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Career: Tecnicatura Superior en Gestión de Recursos Humanos

Teacher: María Sansó
Student: Luciano Andrés Malanca

Practical Work II
Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume?
“Choose the underestimated contender, whose secret weapons are passion and purpose. Hire
the Scrapper.”
In her TedTalk, Regina Hartley, HR Executive at UPS, encourages us to look beyond the perfect
resume and shine more light on those candidates that have experienced adversity in their life. She
shares her interesting perspective and approach on hiring prospective employees and how to
distinguish a “Scrapper” from the crowd. Through watching her discussion, you will learn her
theory on how our life experiences not only shape who we are but directly impact how we will
excel in the workforce.
1- Read the above quote and refer to it according to your opinion. Write a short paragraph.
2- Rewrite those words you consider belong to vocabulary related to the human resource’s field.
Note: you have to find the words in the script from class 1.
3- Do you consider yourself a scrapper or a silver spoon? Justify. Take notes to talk about in class
1- About the quote, I think that Regina and her TedTalk, open our minds as future human
resources technicians trying to leave our preset ideas, think outside the box and consider those
candidates that show strength, perseverance and desire to improve, highlighting these capacities
like something as good as a school career, a master degree or an academic formation, leaving
behind meritocracy and matching opportunities of progress and promotion.
Words related to human resource’s field.
1- company (compañía)
2- open position (puesto vacante)
3- applications (solicitudes)
4- qualified candidates (candidatos calificados)
5- choosing (seleccionar/elegir)
6- resume (curriculum)
7- recommendations (recomendaciones)
8- job hopping (salto de trabajo)
9- jobs (trabajos)
10- pick (elegir/escoger)
11- colleagues (colegas)
12- candidates (candidatos)
13- advantages (ventajas)
14- success (éxito)
15- human resources director (director de recursos humanos)
16- human resources certification (certificación de recursos humanos)
17- experiences (experiencias)
18- consider (considerar)
19- lack of focus (falta de concentración)
20- obstacles (obstáculos)
21- interview (entrevista)
22- hired (contratado)
23- assignments (tareas/labores)
24- operation (operación)
25- quit (renunciar)

3- I consider myself half scrapper - half silver spoon. Half scrapper because I have to fight against
nerves, anxiety and things of my personality that I could improve. Also, economically speaking, life
could be better and easier. On the other hand, I think that I’m half silver spoon due to my family
and friends support which is invaluable. My academic formation and known people will be able to
get me better things as well

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