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Branch: ECE Roll No: UE205018 Semester: 7th



Title: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to provide a holistic view of the field, exploring its
foundations, applications, and societal impact. Participants will embark on a journey
through the evolution of AI, its key components, real-world applications, and the
ethical considerations shaping its deployment.

1. Introduction to AI: The seminar will commence with an engaging overview of AI,
tracing its historical roots and highlighting key milestones. Participants will gain an
understanding of how AI has evolved from its inception to the present day.
2. Core Concepts of AI: Delving into the core concepts, the seminar will cover essential
elements of AI such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer
vision. This section aims to demystify technical jargon, making these concepts
accessible to a broad audience.
3. AI in Practice: Participants will explore tangible applications of AI across various
industries, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and entertainment. Real-
world examples and case studies will illustrate how AI is revolutionizing processes
and decision-making.
4. Machine Learning and Neural Networks: Building on foundational knowledge, the
seminar will delve into the inner workings of machine learning and neural networks.
Attendees will gain insights into how these technologies enable machines to learn,
adapt, and make predictions.
5. Ethical Considerations in AI: Recognizing the societal impact of AI, this section will
address ethical considerations, including issues related to bias, transparency, and
accountability. Participants will engage in discussions on responsible AI development
and deployment.
6. AI's Impact on Employment and Society: The seminar will examine the potential
effects of AI on the job market and societal structures. Discussions will encompass
both challenges and opportunities, fostering a nuanced understanding of the
broader implications of AI adoption.
7. Future Trends and Challenges: The concluding part of the seminar will provide a
glimpse into the future of AI, exploring emerging trends and potential challenges.
From explainable AI to AI-driven creativity, participants will be encouraged to
contemplate the evolving landscape..

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