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Revision Test - Halves and Quarters
15 Questions

1. Which fraction can be used to represent colored region in this


A 7/3 B 3/7

C 7 / 10 D 3 / 10

2. Which fraction can be used to represent colored region in

this figure?

A 3/8 B 5/3

C 3/5 D 5/8

3. Which fraction can be used to represent colored region in this


A 5/6 B 1/ 5

C 1/2 D 5/7
4. Which figure shows fraction 1/2



5. Find : 1/2 of 36 = _______

6. Find : 3/6 of 42 = ______

7. Select equivalent fractions for 1 / 4

A 5 / 10 B 3 / 12

C 4 / 10 D 2/8

8. Select equivalent fractions for 1 / 2

A 3 / 12 B 4 / 10

C 2/8 D 5 / 10

9. Pawan bought 8 burgers for his party. At the end of the party 3
burgers were left. What fraction of the hamburgers were eaten?
10. How much is 5 / 2 of 10?

A 15 B 20

C 25 D 10

11. Two or more fractions that name same amount are called __________ fractions.

A equivalent B simple

C common D proper

12. The fractions which have 1 as the numerator are called fraction.

A unit B proper

C improper D mixed

13. The simplest form of 8 / 20 is

A 4 / 10 B 4/5

C 4 / 10 D 2 / 10

14. Simplest form of 30 / 45 is _______

15. John had 18 picture cards. He gave 1/ 3 of them to Mariam. How many picture
cards does he have now ?

A 13 B 14

C 15 D 12

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