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Dr. FAROKH J. MASTER » >B. JAIN PUBLISHERS PVT. LTD. BacwH FLOWER REMEDIES For EVERYONE by Dr Farokh J. Master Dr. Afshan Deshmukh Dr. Kehkashan Deshmukh Dr. Kamal Kodia B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd. ini nmT Cover Page Designed By : Mr. DARA ICCHAPORIA M/S. DARA DESIGNING CONCEPTS, Fort, Bombay-400001 First Indian Edition : 1994 Reprint : 1995 1996, 1998, 2001, 2002,2004 All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author. Price. Rs. 59.00 © Copy right with the author Published by : Kuldeep Jain For B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. 1921, Street No. 10, Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, New: Dethi 110 055 (INDIA) Ph: 2358 0800, 2358 1100, 2358 1300, 2358 3100 Fax: 011-2358 0471; Email: Website: Printed in India by J.J. Offset Printers, 522, FIE, Patpar Ganj, Delhi - 110 092 ISBN 81-7021-303-7 - BOOK CODE B-3950 CONTENTS 1. Discovery of Bach flower remedies. ..... 2. _ How does Bach flower remedy work, placebo effect. ..... 3. Conducting a consultation. .... 4. Advantages of Bach Flower Remedies....... 5. Materia Medi 6. Comparative Materia Medica. .... 7. Scope of Bach Flower Remedies in alcoholics & drug Addicts ..... Pregnancy, Babies & children. ... 9. Bach flower remedies in Dentistry ....... 10. Rescue Remedy.......... 11. Repertory Material protegido por derech Discovery of Bach Flower Remedies Bach flower remedies were discovered by Dr. Bach physician, Homoeopath and consultant, Bacteriologist. He stayed in Mount Vernon, in little house with a small garden in Harley Street, a part of Thames Valley. He dedicated his life to discover 38 non-poisonous wild flower remedies. Each of the 38 remedies is co-related to a specific negative state of mind, personality trait mood or temperament, that so often prove to be the real cause psycho- somatically, in the break down of one’s physical and mental equilibrium. Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen were to sincere people who supported Dr. Bach till his end. Dr. Bach’s Homoeopathic knowledge of plants, his study of nature and essentially his great sensitivity set him on the road to discover his first 19 remedies. Later during his latter two years after he had settled at Mount Vernon, he discovered his final 19 remedies. How does Bach fllower remedy work, Placebo effect How do the Remedies Act: The Bach Flower remedies contain the life force in the plant, we know that no physical part of the plant remains once preparation is complete and therefore no physical part of the plant is ingested. The healing property within a flower may therefore be considered to be the outlet of the Life Force of that plant, in effect the soul or spirit of the plant, because it is an intrinsic thing, just as our spirit or soul is to us it cannot be handled, injured or destroyed. Everything in life has a purpose, from the simplest forms to the most complex, each one having a part to play in the workings of the great machinery of life. Plants contribute in a variety of ways Some provide food, others act as a host to parasitic life forms, others nourish the soil or provide oxygen, others have the ability to heal. Most herbal preparations procure the medicinal properties by extracting the oil or by drying the leaves or the root. Dr. Bach’s remedies are an extract of the healing “life” of the plant which is non-physical and therefore something abstract. It cannot be measured or analysed, like a chemical or drug and so the potent element cannot be extracted and identified. To attempt to examine the healing properties in a scientific way would be like adopting a scientific approach to explain why we are moved by a certain music or why we might feel peaceful by the sea. Their healing energies simply lift our vibrations and unblock the channels within our minds so that image not available image not available ADVANTAGES OF BACH FLOWER REMEDIES The value of Bach flower remedies cannot be overestimated when dealing with acute and chronic diseases. First of all they are prepared from natural resources such as flowers which are quite harmless. There is no complex procedure in its manufacture and there is no dynamisation viz. potentisation like homoeopathic drugs and hence cannot produce any harm to the person. The principles of prescribing Bach Flower Remedies are very easy and can easily be learned and grasped by young or old. The science does not demand elaborate study of mental state as is required for Homoeopathic prescribing. One can also select more than one drug for the same patient and these can be given at the same time. Dispensing of Bach Flower Remedies is the most simple process, one can conveniently give them in drops or pills either diluted with water or fruit juices. They are also easily available and the cost involving in purchasing the same is very minimal as compared to modern medicine and Homoeopathy. image not available image not available image not available They are full of kindness and ever willing, always eagar to help or be of service; because of their gentle and generous nature, they are easily dominated or manipulated and often find themselves the victim of stronger, more powerful personalities who may take advantage of their king heartedness. The centaury person may then become exhausted by over work and begin to despise him or herself for being so weak. The remedy helps these gentle folk to remain gentle but firm when the need arises so that they gain more respect and appreciation. Symptoms: shoulders and back may be affected, white face with rings under the eyes. CERATO (SEEKS ADVICE & CONFIRMATION FROM OTHERS) Doubts own ability. Seeks advice from one and all, often influenced and misguided by advice of others which can cause dissatisfaction but needs their attention. Lacks confidence in own jydgement. Distrusts own convictions. Changeable. Foolish. Talkative. Always asking questions. Tends to sap vitality of others by seeking advice. Has tendency to imitate. This remedy is for those who distrust their own judgement. When they make a decision they question it and often ask the opinion or advice of others as a form of reassurance and confirmation. These people can be swayed by the thoughts and ideas of those whose opinion they seek and as a result may take the wrong path. They may say, I knew, I should have done so and so, OR they might ask the advice of every friend asking “what shall I do” “What would you do if you were me, and then having absorbed all the answers decide to do it their own way after all. Cerato people waste so much time in making a decision 12 image not available image not available image not available people they hear without listening see without looking and forget what they are saying or what is being said to them. It is good for day dreamers. It is also helpful where consciousness is lost, fainting or where there is a sensation of faintness or bemused state of mind. Symptoms may include drowsiness, constant inclination to sleep, marked pallor, slowness, sensitivity to noise, numbness faintness, indifference, make little effor to get well and may even welcome prospect of death. CRAB APPLE (SELF-HATRED-SENSE OF UNCLEANLINESS) Feeling of despair, uncleanness, disgust has said or done something contrary to true nature. Feels mentally and physically unclean. Ashmed of physical condition and appearance. Despondent if treatment fails (see also Gentian). Has trivial thoughts-a ‘bee in bonnet’-fussy- house proud. This is known as the “cleansing remedy” and is indicated whenever there is a feeling of having been soiled, for example by disease, pollution touching a dirty object or dealing with infected material. In such instances there is an intense feeling of uncleanliness and a compulsion to rid the system of the ‘poison’. On some occasions the urge is so great that those in need of this remedy feel they must wash over and over again because they are convinced they have been contaminated in some way. They are generally very fastidious by nature with regard to hygiene generally. Crab Apple is also indicated where there is a feeling of self- disgust or self-loathing, when the reflection of oneself in a mirror causes repulsion, and for those revolted by such things as food and eating, bodily functions, sex of sickness. Another aspect of this remedy is in the help it gives to 16 image not available image not available image not available Another indication for Heather is when there is total selfabsorption or obsession with one’s troubles or ailment; when the mind thinks of nothing else. The remedy then helps the sufferer to take their mind off themselves and so consider the other important issues of life going on around them. HOLLY (HATRED, ENVY, JEALOUSY) Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, suspicion, Aggressive- ness, Greed. Absence of love. Misunderstanding. Bad tem- per. Various forms of vexation. Anger towards fellow man. Suffers much-often without a cause. This remedy is for jealousy, envy, hatred, ravenge, suspi- cion. The emotion is strong and burning and can give rise to outbursts of temper. Holly emotions can also cause a great deal of anger, it is for more explosive feelings. HONEY SUCKLE (LIVE IN PAST) Nostalgia, Homesickness. Lives in past. Has regrets. In looking back, there is fear of what lies ahead; a ‘state of Lot's wife’ a ‘torn in half’ condition. Can lose interest in present. Slowing down of vital forces. The Remedy for memories-of great help to widows, orphans, people who have failed in business, etc. and especially to the older folk who have to live alone. image not available image not available image not available MIMULUS (FEAR OF KNOWN THINGS) Fear from known reasons Examples: Fear of illness and consequences Fear of death. Fear of accidents - of pain. fear of dark, of damp and cold Fear of poverty. Fear of people - of animals Fear of speaking in public Fear of losing friends. Secret fears, is tongue-tied, has stage-fright. Blushes easily-may suffer from stammering, shyness. Ti- midity. Possesses love and understanding which can overcome things disliked and not understood. Mimulus is the remedy for fear of known things-fear of illness, poverty, living alone, travelling, of death or injury - the fears of everyday life. Other fears covered by this remedy are fear of heights, of pain, of water, of animals, of other people, of the dark and stage fright. The remedy will help people, whatever their personality, if they are afraid, but there is a side to Mimulus which describes a certain type of person. Those of the Mimulus nature are often afraid of people and are shy, nervous or retiring. They feel uneasy with people they do not know and tend to blush easily or stammer in their presence. They therefore dislike social gatherings because they feel too self-conscious to join in. The Mimulus remedy helps these timid bashful folk to have the courage to confront their fears, and as they do, so their fears diminish, just as a dark room ceases to be frightening once the light has been switched on. Symptoms may include stuttering, blushing, sinus trouble 24 image not available image not available image not available This remedy is to help those who are afraid of something happening to their loved ones. It is natural to be apprehensive when children are away from home for the first time or if your partner has to travel a long distance, but for the Red Chestnut people, this fear is out of all proportion in their mind and they become desperately afraid that some disaster will occur and they will not rest until their loved ones are safely home again. These people do not worry about themselves; their only concern is for the health and safety of their family. This sort of behaviour may instil similar fears in their children and so deplete their natural confidence. Red Chestnut helps them to overcome their fears. ROCK ROSE (TERROR) The remedy for rescuing from Terror-Panic. From an accident or near escape From the spectacle of an accident. Whenever there's terror in the atmosphere both patient and those around are affected. A child’s terror from a nightmare (a few drops in a little water sipped frequently will quickly calm). This is the remedy for extreme fear, terror, panic. It may not always be rational, but is nevertheless very real. Those who suffer from this state of mind are truly scared and as result may tremble, perspire, fall unconscious, suddenly become dumb/ deaf, sudden paralysis some people may simply perspire with fright. This awful fear may be the result of a horrifying acccident, causing the person to become terrified of travelling, undergoing a serious operation, hospitalisation and so on. Rock Rose would be indicated in all these circumstances and would also help both children and adults who are troubled by nightmare. If fear creates panic or sheer terror, then Rock Rose would always be the more appropriate remedy. 28 image not available image not available image not available utter despair as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Those suffering this way feel that there is nothing left in life and are so sad that they may physically hurt inside, feeling desolate arid heartbroken. They feel so wretched that at times they may wish they could die, but they do not seriously consider suicide because, because they do not believe even death will release ‘them from their pain. They can see no way out of their inner darkness and life holds no joy for them. The Sweet Chestnut remedy helps to raise the curtain of despair so that faith if restored. The horizon becomes brighter and hope returns to their lives, the end of the torment at least within reach. VERVAIN (TENSENESS-HYPERANXIETY) Extremes of mental energy-over-effort, stress. will forces actions beyond physical strength. Tenseness causes inability to relax and subse- quent sleeplessness. ‘Runs a thing to death’, Highly strung-fanatical. Perfectionist. Sensitive to injustices. Mind always ahead, inclined to tackle too many jobs at the same time. Thoe of this nature have strong principles and ethics, and when faced with a situation which goes against their ideals, they feel they must put their point of view forward. In doing so, they try to convince and convert others to their way 6fthinking. Vervain folk tend to feel strongly about matters such as environment, politics, religion, world famine, house and pov- erty, their feelings often strong enough to initiate the formation of pressure groups and will often write to their M.P. attend meetings and so on. This however is their release and if they are unable to find an outlet for their vehemence, they become frustrated and tense. Vervain people tend to be active, always on the go, involving themselves in several jobs at once, their minds racing ahead to what should be done next. They enjoy a image not available image not available image not available They prefer the quieter things in life and for this reason tend to be reserved. They move about quietly, are not clumsy or erratic but severe and self-assured. They enjoy being on their own or company of few well chosen friends. More harmonious than going to a large social gathering. They are willing to give advice if requested but do not attempt to interfere or influence and similarly will not discuss their own health or concerns with others. They therefore, suffer and bear grief in silence and because they keep a thin veil between themselves and those around them, they tend to distant themselves from people. The thin veil can become a hard barrier which is difficult to penetrate and the water Violet then finds that people are in awe of them; find them remote and unapproachable and this can cause them loneliness. This remedy helps to break down this barrier and thus enables them to welcome others with friendliness and yet retain their calm serenity and to remain proud without appearing haughty. They may suffer from physical rigidity, stiffness and tension since their energy is often blocked. WHITE CHESTNUT (UNWANTED THOUGHTS, MENTAL ARGUMENTS) A worrying or distressing occurrence preys on the mind. Mental arguments. Helpless to prevent thoughts going round and round in the mind like a hamster on a wheel Persistent, unwanted thoughts are like a gramophone record when the stylus has jumped the groove and invariably cause a troubled mind and sleepleness. This sufferer is pre-occupied, lacks concentra- tion and often does not answer when spoken to, which state of mind could lead to accidents. This remedy is indicated whenever the mind is tormented by worrying or repetitive and unwanted thoughts. Dr. Bach called this the “gramophone record remedy” because these persistent thoughts, mental argument or conversations go round 36 image not available image not available image not available COMPARATIVE MATERIA MEDICA 1. Difference between Larch, Scleranthus and cerato in lack of confidence. Larch : Type of personality lack confidence in their ability to do things. They are afraid they might fail, so do not make an attempt. They have the ability but due to fear of not achieving their goal, they would prefer to stand back in the shadow and allow others who are not so competent to take their place. Self consciousness is more marked, so a support of a ‘fear remedy’ is often needed. Scleranthus patients are torn between choice of two things, finds it difficult to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. They do not seek the help of others. They do not have confidence in their own judgement. 2. Difference between the tiredness of Hornbeam and Olive Hornbeam: people lack the strength to face their daily routine work, It is very familiar to “Monday morning feeling”; they are uncertain whether they have the strength to face the day, yet once started they find that they are quite able to carry on. The tiredness is more in the mind than the body. Olive : is the remedy for exhaustion, which is due to overwork. It is indicated in people who have gone through long period of stress, responsibilities or are perhaps recovering from a painful or wearing illness of long duration. Olive people lack the enthusiam to live, life ceases to be enjoyable. 3. Wild Rose and Clematis: Wild Rose is for those people who easily surrender to the struggle of life. They become more apathetic with no set 40 image not available image not available image not available SCOPE OF BACH FLOWER REMEDIES IN ALCOHOLICS & DRUG ADDITS Alcoholics will greatly benefit from the use of the Bach Flower Remedies. Alcoholics are basically ‘carefree and cheerful’ and usually strive to keep a brave face while being tortured simultaneously by life’s problems. Their face is usually a picture of pain contorted into a grain. But by the time, chronic alcoholism sets in, they are morose and depressed. AGRIMONY : should be considered as a probable first choice for alcoholics and drug addicts because their original facade of pretending all is well, begins to wear thin at one point - and then only some stimulant would help to keep up the pretence. Agrimony patients dislike being alone and may seek companionship in order to escape from and to forget worries. They seek excitement, the consequences of which can be dangerous and bring harm. Agrimony will help them to work out their problems in joyful way. He will be able to laugh at his own worries, will be optimistic. The remedies are preserved in brandy-but the minimal drops of the remedy taken in a glass of water makes the actual alcohol consumption virtually non-existent. In order to successfully treat drug addicts with the Bach Remedies, one should try to delve into the patient's past history this may indicate to us the reason the patient turned to drugs in the first place. image not available image not available image not available children. Excessive parental control or indifference can also be problematic. The “bully” requires help as much as th sensitive quiet child does. Adolescence can be a painful growing phase - during which the youngsters experience petty jealousy envy, pretence, fear, shyness, timidity, etc. which need to be remedied. e.g. the bullying child BEECH, HOLLY, VINE. The child who is never still, wakefulness - VERVAIN Timid, shy, clinging children - CHICORY, MIMULUS, LARCH With a little help from the Remedies, the more positive sides of their natures can be helped to mature and the unpleasant moods kept within reasonable limits. image not available image not available image not available AFFECTATION : Chicory, Vine. AGITATION : ment) Cherry plum, Vervain, White chestnut. AGONY : Cherry plum, CHESTNUT — tossing, finds rest or ame- lioration in no positions: Scleranthus, Sweet chest- nut. AIR- CASTLES: Clematis ALONE, —while agg: Chicory, Agrimony. — cannot remain or go alone, wants company: CHICORY —to forget his worries Agrimony ALONE, — desires to be : Water violet —to work at his own pace: Impatiens. — fear of being : Chicory, Agrimony, Mimulus — wants to be, to avoid con- versation: Agrimony — dislike of being : Chicory, Heather. ALOOFNESS: Water violet, Impatiens —in meeting of people: Agrimony. (see Excite- SWEET 52 ALTERNATING MOODS, complaints: Scleranthus. AMBITION: — loss of: (see Indolence) Clematis, Gorse, Wild Rose, Larch, Sweet Chestnut, Pine. —unable to fulfill due to physical tiredness: Olive — over-ambitious: Vervain — indefinite : Cerato; WILD OAK —to convert others, revo- lutionise: Vervain — definite : Walnut — to possess: Chicory AMOROUS: Cherry plum: — thoughts, constant: White chestnut AMUSEMENT — averse to: Beech, Rock water, Pine —no time for amusement or week-end Holiday due to overwork: Vervain. — feels that time spent on amusement is a criminal waste: Pine ANAEMIA: — from grief: Gentian image not available image not available image not available — menses do not appear at proper age: Walnut CHANGE: complaints, during meno- pause, puberty, teeths: Walnut, SCLERANTHUS. CHANGEABLE: Cerato, Scleranthus — Mood: Scleranthus CHANGE of weather agg: Walnut CHECKED discharges, ill ef- fects from SCLERANTHUS, Crab Apple CHEERFUL gay, happy, inspite of difficulties, sad occurrences, sorrowful things: Agrimony CHILDISH behaviour: Cherry Plum, Crab apple, Chicory. CHILDREN, remedies fre- quent useful in: Chicory (obstinate). CHILDREN, aversion to: Willow — beating: Cherry plum, Vine —to have, to beget: Chicory —dislikes her own: Willow — flees from his own: Willow. CLAIRVOYANCE: White chestnut, Cerato CLEANLINESS, over-con- scious, about: Crab Apple (neatness : Beech) CLEANSER : Crab Apple CLOUDINESS, confusion: Scleranthus. COMPANY — aversion to: Impatiens, Water Violet, Willow, Mimulus —alone, while agg: Chicory —amel, when alone: Impatiens, Water Violet —at least a child: CHICORY —avoid the sight of people: Mimulus, Agrimony. — avoids the sight of people, inferiority complex from: Larch —avoids those who he feels has offended formerly: Crab Apple, HONEY SUCKLE — desire for: Agrimony, Heather. — friend, of a: Chicory — friends, of intimate: Willow —shuts herself up: Impatiens, Water Violet — shyness from: Crab Apple CHICORY, image not available image not available image not available —argument, making an elo- quent: Beech, White chestnut. —arms do not belong to her: Scleranthus. —arms, that she has three : Crab Apple, White chest- nut —arrested, is about to be : Mimulus, Hornbeam, Pine. — assaulted, is going to be : Mimulus. — babies, are two in bed: White chestnut — ball, that he is sitting on a: Crab Apple, Scleranthus. — beaten, that he is being White chestnut. —bed, —— as if someone was in with him White chestnut — — motion in: Scleranthus — behind him, that someone is: White chestnut —bells, — hears, ringing of : White Chestnut — — door bell: : White chestnut — belong to her own family, dues not : Vine. — bewitched, thinks, he is : Holly, White chestnut — birds, sees: White chestnut — business,. fancies is doing: Beech — — unfit for, that he is : Elm, LARCH. — Cancer, has a: Mimulus — cats, sees: White chestnut. — caught, as if he would be: Mimulus, Pine. — choked, thinks he is about to be, night on waking : ASPEN —christ, thinks himself to be : Vine —clock, hears strike: White chestnut — ciphers, sees: White chestnut —cloud, heavy black, envel- oped her : Mustard — conspiracies — against her father, thought the landlord's bills were : Holly. — — against him, there were: Holly — contaminates everything she touches: Crab Apple, Pine. —corner, sees something, coming out of : White chestnut — corners of houses seem to project that he fears he will run against them image not available image not available image not available DESTRUCTIVENESS: Cherry Plum, VINE — of clothes: Cherry Plum DETAILS, — over - conscious about : Crab Apple — talks in minute details (lo- quacity): Heather. DICTATORIAL: Beech, VINE —in emergencies: VINE — affairs of others : Chicory, Vervain, Vine. DIPSOMANIA : Cherry Plum. DIRT: (see filth, contagion etc.) DISAGREEABLE : Willow DISAPPOINTMENT: Gentian. DISCHARGES — amel : Scleranthus. —complaints pressed: Scleranthus, Crab Apple DIS€IPLINED — for self and others: Beech — for others only: Beech —in his principles: ROCK WATER —sensitive to indiscipline, disorder, etc: Beech from, sup- — serious about discipline: Beech DISCONTENTED, dis- pleased, dissatisfied with others: Willow —with self : Pine, Honeysuckle, Crab Apple, Larch, Sweet Chest- nut, Oak, Rock Water. — — over past occurrences, missed chances: Honeysuckle — with others: Willow, Chicory. DISCOURAGED: Elm, Gentian —at setbacks: Gentian DISGUST: Honeysuckle, Crab Apple, Willow.. DISHEARTENED: Gentian — about other’s welfare, re- covery: Red Chestnut. DISOBEDIENT: VINE DISPLEASED: Willow — with his performances: Honeysuckle, Pine DISSATISFIED, due to unfulfilled ambitions: Oak — frustration: Walnut image not available image not available image not available HASTY: IMPATIENS, Vervain HATE : —-through Jealousy: Holly —through resentment : (re- senting others success & happiness) —who do not agree with him: Chicory, Vine — women, for : Willow — Religious : Pine. HAUGHTY : Vine HEADSTRONG: Vine HEEDLESS: Clematis, Scleranthus, Wild rose. HEIGHT, medicine to in- crease (in short persons): Crab Apple HELPLESSNESS, feeling of: Chicory HESITANCY : —through uncertainty: Scleranthus — through fear : Mimulus — through lack of confidence: Larch —none, being self-assured: Impatiens, Vine, Water vio- let HIDE, desire to : Chestnut bud 76 HIGH PLACES, aggravates physical symptoms: Olive HIGH SPIRITED : Vervain HILARITY: Vervain HOARSENESS: Crab Apple, HORNBEAM —for overuse of voice of public speakers, singers: Olive. HOME-SICKNESS OR HOME, desires to go : Chicory, Walnut, Honey- suckle, Clematis HONOR, effects of wounded: Gentian, HONEYSUCKLE HOPEFUL — of happy future (day-dreaming) Clematis. — of success, inspite of fail- ures in his efforts : Oak HOPELESSNESS: Gorse, Sweet chestnut, Rock Rose —due to lack of self-confi- dence: Larch — extreme : Sweet chestnut —in others, medicines: Gorse HORRIBLE things and sto- ries, affect her profoundly: ROCK ROSE HORROR: Rock Rose image not available image not available image not available INTERFERENCE: — attempt to hurry others: Impatiens — by fussing and criticising : Chicory — by talking of one-self: Heather — by dominating : Vine — by over-persuading : Vervain, Vine — by asking questions: Cerato — by Revenge: Holly — by thoughts: White Chestnut INVOKE ILLNESS: —to obtain sympathy : Chicory, Heather — to keep power over others: Chicory. — through resentment : Willow — to escape experiences : Clematis —to escape fear: Mimulus — because of lack of confi- dence: Larch IRRASCIBILITY: Cherry Plum IRRESOLUTION: Cerato, Scleranthus —acts, in: Scleranthus — projects, in : Scleranthus — projects, in : Cerato, Wild oat —trifles, about: Scleranthus IRRITABILITY: Beech, Chicory, Holly, Im- patiens, Willow. IRRITABLE : Cherry plum, Impatiens. — noise, from Impatiens. ISOLATION, — sensation of: Chicory — desires: Impatiens, Water violet. ITCHING — has to scratch until it bleeds (see also skin): Cherry plum — changes place on scratch- ing : White chestnut, SCLERANTHUS — despair, from: Gorse, Sweet chestnut JAUNDICE: Hormbeam — blood transfusion, after: Walnut, Crab Apple JEALOUSY: Holly JESTING TOO MUCH: Crab Apple, Cherry plum. JOY, excessive: White chestnut JOYFUL even at sorrow: Agrimony JUMPING, — impulse to jump into the river: Cherry plum image not available image not available image not available — given in to: Gorse — frightened by: Mimulus SEXUAL excesses: Olive, Hornbeam. SHAME, mortification, re- served displeasure: Honeysuckle SHAMELESS: Clematis, Wild rose. SHOCK, mental or physical: Star of Bethlehem. STRIEKING: Cherry plum SHY: Crab Apple, Mimulus SILENT: Agrimony SINGING Vervain —involuntarily, repeats, same rhyme spontane- ously: White chestnut — Obscene songs: Cherry plum. SIT, inclination to : Olive, SCLERANTHUS. SITS, — quite stiff : Scleranthus —in one place for 3-4 dyas: Scleranthus, White chest- nut —wrapped in deep, sad thoughts, as if and notices nothing: Mustard. SKIN — itching: Crab Apple, Cherry Plum, White chestnut —itching, changes place on scratching: Scleranthus, White chest- nut —must scratch, bleeds: Cherry Plum. — worse from scratching: Scleranthus SLEEP — restless: Impatiens — wants sound sleep : Scleranthus —to overwork when urgent work is on hand: Scleranthus. —unrefreshing, awakens wretched: until it SCLERANTHUS, Horn- beam. SLEEPLESS: Scleranthus, WHITE CHESTNUT —wakeful during certain hours: White chestnut. — wakes up early and cannot sleep again: Sclerathus —night, and sleepy at day: Scleranthus —suddenly wide awake: White chestnut — Spasmodic symptoms dur- ing (jerking, twitching- starts) : White chestnut. image not available image not available image not available & B. JAIN PUBLISHERS (P) LTD. 1921/10, CHUNA MANDI, PAHARGANJ, . NEW DELHI - 110 055 PH: 2358 0800, 2358 1100, 2358 3100, 2358 1300 FAX: 011-2358 0471; EMAIL: BJAIN@VSNL.COM; WEBSITE:WWW.BJAINBOOKS.COM ISBN 81-7021-303-7 oT 88170 ll BOOK CODE: BF 3950 PRICE: RS. 59.00

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