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Directions: Read each question and determine the best answer. Place the letter for the answer
that you select in the blank to the left of the number.

D 1. The number one cause of teen deaths is…

A. Drunk Driving
B. Drugged Driving
C. Defensive Driving
D. Distracted Driving

A 2. Our society often sees multitasking as a positive skill and a normal way of functioning.
However, studies have shown that multitasking can hamper memory and result in
absentmindedness when shifting from one task to another.

A. True
B. False

B 3. If a driver who is involved in a crash says, “I didn’t see the other car,” the driver may
have been distracted and not have seen the car because of a condition known as...
A. Multitasking
B. Inattention Blindness
C. Manual Distraction
D. Cognitive Distraction

A 4. Studies have shown that when a driver is talking on the cell phone their driving
performance is going to be a poor as someone who is legally drunk.

A. True
B. False

A 5. The laws in the Commonwealth of Virginia state that novice drivers are not allowed to
use hand-held or hands-free cell phones while driving.

A. True
B. False

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