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Romeo and Juliet- Technology is dangerous

In Verona, a beautiful and technologically advanced city, Romeo and

Juliet are young people from rival families. They meet through a dating app
called "StarCrossed" which uses advanced algorithms to find perfect matches.

Romeo, a romantic young man with a passion for music, is bored with
bad dates and feels misunderstood in his family. Juliet, an intelligent and
ambitious girl, dreams of being successful, but feels suffocated by her family's

One day, while browsing the social network "VeronaBook", Romeo and
Juliet come across a common post about an event called "Party of Emojis".
Driven by curiosity, they decide to go to the event, hoping to meet in person.

At the event, Romeo uses virtual reality glasses to find Juliet among the
crowd. When their gazes meet, they instantly connect. They exchange
messages via the "StarCrossed" app and begin meeting secretly.

To keep their families and friends from finding out, Romeo and Juliet
mostly communicate through text messages and calls via secure calling apps.
They share their hopes, fears and dreams, trusting each other like they've never
trusted anyone before.

However, fate conspires against them. A violent fight between Romeo

and Juliet's families is captured by security cameras and goes viral on social

Determined to stay together, Romeo and Juliet hatch a risky plan. With
the help of Romeo's friend, they hack the city's security system to meet in a
secret place.
However, fate once again plays a trick. Romeo, receiving incorrect
information from a navigation app, arrives at the spot where Juliet is temporarily
buried, believing her to be dead. Desperate, he decides to take his own life.

Juliet, who woke up shortly before, realizes what is happening too late.
She runs to Romeo and, seeing him dying, decides to take the same poison
that killed him. When Romeo wakes up and sees Juliet dead beside him, he
cannot bear the loss and takes his own life again.

The tragedy spreads through social networks and the city of Verona is
flooded with messages of mourning and indignation. The families finally realize
the terrible toll their rivalry has taken.

The story of Romeo and Juliet goes viral, leading to a movement on

social media that seeks to end differences and hatred. The families,
embarrassed and heartbroken, agree to make amends and promise to work
together to build a better future for Verona.

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