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Dear Transylvania University Exchange Program Coordinator,

I am writing to express my strong support for Anastasiia Kosiak in her application to the prestigious
academic mobility program at Transylvania University. Having had the honor of having Anastasiia in my
Communication psychology class for the last 6 months, I wholeheartedly recommend her for this
exceptional opportunity.

Anastasiia Kosiak is a unique student who has shown exceptional initiative on various projects. She excels in
independent work and consistently aims for peak performance in all her tasks. Her work ethic and
dedication to academic pursuits are truly commendable. Anastasiia's commitment to excellence is evident
in her pursuit of knowledge, her outstanding analytical skills, and her ability to tackle complex concepts
with ease.

In addition to her individual achievements, Anastasiia also stands out for her interpersonal skills. She has
the unique ability to communicate her ideas clearly and persuasively, making her an effective and engaging
contributor in both class discussions and group projects. Her passion for communication psychology,
combined with her exceptional communication skills, has led to enriching and thought-provoking
discussions within our class.

I am confident that Anastasiia Kosiak will thrive in the academic mobility program at Transylvania
University, furthering her academic and personal growth. I wholeheartedly recommend her for this
opportunity and believe she will represent her home institution with the highest levels of honesty and
exceptional quality.

Thank you for considering Anastasiia`s application. I have no doubt that she will make the most of this
opportunity and contribute significantly to the academic life at Transylvania University.

Your sincerely,

Elena Tofini

Professor of Psychology

Kyiv National Linguistic University

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