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Exhibit behaviors reflecting a moral foundation of strong work ethic and

ENSIGN COLLEGE is building a brand of providing employers and the community with
skilled, committed leaders, who possess a willing spirit and strong ethics. Students will
display a positive and constructive attitude, a desire to lead out in mentoring others,
and contribute to Spirit-centered learning.

The belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to
strengthen character and places the greatest value on hard work and diligence. Students
with strong work ethics and character take responsibility for the work they do.

Personal accountability is being willing to answer for the outcomes resulting from
choices, behaviors, and actions. Students take the initiative to act and enable others to
act for themselves while developing the skills to quickly and accurately understand and
deal with a situation or choice.

Student accountability gives the learners responsibility for their actions, learning and
helps improve academic performance and achievements. The ability to use all of the
above to make positive contributions to one’s community and the larger society.

Ensign College, College-Wide Capabilities, 2020

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