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Community Waste Management Plan

For the Community of XXXXXXXX

A Project Proposal

Submitted to the XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

Inquiry, Investigation, and Immersion




The community of Aritao is very diverse with individuals having relations in other

provinces. It has a warm and welcoming atmosphere with a quiet and peaceful environment with

the members of the community being a very diverse population of individuals.

Aritao is a 2nd class municipality in the province of Nueva Vizcaya. According to the

2020 census, it has a population of 42, 197 people. There’s also the ethnic minority called Isinai,

the original residents of the town. Aritao’s geography could be described as very hilly and is

high up in elevation compared to its neighboring towns. The infrastructures and the environment

in the community are beautiful with its agriculture and nature well-preserved.

The community was chosen because of its familiarity and connection with the proponent.

The community of Aritao is a very prosperous place with a strong potential to improve. It may

not be a perfect community with its flaws and shortcomings but it is a secure and prosperous



Improper waste management and neglection for the environment has been recurring

problems within the community of Aritao. These problems have been significant enough in the

community that it has become unmanageable and noticeable enough for the members of the

With the presence of cluttered roads, poor waste management, and lack of waste

disposals; these coud affect the safety and the security of the community over a long period of

time before taken action against. These problems could yield improper sanitation, bad hygiene,

infectious diseases, land and water pollution, destruction of nature, biohazards, clogged

drainages, and road obstacles in the community. These problems have the potential to affect the

health, safety and security of the environment and thus is needed to be taken action against.

With the Community Waste Management Plan, it could promote cleanliness and proper

hygiene. It’s also to be expected that it will improve sanitation of the areas affected by improper

waste management, preserve nature, prevent land and water pollution, prevent diseases, and will

improve the overall image and safety of the community, therefore, also improving quality of life

for the members of the community.



1. Start up a plan to mitigate the effects of improper or lack of waste management.

a. Minimize waste and extend landfill capacity

b. Reduce environmental impact of disposal sites

2. Teach and demonstrate the proper practices on segregation, hygiene, and cleanliness.

3. Raise awareness on the effects of pollution.

4. Prevent land and water pollution.

Waste Management Plan

 Training

o All those who are involved will undergo a briefing on what the goals are and the

purpose of the project including the correlation between a deteriorating

environment, waste, and human health. It will also include the treatment and

management of waste, principles behind composting and recycling, health and

hygiene, and lastly collection and tranpsortation procedures.

 Segregation of waste from the source

o Households will be given proper instructions and advices on how to properly

segregate wastes. From biodegradable to non-biodegradable wastes. These wastes

will then be segrated into recyclables, non-recyclables, and domestic hazardous


 Collection

o A door-to-door collection of waste which should take on a daily basis for the

duration of the project.

 Awareness and Information Campaigns

o Raising public awareness is an important step to motivate and engage the public

with the project. Activities include promotion of the RRR – reduce, reuse, and
recycle – advertisement through slogans, posters as well as mediums like


With the community project, it will improve the local environment of the community of

Aritao and will offer a better environment for those in the community. This should also improve

logistics and decrease the number of accidents caused by the community’s poor environment

especially with sanitation and land pollution. With the community project, it also has the

possiblity to improve overall quality of life for the members of the community.

For evaluation of the effectivity of the project, here are some of the methods that will be


 Observation

 Feedback

 Questionnaires


The budget for the project will depend on the numbers fof those who are involved and

will be participating with the project. This also means proper equipment and the time needed for

training. Budget for venues will also be needed for the motivation and awareness campaigns to
the public. The items needed will mostly be made from recycled or revamped scrapped materials

to save on cost. Here is an estimate of what items are going to be needed for the project:

Item/Personnel Cost

Volunteers -

Trash Bags -

Recycled Waste Disposals -

Equipment -

The investment program as indicated of this Plan shall be implemented in consonance

with the annual investment programming and budget preparation of the key stakeholders such as

the Municipality and the different academic institutions and natural resources groups.

In communicating the contents of this project, this plan hopes to integrate the salient

provisions of this Plan, in their regular IEC undertakings. Target audiences are focal persons on

natural resources at the municipal level as well as stakeholders in resources such as

representatives of different offices, funding institutions, and the other natural resources


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