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P20 + P21 How to say my and your and saying who things belong to (MERCREDI LE 4 AOUT)

Read through the blue block dossier langue and then try and fill in the table below by ticking the
correct columns for each example given:

Remember: The article/word indicating possession agrees with the noun it stands next to not with
the owner/possessor eg my uncle (I am a girl, he is a boy)= mon oncle

Un/une – a/an (m/f) -- before an masculine or feminine noun

Des – some - before a plural noun
Mon – my masculine – before a masculine noun
Ma – my feminine – before a feminine noun
Mes – plural – before a plural noun
Ton – your masculine - before a masculine noun
Ta – your feminine - before a feminine noun
Tes- your plural - before a plural noun

French English Un Une Des mon ma mes ton ta tes

(a/an) (a/an) (some)

Or Or Or

le/l’ La/l’ Les

(the) (the) (the –


Tante(s) aunt ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Oncle(s) Uncle(s)

Mère(s) Mother(s)

Père(s) Father(s)

Soeur(s) Sister(s)

famille family

Cousin(s Cousin(s)

*ami(s) Friend (boy)

* amie(s) Friend (girl)

Grand- Grandmother(s)


Grand- Grandfather(s)


parents parents

My aunt – Ma tante

Your sister – Ta Soeur

Your father – Ton père

My Mother – Ma mère

Your grandfather – Ton grandpère

My grandmother – Ma grandmère

My twin (m) – mon jumeau

My twin (f) – ma jumeau

My parents – mes parents

Your parents – tes parents

My grandson – mon petit fils

Your niece – ta nièce

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