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Struggling with writing your thesis on pneumonia? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and

well-researched thesis on such a complex medical topic can be immensely challenging. From
gathering relevant data to analyzing research papers, and presenting your findings in a coherent
manner, every step demands precision and expertise.

The process of writing a thesis on pneumonia involves delving deep into medical literature,
understanding the intricacies of the disease, exploring various treatment approaches, and critically
evaluating existing research. Moreover, you need to ensure that your thesis adds value to the field by
offering insights or proposing innovative solutions.

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Vaccine efficacy against AOM varies for individual serotypes. Children suffering from OM may
misbehave at school, and their ability to learn may be affected due to pain or diminished hearing.
This is especially important in remote Aboriginal communities due to their high burden of disease,
but MLST information obtained from the general population is also needed for comparative
purposes. The challenge dose and ratio of strains in the inoculum (input ratio) was determined
retrospectively, as described in Section 2.12.2. Groups of up to five mice were euthanased 24 h, 48 h
and 72 h post-challenge. These two STs differ by only one MLST allele and were reported in the
study by Sjostrom et al. (2006) described in Section 1.3.2. Autolysin (LytA) Autolysins are
enzymes that degrade the peptidoglycan backbones of bacteria resulting in cell lysis (Lopez et al.,
1997). LytA is another choline binding protein (Holtje Page 40. The PCR product was sampled
every 3 cycles from cycle 18 onwards and electrophorised on a 2% agarose gel. The remaining
isolates were identified as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas and Proteus,
Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterobacter and Shigella. You will learn what it means to write an
essay for a thesis, how to do it, and some ideas for how to best structure your own work by creating
a thesis. The absence of the sulfatase gene in MSHR11 and MSHR17 explains why it was not
detectable through PCR-based subtractive hybridisation. The library was sequenced using the
Illumina high-throughput next-generation sequencing platform. Blood was taken from the hearts and
serially diluted in sterile SB. Marb?an, O., Segovia, J., Menasalvas, E. and Fern?andez-Baiz?an, C.
(2009). Toward data. This is because a higher concentration of the desired construct would be
obtained compared to overlap PCR, which would therefore increase the probability of obtaining a
transformant. Her baseline systolic blood pressure is 100-110 and it was measured in the low 90’s in
the ED. What are the exceptions to these patterns or generalizations. Studies with serotype 3 capsule
expression mutants have shown that at least 6% of the parental level of capsule is needed to colonise
with approximately 20% required to colonise mice as effectively as the parent (Magee and Yother,
2001). To determine the clinico-aetiological factors of severe and very severe pneumonia and its
outcome in children aged two -months to five-years in a tertiary health care centre in Odisha, India.
It should cite those who had the idea or ideas first, and should also cite those who have done the
most recent and relevant work. If your study encompasses an active process, researchers working on
the same process in the ancient record. A report by Silva et al. (2006) also found that isolates of the
same ST and serotype produced different levels of bacteremia in an i.p. mouse model. Therefore, it
appears that there are other factors in addition to ST that influence disease. Sequence analysis of this
region in G54 showed that there is a premature stop codon in the gene for the hypothetical protein
that is annotated as sph1928 in Hungary19A-6 due to a single base-pair insertion. Lastly, it is the
reactivation of latent microorganisms like pneumocystis jiroveci and mycobacterium tuberculosis. A
plethora of risk factors are associated with OM, including exposure to tobacco smoke, older siblings,
genetic predisposition, attendance at group daycare and season. But dataset having an imbalance
with a 3 to 1 ratio, which can lead to unwanted results. Hence From the above discussion, the
research question will be. Indeed, it has been reported that up to 30% of strains show resistance to
multiple drug classes, and treatment failures in meningitis, OM and pneumonia have been attributed
to antimicrobial resistance (Lynch and Zhanel, 2005). The study of accessory regions is certainly an
important area of pneumococcal research, although there appears to be no simple answer to the
question of why some Page 305. Convolutional layer fold the one layer’s input and pass as output to
the next layer, where. In order to overcome this, a PCR-based subtractive hybridisation method was
adapted to detect genes present in serotype 3 isolates of both ST180 and ST458 which were not
represented on the microarray slide. Furthermore, the serogroup 11 isolates tested were avirulent in
mouse invasive disease models, while the serotype 3 isolates tested were virulent.
At present, the emergence of antibiotic resistance is a widespread phenomenon that has been
established as a major global healthcare threat. The “boneyard” of MSHR17 contained some genes
that were identified as absent in WCH206 (ST180 like OXC141) but present in MSHR17 through
DNA microarray analysis (spn2160, spn0477, spn0695, spn0697, spn0397 and spn2159). Journal of
Experimental and Theoretical Analyses (JETA). The genomes of ST180 isolates or highly related
isolates have been compared in other studies. MSH R17 a nd W U2 ar e beli eved to ca rry th e sam
e gen es as D39 and T IGR4. MobileV2 is faster than the previous version MobileNetV1 with the
ability to produce the. Therefore, even though the system identified in Chapter 4 was deleted, other
transport systems may have been compensating for its loss. For old people, the occurrence of the
disease rises from 94 cases at the age of 44 to 280 incidences per 100,000 individuals aged above 65
years (Case study, n.d.). Numerous accessory regions have been identified in signature-tagged
mutagenesis (STM) studies using murine invasive disease models, but it has been difficult to identify
a specific region that is consistently found in invasive but not carriage isolates (Blomberg et al., 2009;
Polissi et al., 1998; Lau et al., 2001; Hava and Camilli, 2002). Some sequences detected were absent
in D39 but present in TIGR4, including TIGR4 capsule sequence. Potential reviewers of your
manuscript or your thesis committee. Ideally, as few cycles as possible should be performed to
reduce background amplification. In some cases, sph1922 R and sph1928 F with strains WCH206
and MSHR11 as size comparisons were used. Aliquots were thawed and inoculated into appropriate
media. Therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish between the influence of genotype and serotype.
All other researchers using the same technique you have used. Ho weve r, the sequ ence in betw een
this r egion varie s in OXC1 41 a nd G 54 co mpar ed to D39 and TIG R4, a lthou gh b oth re gions
app ear t o en code pro teins for s ugar utili satio n. The combination of accessory regions possessed
by ST180 may explain why this ST tends to dominate in serotype 3 worldwide, but the combination
of accessory regions of ST458 may make it better adapted for the microenvironmental niches in
remote Aboriginal communities. Page 306. The MSHR17 alignment was reanalysed at this region,
but there was no strong indication of the presence of an insertion apart from a poor alignment at the
very end of the transporter gene (Figure 7.15). 77.44 RReeccoonncciilliiaattiioonn ooff
GGeennoommee SSeeqquueenncciinngg DDaattaa wwiitthh CChhaapptteerr 44 DDaattaa 7.4.1
Comparison to microarray data In Chapter 4, the genome of the ST180 middle ear isolate WCH206
was compared to the genome of MSHR17 using DNA microarray analysis. The serotype 3 strains
used were WU2, WCH206, WCH207, MSHR11, MSHR17, along with the serogroup 11 strains
Page 116. Annals of Clin. Microbiol. and Antimicrob., 11(9): 1-6. Weberhofer, P. (2008). The Role of
Klebsiella oxytoca in Antibiotic- Associated Colitis:Comparison of Polymerase Chain Reaction as a
New Detection Method for K. While OM does not have the high rates of mortality associated with
invasive pneumococcal diseases, such as meningitis, it has an extremely high rate of morbidity, with
most children suffering at least one episode of OM during their early childhood years. They reported
that about 79 % of Klebsiella isolates were resistance to gentamicin. A deep learning approach for
COVID-19 and pneumonia detection from chest X-r. In this study, we report for the first time on the
effect of sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MICs) of gentamicin and ciprofloxacin on
biofilm formation by K. pneumoniae. In addition, by using biofilm inhibition and disruption assays,
we have also assessed the role of proteins in formation and composition of K. In the present research,
the biological characteristics and pathogenesis of clinically isolated K. It was not known whether this
was because of differences in capsule production or growth on BA. Theory composing is a subject
that has been concentrated on by many individuals. However, people who are having trouble bre
athing, with other medical problems, and the elderly may need greater care. Sequencing work on
pspA suggests that clades are ST-related (Rolo et al., 2009) and the four ST180 isolates in that study
were all PspA Clade 3, which is the same as the two ST180 isolates in this study.
An approach of cervical cancer diagnosis using class weighting and oversampli. Their clinical
parameters were recorded and were followed up till discharge or death. The four serotype 3 strains
typed from the MSHR, which also displayed identical protein profiles to one another in Section
3.2.1, had the same ST as well, which was ST458. One strain was labelled with Alexa Fluor 647 and
the other with Alexa Fluor 555 for one slide, with the dyes reversed for the second slide. This
indicates that deleting the island has an additional impact on sepsis over and above lung colonisation
and translocation. For old people, the occurrence of the disease rises from 94 cases at the age of 44
to 280 incidences per 100,000 individuals aged above 65 years (Case study, n.d.). The products of
the primary PCRs and amplification of the antibiotic resistance cassette were purified as described in
the following section. Although it is clear from the capsule switch study of Chapter 3 that serotype
alone is not enough to determine disease profile, it does not mean that capsule serotype does not
influence disease. Then, the solution was poured into the gel tank with the combs in place and let to
cool for 30 min. The paper I have got was well written and plagiarism free. Abstract A good abstract
explains in one line why the paper is important. Immediately upstream of this gene is the gene for a
hypothetical protein of about 250 amino acids (sph1922, spg1693). The presence of the 16S rRNA
gene amplicon alone indicted the tested DNA sample contained neither magA nor k2A. This model
allowed assessment of the immune responses to S. Mice were sacrificed 1, 2, 4 and 7 days post-
inoculation and the number of bacteria on the surface of the nasopharynx (nasal wash), as well as in
the nasopharyngeal tissue (nasal cut), lungs, blood, ears and brain were determined. Page 121. As
mentioned earlier subsection 3.3 Dataset is already separated in training, testing. According to the p -
values from small to large, the top 20 KEGG pathways with the most significant differences were
selected to draw Figure 8. Islam, S. R., Maity, S. P., Ray, A. K. and Mandal, M. (2019). Automatic
Detection of. This thesis investigates the targets and function of naturally-acquired IgG to S. The
single colonies of lung bacteria were picked for KHE specific gene PCR verification of K. Overlap
extension PCR was performed using the ExpandTM Long Template PCR system with the
aforementioned reaction conditions. These results agreed with those declared by Garrity (2005).
Page 77. Abdul Razzaq et al. (2013) referred that although, previous studies on rmpA gene were
restricted with serotype K2 strains, rmpA gene also exists in serotype other than K2. Sharma, A.,
Raju, D. and Ranjan, S. (2018). Detection of pneumonia clouds in chest X-. Note that from the first
issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. However, most of the small
gaps and poor overlaps were in fact found in transposases, intergenic sequences or BOX elements.
Each category having two folders called Normal and pneumonia which having images. At this point
it was assumed that all potential clones which could be cloned had been examined. Photo provided
by A.J. Leach. a1172507 Text Box NOTE: This figure is included on page 27 of the print copy of the
thesis held in the University of Adelaide Library. Page 49. This was done because of the low copy
number of bacterial genes compared to eukaryotic transcripts, and results in a larger number of single
tester molecules available at the start of the secondary hybridisation (Akopyants et al., 1998).
Although this is believed to increase the efficiency of the secondary hybridisation (Akopyants et al.,
1998), it was unknown what influence this would have on background.
In order to identify PTS 1, BLAST searches were conducted using the sequence identified in the
PCR-based subtractive hybridisation study (Section 4.3.6). In order to identify PTS 2, the sequence
of spr0282 (IIC component of PTS 2) was used. When effusion discharges through a tympanic
membrane perforation persistently for 6 weeks or more, the infection becomes known as chronic
suppurative otitis media (CSOM). Your answer is now a basis for the research paper thesis statement;
expand it providing more evidence, ideas which you will later support in your. The aqueous phase
was carefully removed and the phenol extraction was repeated at least twice. Reactions 3 and 4 used
the product from a ligation reaction with adaptor 2R. Zinc is important for the synthesis of DNA, the
formation of membranes, and production of cells in the body. Ply is believed to only play a modest
role in middle ear inflammation with Page 54. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology
(JFMK). The analysis of isolates from these two STs using DNA microarray analysis, PCR-based
subtractive hybridisation and next generation sequencing, identified only one accessory region to be
further explored for a role in OM, and even then there was a major difference between the two STs
due to a large deletion in ST458. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Strain MSHR5 harboured two pspC
genes; one with a choline binding motif (group 3) and the other with an LPxTG binding motif (group
9). There are several different factors that could help to ensure a better quality of life for L. M.
Consistent trach care and good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of bacteria entering the airways and
causing recurrent respiratory infections. Alexander, C. and Rietschel, E. (2001). Bacterial
lipopolysaccharides and innate immunity. J. Endotoxin Res., 7: 167-202. Al-Hilfi, S. (2009). The
sensitivity of the Escherichia coli isolated from urinary infections to the two current antibiotic
Ciprofloxacin and Lomefloxian. M.Sc. thesis. Al-Mustansiriyah University, College of Science,
Department of Biology. Page 109. Podschun et al. (2001) reported that the percentage of K. Method:
This is a hospital based retrospective and descriptive study seeing the pediatric admission through
emergency from April 2017 to March 2018. Three hundred and eleven (95.7 %) were clinical
samples, while the rest (14) were environmental samples (4.3 %). 3-2 Identification of Klebsiella
isolates: Several morphological, physiological and biochemical tests were made to identify bacterial
isolates. Although these components could not be identified in D39, R6 or TIGR4 using the BLAST-
N program of NCBI, these components could be identified in G54 using the BLAST-N program
available through the website of the J. Information about other isolates with the same or related ST
can also be obtained from the website. Solution. this research is conducted to develop a system that
can identify pneumonia from. It is possible that these genes could play a role in pathogenesis, as well
as PTS 1. On Day 2, the number of bacteria in the blood of WCH206 was shown to be statistically
significantly higher than either MSHR5 or MSHR53 with a P value of 0.0259 for both strains. Page
129. For more information on the journal statistics, click here. The products of the primary PCRs and
amplification of the antibiotic resistance cassette were purified as described in the following section.
Immunisation of pregnant women to confer passive immunity in their babies is one method that has
been suggested to help overcome this problem (Dunbar et al., 2007). As the source of bacteria is
believed to be from family members, methods of preventing transmission within families, such as
access to improved hygiene facilities, are of vital importance as well (Smith-Vaughan et al., 2008).
Page 52. Until then, reported statistics will be incomplete. RSV causes about one third of CAP cases
in young children treated in-hospital. The diagnostic accuracy of sputum in HAP has yet to be
established. Based on the level of variation between genomes sequenced to date, it has been
proposed that the genetic pool of S. Islam et al. (2017). The newly proposed method helps to ?nd
new result with increasing. Mahesh et al. (2010) reported that highest cases were recorded by urine
source and the lowest by wound source.

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