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# Ubuntu OS update on Zimbra server

# TG 2019/06/27

# Stop all zimbra processes

sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol stop

# Restart LDAP so update can make external calls to repositories

sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/ldap start

# zmconfigd keeps LDAP running?

sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmconfigdctl start

# Now do an update, but only upgrade (with auto-remove) if something was updated
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --yes

# restart Zimbra with full zimbra user environment, not that of the current user
sudo su - zimbra -c "zmcontrol restart"

# Tell user at the CLI if we need to restart, enhance later to email admin
if [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]; then echo You should reboot; fi

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