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Literary devices - SIMILE: - “An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek”Antonio advises Bassanio to beware of Shylock's words by using ‘like’ to metaphorically compare Shylock to the devil. Antonio portrays Shylock as aman whois able to the sugarcoat bad things and make them appear acceptable. - METAPHOR: - “Never so rich a gem was set in worse than gold... «(lines 54-55) Morocco is comparing Portia's picture to agem. He says that Portias picture is of so high value, like a rare gem, that it deserves to be put in nothing less valuable than a gold casket. - IMAGERY: -“cut-throat dog” Shylock was called cut throat dog by Antonio which shows animal imagery - REPETITION: -“Ill have my bond; | will not hear thee speak: Ill have my bond; and therefore speak no more.” Shylock repeats the phrase 1'll have my bond three times and forbids Antonio to speak three times emphasizes Shylock's mercilessness adamancy in having the forfeiture of his bond, which is a pound of Antonio's flesh.

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