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Australian English Lesson – Listening exercises

Video 1: Johnny Depp’s dogs “Pistol” and “Boo”

 snuck them in: (snuck is the simple past form of sneak) to take someone or
something somewhere secretly.

E.g. Jan doesn't have a ticket but I thought we might sneak her in.

 euthanise: einschläfern
 bugger off (vulgar Australian slang): a rude way of telling someone to go away.

E.g. Bugger off, will you?

 permit: an official document that allows you to do something or go somewhere -


1. What did Jonny Deep do?
2. How did the Department of Agriculture (Barnaby Joyce) find out that Jonny Depp’s
dogs were in the country?
3. What’s the process if you want to bring animals/pets into Australia?
4. Which award did Jonny Deep win but didn’t help him in this situation?

Video 2: Koala
 Go south (slang): something going wrong or worsening.

E.g. A deal is about to “go south,” meaning it is headed toward failure, or that profits are
“going south” meaning that profits are decreasing.

 Wanker: a very stupid or unpleasant person, usually a man - wichser

1. Why was the Koala in a hurry to get going?
2. Where does the Koala want to go?
3. Why does the Koala want to remove the windshield?
4. At the end of the interaction (Austausch), how long will the Koala have to spend in the tree?
5. What was the racist remark by the human?

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