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Month 1

Research & System Setup

Days 1-3: Log into the Membership Portal, and consume the material.

The first step, is to get comfortable with the material, and to absorb it so you're in the right
headspace going forward. You're not going to act on the material yet, but it's important that you
absorb the material. If you're doing it right, this process should take you a day or so..especially if
you're asking questions in the group to clear things up.

Days 3-8: Pick a niche & research that niche to find out if it's viable

After consuming the material, go re-watch the niche selection video, and the high ticket offer
creation video, to learn about picking a niche. At this point, which should take about a week,
you''re finding out what niche you like, which niche is viable, and which niche has a painful
problem that you would like to solve.

Days 8-12: Research your niches pain points further

After picking a niche, it's time to dive deep into what their paint points are -- which plagues
them? Again, watch the prior niche videos to learn how to do this. If you're doing this part
properly (which means you know a day in their life), it should take you another couple of days. DO
NOT RUSH THIS PART. I know you'll want to, but don't.

Days 12-14: Create your offer based on the prior steps information

Based on the information you find about your niche in days 8-12, create an offer based on the
prior information. Go watch the video in the membership portal about creating an offer, and
check out the associated document/worksheet. This should take you a few days (it won't be
perfect at this point, but we will test various iterations later)..

Days 14-20: Setup your LinkedIn Profile: Write articles, setup LI Helper,
calendar etc etc...
So now you: know your niche, know their pain points, and have an offer you feel is solid. Now, you
need to setup your LinkedIn profile (watch the video in the membership area), write articles
relevant to your niche, and setup LinkedIn Helper (videos in the membership area explain this). If
you need help with any prior steps, ask me in the Telegram group, Facebook group or private DM.
By now you should also go ahead and build your scheduling software (calendly/scheduleonce)
and buy a private domain for your private email...

Days 20-30: Launch the organic lead-generation machine

At this point, everything is set. You have your system prepped, you've crafted articles to make
your profile look good, you have LinkedIn Helper installed, your booking software is ready to go,
it's time to launch the system. (Membership portal, again, explains how to connect)

You can book your call with me at any point. I typically advise people to book
their calls after you've done everything here, but it's entirely up to you!
Month 2
System Auditing & Improvement

Days 30-60: Continue implementing operation organic assault

At this stage, everything is up and running.

It's all about fine-tuning the machine at this point.

Ideally, here's what your organic outreach schedule should look like each day:

- Wake up, send off 30-cold emails

- Turn your LinkedIn system on and connect with 100 people daily (less if your account is new, so
you should throttle up from 30, 50, 70, 100 over the course of a few weeks)
- Schedule all your sales calls for after the above tasks are complete

If one iteration of your message isn't resonate with your market, improve it, and test some more.

Throughout this process, you should be constantly writing daily posts on LinkedIn, which are
relevant to your markets pain points, and at least 1 article per-week.

If everything is going well, your LinkedIn connection rate should be around 30%. Which means
that 30% of the people you send connection requests to are accepting that request.

If you're not reaching that number, it's time to test some more connection messages (we have
templates available), and test some more offer angles.

When the system is running smoothly, you'll know because:

- You'll be setting at least 1-3 discovery, or sales calls per-day

- You'll be generating at least 1-3 clients per-month (it'll be higher, once your closing skills

If you aren't hitting these numbers, you need to switch up your approach (which is why I give
monthly calls to everyone, so that I can help you overcome these hurdles).

Month 3-6

Days 60-180: Automate

By Month 3-6, you should have a few clients.

Ideally 3-5, if you've put in the work.

This isn't what I guarantee to you, it's just a fair benchmark after 3-months of work. This also
depends on your prior experience, etc...and how many hours of directed work you're actually
putting in.

If you've achieved that 3-5 client mark, whether it's by month 3, or by month 6, you need to start
automating your processes.

This means hiring staff to perform "drone" work.

By drone work, I mean stuff you don't want to do: paid-traffic, creating funnels, customer service,
creating graphics etc...

Ben and I only focus on high-level tasks right now -- sales calls, and business growth planning.

We have people that do the "drone" work for us.

During months 3-6, is when you'll find a lot of usefulness in your monthly calls with me, because
I'll help you increase the velocity with which you work.

"Small" adjustments, will lead to massive changes at this point.

By month 6, provided:

- You've put in the work

- You've taken your time with each step to do things properly
- You haven't switched 100 different business models
- You've taken notes
- You've implemented should be ready to set sail on your own, and leave this Mentorship Program for good --
unless of course you still want to be apart of the group to have Ben and I help you when you need

This quick outline was designed to help you get a better idea for whats possible, and to give you
a little bit more structure in the program, to go along with our monthly calls, and the resources
available to you.

Now, this is just an example. It may take longer, it may take less time. It's entirely dependent
on you as a person.

In any case, I look forward to helping you along the way!

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