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CX 01

Aim: Familiarisation of the aircraft

handling & area, and practice HKG CAD

Airmanship: All Aspects, HASELL, Touch

Drills, No simulation of
Engine Failure on 1st T
 Pre-flight inspection demo. by instructor
 Student to perform all checks & all R/T calls
 Before Start-up - tune radios and navaids and
set course bar and heading bug as required
 ATIS - receive & noted
 Radios and Navaids ( USE/ STBY)
 Comm. 1 - Grd/Twr - 119.9/118.7
 Comm. 2 - ATIS - 120.9/119.1.
Airex (cont)
 Nav 1 - VORDME/ILS - 116.4/109.7
 Nav 2 - TACAN/ILS – 116.4/109.7
 DME - Nav 2
 ADF - EDN/PF - 311/416 - TIT (Tune, Ident
& Test) at the R/up Bay
 Bugs, Markers, AAI, Clock
 Briefings - TOSB & DEP
 Pre-start, After Start Checks
 R/T call - to Parafield Ground 119.9
 Taxi to run-up bay.
Airex (cont)
 Complete Taxi Checks
 Complete Run-up Checks
– Both throttles / props together, but mags
– Then read Run-Up Checklist
 Pre-Takeoff Checks
Airex (cont)
 Complete Pre-Take-Off Checks
 Read Pre-Take-Off Checklist
 Obtain Clearance
Taxi to holding point
 Ready call to PF TWR 118.7
 Line-Up Checks.
Airex (cont)
 Take-Off and Departure
 Passing 1000 ft – Fuel pumps/Ldg
Lights OFF
 MOSTA Checks
 Monitor 130.45 Squawk 1200 at SKI
Airex (cont)
 Training Area
 Turns
 Medium - L & R - 180 deg
 Steep - L & R - 360 deg
 HASELL Checks
 Stalls
 Clean, pitch at cruise setting - Fully Developed
 Approach Configuration. - Incipient.
Airex (cont)

 Aircraft Systems
 Asymmetric operations
 Cruise
 Climb
 Fire.
AIREX (Cont’d)
 Cruise
 2 Eng Holding
 2 Eng ILS
 2 Eng Climb
 1 Eng ILS
 1 Eng go-around
 1 Eng Climb.
Airex (cont)
 CAAAMR Checks
 Set-up for ILS
 2 x ILS freq, identify, Course set (HSI & OBS)
 Markers on Audio
 Pre-landing Checks (Gear Hold).
 Flap Approach
 2 X ILS - 2 Eng & S/E - both for overshoot.
Airex (cont)
 AD/EDN to PF (Obtain PF ATIS)
 Circuits
 Normal
 Flapless
 2 Engine Missed Approach
Airex (cont)
 Asymmetric circuits
 1st - complete S/E circuit
 Subsequent
 Engine Failure on base
 When clear of runway, PF GND 119.9
 After landing drills
 Taxi to parking bay
 Shutdown drills, checklist.

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