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Title: Mastering the Art of Thesis Writing: Unraveling the Complexity

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can be likened to navigating through a labyrinth of
challenges and complexities. The process demands not only rigorous research and critical analysis but
also unwavering determination and meticulous attention to detail. Among the myriad of topics,
analyzing the responses of Franklin D. Roosevelt stands out as both intriguing and formidable. Here's
why delving into this subject requires expert guidance and support.

Understanding the multifaceted persona of Franklin D. Roosevelt, his policies, and the historical
context in which he operated is no small feat. It requires delving deep into archives, scrutinizing
primary sources, and interpreting vast amounts of data. Moreover, crafting a thesis that offers
meaningful insights and contributes to the existing body of knowledge demands precision and

One of the primary challenges in writing a thesis on this topic is the sheer volume of existing
literature and scholarly works. Navigating through this ocean of information while maintaining
originality and relevance can be overwhelming. Additionally, the complexity of Roosevelt's
responses to various socio-economic and political challenges necessitates a nuanced understanding
and careful analysis.

Furthermore, the process of structuring and organizing the thesis requires strategic planning and
clarity of thought. From formulating a compelling thesis statement to outlining coherent arguments
and presenting evidence effectively, every aspect demands meticulous attention. Moreover, adhering
to academic conventions and ensuring scholarly rigor adds another layer of complexity to the writing

Given the daunting nature of writing a thesis on such a topic, seeking professional assistance
becomes imperative. ⇒ ⇔ offers a lifeline to students grappling with the
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In conclusion, writing a thesis on analyzing the responses of Franklin D. Roosevelt is undoubtedly a

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Advertisement When Roosevelt took office, the Depression had dragged on long enough that these
local systems no longer had the funds to offer aid. As one way of gaining recovery, Roosevelt
constructed the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. It also envisaged a plan for
unemployment insurance. Source D shows a photograph taken in 1937, it shows a queue. For this
reason, the “New Deal” could not help in fighting the great depression in totality (Renshaw 213).
This reiterates that the New Deal did not solve America's problems; people were still treated in a
very poor manner whilst others were living in luxury, it also proves that people were still dependant
on the government. Many Americans remember the New Deal’s popular recovery programs such as
the Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Corps, which gave unemployed
people dignity through necessary work and a paycheck. Source H is a letter to Roosevelt allegedly
written by a couple and published by his supporters during his campaign in 1936. Nonetheless, the
individuals whose personal experiences played an immense role in obtaining the appropriate
outcomes achieved heroic status with history classes filled with lessons about these personalities. A
series of programs focused on relief, recovery, and reform, Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal is
arguably the most radical set of policies set forth by any American president. If a cell is placed into a
hypertonic solution, what would be the result?. A. B. C. D. Social Security Act was passed that
established a scheme for old age pension run by the federal government. All these measures helped
to solve the housing problem of Americans. A considerable proportion of savings was lost as a
consequence of the bank closure. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s
content guidelines. Roosevelt made an effort to stimulate the agriculture and restored the purchasing
power of the farmers. The last of the sources to agree with interpretation 2 is source J that illustrates
that the public are dependant on the government. 'Welfare kills a man's initiative', Simon Fuller is
trying to prove that the people of America should have to work for themselves and not be given
everything on a plate, like Roosevelt was. When he first took the oath of office on 1933 the United
States was to a large extent a land of small-town values, minimal government, and isolation from the
affairs of the world. We still drive on roads, use energy from dams, attend schools and visit libraries,
all built by the WPA. It also aimed at reforming the conditions of the work and workplace by raising
wages and lowering working hours, by restricting child labor. The Federal Emergency Relief
Administration was also set up to provide federal money to the aged as well as people who were in
dire need of money (Heale 33). This is the New Deal lesson we need to remember: Relief is the
necessary first step toward rebuilding a more resilient economy. Try again later, or contact the app or
website owner. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was another step to tackle the growing problem
of unemployment and to provide relief to the Americans. Is this fair? The poster in the photograph
reads 'world's highest standard of living', people queuing for a meal whilst others are laden with
endless luxuries, is this the highest standard of living. Every individual has strong feeling towards
franklin d. By then, the agency had shifted its focus from direct relief to a variety of work relief
programs. The Works Progress Administration took up this work, and cash relief (mostly at a less
generous level) was made part of the newly created Social Security system. But we do assert that the
ambition of the individual to obtain for him a proper security is an ambition to be preferred to the
appetite for great wealth and great power.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt constituted a special
commission that would address this issue, and told the members that the issue of unemployment
could only be addressed by the government, through direct recruiting of all employees by a
government body. But FERA was the first step in creating all of these programs. It prevented
unnecessary suffering while the structurally transformative programs we remember were being
The Americans’ neutrality worked in their favor as they emerged from the war as the most powerful
nation economically, politically and in terms of their military power. Roosevelt set up a number of
'alphabet agencies', these have been deeply criticised in the past but the majority of the poorer people
of America were thankful. Both sets of questions come with a detailed teacher key. The best thing
anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim. In the dustbin the cartoonist
shows Hoover's famous quotes such as 'rugged individualism' and 'prosperity is just around the
corner'. Fuller stated that the New Deal 'hurt' the poor people, they 'lost confidence in themselves'
but maybe he just wanted to pay lower taxes again. It must be considered, how reliable and biased
are the sources I have mentioned. For leaders, the policy decisions that they adopted may be a result
of their experiences from their personal lives, which ensures that they acted based on their
experiences to make decisions that affected the entire population. Roosevelt”). Consequently, he was
able to start exercise regimens that helped him regain his senses later on in life. Nonetheless,
Roosevelt ventured into law practice, which effectively made him venture into politics and started
his rise on the political ladder of the United States. Roosevelt’s endless campaigns and sound track
record helped him win the 1932 elections to become the 32nd U.S president (Coker 136). This poster
was created to encourage people to get an education to reduce poverty and to create Jobs. FDR was
born into a wealthy family as the only child of James Roosevelt and Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt. In
the senate, he served under the Wilson administration as the assistant secretary of the navy. Securities
Act was enacted in 1933 to prevent the formation of fraudulent companies. Use Source A and your
Knowledge of the Period to Explain why People Support. Is this fair? The poster in the photograph
reads 'world's highest standard of living', people queuing for a meal whilst others are laden with
endless luxuries, is this the highest standard of living. This fact made many American citizens lose
hope in their banking sector; many opted to save money in their homes. Before Roosevelt was
elected he had to persuade America he could do a better job than Hoover, he 'pledged' to give
America a 'new deal'. People supported Roosevelt because they hoped he could bring them his
pledge of a 'new deal'. On the other hand, this song is very vague as evidence; it doesn't give details
or elaborate on the public's opinions on Roosevelt, it only mentions him in passing. In 1937 United
States Housing Authority (USHA) was formed. The second main difference between the two sources
is to do with the subject of unemployment and government relief. The biggest challenge was to solve
the continuing effects of the great depression. Importantly, Roosevelt engaged Americans in radio
talk shows whereby he outlined his initiatives in a language that was simple for the ordinary people
to understand (“Franklin D. Which Source is more useful as Evidence about Public Opinion towards
the 'New Deal'. Source C claims that 'one in every four people depends on employment by the
government'. Everyone will agree that, during his stay in the white house, America changed
remarkably as a result of Roosevelt’s strong leadership style and well informed policies that he
introduced. For example he used alliteration, 'destruction', 'delay', 'deceit' and 'despair'. From there,
drafting their essay, using the provided peer review checklist, and submitting their final draft will be
no problem at all.
Roosevelt praises the newly adopted Works Relief Program and discusses the new Social Security
Act recently introduced in Congress. The Roosevelt administration also made effort to solve the
problems of the slums. It reserved huge fund the uplift the socio-economic life of the slums.
Furthermore, Home Owner Loan Corporation was formed to provide the home builders with the
credit at low rates of interest. This paper ''Education Plan for Fourth Grade Class'' discusses that
fourth graders are often curious and ready to learn about new things. He was in office from 1929 to
1933 and served as a reform Governor, promoting programs to combat the economic crisis besetting
the United States at the time. This cartoon demonstrates that although Roosevelt is trying to solve all
America's economic problems, the 'New Deal' still isn't working. Source I, although a vague source,
also illustrates the view of the working class, ordinary people, they are 'glad' that Roosevelt was re-
elected, now they will be given the long needed attention, 'we'll not be neglected'. It also aimed at
reforming the conditions of the work and workplace by raising wages and lowering working hours,
by restricting child labor. Source C claims that 'one in every four people depends on employment by
the government'. Parts of Essay Introduction Opening Remarks--Attention Getter Thesis (main idea)
Body Support of the essay This can be composed of multiple paragraphs Conclusion Concluding
statement Closing Remarks--Attention Getter. Sources D, E and G are all cartoons illustrating the
negative points of the New Deal. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner. His
contributions were more relevant to the United States, a country he governed for 12 years during a
worse time in American history. If he had he might lose the ever-important votes of the 'solid south',
it was one of the strongest areas politically and had voted Democrat since the Civil War.
Roosevelt”). In this regard, it is crucial to point out that this policy was guided by his passion for the
ordinary people, and the hardworking Americans in general; who would have suffered if banks were
not stable. Federal administrators even allowed states to set different relief rates for Black and White
applicants, something 10 Southern states did. Source D shows a photograph taken in 1937, it shows a
queue of black people waiting for government relief and behind them is a large poster. The first
source shows a poster advertising free trade and technical classes for adults during President
Roosevelt New Deal. She was a secretary for Labour and it is obvious she agrees with the policies
and schemes brought about by Roosevelt and the New Deal. But Roosevelt’s efforts also included
direct relief. In the senate, he served under the Wilson administration as the assistant secretary of the
navy. By 1938, unemployment reached 11 million and it was the war that rescued the 'drowning man'.
'By leading his country into war he was able to put every man and woman into work'. Source H,
although possibly not the most trustworthy of sources, shows an appreciative couple thanking
Roosevelt for his work. When he first took the oath of office on 1933 the United States was to a
large extent a land of small-town values, minimal government, and isolation from the affairs of the
world. America showed neutrality when World War II began and failed to take any sides.
Importantly, these decisions might play an important role in ensuring that the immediate challenge
that required solutions is solved. He met with heads of state from the United Kingdom and the
Soviet Union, to discuss the final phase of World War II and agree on the reorganization of post-war
Europe. The question being investigated is: What were the major differences between the first and
second stages of Franklin D Roosevelt’s New Deal. The date was April 12, 1945, and he was at his
home, the Little White House, in Warm Springs, Georgia. After his failed nomination, Roosevelt
became interested with the military services during the World War I in 1917 (Black 223). In the
election of 1932, despite Hoover's efforts to be re-elected, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected as
the new president of America.
It is apparent that source C didn't offer any alternative resolutions to the problems. There is a final
difference between the two sources but it is really an elaboration of the third difference. A vital
factor that goes into making the poem have an immediate impact on the reader is the use of the first
person. So it is understandable why the black and white people of America express different views
and in all probability always will. Source E is demonstrating that the New Deal was a waste of
money and wasn't doing any good, which agrees with the general opinion of interpretation 2. This
fact made many American citizens lose hope in their banking sector; many opted to save money in
their homes. Actually this commission was established under Hoover’s administration but was
permitted to continue under FDR’s administration and certain new functions were assigned to it i.e.
to grant loans to industries as well as to railroads and banks. Between 1935 and 1941 the WPA spent
over 11 billion Dollars and provided work to over two million people. In 1937 United States Housing
Authority (USHA) was formed. Roosevelt felt it was his duty to care for the less fortunate of the
economic pyramid, they were victims of the unfortunate circumstances and people admired that in
him. America showed neutrality when World War II began and failed to take any sides. Share this
article Share Ultimately, FERA would create specialized work-relief programs that gave rise to the
better-known Works Progress Administration programs, but in its first few months, all funds were
used for direct relief. Accordingly in April 1935, Congress passed a Relief Act which the
government to provide “work relief, and to increase employments by providing useful
projects”(Betters, 1978. p. 90). In July1935, FDR’s administration WPA was set up under Hopkins to
provide work to all employables. By Lauren Simpson Use the sources and your knowledge of
American history to explain why there has been so much disagreement in the USA over the effects of
the New Deal. To what extent and why did the US adopt an isolationist policy in the 1920s and
1930s. As Roberston (1992) contends, John Dewey developed a philosophy of education which,
rather than focus on children's absorption, often memorisation without assimilation, of a wide body
of knowledge, emphasised the imperatives of personal growth. Franklin Delano Roosevelt left a rich
history to the Americans and the entire world, and he is undoubtedly one of the worlds greatest
leaders. However, with demanding exercise and determination, he learnt how to stand for a short
time with leg braces. The Republicans emerged the winners in the 1920 elections, but for Roosevelt,
he had no much to lose since he had already shown exceptional potential in leadership. By 1943, it
was evident that Germany and Japan were losing the battle. Those affected were the ethnic
minorities: the black people, the Chinese and the Native Americans. Another notable success that was
achieved under Roosevelt’s leadership was the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
When he did finally realise something had to be done it was far too late and the Democrat,
Roosevelt, had already been elected, maybe he was trying to redeem himself. Although many people
are enjoying America's new wealth many black people are forced to queue up for food. But
Roosevelt’s efforts also included direct relief. Franklin D. Roosevelt Introduction Franklin Delano
Roosevelt can be regarded as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century who made notable
contributions to the world history. As the time rolled on, the administration realized that the problem
of unemployment should be dealt with on a more or less permanent basis. Instead they are forced to
queue for their own food something the 'happy family' would be outraged by, they can simply drive
to the local shop and choose what they want. The photographer is highlighting the contrast between
the two different lifestyles, between black and white, wealth and poverty, but there shouldn't be any
difference. Source B follows the belief that although the cities were becoming crowded with the
'jobless workers', the situation would be far worse without Roosevelt's schemes to prevent it. It
occurred in 1936 around the time of the United States depression.
She was one of America's great reforming leaders who had a sustained impact on national policy
toward youth, blacks, women, the poor, and the United Nations. Source C states that during
Roosevelt's leadership there were 11 million people unemployed and 'the cities were filled with
jobless workers', hinting that Roosevelt is fairly inactive in trying to solve this problem. Over the
course of his first two terms in office, Roosevelt’s administration sought to rebuild the economy with
programs that shifted its structures and increased fairness and resilience. This failed them since the
U.S senate strongly opposed the idea. How do these two judgements of the New Deal differ. Source
J again shows the disdain from the higher classes upon the higher taxes, they resent having to pay
more merely because they can afford it. 'Welfare kills a man's initiative', generally the rich believe the
poor and unemployed should be left to fend for themselves, not be lifted out of poverty with other
peoples money. Source H is an extract from a popular song of 1936; it isn't propaganda, as it wasn't
written by the government. During his tenure in the white house, he faced the challenge of the World
War II. This role was instrumental since he was able to thrust the navy into the limelight with the
navy participating in the First World War. Following this attack, the Americans joined the Soviet
Union and Britain in fighting the Germans and the Japanese (Waldo 179). The act made an effort to
ensure co-operation between business, labor and government to overcome hard times and to put
33 The Nature of Public Opinion The Presidency and Public Opinion Media Used by the President to
Personally Influence Public Oninion III. They were forced to work on farms and act like whites; they
lost their land and were given small pots of unfertile land instead and Indians lived in poverty
stricken small isolated areas. The Roosevelts had been prominent for several generations, having
made their fortune in real estate and trade, and lived at Springwood, their estate in the Hudson River
Valley in New York State. This poster was created to encourage people to get an education to reduce
poverty and to create Jobs. In 1924, Roosevelt took part in the nomination of Alfred Smith who was
the New York governor for president, but smith failed to secure the presidential seat. Parts of Essay
Introduction Opening Remarks--Attention Getter Thesis (main idea) Body Support of the essay This
can be composed of multiple paragraphs Conclusion Concluding statement Closing Remarks-
-Attention Getter. In addition, Roosevelt led Congress in legislating new laws dubbed “New Deal”
that ensured that the government protected the ordinary citizens during the depression. In contrast to
this joyful and peaceful life the family lead, the photographer illustrates another side of 'the
American way'. Roosevelt later joined Columbia University to study law. In this case, Roosevelt’s
personal life resonated with the hope that he wanted to provide Americans since he once overcame
disability due to the optimism that he exuded within him. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was
another step to tackle the growing problem of unemployment and to provide relief to the Americans.
Source D shows the crowd of black people queuing for food whilst in the background there is a
poster of the happy white family leading a perfect life in the 'American way'. As a whole the
workers saw the New Deal as an immense improvement and achievement for Roosevelt, the pay may
have been low and the work tedious but it was better than they had had for many years. President
roosevelt regarded public welfare considerations to eclipse individual autonomy in importance;
however, he prepared to use the influence of the government to force people to act in the public
interest. Born on January 30th, 1882 in New York to James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt,
Franklin Roosevelt was the only child from this wealthy family. Although most businessmen didn't
reach bankruptcy, many lost huge profits, which greatly affected their businesses. 'The New Deal
hurt us' Fuller says, when mentioning 'us' he means all businessmen who struggled through the New
Deal under Roosevelt's leadership. He implies that the poorer people of America should be left to
'get hungry' rather than being given everything on a plate. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. That is the only American principle.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt.
This resource provides your students with the opportunity to independently learn about and
synthesize the life of the president who led the Allies through World War II with this engaging
research planner and essay assignment. During his younger days, he received home training from
home tutors until he was 14 years when he joined Groton school in Massachusetts (Coker 11). Keep
on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. In 1933, the Farm Credit
Administration was created to refinance agricultural mortgages at a rate of 4% and loan money to
farmers who had already lost their lands by fore-closure. Throughout the twelve years of Roosevelt's
time in power there was much dispute over how he chose to govern America, the two interpretations
show the two main opposing views throughout the American society. For an optimal experience,
please switch to the latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla
Firefox. The Works Progress Administration alone provided 8 million jobs between 1935 and 1942,
the National Recovery Administration supplied basic rights and the Social Security Act provided
long needed welfare. The book is said to have very beautiful illustrations and is about another child
from Denmark. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.” -Franklin D.
Roosevelt. It shows Roosevelt as a happy and strong man, chucking out the rubbish; this in itself is
impossible as Roosevelt was unable to walk properly without the aid of crutches since he had polio,
but it is showing that Roosevelt was a powerful man without complete bodily strength. The first of
which is the views that the sources hold over Roosevelt's status. Nevertheless, opinions regarding
good and bad can vary among people, but the determination of someone being considered as ugly is
an indisputable truth. She was a secretary for Labour and it is obvious she agrees with the policies
and schemes brought about by Roosevelt and the New Deal. She illustrates in source K the true
objective of the New Deal; to save America from Hoover's 'Destruction, Delay, Deceit and Despair',
to help the working class out of despair not to persecute the rich. Roosevelt took power when
America was still recovering from the great depression and other serious challenges. Over the course
of his first two terms in office, Roosevelt’s administration sought to rebuild the economy with
programs that shifted its structures and increased fairness and resilience. This role was instrumental
since he was able to thrust the navy into the limelight with the navy participating in the First World
War. And then you can assess their work with the provided Common Core rubric. In this case, he
became a freshman senator for the State of New York in 1990 and the first legislation that he
introduced was a legislation that was meant to protect farmers (“ franklin d. Instead they are forced
to queue for their own food something the 'happy family' would be outraged by, they can simply
drive to the local shop and choose what they want. It is likely to be propaganda attempting to
convince the public that Roosevelt is a good and honourable president; it might have even been
completely made up to win him support. As a result soon the people were convinced that all was
well with their country’s finances. But local control allowed many administrators to discriminate
against Black applicants in numerous ways. In the winter of 1932-1933, the failures of these systems
in the face of crisis had left 1.2 million people homeless. In the dustbin the cartoonist shows
Hoover's famous quotes such as 'rugged individualism' and 'prosperity is just around the corner'. But
we do assert that the ambition of the individual to obtain for him a proper security is an ambition to
be preferred to the appetite for great wealth and great power.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt. Importantly,
Roosevelt engaged Americans in radio talk shows whereby he outlined his initiatives in a language
that was simple for the ordinary people to understand (“Franklin D. The Social Security Act created
the country’s primary social insurance system, making the economy more equitable and Americans’
lives more secure to this day. Next, the product includes four excerpts from FDR's first inaugural
address. Heale, M. J. Franklin D. Roosevelt: The New Deal and War.
It is known that Roosevelt brought jobs to the unemployed and welfare and trade unions to the
workers but it is sometimes overlooked that not everybody was given the same treatment. It is
considered as the most important and far reaching measures adopted by FDR’s administration to
affect recovery. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was another step to tackle the growing problem
of unemployment and to provide relief to the Americans. Roosevelt demonstrated exemplary
leadership skills while working as the assistant secretary to the navy, something which was noted by
democrat leaders. Another major reason for the election of Roosevelt was simply that America no
longer wanted Herbert Hoover as their president, he had let them down and led them into the
greatest depression ever seen in America and once more he did nothing about getting America out of
that deep economical hole. By Lauren Simpson Use the sources and your knowledge of American
history to explain why there has been so much disagreement in the USA over the effects of the New
Deal. A series of programs focused on relief, recovery, and reform, Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal is
arguably the most radical set of policies set forth by any American president. The warm springs were
believed to have some curative effects and Roosevelt relied on them for recovery. Share Comments
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Keibert Ruiz wants to improve as a catcher. It may be noted hat chief objective of the New deal was
not to destroy capitalism, but to preserve it by keeping a balance between different interests. Bill
Clinton was the second democrat president to serve for two terms in office after franklin Roosevelt.
Nevertheless, Roosevelt strongly supported the Great Britain and he could offer them massive aid
whenever they needed to contain the German’s (Black 455). We still drive on roads, use energy from
dams, attend schools and visit libraries, all built by the WPA. Germany and Japan appeared to
dominate in Europe and Asia respectively; Roosevelt could only attack them tentatively. They laid
down measures that would ensure that such wars could not arise again and find the best way forward
after the war. Federal administrators even allowed states to set different relief rates for Black and
White applicants, something 10 Southern states did. Teacher keys and marking rubric are included in
the package for the assignment. The included rubric is subtly but specifically tied to Common Core
ELA Standards for Language (3) and Writing (2 and 7). On the other hand, the solutions may not
achieve the best results since the decisions might not be well thought out with an individual acting
out of impulse or the experiences only applicable on a personal level. This fact made many American
citizens lose hope in their banking sector; many opted to save money in their homes. In addition, he
had the courage of fighting disability and a glowing optimism that lifted the spirits of a nation that
was facing the Great Depression (“Franklin D. He is trying to keep the economy going but despite
his great effort this is not working. Compare and contrast the women’s rights movement of the
1840s-1860s with the women’s rights movement of the 1960s-1980s. Source H, a letter to Roosevelt
thanking him for his help regaining their house and furniture also supports interpretation 1. What
message is the Photographer trying to Portray. Source C, however, held the opposing view, implying
that Roosevelt himself was responsible for the increase in unemployment, taxes and debt. The first of
which is the views that the sources hold over Roosevelt's status. On the bottles are acronyms of the
many supposed solutions Roosevelt had such as the CCC, which gave food and camps to the
unemployed. Next, the product includes four excerpts from FDR's first inaugural address. This
generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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