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Class code: AV4

Student’s name: Tran Duy Phat

Peer editor’s name:



It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school and going to
university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

 1st draft

 Self-assessment (checklist)

 Peer assessment (checklist)

 Final version

New Generation Z today attach much importance to explore and perceive their value so
taking a gap is more and more become popular among the adolescent when they have
completed their high school and prepared for their university life. However, there are many
drawback which are necessary to be recognized. This essay will discover the advantages and
the disadvantages of the trends of taking the gap year which creat influences on the
individual’s life.

A advantages is students can take a break from school stress. High school has lots of tests and
homework. A year off gives students' minds a rest. Another good thing is students can have
new experiences. They can travel, volunteer, or work. This helps them learn new lessons and
become more independent. It can also help them think about what job they want. They can
try different jobs during the time off.

However, there are also some drawbacks. One problem is students can lose some of their
study skills. If they take a long break from school, it can be hard to get back into studying and
homework. Another issue is that gap years cost money if students travel or do other
activities. They might need to work during the break just to pay for the time off. Some
students also start to like their freedom and don't want to go back to college after the year

In summary, gap years allow students to recharge and have real-world experience. But they
need to be careful not to lose their study skills or get too used to being off. With good
planning, a year off between high school and college can be very helpful. Students need to be
mature and motivated when taking this kind of break.

 Rubric for grading

 Link Sharepoint/ Onedrive/ Google drive your collaboration space (optional)

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