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Forest Tribe: They live on treehouses and build bridges in-between them to cross

from one tree to another. They usually wear brownish to red colours contrast with
the vegetation. They also uses ropes and vibes to get around. Their surroundings
are decorated with wood carvings

Sea tribe: They live by the sea side with their canoes. They build small canopy's
near the beach front to sell their wares from fishing . They wear green and orange
colours and have a lot trinkets. Their village huts are close to the sea in the
tropical vegetation

Valley tribe: They live in the valley with mountains encompassing them. They heard
animals through their valleys and take care of them. They wear blue,white and
yellow to stand out in grassy valley. Their huts are scattered in the valley
similar to the native Americans.

Mountain tribe: They live on top of the mountain and build rock structures to keep
out intruders. They are the most Illusive of the tribes and really interact outside
of the mountains. They wear thicker cloaks and garments because of the cold
mountain air. They usually wear darker earthy colours to blend in due to their
Illusive nature.

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