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Pentury (2017) with title Development inner teacher creativity learning

creative English lessons _ show results First ; Teacher is key success education .
Second ; Teachers are sued can be a role model creative (creative role model) who
develops attitudes and behavior self with give inspiration and motivation with
create atmosphere class , materials and methods as well as technique creative
learning _ For development students . Third ; Teacher always learn and more
flexible use ability pedagogy so that it can develop effective , efficient and
creative learning . _ Fourth ; The teacher teaches lesson Language English at Waai
Elementary School IV only two people, MGMP activities are lacking active , and
inclined do method conventional . Fifth ; Activity learning creative encourage
teachers more motivated and inspired do learning more creative _ significant .
Rahmat et al. (2018) with title The Relationship between Teachers' Teaching
Styles and Motivation Study Students in English Subjects . Research results show
that There is strong relationship _ between style teach teachers with motivation
Study student at MI NW Dasan Agung Mataram be marked with Asymp Sig
(0.002) < p-value (0.05) and the CC value is 0.606. Activity Study teach No only
lies with the teacher alone but students also come along mix in the learning
process teach . Motivation Study considered important in the learning process
student Because works encourage , move and direct . For increase motivation This
Can obtained from in self nor from outside self students . 26 One factor For
increase motivation Study student is teacher's efforts in learning that is not
regardless from the quality of teachers who teach and methods or style teach the
teacher Creativity style teaching a fun teacher as well as exists application
curriculum in a way No direct can grow enthusiasm and motivation Study student
to something lesson . This thing explained in Hendra 's book states that “ learn too
can taking place with OK , if driven by strong interest and motivation _ can
caused by how inner teacher way teach ”.
Manganganti et al. (2022) with title Influence Teacher Creativity and
Motivation Study Student Regarding Learning Outcomes Student Class V State
Elementary School in District Wanea . Research results This show that (1) exists
influence significant teacher creativity towards results Study Mathematics student
class V of State Elementary School in the District Wanea . Based on t value is
known calculated t value 3.371> 2.019 t table with thereby variable Teacher
creativity (X1) has an influence to results Study student (Y); (2) exists influence
significant motivation Study student to results Study Mathematics student class V
of State Elementary School in the District Wanea . Based on t value is known
calculated t value 3.217 > 2.019 t table . With thus , variable motivation Study
students (X2) are influential significant to results Study student (Y); (3) exists
influence significant teacher creativity and motivation Study student in a way
together to results Study Mathematics student class V of State Elementary School
in the District Wanea . Correlation value relationship (R) of 0.482 from the output
obtained coefficient The determinant (R square) is 0.232. This thing means that
23.2% yield Study Mathematics student can explained by variables motivation
Study student whereas the remainder , namely 76.8% is explained by variables
other .
Arum et al. (2021) with title is Behavior Creative Teachers influence
Motivation Study Students during the Covid- 19 pandemic ? Research results This
show that behavior creative teachers have connection positive and significant with
motivation Study students . Behavior creativeyang can teachers do, among others
is video making learning himself , using a singing tone For material hard lesson ,
take it originating example _ from around House students , and create a YouTube
channel yourself . Behavior creative teachers in planning and implementing an
active learning process innovative creative effective and fun will strengthen
motivation Study student during Covid-19 pandemic .

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