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KUMQN English N TESTE DE ASSIMILACAO Para o orientador Tempo gasto / padrao: 730 4100 Nome: Série / Idade: Dia Mes Ano Data do teste: Hora: : as *Tempo limite 30 minutos © 2009 Kumon Institute of Education KIE BR Printed in Brazil = 1) Complete as sentengas usando uma das palavras entre colchetes. The Americanitos were struggling to keep up with the Galaxy Reserves, who were neat and in defense, midfield and attack. [inadequate - efficient - belated ] 2) I've seen a soccer player in California, and I think he’s a talent. [reusable - recyclable - remarkable ] 3) Today many environmental changes occur more __ than in the past. [rapidly - namely - officially | 4) Mrs. Robinson pushed open the wire screen door and____ Lara’ father. [surged - reverted - greeted ] 5) In his letter to the duke of Milan, Leonardo his talents as an engineer capable of designing ingenious weapons, vehicles and machines. [emphasized - enfolded - interrupted ] 6) If The Battle of Anghiari still , we might be able to find it by using advanced technology. [ abandons - exists - proposes ] N = Li 7) The May sunset was red in clouds, and there was still half an hour to [fragrance - twilight - horizon ] 8) Blackberry felt_______~—~——__ to go because all his instincts were warning him of the dangers in the unknown country beyond the warren. [flourished - attributed - terrified ] 9) The doctors mentioned the awful word Lara’s mother dreaded and yet insisted hearing. [on - in - by] 10) The small rabbit's way of raising and turning his head suggested not so caution as a kind of ceaseless, nervous tension. [much - well - many ] [2 pontos cada] /20 oe N 2| Complete as sentengas com uma frase do quadro. 1) Power plants, factories and transportation fossil fuels. 2) Lara’s mother noticed a wild clump of nasturtiums, the only thing in the dusty, ragged garden. 3) The scenery in the work appears to have been painted from direct observation, most artists of Leonardo's day who typically copied pictures of nature from books. 4) A friend of Fiver, Pipkin, was small and be timid. 5) [became her repeated attempts and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it upon the floor. rely on . beckoned to contrast to + patient at [2 pontos cada] Ao 1) 2) 3) 4) Sele apa cione a caixa com a expressao que melhor combina com rte grifada da sentenga. Mrs. Robinson had spared no effort to find Larry Ritchie. a) had taken a little time b) had saved money c) had done everything she could The angel and some of the background stand out from the rest of this painting. a) run out of b) are clearly different from c) are classified into I sometimes feel like clearing out of this warren altogether. a) having enough of this warren b) leaving this warren forever ©) cleaning all over this warren The wind sent forth a blast that would have knocked me off had I not clung to the branch with might and main. a) with all marvel and surprise b O with all my busy activities ©) with all my strength and effort [3 pontos cada] Total de Vocabulario e Gramatica Az a2 4| Leia 0 texto. They* usually read in the long summer twilights after the dishes were done. They’d lie on Mom’s double bed, leaving the trailer door open so that they could glimpse trees and the lake, and Mom would read to her for hours on end. And a world beyond Idle Hours Trailer Park and Lakeside Public School, that neither of them had ever dreamed of, opened up to them. They traveled through forests and mountains, in cities of the past and future, to civilizations beyond Earth. They’d found places with the weirdest of names (“Listen to this one, Lara: Loth-lor-ien. I can hardly pronounce it but it’s so, so beautiful this place, I think we should visit, don’t you? After tea?”) And they’d wandered through them together. Lara even dreamed about them sometimes. And as heroes sought rings or maps or treasures and dealt with triumphs or sudden mishaps, Lara and her Mom had laughed and cried together. And they’d talked about the stories when they finished reading. Talked and talked, the way they used to talk about the TV shows they no longer had time to watch. * they : Lara and her mother (©1989 by Libby Hathorn N = @ Complete a explicagao usando palavras do texto. 1) In the passage, “a world beyond Idle Hours Trailer Park and Lakeside Public School” was a world that neither Lara nor her mother @Responda as quest6es usando informagées do texto. 2) When did Lara and her mother usually read? Lara and her mother 3) Where did Lara and her mother travel as they read? As Lara and her mother read, , and to civilizations beyond Earth. 4) What had Lara and her mother done when they finished reading? When Lara and her mother finished reading, in the same way they used to talk about the TV shows they no longer had time to watch. [4 pontos cada] Ae =O = N 5] Leia o texto. I* remember the morning that I first asked the meaning of the word, “love.” This was before I knew many words. I had found a few early violets in the garden and brought them to my teacher. She tried to kiss me: but at that time I did not like to have any one kiss me except my mother. Miss Sullivan put her arm gently round me and spelled into my hand, “I love Helen.” “What is love?” I asked. She drew me closer to her and said, “It is here,” pointing to my heart, whose beats I was conscious of for the first time. Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it. I smelled the violets in her hand and asked, half in words, half in signs, a question which meant, “Is love the sweetness of flowers?” “No,” said my teacher. Again I thought. The warm sun was shining on us. “Is this not love?” I asked, pointing in the direction from which the heat came. “Is this not love?” *1: a girl named Helen Courtesy of the American Foundation for the Blind Helen Keller Archives. Used with Permission, N ae @ Complete a explicagao usando palavras do texto. 1) In the passage, “Her words puzzled me very much” means that Helen was confused by Miss Sullivan’s words, “ ,” as she pointed to Helen’s heart, because she did not then understand anything unless she touched it. @Responda as quest6es usando informagoées do texto. 2) When did Helen first ask the meaning of the word, “love”? Helen first asked the meaning of the word, “love,” the morning she 3) What did Miss Sullivan do after she tried to kiss Helen? After Miss Sullivan tried to kiss Helen, she , “Tlove Helen.” 4) What did Helen do as she asked if love was the warm sun? As Helen asked if love was the warm sun, [4 pontos cada] As —8- N 6|Leia a passagem e preencha as lacunas usando as informagées do texto. The star player was alone, his shoes with their distinctive red and yellow laces slung around his neck. Glen went straight up to him. “You played a blinder.” “A what?” “You played very well,” said Glen with a smile. “Brilliant.” He held out his hand. “I’m Glen Foy. I used to play a bit myself.” As they shook hands, Glen nodded toward the shoes. “What's with the laces?” The young player looked a little embarrassed. “For my mother. The colors of Spain.” “Oh, right. Still live there, does she?” “T don’t know where she lives.” He obviously wanted to change the subject. “So where did you play?” “England.” “England! You played for England?” Glen laughed. “No, lad, I played in England. Have you ever thought of turning pro?” Most of the Americanitos had climbed onto the bus and some were staring out through the dusty windows, wondering what was going on. “Pro teams here go for college kids. None of us went to college.” (©2005 by Robert Rigby N = 9 Glen 1) to the star player, who was alone. His shoes with their distinctive red and yellow laces were 2) his neck. Glen told him that he had played very well. When Glen asked him about his shoelaces, he looked a little embarrassed and said they were 3) for his mother. Glen also asked if he had ever thought of turning pro. But the player replied that pro teams in America 4) , and none of his team had been to college. [4 pontos cada] Total de Compreensao| AG 748 - 10F N 7| Leia em voz alta. In recent years, scientists have been developing innovative ways of preventing or reducing pollution. Among the most notable of these is “green power,” an alternative form of energy that is made from renewable resources like the sun, wind and water. It also produces fewer pollutants and is therefore far less harmful to the environment than the use of fossil fuels. With the help of modern technology, it is now possible to capture the sun’s energy and change it into electricity. These days, there are even some people who use solar power to produce electricity for their own homes, selling any excess to their local power supplier. Total da leitura em voz alta [2 pontos cada} Ao English] N RESULTADO DO TESTE DE ASSIMILACAO [Copia da unidade] Data do teste: Série: Nome: e Tempo gasto: // 30 minutos e Nota Vocabulario e | Compreensao Leitura em Total Gramatica de Texto voz alta J 42 {48 J 10 /100 Tempo gasto me eee f00 5 10 15 20 25 30. 35 minutos a s 3 z & Grupo 4; 50 40 Grupo: Tempo para a conclusao do estagio N : més (es) Numero de folhas feitas no estagio N : folhas Previsdo para terminar o estagio O : més (es) Previséo do numero de folhas no estagio O : folhas English] N RELATORIO DO TESTE DE ASSIMILACAO Data do teste: Série: Nome: ¢ Tempo gasto: /30 minutos © Nota /100 Resultado: EXCELENTE BOM MEDIO PODE MELHORAR Vocabulario e lo 10 20 30 40 42 Gramatica 7d | eet cee rc Compreensao 0 10 20 30 40 48 de Texto 2. eee aloes eee ne ERE ee Leitura em 0 2 4 6 8 10 voz alta 0| foe Tempo para a conclusao do estagio N : més (es) Numero de folhas feitas no estagio N : folhas Previsado para terminar 0 estagio O : més (es) Previsao do numero de folhas no estagio O : folhas Comentarios: Estagio O No estagio O, 0 Ultimo do curso, o aluno desenvolve ao maximo sua capacidade de compreensao de textos por meio da leitura de historias compostas por 1100 a 1200 palavras a cada 10 folhas de exercicios, sendo que todos os textos foram extraidos diretamente das obras originais. O aluno também amplia seu vocabulario ao ler fragmentos sobre assuntos variados contendo termos cientificos, express6es coloquiais, dialetos britanicos e termos da lingua inglesa usados no século XIX. Foram inseridas obras de autores renomados da literatura inglesa, a exemplo de W. Somerset Maugham e Charles Dickens. Na face ‘a’ de cada folha, o aluno pode assimilar melhor o significado de algumas expresses novas ou desafiadoras por meio de parafrases. Na face ‘b’, o aluno confirma o entendimento do texto ao responder perguntas abertas e completar resumos que compreendem o conteudo da face ‘a’ da propria folha, e também das duas folhas anteriores. Contetidos Numeros Titulo *TPR 1-10 A Retrieved Reformation 1 eee 11-20 A Retrieved Reformation2 —__ 21-30 Of Human Bondage 1 8 31-40 Of Human Bondage 2 41-50 Of Human Bondage 3 13 51-60 A Fish Caught in Time 1 61-70 A Fish Caught in Time 2 i 71-80 A Fish Caught in Time 3. 81-90 A Fish Caught in Time 4 oo 91-100 Benjamin Button 1 aie 101-110 Benjamin Button 2 = 111-120 | Benjamin Button3 121-130 The InvisibleMan1 9 131-140 The Invisible Man 2 141-150 The Invisible Man 3 =e} a4 151-160 The Invisible Man 4 cor 161— 170 Great Expectations 1 171-180 Great Expectations 2 2 | 181-190 Great Expectations 3 191-200 Great Expectations 4 * TPR = Tempo Padrao de Resolucao(nao incluindo o tempo necessério para ouvir 0 CD) C64, 23.025 - UN 1209

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