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Anastasija Radulovic

Front End Developer

Dear Hiring Manager,

Belgrade, Serbia
I am writing to express my interest in the Front End Developer position + 381 61 163 3917
advertised. With a robust background in front-end and back-end technologies,
honed through my current role at, I am eager to bring my expertise and
enthusiasm to a dynamic new environment.

In my current role, I have significantly improved UI responsiveness and optimized

application performance, primarily working with technologies like React,
Angular.js, and Node.js. This experience has not only enhanced my technical
abilities but also my problem-solving skills and adaptability, ensuring that I can
meet the unique challenges and opportunities your company presents.

What excites me about the prospect of joining your team is the opportunity to
contribute to innovative projects while continuing to grow professionally. My
goal is to integrate into a new cultural and professional landscape, a decision
driven by my desire to experience diverse work environments and broaden my
technical and interpersonal skills. This aspiration is coupled with a personal
commitment to relocating to a new location, ideally Italy, where I am keen to
embrace new experiences and perspectives.

I Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the opportunity to

discuss how my background, skills, and ambitions align with the goals of your
company. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to and growing
with your team.


Anastasija Radulovic

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