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SS = Strength of Materials 2 ENME3STH1 2024 - C Basson

Title of Practicle Demonstrator

SS 1 - Unsymmetrical Bending
SS 2 - Continuous Beams
SS 3 - Critical Load on Struts

VENUE: Ground Floor - Strenghts Lab

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
222020417, Ahmed, AR 222090277, Curtiss, J 221019369, Dube, ME 222012359, Ismail, MY 222010671, Knight, D 221009843, Maharaj, M
221056273, Alli, H 222037092, Cwele, T 221002343, Govender, K 221007733, Jaglal, AR 222029706, Krishna, Y
220009990, Buthelezi, S 222003850, Dayanund, J 222008885, Govender, S 221076663, Khan, AM 222024663, Langa, S 222003755, Mahomed, AS
220000730, Cele, TS 221032127, Dlamini, NZ 221012918, Govender, V 222018730, Khumalo, T 220069864, Mabaso, D 221010912, Maxase, LN
222127689, Chetty, EA 220025201, Dlamini, XH 222038165, Hurilal, A 221055555, Khuzwayo, NM 220073744, Mabutho, A 222063854, Mbhele, SD

Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12

220009279, Mdletshe, A 222015075, Moodley, JR 222003107, Naidoo, KM 222038973, Ngwenya, SM 221011304, Phakathi, LS 222007886, S Gounden, N
221008267, Mkhize, L 221025905, Mthembu, M 222008966, Narain, K 222028499, Nhlabathi, LT 222005185, Pillay, BL 220009985, Shabalala, TZ
221037027, Mlambo, SS 222008638, Nassar, Z 220039402, Nxumalo, SM 221079956, Ramushweu, MP 222007510, Shwala, AS
222010766, Mohamed Ally, Y 222008490, Naicker, L 222069802, Nayagar, PJ 222072224, Nzama, NM 221047044, Rosenpershad, S 222085705, Singh, L
222049960, Mohan, S 222006532, Naicker, N 221071964, Ngcobo, P 221001653, Pardesi, R 222005006, Rughbeer, S 221002221, Soobramoney, RA

Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 Group 18

222007861, Soorajbally, KR
222001728, Yacoob, MU
220094762, Zondi, LH
222011399, Zondi, SS

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