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ROS Web Working Group

NOTE: We have discontinued this meeting in favor

of the Foxglove Community Meetup, which you can
join here.

Important links:
● Website
● Charter / Community / Governance
● Mailing List
● Backlog / Roadmap [TODO link]
● Meeting Recordings
● Calendar Invite / Meeting Link
● Chat room (invite)


● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
● Backlog grooming
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items

2022-08-25 Meeting Notes

● Roman is working on new TypeScript rosbridge-client
● Marco Antonio Arruda
● Christian
○ New Kiwibot rosboard-client package mentioned on Discourse
● Adrian
○ Update on future of this meeting: Discontinue “web working group” meetings for
now, due to lack of contributions from non-Foxglove employees.
○ New Foxglove community meetup

2022-07-28 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ (Adrian) Message definitions at runtime for next ROS 2 distro (Iron)
■ Had discussion with Audrow/William, proposal is REP-2011
○ Future of this meeting
■ Probably focus on web connectivity
■ Move to monthly since attendance is low
● Backlog grooming
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items

2022-07-14 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ Last meeting’s discussion
■ Merge with tooling WG?
● One vote for no; little movement
■ Robot connectivity from browsers as a direction
● More targeted
○ (audrow) Message definitions at runtime for next ROS 2 distro (Iron)
■ Description
■ Definition of done
■ Context:
● Backlog grooming
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items

2022-06-30 Meeting notes

● START THE MEETING RECORDING! (no recording this meeting)
● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ Roman: I propose that we re-focus the group on robot connectivity from
● Backlog grooming
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting

Action items:
- Roman: should we merge with the tooling working group?
- Paul: would vote to avoid merging
- Paul: loves the original message of working with the web easier

2022-05-19 Meeting Notes

No attendance

2022-04-21 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ Paul Mandel (and cat) (Canvas Construction)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Christian] I’ve got us a channel on ROS discord, invite in the links section above.
○ [Roman] rosbridge ros1 performance
■ Foxglove did some research on this and learned that ros1 rosbridge
de-serializes and re-serializes incoming messages even when using
cbor-raw which is meant to send serialized data in ROS serialization
● Backlog grooming

- Cancelled

2022-03-24 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Dheera Venkatraman (Rosboard)
○ John Hurliman (Foxglove)
○ Darrell DeCosta (Foxglove)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Christian]
■ Tully is happy to set up the sub domain for us
■ Adrian will email Brandon Alexander regarding
○ [Adrian] Rosbridge CI is failing (rolling) - need volunteers
○ [John] Parameter support in rosbridge
■ People are in agreement we should add this
■ No one currently working on it
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items

2022-03-10 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ John Hurliman (Foxglove)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Adrian] can happen as soon as anyone has time for it
○ MCAP is ready for testing, ROS 2 plugin is under development
■ ROS 2 Humble feature freeze April 4, branch April 18
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items

2022-02-10 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Sachin Kumar
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Adrian] is ready as soon as we create a website for it
○ (audrow) Small updates at Open Robotics => moving more towards web tech
■ Getting a couple interns to work on System Viewer Foxglove extension
■ Building static analyzer reporter tool with web tools (Node + React)
■ Building various automation tools using web tools (Node)
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items

2022-01-27 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian (Foxglove)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Dheera Venkatraman (Rosboard)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ domain
■ Want to migrate this to
■ Adrian created to
see if we can find out who owns current domain
■ Also try emailing
○ [from last time]
■ Remove auth from ROS 2 spec
■ Discuss ROS 2 auth PR
○ [Adrian] Proposal for next steps on working group ownership clarity
■ Create new site for (github pages)
■ Move rosbridge_suite repo into ros-webtools org
■ Move community charter into ros-webtools org and update charter to
reflect packages we actually own
■ Let’s discuss this again next time
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Adrian find out about ros2 github org
● Roman update rosbridge spec to remove authentication, cross-link between ros1 and
ros2 branches (PR)

2022-01-13 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian (Foxglove)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Wayne Parrott (Genuitec)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Benjamin Perseghetti (Rudis Labs)
○ Sachin Kumar
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Roman]:
■ Website is combined from org page + project pages
○ [Adrian] new github org name
■ ros-webwg? vs ros-webtools and (voted webtools)
○ [Christian] Can we add rosnodejs to
○ ROS library battle
■ rosnodejs - Pure JS (node.js) implementation of ROS 1 (using
■ @foxglove/ros1 - Pure JS (node.js + electron) implementation of ROS 1
■ rclnodejs - ROS 2 RCL C bindings in javascript
■ @foxglove/ros2 - ROS 2 implemented in pure JS (node.js)
■ roslibjs - Client for rosbridge_server with some extra stuff
○ Consensus to more clearly identify on the new website which projects are under
community governance
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Adrian to reach out about CNAME
○ Contact: Tully
● Christian to create PR to add rosnodejs to
○ Done:

2021-12-16 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian, Roman, Jacob (Foxglove)
○ Audrow (Open Robotics)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ is updated
○ is not responding to us, but is available
○ is now live (rosbridge equivalent for
non-ROS robots)
○ New TF interpolation in Foxglove - potentially could be extracted into a library
○ is available
○ Let’s move back to morning meeting times
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Adrian to move back to morning meeting time (done)
● Adrian to reach out about CNAME
○ After that - can announce on ROS blog

2021-12-02 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian, Audrow, Jacob, John, Roman
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Roman] Consider or something for our homepage?
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Audrow to check if is available

2021-11-18 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ John Hurliman (Foxglove)
○ Wayne Parrott
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ Wayne: forking standard node module
■ Try to land upstream, if not we can publish a forked module
○ Adrian: Path forward for rosbridge vs ros2-web-bridge
○ Time of this meeting? Can we accommodate China + US? Is excluding EU
timezones ok? Or should we alternate?
■ Moved to 4pm PT starting Dec 2, 2021
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Adrian: Add disclaimer to ros2-web-bridge that it is not officially supported
● Ask minggang whether he would prefer to archive ros2-web-bridge or migrate it under
personal github account

2021-11-04 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ Wayne Parrott (Genuitec)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Esther Weon (Foxglove)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Adrian] - should we link to
rosbridge_suite, and explain the different approaches somewhere?
○ Let’s try to add rosbridge_suite and rclnodejs to REP 2005
○ Discussed rosbridge_suite/issues/650
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
- Roman to archive tf2_web_republisher/issues/34 and depthcloud_encoder/issues/17
- Note: add deprecation notice to README and
- Emerson (and others) Take time for reviewing rosbridge_suite PRs!
- Wayne to reach out to regarding ros2-web-bridge
- Adrian to explore REP 2004 quality level declaration for rosbridge_suite and rclnodejs
- Emerson to create PR for inclusion in REP 2005
- Emerson to take a look at rosbridge_suite/issues/650, too.

2021-10-07 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ John Hurliman (Foxglove)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ Call for PR reviews on rosbridge
○ Recording file format discussion
■ More suited for ROS-Tooling meeting tomorrow, but FYI
○ [Roman] How long to give these before archiving?
■ Decided to time-box waiting on a response in 30 days from issue creation.
If no response in 30 days, we will archive the repo
○ Previous action items
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Archive dead repos per above comment

2021-09-23 Meeting Notes

Note from emerson: sorry I am running late, I will start the conference, and feel free to start
discussing without me

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Esther Weon (Foxglove)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics (everyone add here!)
○ [Roman] Archive Repositories:
■ [todo: archive]
■ [todo: archive]
■ [todo: archive]
■ [todo:
■ ? seems maybe
still used
■ ? seems maybe
still used?
○ [Roman]
○ [Christian] Demo and request for feedback,
○ Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
See if we can get access to ros-web and rosweb on Github [Adrian]
Update Robot Web Tools site [Roman]
Archive repos marked as TODO: archive above [Adrian]
Update community/ to remove archived projects [Roman]
Ask tf2_web_republisher maintainer if the project can be archived [Roman]
Review/merge [Roman]
Post on more concrete plan for
motivation, separating libraries, and migration path [Roman]
Ask Jihoon if he is willing to move to his private github account (or are you even still maintaining
it and want us to archive it?) [Roman]

2021-09-09 Meeting Notes

● Start the meeting recording!
● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Jacob (Foxglove)
○ Roman (Foxglove)
○ Emerson (AWS)
○ Christian (Transitive Robotics)
○ Dheera (Rosboard)
○ Sachin Kumar
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics
○ Rosbridge renaming:
■ Emerson to open discourse post to get community feedback.
■ Reason to do this: ros1_bridge confusion
○ [Roman] RosBridge Suite Update
■ [Jacob] All good for the next sync (galactic)
■ Failing to build in Rolling, blocked by
○ Rosbridge CI
■ Potentially use setup-ros-docker containers instead of setup-ros
■ Don’t use “required-distribution” - so that it doesn’t install binaries
○ [Roman] Rosbridge Client Repo (split websocket logic from roslibjs)
■ Roslibjs has websocket client, actions, urdf, etc. - simplify into more
atomic components
■ Release components on NPM
■ Foxglove most invested in this splitting

● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
Update issue template (use .github repo trick to share across projects) [Adrian]
See if we can get access to ros-web and rosweb on Github [Adrian]
Extract websocket logic for rosbridge connectivity to separate package [Roman]
Start with messaging the roslibjs maintainers
Update Robot Web Tools site [Roman]
Keep reference to original robot web tools paper
Remove TCP + UDP support from rosbridge #639

2021-08-26 Meeting Notes

● Start the meeting recording!
● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Jacob Bandes-Storch (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics
○ [Adrian] Where to direct user Q&A discussions?
■ Rosbridge repo is overrun with “help wanted” questions like #576 #619
#626 #632 and other non-reproducible bugs
■ Stale issues have been flagged for closure (#590)
■ In our issue template we should more explicitly tell people where to ask
for help, and reserve github issues for actionable bugs or feature requests
(our issue template already says this, but it clearly needs to be more
■ Options: ROS Discourse, ROS Answers, Github Discussions (which do
we prefer?)
○ [Adrian] rosbridge vs ros1_bridge naming confusion (e.g. #549)
■ Should we consider renaming rosbridge for ros 2 to something else to
reduce confusion?
■ Candidates
● Ros-web-bridge
● rwtp (ros web transport protocol)
● ros-JSON as a name for the protocol?
○ [Adrian] “RobotWebTools” Github org name
■ Should we consider something following the format set by other ROS
repos? E.g. “ros-web” (Github name is already taken but we might be able
to acquire it)
○ [Jacob] Rosbridge failed in latest Galactic sync
■ Unfortunately there was a missing dep for rosbridge so it wasn’t included
in the Galactic sync
■ Foxy sync hasn’t happened yet
○ [Jacob] TCP and UDP support in ros2 rosbridge is broken
■ Unclear what the purpose of these is
■ No one is using this in ros 2 because they don’t work
■ Bad having broken entrypoints available
○ [John] rtps typescript implementation is making progress
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
Update issue template (use .github repo trick to share across projects)
Close “Q&A” issues and redirect people to
Submit ideas for rosbridge rename (would need to do before Humble freeze in March
See if we can get access to ros-web and rosweb on Github
Update meeting invite to link this document
Audrow to see if we can get a one-off sync for rosbridge
Remove TCP + UDP support from rosbridge

2021-08-12 Meeting Notes

● Start the meeting recording!
● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open Robotics)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Esther Weon (Foxglove)
○ Dheera Venkatraman
○ Yongzhou Zhang
○ wh0am1
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics
○ [Dheera] recent improvements in ROSboard
■ Custom websocket implementation details
● Ideas for features a common websocket library might want to have
● Compression of large topics (PointCloud2, Image,
● Efficient transfer and encoding/decoding of binary data on both
● Websocket timestamps on all messages, even messages that
don’t have a timestamp
● Detecting conditions and dropping messages when
○ Bandwidth is low and there accumulates an
ever-increasing backlog of outgoing messages
○ Client CPU usage is high and can’t keep up
○ Server CPU usage is high and can’t keep up
● Measure latency and clock difference between server and client to
provide proper QoS for client->server publishing
■ WebRTC bridge?
○ [Dheera] How hard is a C++ implementation of the websocket bridge?
○ [Roman] rosbridge_suite release status update
○ [Roman] ros2 library progress
○ [Audrow] Features that you’d like to see for ROS 2 Humble? (I’m the ROS Boss
for Humble.)
■ Still iterating on ROS 2 Humble roadmap (PR)
■ Feel free to email me ideas:, or schedule a
meeting with me here:
● Ideally, send motivation and description of what should be done
○ [Audrow] Starting a podcast with Open Robotics - WebTool interview ideas?
■ See email and calendly above to contact me
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting

● Why not use CBOR-raw on the bridge? Instead of json
○ Sends binary payload instead of more verbose json

Action Items
● Call for presenters on Discourse
● Release rosbridge_suite into Foxy, Galactic, Rolling

2021-07-29 Meeting Notes

● Start the meeting recording!
● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Adrian Macneil, Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Audrow Nash (Open robotics)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Joe Schornak (PickNik)
○ Mehrdad Mansouri (siemens munich)
○ Peter So (PhD student Munich school of robotics, robothon grand challenge)
○ Vishal (Independent | Open Source)
○ Sachin Kumar
○ Dheera Venkatraman (rosboard)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Discussion topics
○ Community roles & project ownership
■ Roles are described in our charter but we have not yet defined who maps
to each role
■ Need clarity on who can merge PRs for each project, and who can grant
merge authority
○ Unified ROS websocket node/library
■ Need a standardized library
● Could consider websocket alternatives: http/2, webrtc, gRPC
■ Side note: webrtc for compressing pointclouds (unsupported), passing
video (well supported), datachannel for other data
■ [Adrian] Need to define scope + roles for this effort. Maybe a sub-working
■ [Jacob]
■ [Roman] Can we merge both existing “websocket bridge” packages?
● Rosbridge_suite has a ROS2 implementation (Python)
● Ros2-web-bridge was started after, has nodeJS implementation
● We would like to have one clear choice for users - and it needs to
be easy to install like any other ROS pkg
● Alternative perspective: npm is a fully featured package manager,
could be installed and handle your whole application, build
on-device for cross-platform compatibility
■ [Adrian] Rosboard also has a custom websocket server due to
shortcomings in the two existing websocket libraries (see FAQ), @dheera
are you interested in merging effort?
○ [Dheera] improvements in ROSboard, websocket implementation details, ideas
for features a common websocket library might want to have
● Compression of large topics (PointCloud2, Image,
● Efficient transfer and encoding/decoding of binary data on both
● Websocket timestamps on all messages, even messages that
don’t have a timestamp
● Detecting conditions and dropping messages when
○ Bandwidth is low and there accumulates an
ever-increasing backlog of outgoing messages
○ Client CPU usage is high and can’t keep up
○ Server CPU usage is high and can’t keep up
● Measure latency and clock difference between server and client to
provide proper QoS for client->server publishing
● WebRTC bridge?
● How hard is a C++ implementation of the websocket bridge
● [Adrian] Would be nice if client was ROS1/2 agnostic
■ [Roman] I’ve been granted access to the RobotWebTools github org
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting


Action Items
● Call for presenters on Discourse
● For everybody: put in membership requests on
● [Emerson] start email thread about message definitions ros2 core work
● Release rosbridge_suite into Foxy, Galactic, Rolling

2021-07-15 Meeting Notes

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Adrian Macneil, John Hurliman, Roman Shtylman, Jacob Bandes-Storch
○ Wayne Parrott
○ Nicholas Fragale
○ Jash Mota
○ Chris Smith
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Ben Greenberg
○ Dheera Venkatraman (, rosshow, rosboard, rospy2)
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Other discussions?
○ [Rover Robotics] presentation on Rover Mini, a new ROS2 education robot in
need of a cross-platform, preferably web based, no ros install required, way of
interacting with it.
○ [Foxglove] FYI web deployment now available @
○ [Foxglove] ROS 2 dynamic message definitions
○ Potential python implementation of ros2-web-bridge to simplify developer
○ [Dheera] Would love to mention ROSBoard
○ Other libs/projects folks are working on?
● Backlog grooming [TODO link]
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
● Copy notes template for next meeting

● Rover Robotics (Nick Fragale)
○ Robots in the sub-industrial price range
○ Selling to education and startups
○ Want to have something more modern than RViz to act as a frontend for the
Rover projects
○ In the past have used Qt vs web-based tech, the web tools always win in terms of
speed of dev and experience
○ Davis Fay - video of new product Rover Mini
■ Top speed 15mph
■ Successor to rover 0, high perf low cost, for commercial and educational
■ First programmed with ROS2 by default
■ Price-competitive with e.g. turtlebot, not quite as cheap as a jetbot, meant
to be low-cost robotics platform to get real things done
■ Launching on Kickstarter Sep 1
■ Can buy as just mobile base, or with default sensor package
● Message Definitions
○ Needed to parse the message from binary format at runtime
○ Use case? To monitor (sub)? Or also to command (pub)?
● Foxglove web deployment
○ Browser build now publicly available.
○ Electron build still more feature complete
○ Foxglove Studio will always be free+open source, paid options planned around
team features, collaboration
● Gazebo/Simulation
○ Brief conversation on ignition-gazebo
○ Open3d engine going in to ign-gaz?
○ Anybody tried Godot+ROS
○ Lots of projects use Unity
● Ros2 web bridge
○ Nodejs a problem?
○ Potentially a colcon-nodejs to “just build” the same as C++/Python
○ Want to be able to build _without_ message definitions in the WS
● ROSBoard (Dheera Venkatraman)
○ Web visualization tool for ROS topics
○ Supports ROS 1&2
○ Click on topics, get visualizations
○ It’s a node, server on the robot
○ Mobile-first frontend

Action Items
● File a ticket for message definitions feature (emerson)
● Attend middleware WG to discuss “message definitions” feature (emerson)
● [Rover] share kickstarter link and rover mini gazebo definitions, once available

2021-07-01 - Second Meeting

● Attendance (ask someone not running agenda to fill this in)
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS Robotics)
○ Jihoon Lee (Intermodalics)
○ Adrian Macneil (Foxglove)
○ Ben Greenberg (Southwest Research Institute)
○ Mohamed Behery (RWTH Aachen University)
○ Christian Fritz (Transitive Robotics)
○ Roman Shtylman (Foxglove)
○ Matthijs van der Burgh (Tech United, EIndhoven University of Technology)
○ Walter Gunter (Firefly Automatix)
○ Ryan Aposhian (FireFly Automatix)
○ Wayne Parrott (Genuitec)
○ Evan Flynn (Continental) ….joined late
● Last meeting action items review
● Community PRs / Governance updates
● Presentation
● Major discussions
○ High level roadmap: ROS 1 / ROS 2 / General
○ Maintainership of WG subprojects
■ Assign people to GitHub Teams, use CODEOWNERS to auto-rotate
● Decide: Is there a meeting next time? If not, cancel the calendar invite
○ Yes! Two weeks from now
● Copy notes template for next meeting

● Foxglove presentation
○ Followups: rosbag2 -> web connection
● Roadmap
○ How much effort to put into ROS1?
■ Rosmsg, rosbag JS libraries for ROS1 still

Action Items

2021-06-11 - First Meeting

● Attendance
○ Ammaar Solkar
○ Ben Greenberg
○ Emerson Knapp (AWS)
○ Kliment Manykin
○ Vishal
○ Mohamed Anwar Behery M
○ Michael Orlov (Apex.AI)
○ François Sunatori
○ Ernestas Simutis
○ Wayne Parrott
○ Jihoon Lee
○ Minggang Wang
● Discussions
○ Review charter proposal
○ Assets and permissions
■ Owners of GitHub org
■ Teams on GitHub org - and associated permissions
○ Do we want a centralized backlog tool, or is separate backlogs for the different
projects good enough
■ ZenHub
○ Is anybody else interested in running these meetings?
○ Meeting recurrence?
■ Every 2 weeks
● Decide: Is there a next meeting? When is it?
○ June 25
○ Focus: high level roadmap
○ maintainership list
● Set up notes template for next meeting


● Chat room? Add your preference here!

■ Matrix/Element
■ Slack
■ Discord
● How RobotWebTools has been maintained so far:
○ Lots of pending pull requests and issues stacking up over years
○ Ignoring questions / issues, paying attention to actual contribution
○ Give maintainership to repeat contributors
○ Frequent rotation in maintainers
○ Minggang founded rclnodejs - maintaining this whole time, Wayne started
working on it last year
○ Promote the long standing maintainers as owner. Letting them expand their ideas
○ Accept all contributions if they generally look OK
● How to keep maintainership active while individuals shift priorities?
○ Maybe the WG is a place to onboard maintainers
○ Auto-assigning code reviewers for PRs
● Reasons this is important:
○ Bridge modern tools with ROS or the cloud, migrate frameworks onto the browser
instead of native tools
● Come up with a roadmap on some schedule
○ Set longer term direction
● In-between roadmap/planning meetings, run working meetings
● Is there anything acute / high priority that needs to be addressed? (that we could throw
the weight of this group at)
○ Emerson: ROS visualizer suite using web GUI tools
○ Vishal:
○ Wayne: bringing robotics to more developers with a wider range of skillsets, not
just device-side or backend.
● Thoughts on WebViz and Foxglove
○ Good support for live ros monitoring - using rosbridge
○ From the position of a ROS robot developer, need to get an interface in front of
clients to interact with the robot
○ Charter extension: not just ‘providing tools for web developers’ - also ‘providing
tools for robot developers’
● Jihoon notices the following categorization of contributors:
○ Rosbridge
○ (ROS 2) rclnodejs
○ (ROS 1) Roslibjs / ros3djs
○ Web Video Server/webrtc_ros/tf2_web_repulisher
● Interests:
○ Mohamed: rosbridge
○ Emerson: rclnodejs / rosbridge for ros2 / vis tools for robot developer
○ Ernestas: rosbridge, and concerns about security
■ Ros_auth, rosbridge configuration for which topics to expose to client
○ Ben: ros3djs for 3d visualization of the robot
○ Michael: Alternative to the RViz and visualization for Rosbag2

● Big picture roadmap Ideas:

○ Authentication vs Authorization for different users, permissions level to various
topics, subscribe vs publish etc.
○ Rqt_graph alternative with interactive web frontend - as a demo sample project

Action Items
● Call for interest for presenters for the next meeting
● Reach out to Foxglove

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