy" I said to myself and had a

The next day I got dressed and wore his jacket and left for school with Austin,why did I wear the jacket? I
felt the face slap to Laura wasn't enough and this would be nice to

watch.when I got to school everyone quickly identified the jacket and mummering was endless, I met
Debby along the way who couldn't help but laugh and insisted I gave her an explanations.

When we got in class I noticed Laura had already sat on my place,i didn't mind and just sat on the seat
she sat on yesterday.she gave me a piercing look as she looked at the jacket and I smiled back at her,she
was about to say something when Kaiden came in class and she controlled herself and began to smile.

To everyone's surprise he didn't take he's usual seat,instead he came and sat beside me and when the
seat's owner came,he didn't say a word and just sat where he did beside Laura.a and I couldn't help but

After class I told everything to Debby and she insisted that he had a fling for me which I refused to

"Girl,your wearing his jacket,riding his bike,seating beside him in class and he holds your hand!" She said
dramatically and I chuckled

"He's just teasing" I replied

He came over and met us outside the school as usual

"Hey"he finally said to Debby "you ready?" He asked me before Debby could even mutter a reply and I

"I'll talk to you later"I said to Debby and we left to our usual always he gave me some pointers
and I wrote them down.until suddenly we heard some growling from the bushes We both got up for
precautions he kept me behind him as we listened and slowly a large and wild brown dog was coming
towards us full of aggression,i immediately clinged onto his arm as he continued to shield me

"Kaiden" I called in a worry

"Relax,it won't do anything"

"Kaiden that's a wolf"

"I won't let it hurt you,trust me"

It came close to us step by step and I felt like my heart is about to sink

It was so close now that it was merely a foot away it growled at us,Kaiden wasn't even the littlest bit
scared,as he growled some more,it was just it and him staring at each other.i was fully behind him,i
didn't want to see anything.his ocean blue eyes became a shining royal blue as it glanced at it,it began to
yelp and slowly retreated and ran away.

"Your safe now princess"he said as his eyes changed to a normal shade and turned to me

"Come,lets go home"he said and let me back to the bike

She was still very shaken as I could tell from her silence,id never seen her like that I just wanted to
protect her at that moment in any way I the time we got to the bike she just stopped to stare at
me cluelessly.i don't know why but I hugged her at that moment. And she clinged onto me so closely I
could hear her racing heartbeat.tgen suddenly she pulled back and I also snapped out of it

"Lets go" she said in a low weep

I got on and rode the bike as she held on tight.when we got home she simply went in and I rode back

I immediately went upstairs to my room without saying a word.i took a shower and eased my nerves
more.when I looked over my desk I saw some documents my driver's licence and a brand new
phone.from my notes I took debby's number and called her,i caught her up on everything leaving out
what happened today.

"I swear you two would make the perfect couple I totally ship you"

"Don't exaggerate"

"Aliyah don't tell me you feel nothing for me him,not even a little?" She asked and I was taken back to
what happened a while ago and smiled to myself

"Well there was today"I said to myself

"The test results are back"Uncle Roy said and Jackson came closer to him

"Well then?"he asked in anticipation

As uncle Roy opened the envelope brought to him and read through it

"It's a perfect match,its positive" he said and Jackson's face turned sour

"Kaiden Scott.i finally got you"

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