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Purposive Communication | Module 1-2 Communication Processes, Principles and Ethics

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Give the meaning of communication,
2. Identify the communication process, principles and ethics; and
3. Illustrate the connection of communication to globalization.

Communication and its Meaning

Communication (came from the Latin term ‘commūnicāre’ which means to share) is the act of conveying meaning to a person
or group of people using a mutually understood symbols, gestures, behaviours and semiotic rules.

Communication plays a significant role in a day-to-day basis since it is used to persuade, inform, entertain and motivate. It is
important to develop variety of skills depending on its purpose, as well as to know how to interpret conversation and
information coming FROM others.

Knowing your audience and understanding how they need to receive information is equally important as knowing ourselves.

The Communication Process

The goal of communication is to transmit information and the understanding information—from one person or group to
another person or group. This communication process is divided into three basic components:

A sender conveys a message through a channel to the receiver.

The sender first develops an idea, which is composed into a message and then transmitted to the other party, who
interprets the message and receives meaning. Information theorists have added somewhat more complicated
language. Developing a message is known as encoding. Interpreting the message is referred to as decoding.

The feedback cycle is the other important feature. When two people interact, communication is rarely one-way only. When a
person receives a message, she responds to it by giving a reply. The feedback cycle is the same as the sender-receiver
feedback noted in Figures. Otherwise, the sender can’t know whether the other parties properly interpreted the message or
how they reacted to it.
Communication clearly defines as sending and receiving messages. The figure above shows the communication process,
there must be a sender who send the messages and a listener who listens or receives the message.

Principles of Communication

Communication is an acquired skills or something that you can learn as you go through the process of development. But not
everyone is skilled knowing that there are some factors that affects the development of one’s individual. To attain such an
effective communication, it is important to know the principles of communication.

1. Principle of Clarity

The thought or idea that needs to be communicated should be spelled properly. The word should be arranged in
such a way that the receiver understand the same word which the sender conveys. To avoid misconceptions,
pronunciation should be clear as possible including the enunciation.

2. Principle of Attention

Attention is very important in communication. One should pay attention to every single detail in communicating. To
understand what the sender means, the receiver should be drawn towards the message by paying attention to the
emotion, behaviour, manner and gestures so they may respond properly to the message.

3. Principles of Feedback

A feedback signifies that communication is effective. Therefore, it is important to provide feedback once
communication takes place.

4. Principle of Informality

There are major distinctions between formal and informal communication. To emphasize, there are times that formal
communication may not accomplish and desired results so informal communication can be effective and efficient in
some situations. It is valid to convey message informally because it is as important as formal communication.

5. Principle of Consistency

Consistency always matters in communication. To achieve consistent result once must be consistent in the way they
communicate. It contributes to the reputation of both sender and receiver and strengthens relationship.
6. Principle of Timeliness

This principle states that communication should be done at an accurate time as possible. To attain this principle, the
sender who conveys the message should make a safety measure when delivering the message. Time is very
important, when the receiver is not ready to accept or hear the message, it is therefore not the right time to convey
the message.

7. Principle of Adequacy

This principle is important in communication. Inadequate message creates confusion to the receiver, but an
adequate message build rapport to both parties. So, it is important to deliver adequate message at all times in all

Communication Ethics

Ethics is the moral system or judgment of what is right from wrong and also refers to the values, conduct, manners and
behaviour with the respect of rightness and wrongness of an action. If it is used in communication, we define communication
ethics as the governing principles of communication that has to do with the rightness and wrongness as well as
appropriateness relevant to the dimensions of communication.

Ethical communication advocates truthfulness, accuracy, honestly and endorse freedom of expression with its diversity of
perspective that leads to the respect of other communicators before evaluating and responding to their messages.

Communication and Globalization

Communication and globalization are usually connected with each other. To attain globalization, communication plays an
important part. Globalization is the process by which people in the world are unified and act as one society; in order to have
globalization, a person has to know a universal language – which in most cases; English is the language that connects us to

Also, globalization and intercultural communication impacted the types of communication skills needed in dramatic ways.
Today, people need to understand the dynamics of long-distance collaboration, the impact of culture on manners and way of
speaking. Understanding the impact of globalization can help to select the most useful communication skills development.

Communicating effectively can be a challenge in global environment. Even if both persons speak the same language, there
still can be a misunderstanding because of their cultural differences. Research on cross-cultural communication often focuses
on understanding how individual differences influence our ability to communicate with others.

Since most individuals grow up within a single culture, having to interact with others from different culture or background can
represent a challenge. This is one of the factors that contributes and hinder communication in achieving globalization. This is
why it is important to know the purpose of communication, in that way, once can develop their skills in communicating with
people with different culture and languages.
1. What is communication?

2. What are the most important principles of communication? Explain.

3. Does language contribute to the globalization of a society? How?

4. What is the connection of communication to globalization? Explain.

Additional Notes
Communication is so constant and widespread that once cannot escape its influence. Without it, people would be isolated and
unable to give and receive ideas. [Globalization is the process by which people in the world are unified into a single society
and function together.]

Globalization Through Communication

Rapid improvements in information technology have allowed us to exchange information and communicate almost
everywhere, anywhere and anytime. The nature of business and how it is done globally have also improved tremendously
through communication.

Through communication we observe the following trends in globalization:

Increase in international trade at a faster rate than the growth in the world
Increase in international flow of capital including foreign direct investment.
Increase in world production output and consumption.
Greater trans – border data flow, using such technologies as the internet,
communication satellites and telephones.
Development of global telecommunications infrastructure.
Greater immigration, including illegal immigration and others.

Another remarkable effect of communication on globalization is in the use

of telephone and television. Telephone has made it possible for young
people and adults around the globe to share cultural and ethnic
experiences with each other.

The television has also allowed generations of people to see how other people live, think and feel in other parts of the globe.
In full color, we can now “meet” new people and cultures without even having to take a single step outside our home. With
just the use of remote, right in comfort of our homes, we can explore different worlds that we know without the visual and
sounds transmitted through our TV.

Telephones have also improved communication. Gone are the weeks and even months of waiting for letters. Anybody can talk
to anyone who has another phone regardless of the distance or location in the planet. With the aid of satellites, 3rd
generation phones allow us to make a phone call, send video, or even receive an e-mail. Because of these developments in
the field of communications technology, no two countries are really apart. So these breakthrough in communication have
revolutioned business, commerce, and even the personal lives and relationship of millions of people.
Purposive Communication | Module 3-4 Communication and Globalization
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Define Communication and Globalization
2. Identify Communication Issues in Intercultural settings
3. Learn the impact of Communication in Society and the World
4. Identify the impact of Communication in Society and the World

Communication and Globalization

The advent of Technology has paved the way for communication not only to be confined locally but more so, internationally.
People, companies and different states have to adjust, adapt and innovate communication processes, method and
procedures in the global scene. The consistent need to have clear and effective methods of communications inter-culturally is

A very good introduction to the changing scenario is the famous speech of a UP Student, Patricia Evangelista’s “A Borderless
World does not preclude the idea of Home.”

Communication Issues in Intercultural Settings

1. Direct Communication and Indirect Communication

This issue is commonly observed because of the culture and background of two speakers. Messages can be
interpreted different because of the differences in communication methods and styles. For example, Westerners are
generally using direct communication when expressing their ideas. They would however use idiomatic expression or
euphemisms when expressing indirect ideas. Filipinos on the other hand, would usually use indirect method of
communication even if the situation calls for a direct form of communication. Filipinos at times are known for using
flowery words and that they would often beat around the bush when sending a message. This is in fact part of our
culture—but this scenario might cause problems when dealing or communicating in a multicultural setting.

2. Confusion with Accent, Pronunciation and Fluency

The diverse characteristic of a multi-cultural communication set up may cause language barrier to both sender and
receiver. Message may not be interpreted correctly and may not be understood because of accent and
pronunciation differences. The correctness of feedback of the receiver in expressing his/her thoughts or responding
to a message will be based on his/her fluency on the language of the sender. If these conditions are not met,
communication will be unsuccessful—this in turn might lead to conflict and strained relationships.

3. Attitudes on Rank and Authority

A very important aspect of any organization is the ability to work in a team. However, there is a difference on how an
organization treat rank authority depending on their culture. Understanding these differences would account for the
success or failure of an organization.

4. Different Styles and Procedures in Making Decisions

Different cultures have different styles in arriving at a decision or any agreement. There are some companies or
leading who are not very transparent in giving out details when they arrived at a decision while other cultures, like
Americans are swift and transparent in arriving at decisions.
Impact of Communication in Society and the World
The need to communicate is ever growing and the methods of communicating is fast changing. Man has evolved from simple
cave drawings, sign language and smoke signals to the digital era – where cell phones and gadgets play an active role in
communication that is aided by the Internet.

Below is the impact of Communication in the Society and World

1. Communication breaks the racial divide

Learning a new language, being exposed to different cultures through various forms of media helps us understand,
respect and appreciate other cultures.

2. Communications evokes inspiration

In the history of the world, we have seen the rise and fall of a nation or a culture or society because of inspiring and
charismatic speeches, broadcast and announcements of different leaders and influencers.

3. Communication is a symbiotic relationship

In order for communication to be effective, messenger to first and foremost should understand the message that
he/she wants to convey. Preparation, research and practice are key factors that contribute to the success and
effectiveness of the communication.

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