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Masks and Riders: A Kamen Rider 5e Expansion

Created by TrueFullmetal
Additional Credits:
Lunar Jumeas (Secondary Developer)
ShiroosQuill (Secondary Developer, Ring Mage Class with the help of
Kocchi, Rebel of Worlds Subclass, Ambitious Usurper Subclass)
RogueSlash (Secondary Developer, Shifter Class, Roidmude Race)
D3ADPOOLK1d (Secondary Prophet of World Subclass, Luminary Spirit
Subclasses, Evolving Mark Options 2,3, and 5, Beyond Desire Options 2, 3 and 4,
Megid Race, Alchemical Collector)
Toxicrown (Gaia Detective Class, Finisher Clashing Rules)
Game_Harbinger (Dancing Warrior Class Additions)
Amy2 (BuraKaWani and Future Medals, Desire Master Subclass)
DocRider (Homebrewery Port)

Table of Contents:

Part I: The Warriors of Justice

Henshin Power Table

Part II: Rider Classes

Classical Hero
Class Table

Ancient Hunter
Class Table
Hunter Archetypes

Class Table

Photon Fighter
Class Table

Class Table
Rouzer Archetypes

Class Table
Oni Archetypes

Zecter Master
Class Table

Fangire Lord
Class Table

World Traveler

Class Table
Traveler Archetypes

Double Rider
Class Table
Double Archetypes

Medal Counter
Class Table
Counter Archetypes

Space Student
Class Table

Ring Mage
Class Table
Mage Archetypes

Dancing Warrior
Class Table

Class Table

Luminary Spirit
Class Table

Class Table

Gamer Medic
Class Table

Bottle Brain
Class Table
Bottle Archetypes

Company Rider
Class Table
Company Archetypes

Scribbling Swordsman
Class Table

Demon Stamper
Class Table
Stamper Archetypes

Desire Fighter
Class Table
Desired Archetype

Alchemical Collector
Class Table
Alchemist Archetype

Double Rider (Legacy)

Class Table
Double Archetypes

Part III: Rider Races


Part IV: Weapons and Equipment

Part V: Optional Rules
Legend Rider Items

All Kamen Riders have one thing in common; they all henshin. What lets you henshin depends
on your class, but unless stated otherwise, when you Henshin, you get the henshined condition.
This condition places Rider Armor on your body. Rider Armor is a strong armor that protects
against the lasers and slashes of combat. Your Rider Armor AC is calculated by 10 + your two
highest modifiers. This armor can only be used while you are under the henshined condition.
Rider Armor also prevents most civilian weapons from being of too much use. You gain
resistance to all weapons that are not gained by class features. At 11th level, your weapons deal
magical damage.

In Masks and Riders, an unarmed strike is more than simply a punch or a kick. While under the
henshined condition, you may perform an unarmed strike as a bonus action after taking the
Attack action. Unarmed Strikes also come in five varieties: Punch, Kick, Tackle, Chop, and

Punch: Uses Strength as its attack roll and damage modifier.

Kick: Uses Dexterity as its attack roll and damage modifier.

Tackle: Uses Constitution as its attack roll and damage modifier. If you attempt to tackle after
moving 10 or more feet, you push the target that you hit back that many feet. If the target hits a
surface, they must make a DC 8 + Attacker Prof + Attacker Str Mod Constitution Saving throw,
or take an additional Rider Unarmed Damage Die of bludgeoning damage.

Headbutt: When making an attack roll with a headbutt, roll a flat d20 for the result. If you toll a
1-10, you take half damage from one Unarmed Strike damage equivalent to your level. On a
11-17, you deal an Unarmed Strike + Mod in damage. On a 18-20, you force the enemy to make
a 8 + Prof + Con Mod saving throw, or they become stunned for one round. You may roll this
d20 normally even if you are grappled or restrained. This is also the only unarmed strike that you
can make as a bonus action without needing to make the Attack action first.

For all unarmed strikes, you can also choose to deal the damage of your unarmed strike instead
of the damage a melee weapon attack would. Unarmed Strikes grow in damage as you grow in
levels. See the chart below for damage as you level up. Unarmed Damage Dice are calculated by
total character level, not an individual class.

Level Damage

1 1d4

2 1d4

3 1d4

4 1d4

5 1d6

6 1d6

7 1d6

8 1d6

9 1d6

10 1d6

11 1d8

12 1d8

13 1d8

14 1d8

15 1d8

16 1d8

17 1d10

18 1d10

19 1d10

20 1d10

Rider Machine:
This is typically a motorcycle, and serves as both a means of transportation, and a weapon for
combat. Your Rider Machine is never parked more than 100ft away from you, unless specified
otherwise, for the purposes of vehicular action. Your Rider Machine has 60 ft of movement, and
while riding it and moving, you gain +2 AC. Your Rider Machine can also be used to attack,

allowing you to make an unarmed attack with the vehicle and use weapons, provided it only
takes up one hand. If someone else is riding with you on your rider machine, they do not gain the
bonuses or disadvantages.

Form Shifting:
Some Riders have access to multiple forms, becoming more and more powerful as they level up.
Form Shifting takes a bonus action, and most forms are changes in powers and weapons,
however all riders have access to higher forms. Your 10th Level form, or your Super Form, deals
a fixed 8d6 damage for its finishing moves, and an extra dice of damage. Your 14th Level forn,
or your Final Form, deals a fixed 10d6 damage for its finishing moves, and you roll double dice
for damage.

Auxiliary Items:
In certain classes, you may gain items called auxiliary items or auxiliary abilities. These are
special tools that change your form in a minor but noticeable way that can possibly add variation
or an advantage in combat. Whenever something grants you an auxiliary item or effect, you gain
one of the following effects while using it, in addition to any class-specific rules governing them:

● Granting an elemental damage to your unarmed strikes

● As a bonus action, grants you the invisibility condition until the end of a turn where you
● Increasing the hit point maximum and current hitpoint you have by 20% (rounded down)
for as long as you use this item
● Doubling a movement option such as jumping, flying, walking, etc. (rounded down) or
granting a movement option equal to your walking speed
● Increasing damage by 20% (rounded down)
● Reducing damage taken by 20% (rounded down)
● You gain a cantrip of your choice. As well, you gain a 1st level spell. You can use each
once per long rest, twice per long rest two levels after you gain this ability, and three
times per long rest two levels after that. You can cast the spell at a level equal to your
(Class level + 1) divided by 2, to a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 1.
● Gaining two extra manipulators
● Being able to push an enemy back 10 ft. as part of an unarmed strike
● Increases your unarmed strike range by 10 ft.
● Grants you a weapon of your choice, or two light weapons
● Gaining the Deflect Missiles Monk feature with 2 ki points
● You gain a +2 to AC.
● You gain proficiency in two skills and one saving throw.

● You gain resistance to a damage type, but become vulnerable to another
● You gain 2 speed charges
● Grants you a heavy weapon of your choice which does double dice damage*, but you also
gain disadvantage when attacking with it.
○ *The second roll does half damage unless that damage is 1.

Finisher Features:
Whenever you gain a feature from a class that makes the opponent roll a saving throw to avoid
taking damage in d8s, typically 5d8, that is called a finisher. Each class besides Supporter gains a
finisher at 3rd level that deals 5d8, and some others either deal more damage at higher levels or
gain new finishers, at 10th level your damage increases to 8d8, and at 14th level your damage
increases to 10d8. This can be dealt with a weapon granted by a class feature, or simply your
limbs, and can be dealt against any opponent in range. A finisher pushes an enemy back 5 ft. in
the direction you attacked them. When you have a feature that says it deals finisher damage, you
can decide how many dice out of the amount to use. The rest can be used at another time. The
finisher damage dice are restored after a long rest. You cannot use your bonus unarmed strike
after using a finisher.

When a finisher is performed against a target, that target must roll a finisher saving throw. The
particular ability score the saving throw relies on is determined on the ability score used for the
damage roll (Strength for punches, Dexterity for kicks and ranged attacks, Constitution for
chops, etc.) As well, if the finisher does elemental damage, the person suffering the damage can
choose to make a Constitution saving throw, regardless what type of melee attack it was.

Finisher Clashing:
At any time, when a finisher action is taken targeting a creature that also has a finisher available,
that creature can use its reaction to perform a finisher clash. When a finisher clash is performed,
both players roll a save of the opponents choosing depending on which finisher they are using,
however the original attacker rolls with advantage. The person who rolls highest wins the clash.

If the attacker wins the clash, they deal an additional die of damage with their finisher and push
the reaction taker back by 10 feet instead of 5. If the reactor wins, they deal normal finisher
damage and take half damage from the finisher hitting them. They also push the original attacker
back by 5 feet

Elemental Augment:

The elemental damage and techniques dealt by riders and their allies can change the tide
of battle. When you hit a target twice during your turn with the same elemental damage granted
by a class feature, you deal an Elemental Augment, an enhanced effect based on the elemental
damage you use for the attack. A target can only suffer up to two Elemental Augments at a time,
and you cannot stack two of the same elemental augment upon the same creature. The following
effects of the Augments are below.

Fire/Acid: Makes the creature hit with the strike have to roll a Constitution saving throw
of a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + whatever modifier you used to attack. On a
failure, they take 1d8 fire/acid damage at the end of every turn. They can repeat the saving throw
at the beginning of each of their turns.
Cold/Psychic: Makes the creature hit with the strike have to roll a Constitution saving
throw of a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + whatever modifier you used to attack. On a
failure, they gain a -2 on any attack rolls and have their movement speed cut in half. They can
repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns.
Lightning: Scores a critical hit on a 19-20.
Force/Thunder: Allows you to turn your single strike into a 15 foot square attack against
creatures of your choice.
Poison: Makes the creature hit with the strike have to roll a Constitution saving throw of
a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + whatever modifier you used to attack. On a failure,
they gain the poisoned condition. They can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of
their turns.
Radiant/Necrotic: When you hit a creature with your strike, you restore an amount of hit
points equal to 1d8 hit points.

Additionally, the effect of an Elemental Augment can end when you deal an Elemental Augment
of another type, as shown on the table below:

Augment: Augment that cancels the effect

Fire Cold

Cold Fire

Lightning Thunder

Force Lightning

Acid Psychic

Psychic Poison

Thunder Force

Poison Acid

Radiant Necrotic

Necrotic Radiant

Size Table:
Some Riders can assume a greater or smaller size than others whether as a feature or a natural
difference in stature. If your Dungeon Master allows you to be a different size or a class feature
lets you become another size, use this table to determine the Advantages and Disadvantages this
grants you while you are transformed.

Size: Advantages: Disadvantages:

Tiny +4 Armor Class, +2 Dexterity -50% Maximum hit points, -2


Small +2 Armor Class, +2 Dexterity -25% Maximum hit points, -1


Medium None None

Large +10% Maximum hit points, -2 Armor Class

+2 Strength

Huge +25% Maximum hit points, -1 Dexterity, -2 Armor Class

+2 Strength

Gargantuan +25% Maximum hit points, -2 Dexterity, -4 Armor Class

+4 Strength

Speed Actions:
Some classes have access to the ability to do Speed Actions. When doing a speed action, you
become faster than light, and are able to move quickly for a brief amount of time. When
activating Speed, you pick an action you would like to perform from the speed action list, and do
it at lightning speeds. Speed Actions require the usage of Speed Charges, if you do not have any
Speed Charges you cannot use any Speed Actions. There are universal speed actions, but there
are some that are exclusive to classes (such as the Extender Finisher for Zecter Masters, and the

Double Finisher for Axel.) The amount of Speed Charges you get is also determined by your
class, some may get as few as one, some may get as many as three a day. Speed Actions count as
a full action unless specified otherwise. A list of all Universal Speed Actions can be found at the
bottom of the document.

List of Speed Actions:

Speed Up: A more general speed action, which covers all the little things. You can use
this to speed up as a reaction and grab an object out of the air, you can use it to quickly grab
someone if they’re falling, etc etc. Speed Up can only be used for actions that would not take a
full action in normal combat, and can be used as a reaction.

Speed Attack: When using the speed attack action, you attack three times in a row, hitting
your opponent at lightning speed. You can either roll to hit these attacks and deal full damage, or
automatically hit, but deal half damage.

Speed Charge: Slam into an enemy at lightning fast speed, forcing them to make a DC 20
Strength Saving Throw, or be knocked prone and pushed back 5ft.

Speed Grapple: You rush up behind or in front an enemy, and grapple them with no
opposed save. You may still move, or attempt to restrain them after this. If you are grappling an
enemy, and activate Speed Shove, you throw them an increased distance of 30ft, and if they hit
anything during their flight, they take 2d6 force damage.

Speed Shove: Rush up to an enemy and shove them with an immense burst of speed,
causing them to go flying back 15ft.

Speed Crossing: Activate Speed, and gain an increased movement speed of 120ft for a
single turn. Does not take a full action, but you cannot use any other Speed Actions during your

Speed Sacrifice: If an ally you can see is being targeted by an attack, you can instead use
a Speed Action, and rush in front of them. You take the full damage from the attack they were
going to be hit by, but they take none.

Speed Finisher: Activate Speed and prepare your finisher, automatically hitting the
enemy, but dealing half damage.

✓ - Classical Hero

Heisei Phase 1:
✓ - Ancient Hunter
✓ - Mystic Warrior - Kuuga/Agito
✓ - Armored Guardian - G3
✓ - Imagin Host - Den-O
✓ - Fangire Lord - Kiva (Legacy)
✓ - Artificial Attacker - IXA
✓ - Ring Mage - Wizard (Legacy)

✓ - Contractor - Ryuki

✓ - Photon Fighter - Faiz

✓ - Rouzer - Blade
✓ - B.O.A.R.D. Rider - Blade
✓ - Joker Rider - Chalice

✓ - Oni - Hibiki
✓ - Drum Oni - Hibiki
✓ - Tube Oni - Ibuki
✓ - String Oni - Todoroki

✓ - Zecter Master - Kabuto

✓ - Fangire Lord - Kiva

World Traveler
✓ - Destroyer of Worlds - Decade/Zi-O
✓ - Summoner of Worlds - Diend
✓ - Rebel of Worlds - Geiz
✓ - Prophet of Worlds - Woz

Heisei Phase 2:
✓ - Gaia Detective - W
✓ - Half-Boiled Detective - W
✓ - Gaia Mastermind - W
✓ - Accelerating Officer - Accel

✓ - Medal Counter- OOO

✓ - King Counter - OOO
✓ - Organized Counter - Birth

✓ - Space Student - Fourze

✓ - Ring Mage - Wizard

✓ - Dancing Warrior

✓ - Shifter - Drive

✓ - Luminary Spirit - Ghost

✓ - Ore no Soul - Ghost

✓ - Pulse Pounding Soul - Specter
✓ - Necrotic Soul - Necrom

✓ - Brutalizer - Amazons/Shin

✓ - Gamer Medic - Ex-Aid

✓ - Company Rider - Zero-One
✓ - Corporate President - Zero-One
✓ - Military Crackshot - Vulcan
✓ - Liberating Terrorist - Horobi
✓ - Ambitious Usurper - Thouser

✓ - Scribbling Swordsman

✓ - Demon Stamper - Revice

✓ - Buddy Stamper - Revice/Jeanne
✓ - VS Stamper - livEvil
✓ - Mix Stamper - Demons/Destream

✓ - Desire Fighter - Geats

✓ - Desire Player - Geats
✓ - Desire Master - Glare

Alchemical Collector - Gotchard

Supporter - General

Classical Hero:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Cyborg Evolution, Racing


2nd +2 Wild Card, Never Alone

3rd +2 Rider Strike

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Wild Card Improvement

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4 Wild Card Improvement

10th +4 Newfound Evolution

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5 Wild Card Improvement

14th +5 Human Evolution

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Ultimate Warrior

Class Features:
Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per classical hero level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per classical hero level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Land vehicles, an artisan tool or instrument of your choice

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose any three skills.

Cyborg Evolution:
At 1st level, you have been physically and mentally altered into a cyborg. Whether modified for
good or evil purposes, you can use these newfound powers to your advantage. However, in order
to transform into your cyborg form, you must transform using an element that you select at 1st
level. You gain resistance to damage an elemental type would deal to you, and if you take the
damage of your element, you can choose to Henshin. Otherwise, you use an action to Henshin.
You can choose this element from the elements below, or roll on the table below.

1d6 Element Henshin Method

1 Fire You must either be in an area

with a temperature that is hot
or higher. Alternatively, you
can come into contact with a
heat source such as fire,
searing metal, or boiling
water (you will not take
damage from the heat when
you Henshin in this way).

2 Cold You must either be in an area

with a temperature that is
cold or lower. Alternatively,
you can come into contact

with a cold source such as dry
ice, cold water, or a
refrigerator (you will not take
damage from the cold when
you Henshin in this way).

3 Lightning You must either be in an area

with a wind type that is
strong wind or higher.
Alternatively, you can come
into contact with an electrical
source such as an exposed
outlet, generator, or circuit
breaker (you will not take
damage from the electricity
when you Henshin in this

4 Force You must either be in an area

with a wind type that is
strong wind or higher.
Alternatively, you can move
60 ft. horizontally or

5 Radiant You must be in an area where

at least ¾ of the sun is visible.

6 Necrotic You must be in an area where

at least ¾ of the moon is

Racing Instinct:
You gain a Rider Vehicle. Unlike many Rider Vehicles, this one can convert from a seemingly
normal motorcycle to a high class racing bike with a simple bonus action. This Rider Vehicle
does not suffer from land based difficult terrain, and you gain advantage on land vehicle based

Wild Card:
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to adapt to any situation, albeit in unexpected ways. You gain
access to a host of Wild Card Abilities accessible through the Wild Card Table. You gain one of

these Wild Card options when you obtain this ability, known as a Personal Wild Card, and can
activate it as an action as long as it can be used as a Personal Wild Card. You obtain more
Personal Wild Cards at higher levels. However, you can also use an action to roll on the Wild
Card Table and activate its effect. A Wild Card effect ends when you choose to use another Wild
Card as an action, regardless if it is a Personal Wild Card or one that is rolled. The available
abilities are below.

At 6th and 9th levels, you gain a new Personal Wild Card.

At 13th level, you can reroll a result on the Wild Card table once per long rest.

1d20 Effect

1 You grow to the gargantuan size.

2 Your Intelligence rises to 30. This cannot be a

Personal Wild Card.

3 You gain resistance to all damage for one

turn. This cannot be a Personal Wild Card.

4 If you are knocked to 0 hit points, you stay at

1. This effect wears off after you are knocked
to 0 once. This cannot be a Personal Wild

5 Your Armor Class increases by 5. This cannot

be a Personal Wild Card.

6 You can attack another time when you use the

Attack action. This can stack with Extra

7 You can breathe through anything, and are

unaffected by the poisoned effect, drowning,
and other breathing-related ailments.

8 You gain a flying speed double that of your

walking speed.

9 You gain advantage on Perception (Wisdom)

and Investigation (Intelligence) checks.

10 You can breathe underwater and gain a

swimming speed double that of your walking

11 You gain a simple or martial weapon of your

12 Your carrying capacity quadruples.

13 You regenerate ⅛ of the damage you have

taken since the beginning of your turn at the
start of your turn.

14 Your attacks deal elemental damage based on

your Element.

15 You can summon five illusions as an action.

They copy the gear you have on you currently,
and resemble you exactly. The illusions
appear within 30 feet of you, and you can
switch places with one of the illusions if you
wish as a bonus action. They can do whatever
you wish, but cannot hit anyone, and their
actions cannot affect anything. If a player or
monster intends to hit you, they must roll 1d6
to determine which illusion to hit, provided it
is within range. If an illusion is hit, it
disappears, and if the user is hit, the other
illusions dissipate.

16 You are immune to a condition of your


17 You gain one Speed Charge. This cannot be a

Personal Wild Card.

18 Your walking speed doubles.

19 You can fire an attack that deals the damage

of your Element that deals 2d6 damage,
increases to 4d6 damage at 10th level, and to
6d6 damage at 14th level.

20 You are able to choose which Wild Card to

use from 1-19. This cannot be a Personal Wild

Never Alone:
At 2nd level, you become an icon for those who can't stand up for themselves. You have a

support network of people that are able to spy and aid you with domestic missions while leaving
the fighting to you. You also have advantage on Deception (Charisma) and Persuasion
(Charisma) checks with children.

Rider Strike:
At 3rd level, you are able to unleash a powerful blow that can destroy an enemy.

You summon your energy and attack an enemy in range with either an unarmed strike or with a
weapon gained from a Wild Card. Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8
damage. The damage type depends on the weapon used in the finisher.

This can only be used once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Newfound Evolution:
At 10th level, your continuous fights against those who stand against you have yielded new
experience. You deal an extra damage die of damage, and your Rider Strikes deal 8d8 damage.
As well, this form and all other new forms do not need a Henshin Requirement. Instead, you can
simply make a motion as an action to Henshin.

You can also work with your Dungeon Master to make an ally character become a cyborg as
well, making them a Classical Hero at the same level you are and whose design is very similar to
your own.

Human Evolution:
At 14th level, whether through further modification or fighting, you reach the peak of your
abilities and charge up beyond that of your normal form. Your suit changes shape and into that of
a perfected warrior. You deal double damage dice of damage and your finisher now deals 10d8.

Ultimate Warrior:
At 20th level, you have mastered all of your many abilities to the point where you can use them
at will. Once per long rest, you can choose a result on the Wild Card table when you roll,
regardless if it is a Personal Wild Card or not.

Ancient Hunter:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Hunter Archetype, Hunter

Archetype feature, Slow Start

2nd +2 Form Shift, Riding On

3rd +2 Climactic Strike

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement,

Form Shift Improvement,
Hunter Archetype Feature

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Form Shift Improvement

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement,

Form Shift

9th +4

10th +4 Form Upgrade/Quaternary

11th +4 Form Upgrade Improvement

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement,

Form Upgrade Improvement

13th +5 Form Upgrade Improvement

14th +5 Exceed Power

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Ultimate Power

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per ancient hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per ancient hunter level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Tinkers Tools, an artisan tool

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, History, Investigation,
Perception, Persuasion, and Survival

Slow Start:
Although you gain lots of power and versatility later on, you do not start that way at 1st level. In
1st level, you only gain one form to Henshin into, your Slow Start form. In this form, you deal
-2 damage, and have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Strength and Dexterity saving throws.

Form Shift:
At 2nd level, you can select a number of forms that you can obtain on your journey. This
versatility, whether it comes in the form of new armors, abilities, or weapons, is your primary
feature, as you are able to adapt to quell any threats. Some Hunters have their armor change
color and shape, some have their combat abilities changed by the weapons they wield, and others
might simply change their fighting style.

At 4th, 6th, and 8th levels, you can gain a new form. The form at 2nd level is your base form,
taking away all the disadvantages from your form granted by Slow Start. This grants you no
advantages or disadvantages, and can give you a simple or martial weapon of your choice.
However, your form at 2nd, 4th, or 6th must have an unarmed strike (unless you are the Armored
Guardian, Imagin Host, or Ring Mage subclasses. However, it must be an unarmed strike at 2nd

level if you are an Artificial Attacker. At higher levels however, you can construct your own
forms by selecting an Advantage and Disadvantage, as well as a weapon that you use for each
one. The only requirement is that none of your forms can share any of these three criteria.

Construct your 4th, and 6th level forms using the Advantages and Disadvantages below. The
weapon you use in each form can be any martial or simple weapon, as long as they are not the
same weapon. Alternatively, you can roll for the Advantages and Disadvantages, rerolling
whenever it has been taken by another form. You cannot give an advantage and disadvantage that
cancel each other out.

If you wish to, you can directly Henshin into a form. If you are already a certain form when you
have Henshined, you can change forms as a bonus action.

1d10 Advantages

1 Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and

slashing damage

2 Double your base speed

3 Deflect Missiles (Monk ability)

4 Your attacks can deal a type of elemental


5 You gain advantage on Strength, Dexterity,

and Constitution saving throws

6 Your Armor Class is increased by 2

7 You gain two 1st level spells. You can use

each once per long rest and twice per long rest
two levels after you gain this ability. You can
cast them at a level equal to your Ancient
Hunter Level + 1 divided by 2, for a max of 5.

8 You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception)

and Investigation (Intelligence) checks.

9 When either ¾ of the sun or moon is visible

(your choice), you can add your proficiency
bonus to your attacks’ damage.

10 Your jump height is doubled, and you gain

blindsight for 30 ft.

1d6 Disadvantages

1 Vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing, and

slashing damage

2 Halve your base speed

3 Three turn limit or forced back to Slow Start

form for 4 hours at the end of your third turn.

4 You gain disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity,

and Constitution saving throws.

5 You gain disadvantage on Intelligence,

Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

6 You gain a level of exhaustion when you

leave the form for every two turns you were
in that form

Riding On:
At 2nd level, you obtain a motorcycle that you can use to travel and attack. This is your Rider
Machine. As well, it can serve as storage as weapons or the parts that can become weapons.

Climatic Strike:
At 3rd level, you are able to unleash a powered up attack that can finish off an enemy

You summon your energy and attack an enemy in range with either a melee attack or with your
Form Weapon. Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw.
On a success, they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type
depends on the weapon used in the finisher.

This can only be used once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

At 8th level, you have two options. The first is taking another Form from the Form Shift table.
Another is assuming a Trinity Form, a combination of your three main forms. The disadvantage
with taking a Trinity Form, is that you cannot gain a 4th form, limiting your versatility. However,
its power and abilities are useful.

When you assume your Trinity Form, you gain the ability to summon the weapons of your
previous forms and can dual wield them without a feat as long as they are not two-handed or
heavy. If your armor changes based on your Form, it is a combination of the three armors.
Regardless of the weapon type, the weapons used in this form are considered versatile and can
be affected by the Dual Wielder feat. As well, you can choose to use any of the three Climatic
Strike versions in this form.

When you transform into your Trinity state, you keep the advantages of your two other forms as
well as your two disadvantages.

If you are the Imagin Host or Fangire Lord subclass, you can take this feature at 10th level
instead of Form Upgrade and if you do so you cannot gain the 8th level Trinity feature, being
renamed to Quaternary. This form grants the same abilities as Trinity, except that instead of
being a combination of three forms, you combine four forms. You only gain two advantages of
the forms combined that you choose when you assume the form, but only get one disadvantage.
This grants you an extra damage dice of damage. You can summon your other form’s weapons at
will, although you can only utilize a maximum of two. Due to the nature of this form, you do not
get any Form Upgrade at 11th, 12th, and 13th level.

Form Upgrade:
At 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th levels, you gain a new version of your forms that are much
stronger. These forms are identical and share the same name as your other forms, although they

deal an additional damage die with their attacks, and you must use a bonus action to change into
this upgraded form. You must also obtain these new upgraded forms in the order you gained your
original forms. Your Finish now deals 8d8.

Exceed Power:
At 14th level, you gain one of your most powerful forms. This is an upgraded version of your
base form that is similar, but far superior. In this form, your damage dice are doubled, your
finisher now deals 10d8, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
As well, you can choose to obtain a simple or martial weapon in this form, and if you have the
Dual Wielder feat, you can obtain two.

Ultimate Power:
At 20th level, you go above all restraints and have achieved ultimate power. You gain a new
form, your Ultimate Form. In this form, all your attacks are critical hits, and you can choose to
deal elemental damage (you can only choose the type once) instead of your standard damage

Hunter Archetype:
At Level 1, you choose how you hunt down ancient monsters. Whether from mysticism, artificial
armor, or a deep-seeded biological phenomenon, you find a way to fight these unknown
monsters for your own reasons.

Mystic Warrior:
Mystic Warriors call upon the powers of mysticism and ancient cultures to summon their power.
They tend to fight with a more elegant and refined style, perhaps even studying the combat
techniques of their culture to defeat their long lasting enemies.

Count Zero:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain the ability to summon a belt. By doing a
particular set of hand motions, you can summon the belt and Henshin. This is quick and elegant,
perhaps only happening in a flash of light.

Styles of Old:
At 4th level, you can change forms with your Form Shift ability. This dictates how you can
obtain your weapons.

To gain the weapon for your Form Shift, you have to hold a weapon or tool similar to the weapon
you wish to wield. For example, you can summon your gun weapon by grabbing a nearby
revolver, or a sword by pulling out a motorcycle handle or picking up a stake. Regardless, the
object will transform into the weapon until you cancel the Henshin or change into another form.

Armored Guardian:
Using mechanized suits and maybe the help of militaries or police forces, you quell ancients with
manmade armor.

Generation of Peacekeepers:
When you take this archetype at Level 1, you gain the equipment to become an armored warrior.
This includes a trailer that can store your armor and motorcycle and a Crew of two other people.
It takes three actions to fully equip your armor, although it can be done in one if you have aid
from someone else. Although it takes up space, your armor gives a +2 to AC, you do not face the
drawbacks of Slow Start, and after equipping the other armor pieces, you can put the helmet on
your face for it to wrap around the head. This helmet allows your Crew to remotely
communicate with you. However, the helmet is not needed to complete the Henshin. You can
henshin with everything but the helmet if you wish, but will not gain the +2 until you equip the
helmet. It takes a bonus action to equip the helmet.

Locked and Loaded:

At 4th level, you can change forms with your Form Shift ability. This dictates how you can
obtain your weapons.

All the weapons you need for your Form Shift ability can be stored on your motorcycle, although
you can only carry up to two form weapons with you. As well, instead of needing a form with an
unarmed strike, all four of your forms can utilize weapons.

Imagin Host:
Being someone that travels through the bounds of time, you are able to have Imagin possess you
to obtain your new forms and abilities. Although it can change your personality and demeanor, it
also allows you to obtain other powers that make up for it.

Caller of Imagin:
When you take this archetype at Level 1, you gain a belt and a Liner Pass. Using the pass, you
can access a Liner, a train that can house you and your Imagin. Whether it can time travel or not
is up to your DM’s discretion. However, you can also scan the Pass (after pressing the button that
matches the color of your Imagin) to Henshin.

When in your Slow Start form, you have full control of your body and actions. However, since
you’re weak, you would need to seek out Imagin to give you power. Along your journey, you can
encounter Imagin. Once they possess you for the first time, they can stay in your Liner and
interact with you and other Imagin.

As part of your Henshin, you can voluntarily choose to have an Imagin you have interacted with
possess you. This is needed for all of your forms other than your Slow Start form and your
Exceed and Ultimate Power forms. When they possess you, you are instantly charmed, and your
voice and general look change as well. You can make decisions and act like normal if your
Imagin allows it. If you wish to do something that your Imagin does not wish to do or vice versa,
roll a Wisdom saving throw against the Imagin’s Persuasion check. If you exceed the Imagin’s
roll, you can take the action you wish. If you meet or go below the Imagin’s check, they can
make the action however they wish.

You can obtain up to four Imagin. The Imagin you encounter can have a personality the DM and
player agree on, or you can roll on the table below. Either way, you can choose what weapon,
advantages, and disadvantages your Imagin provides.

Roll Personality


Shifting Weapons:
At 4th level, you can change forms with your Form Shift ability. This dictates how you can
obtain your weapons.

You have a singular weapon granted by your Imagin that can shift with your Form. For example,
a sword weapon could be changed into a gun weapon through simple parts moving. As well,
your form can be changed by simply pressing another button upon the belt to have another
Imagin possess you.

At Higher Levels:
At higher levels, you take a different path compared to other Ancient Hunters.

At 10th level, you gain the Quaternary feature.

At 14th level when you gain the Exceed Power ability, this new form is based on your Liner. You
also gain an All-A-Sword (see the Magical Item section) that you can insert your Pass into as a
bonus action while in your Slow Start form. When you do this, you become the Exceed Power
form like normal, but you are in full control of your body, being possessed by no Imagin.

At 20th level when you gain the Ultimate Power ability, you do not gain a new form. Instead,
you gain the ability to summon all your Imagin as an action. They look as if they have possessed
you, and as such wear Rider Armor and are considered Henshined. They use your stats and
have your class features up to 2nd level, but their hit points are ¼ of yours. Their form is
determined by the form they give you through possession. If they are dropped to 0 hit points,
they fade away and return to the Liner.

Fangire Lord: (Legacy)

As a Fangire Lord, you call upon a friendly bat to call upon your Fangire energy and rule over

Chosen of Kiva:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain a friend in a Kivat-Bat. These are bats that
can call upon your Fangire energy and let you transform. If you are the Fangire Race, you can
summon your Kivat-Bat, grab it, and have its teeth bite into you. This causes your Fangire veins
to glow, and summons a belt around your body. You can then hang the Kivat-Bat on the belt to

A Human can also Henshin, but this is far more difficult. A Human must roll a DC 15
Constitution Saving Throw to complete the Henshin. If they fail, they take necrotic damage of a
damage die equal to the damage for an unarmed strike at their level, and the DC for the Saving
Throw is reduced by 2. Once you Henshin once as a human, you don't have to roll any more
saving throws. You do not need to roll this Saving Throw if you gain this class feature at 1st

As well, once you take this archetype, you gain a flying Castle with Arms Monsters inside of it.
They cannot leave the Castle until you gain more experience, however.

Arms Monsters:
At 4th level, you can change forms with your Form Shift ability. This dictates how you can
obtain your weapons.

You can insert your Fuestle into the Kivat-Bat to assume your Forms, and you also gain the
weapons by your Arms Monsters getting shot out of your Castle.

Even though only one Arms Monster can be used at a time, any of them can leave the castle, as
long as you have their form unlocked. Otherwise, they can only be in their Arms Monster forms
with the DM’s discretion, mostly for large battles and atypical encounters.

At Higher Levels:
At higher levels, you take a different path compared to other Ancient Hunters.

At 10th level, you gain the Quaternary feature.

At 20th level when you gain the Ultimate Power ability, you do not gain a new form. Instead,
you gain the ability to summon your Arms Monsters while in your Exceed Power form. They are
summoned 5 feet around you and share the weapons, advantages, and disadvantages of their
respective form. You can decide their statistics with Point Buy, and each of them gain the ability

score increases you do. You roll for their hit points, but the total is divided by ⅓. If they reach 0
hit points, they are whisked back away to your Castle.

Artificial Attacker:
As an Artificial Attacker, you utilize incredible technology to fight off monsters, no matter the
age or time.

Systematic Fighter:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you obtain a belt and a melee weapon that deals the
damage of your unarmed strike, although it must be one handed and light. Good examples are
weapons such as knuckles and tonfas. This weapon deals elemental damage when used with a
Climatic Strike (although it must be the same type as your Burst Form damage).

When activated, the user can place it on their belt to Henshin. You Henshin directly into Save
Form. When in this state, you gain +2 to your Armor Class. As an action you can make any
creatures of your choice in a 30 foot square make a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw
against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. On a
failure, the creature takes an elemental damage equal to two of the unarmed strike damage die,
and on a success the creature takes half damage. This new Burst Form activated after you
unleash this energy makes you lose the +2 AC, but the burst of damage can be worth it. As well,
you can gain a weapon of your choice as long as it is not two-handed or heavy, allowing your
base form a weapon.

Arms Monsters:
At 4th level, you can change forms with your Form Shift ability. This dictates how you can
obtain your weapons.

You can insert your Fuestle into your belt to assume your Forms, and you also gain the weapons
by Arms Monsters.

At Higher Levels:
At higher levels, you take a different path compared to other Ancient Hunters.

At 14th level, you transform into your Exceed Power form using any weapon that is neither
heavy nor two-handed. This can compress into your faceplate, and can be summoned whenever
and use a code to activate your Final Form.

At 20th level when you gain the Ultimate Power ability, you do not gain a new form. Instead,
you gain a near-duplicate of your original system. It has all the capabilities of your normal
system, except it does not have the Form Shift, Exceed Power, or Ultimate Power features. This
can be given to an NPC or player to use. However, you can also use that as a backup in the case
of your original system being lost or destroyed.

Ring Mage (Legacy):

As a Wizard able to conjure magic spells and abilities, you use rings to transform and unleash
attacks and skills.

I’m a Wizard:
When you take this archetype at Level 1, you gain two rings. The first is one that is able to
summon your Wizardriver, and the other can be scanned to Henshin. Your Form Shifts and
Climatic Strike are activated by rings, which you will receive when you obtain the abilities.

As well, you only have one weapon in each of your forms. To make up for this however, you can
deal a type of elemental damage instead with your unarmed strikes, such as fire, cold, force, and
lightning damage. Your hit dice are also 1d8s instead of 1d10s, and your starting hit points are 8
+ your Constitution modifier, and 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier at higher levels.

You gain cantrips using the Wizard Spell Slot table, although the cantrips match the Spellcasting
Class you choose later You gain spell slots based on the multiclassing table in Chapter 6 of the
Player’s Handbook. You gain two spells of any level that you have spell slots in. This happens at
every level. You must choose what Spellcasting Class that you take your spells from at 1st level
for all of your spells thereafter, and your Spellcasting Ability is the same as that class.

Shifting Weapons:
At 4th level, you can change forms with your Form Shift ability. This dictates how you can
obtain your weapons.

You can scan a ring to activate your other forms.

At Higher Levels:
At higher levels, you take a different path compared to other Ancient Hunters.

At 20th level when you gain the Ultimate Power ability, you do not gain a new form. Instead,
when you are in your 10th level Form Upgrade form, you gain the ability to summon your 11th,
12th, and 13th level Form Upgrade Forms as different people as an action. They are considered
Henshined. They share your stats and other abilities, but cannot change form, have ¼ of your
maximum hit points (rounded down), deal ½ damage (rounded down), can only cast up to 1st
Level Spells with 1st Level Spell Slots, and can only use the Climatic Strike ability by holding
their action and executing it at the same time, dealing 2d6 damage each. They act in initiative
and follow your orders. If they are dropped to 0 hit points, they fade away.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Advent Deck, Contract

Monster (1)

2nd +2

3rd +2 Final Vent

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack, Contract

Monster (2)

6th +3

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Contract Monster (3)

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Survive Vent

15th +5 Contract Monster (4/Unite


16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Alive a Life, Contract

Monster (5/Unite Vent)

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per contractor level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per contractor level after

Armor: Rider Armor, Guard Vents
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Cards, Visors

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation,
Perception, Persuasion, and Survival

Advent Deck:
Through unknown circumstances and the desire to achieve something, you receive a blank deck
with some cards inside, but one particularly useful one: a Contract Card. This Contract Card can
be used as an action against an advent monster to gain control of it as your Contract Monster,
replacing that Contract Card with an Advent Card. See the Contract Monster section for more

If you are within 60 ft. or are reflected by a reflective surface, you can Henshin by holding your
deck to the surface, and when the belt is projected on your body, inserting the deck into the belt.

You can choose to cancel this Henshin voluntarily by simply taking out the deck from your belt,
or involuntarily through destruction of your deck; more on that later

When transformed, you can also enter the Mirror World, a direct reflection of the real world, by
jumping into the surface. If you enter it, you arrive in the Mirror World on a Rideshooter, your
Rider Machine. You can only stay within Mirror World for 5 minutes at a time. After returning
to the real world, you can go back in. However, you can only do this 3 times in 24 hours.

Visors, the devices that scan cards, come in many shapes and sizes. Some are devices located on
the armor, while others are weapons that can be used. You can choose for your Visor to be any

simple or martial weapon or a shield, at the cost of one less card you receive with your Advent
Deck. If you simply make it a non-damaging device (or at least one that isn’t intended for
combat), you gain the standard five cards. If it is a shield, you cannot gain a Guard Vent card.

You also gain five other cards in addition to your Contract Card once you receive the deck. Final
Vents do not contribute to this total. However, they are very weak unless you make a Contract. If
you are not in a Contract, you use the Blank Versions of each card. As well, you cannot use the
same card more than once every two turns. Choose from the options below.

Contract Card:
This can be used to make additional contracts with other Mirror Monsters, allowing for
multiple Monsters to be used.

Weapon Vent:
Summons a melee simple or martial weapon of your choice. The name of the Vent
depends on what weapon you choose. For example, Sword Vent summons a sword, Swing Vent
summons a whip, etc. If you have the Dual Wielder feat, and your weapon can be dual wielded,
you can choose to summon two of the weapons.
The Blank Version changes the damage die to a 1, and if you make an attack, roll a flat
DC 10 check. If it fails, the weapon breaks, deals no damage regardless of modifiers, and can
only be summoned again in three turns.

Strike Vent:
Summons an arm-mounted piercing weapon, or two if your Contract Monster dual wields
non-light weapons and you choose the piercing variant. It either deals 1d8 piercing damage or
1d8 damage based on your monster’s elemental type. This second use can be used at a range of
up to 60 ft.. Either version can be used at the player’s discretion.
The Blank Version changes the damage die to 1 piercing damage, or if you use the
elemental version, roll a DC 10 Animal Handling (Wisdom) check. If it fails, you deal no
damage, regardless of modifiers, and if you succeed, deal 1 damage.

Guard Vent:
Summons a shield with base stats. If your Weapon Vent is two handed or if you dual
wield (or if your visor is a weapon), the Guard Vent changes to accommodate this. It no longer
takes a hand to use, and can take the form of something else, like shoulder pads, extra armor, a
cape, etc.
The blank version only adds 1 to your AC and if you are hit, roll a flat DC 10 check. If
you fail, the shield breaks, and can only be summoned again in three turns.

Shoot Vent:

Summons any ranged weapon.
The Blank Version changes the damage die to a 1, and if you make an attack, roll a flat
DC 10 check. If it fails, the weapon breaks, deals no damage regardless of modifiers, and can
only be summoned again in three turns.

Nasty Vent:
Sends a screech of noise to all creatures in a 30 foot square up to 60 feet away from you.
Any creature in that area must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + the
Rider’s proficiency bonus + their Wisdom modifier. If a creature fails, they gain disadvantage on
ability checks and saving throws for one turn
The Blank Version plays a loud but insignificant screech.

Trick Vent:
Summons four illusions. They copy the gear you have on you currently, and resemble you
exactly. The illusions appear within 30 feet of you, and you can switch places with one of the
illusions if you wish as a bonus action. They can do whatever you wish, but cannot hit anyone,
and their actions cannot affect anything. If a player or monster intends to hit you, they must roll
1d5 to determine which illusion to hit, provided it is within range. If an illusion is hit, it
disappears, and if the user is hit, the other illusions dissipate.
The Blank Version summons an upside-down clone that simply stands there until
destroyed or dissipated.

Blust Vent:
Your Contract Monster creates a great gust that pushes back an opponent. When using the
Vent, target all creatures in a 30 foot line. Those creatures must roll an Athletics (Strength) check
against a DC equal to 8 + the User’s proficiency bonus + their Wisdom modifier. If the creature
fails, they are pushed back 15 ft. and must roll an additional Athletics (Strength) check against
the same DC. If the creature fails that, they are knocked prone.
The Blank Version produces a cool and pleasant breeze.

Freeze Vent:

Your Contract Monster creates a chilling blizzard that can freeze an opponent. Target a
creature within 60 feet. Have them roll a Dexterity Saving throw contested against a DC equal to
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. If the creature fails, they gain the petrified
condition for three turns unless they roll a successful Constitution Saving Throw against the
same DC at the beginning of each of their turns, or if they are attacked, in which case they break
free. Every turn they are petrified, they take 1d6 cold damage.
The Blank Version freezes. That is to say, the blizzard appears, but it stops midair and
does not do anything.

Clear Vent:

You gain the invisibility condition for three turns. A creature can detect you if they make
a Perception (Wisdom) check contested against a DC equal to 8 + the your proficiency bonus +
your Dexterity modifier. When detected, you no longer gain advantage on attack rolls, and you
lose your invisibility if you are hit.
The Blank Version makes your head invisible, but nothing else.

Copy Vent:
Copy a held weapon of a Rider within 120 ft. of you. If you don't have a Weapon/Shield
Visor, you can also choose to copy the appearance of that Rider. In that case, a Rider must roll a
Investigation (Intelligence) check contested against Deception (Charisma) check made by you. If
they succeed, they can notice that you are not the Rider you are pretending to be. This additional
effect ceases once the user uses another card.

Strange Vent:
This card acts like a random Advent Card. Roll 1d12 on the table below. The result
determines the card used. If it is a personalized card (such as a Weapon Vent, Strike Vent, Shoot
Vent etc.), choose either an opponent’s or your own to use. If it is a constant effect, such as a
Weapon Vent or Strike Vent, you can keep using it unless you choose to dismiss it, use your own
version of the card, or use Strange Vent again.

Number Card

1 Weapon Vent

2 Strike Vent

3 Guard Vent

4 Shoot Vent

5 Nasty Vent

6 Trick Vent

7 Blust Vent

8 Freeze Vent

9 Clear Vent

10 Copy Vent

11 Confine Vent

12 Return Vent

Confine Vent:
As a reaction, you can use this card to nullify an opponent’s card that they have played
until the beginning of your next turn, or nullify a class ability they have activated before (besides
transformation or finishers) if they are not a Contractor.
Return Vent:
As a bonus action, you can use this card to negate the effects of Confine Vent, allowing
you to use the Confined card again.
Steal Vent:
Steal the Weapon, Strike, Guard, or Shoot Vent of a Rider within 120 ft. of you, or just a
held weapon or shield if they are not a contractor. It automatically appears in the user’s hand, and
they can utilize it however they wish as long as they are touching it. If the stealer is no longer
touching it, it is returned to the original owner’s body.

Contract Monster:
A Contract Monster is a being from the Mirror World that you have made a Contract with to
fight in the Rider War. It is loyal to you alone and does your bidding. This is the only card that
can be used without a Henshin, as all it requires is the user to touch the card (provided they can
do so without needing an artificial object to do so) as an action and a mirror nearby for the
monster to come out of. If these conditions are met, they can control the Monster for that turn
instead of their own turn. If a user has multiple Contracts, you can choose to control up to three
monsters at the same time, although they can only make one attack each and cannot use their
elemental attack.

To make a Contract Monster, decide on a name, an elemental resistance and vulnerability they
have (they must be different), and determine its statistics based on the Point Buy System (or
rolling if your DM allows it). You can choose to have no vulnerability, but at the cost of no
resistance either. They get Ability Score Increases at the same levels you do, have the same
Proficiency Bonus you do, their walking speed is equal to yours when you first gain the monster,
and you gain the resistance and vulnerability your first Contract Monster has. They also roll
double dice for their health depending on your level. For example, at first level, their hit points is
20 + their Constitution modifier, and increases by 2d10 (or 12) + their Constitution modifier
every subsequent level. At this point, you have decisions:
1. Your Monster gains an additional speed equal to their walking speed, but only gets one
attack option that acts as a weapon of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or

below). They gain Extra Attack at the same level you do, but cannot attack as a bonus
2. Your Monster only has its walking speed, but gets two attack options that act as weapons
of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or below). They gain Extra Attack at the
same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they are dual wielding, although
they can only dual wield light weapons. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting
Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
3. Your Monster only has its walking speed and its halved, but gets two attack options that
act as weapons of your choice, regardless of damage value. They gain Extra Attack at the
same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they are dual wielding if the
weapons are not two-handed or heavy. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting
Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
Regardless of which of these three you choose, you gain an elemental attack with the damage
type being the same as your resistance and which deals 3d6 damage. Each Ability Score Increase
increases the damage dice of this attack by 1d6. You cannot, however, use this attack until two
turns after you have last used it, and you cannot Extra Attack with it. This Elemental Attack has
a 10x10 foot radius and uses the Monster’s Strength or Dexterity to attack, depending if it's a
melee or ranged attack.

This, however, comes at a cost. Contract Monsters must be fed at least once every 120 hours.
Their food is other Mirror Monsters or other Kamen Riders. If you do not feed your Contract
Monster, your Contract will be broken and it will become hostile to you, attempting to kill you at
any cost. Although you can still use your Vents, they will become invalid if all your Contract
Monsters are dead. This applies to each and every Monster in your possession, making multiple
contracts risky. As well, none of these Contracts can be canceled through any other method.

If you wish to have a bit more time to feed your monsters, roll a DC 15 Animal Handling
(Wisdom) check. On a success, your monsters will not attack you. Every 24 hours, if you
succeeded the check the day prior, the DC of the check increases by 5, and you must repeat the
check with this new DC. If you fail, your monsters will become hostile, and this will break your

A Contract can also be broken through destruction of an Advent Deck, although this is much
more difficult.

If you have no alive Contract Monsters, you assume your Blank Form and use the Blank Version
of each card you have. If your Contract Monster reaches 0 hit points, it is killed, and if you do
not have another Contract Monster, you assume your Blank Form and the Contract is broken.

To use your Contract Monster, you use an action to use your Advent, also known as an Attack
Vent. When an Attack Vent is used, your Contract Monster is summoned, and you play as it for
one turn. Its initiative is right after you. You can dismiss it at any time on your turn. You cannot
use an Advent card two turns in a row.

The number next to the Contract Monster on the Feature graph is the maximum amount of
Monsters you can make Contracts with at once.

Final Vent:
A Final Vent is your finishing move, aided by your Contract Monster. Unlike the other cards, this
card is only added to your deck after you have made a Contract. You cannot use it the turn after
you have used your Contract Monster’s elemental attack. Choose a target in range. Have them
roll a DC 20 Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. On a success, they take half damage.
When using your Final Vent as an action, deal 5d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
against your opponent. You can only choose one of those damage types per Contract Monster
type. As well, they must roll an additional DC 20 Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw. If
they fail, they are knocked prone.

You can only use a Final Vent once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Survive Vent:
At 14th level, you receive your Final Form. This form, Survive Mode, is activated by using the
Survive Vent card. Once you draw the card from your deck, your Visor either transforms into a
simple or martial weapon of your choice, or if your Visor is a weapon, goes up a damage die or
changes form to a weapon of your choice (for example, a 1d4 would go to a 1d6, a 2d6 would go

to a 2d8, a 1d8 would go to a 1d10, a 1d12 would go to a 2d6, etc.). As well, the damage of your
Final Vent doubles. Your finisher now deals 10d8. When you insert the card into this new Visor,
you enter Survive Mode.

In Survive Mode, all your stats are increased by 2 for as long as you are in this form. As well,
any Vents you use that deal damage double their damage die (a piercing Strike Vent would deal
2d10 piercing damage, a Greatsword Vent would give a 4d6 damaging greatsword, etc.). In
addition to your upgraded cards, you gain two more different cards of any kind (besides Unite
Vent or Survive Vent) while in Survive Mode, also upgraded. If any of these cards are Contract
cards, you can simply add them to your main deck.

Your Contract Monster gains the same Ability Score bonuses and damage boosts, but does not
get the damage boost for their elemental attack. It can also transform into a Rider Vehicle as a
bonus action.

Unite Vent:
At 15th level, instead of your maximum Contract Monsters increasing to 4, you can choose to
gain the Unite Vent Card, which does not count towards your maximum card count. This allows
your Contract Monsters to combine and increase their abilities dramatically. This fused monster
has the highest of each individual monster’s stats, and can use any of their previous abilities. As
well, the monster with the highest hit points has its transferred over and doubled to serve as the
United hit points. Unite Vent can Unite any of your Contract Monsters. Once United, your Final
Vent deals 5d6 more damage (Survive Vent does not increase this damage), and the monster
cannot be separated until the end of the combat encounter.

If you choose to gain Unite Vent, then you can only have a maximum of 3 Contract Monsters
instead of 5.

Alive a Life:
At 20th level, your blood, sweat, and tears have fought for the most powerful ability known to
man. Once per long rest, you are able to cast the wish spell. The basic use of the spell is replaced
with being able to copy an attack instead of a spell, and you can even copy other creature’s
attacks. You cannot create a 25,000 gp object and instead of creatures gaining immunity to a type
of attack, they gain immunity to a type of damage.

Photon Fighter:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Greek Driver, Phone Pistol

2nd +2 Mecha-Attacker

3rd +2 Exceed Charge 1

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack, Exceed Charge


6th +3

7th +3 Exceed Charge 3/Ability

Score Improvement

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Axel Form, Exceed Charge

3/4/Ability Score

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Blaster Form

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Blaster Finish

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per photon fighter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per photon fighter level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Phones

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Insight, Perception,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Greek Driver:
Through some thievery, connections, or sheer luck, you have obtained a Driver. Using some sort
of phone-like device, you can transform using it into a Kamen Rider. You can use any kind of
phone, and you can either input a number combination or use a voice feature and simply yell
“Henshin” into the device. Either way, once you’ve yelled “Henshin” or input the combination
and hit “Enter”, you can insert the phone into your belt to Henshin.

This transformation can be voluntarily canceled by taking out the phone and clicking a certain

When you create the Driver you can decide if anyone can use it or only Orphnochs can use it. If
you are a non-Orphnoch who uses a Driver meant to be used by Orphnochs, roll 1d10. On a 10,
you can permanently use the Driver. Otherwise, you encounter an error, and take 1d4 radiant
damage. You take -1 to the damage total for each additional time you attempt a transformation.

Phone Pistol:
You can choose to take your phone out of its Driver in order to use it as a laser pistol. When you
do so, you input a code or say a phrase to activate this mode. There are two settings: Single
Mode and Burst Mode.

For Single Mode, you can roll a ranged attack roll against a target within 120 feet. On a hit, deal
1d8 radiant damage against them.

For Burst Mode, you can use the Attack action to target up to three creatures in a 120ft radius.
You can choose to hit one enemy with all three, hit three enemies with only one shot, or any
combination of such. Roll an attack roll for each beam. On a hit, a beam deals 1d4 radiant

Every time you roll an attack roll for this weapon attack, you lose a shot, regardless if you miss.
You must reload every 9 shots, and this takes an action to reload. You reload the Phone Pistol by
placing it back into Phone Mode and entering a button combination, giving it time to Recharge.

Mecha Attacker:
At 2nd level, you obtain a special vehicle to aid you in combat. By typing in or saying a
combination into your phone as an action, it will fly towards you and arrive at the beginning of
your next turn. This Mecha Attacker has two modes, Battle Mode, and Vehicle Mode. Your
Mecha Attackers Battle and Vehicle modes are determined by your choice in type of Mecha
Attacker, which are listed below.

To make a Mecha Attacker, decide on a name and determine its statistics based on the Point Buy
System (or rolling if your DM allows it). They get Ability Score Increases at the same levels you
do, have the same Proficiency Bonus you do, and their hit points are half of yours (rounded
down). At this point, you have decisions:
1. Your Mecha Attacker’s Vehicle Mode is a standard motorcycle, with the standard
movement speed and bonuses. Your Mecha Attackers Battle Mode is a Medium Size
robot, who resembles a humanoid, and stands at 6-7ft tall. It has a movement and flying
speed of 30ft. In addition, it can either have two attacks, one unarmed attack and a ranged
attack that both deal 1d6, or an extra attack. The Vaijin’s humanoid appearance matches
one of its main features; the Vaijin option has an A.I. incorporated inside of it. This A.I.
allows you to either fully control the Vaijin as an action on your turn, or give it an order
as a bonus action. When giving the Vaijin an order, it will follow said order until it is
complete or considered impossible. Orders can be things such as “Protect this person” or
“Fight this enemy!” However, the Vaijin will never betray its Prime Directive. A Vaijins
Prime Directive can be anything important, and is determined either by you when you
acquire the Vaijin, or by whoever built it. It will fight and die for its prime directive, and
if its user ever tries to betray it, it will go against them, and attack them. For example, if
its directive is to protect a person, then they will leave the battle if necessary to protect

that person. If you wish to change your Vaijins Prime Directive, you must pass a DC 20
Persuasion check. The Vaijins damage increases by 1d6 at levels 7, 14, and 19.

2. Your Mecha Attacker’s Vehicle Mode now has a sidecar, allowing for an additional
person to be seated, at the cost of 10ft of movement speed. The Basshar’s Battle Mode is
considered Large Size, and stands at 8-12Ft tall. It has half of its normal movement speed
while in battle mode, and cannot be controlled remotely. When controlling the Basshar in
Battle Mode, you gain +2 AC, and have two options, an unarmed strike with its massive
legs that deals an amount equal to your unarmed strike power, and an offensive ranged
attack, which deals double your unarmed strike power, but the ranged attack can only be
used once every three rounds. You do not determine the Basshars stats, and instead it
gains a 20 in Str, and Con, and a 10 in every other stat. The Basshars damage increases
by 1d6 at levels 7, 14, and 19.

3. Uniquely, Your Mecha Attacker does not have a Vehicle Mode or Battle Mode, they are
merged into a single form, a massive motorcycle, which is significantly longer than a
normal bike. It gains +20 Speed, and when making an unarmed attack with your Mecha
Attacker, add an extra die of damage. The JetSliger also has access to a ranged attack,
which shoots at 3 targets, for 1d4+1 each. The JetSligers ranged attack damage increased
by 1d4 at levels 7, 14, and 19.

If your Mecha Attacker is brought to 0 hit points or lower, roll a 1d4 for what happens to it.

Roll Effect

1 The Mecha Attacker is damaged, unable to

move, and will need repairs.

2 The Mecha Attacker turns back into its

Vehicle Mode.

3 The Mecha Attacker retreats for the rest of the


4 Player gets to choose from the above.

Exceed Charge:
Throughout the course of your journey, you find and utilize many devices that can be used as
finishers and weapons. You can choose up to four of the devices listed below, and you must have

a minimum of two. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10th level, you can give one of your devices an Exceed
Charge feature as listed below. If you choose only three devices, you get an Ability Score
Improvement at 10th level instead of an Exceed Charge, and if you only have two devices, the
same applies to 7th level.

Each device has a utility outside of its Exceed Charge function, such as weaponry or other
function. You can only use one of these weapons at a time. You can choose to combine two of
the devices into one, such as a Fire and an Edge, but you can only choose one Exceed Charge
from either Fire or Edge to execute when you use it.

When inserting the Mission Memory into one of these items, you can use it as a weapon. When
you either click the “Enter” button on your phone or say “Check”, you activate the Exceed
Charge version of the finisher.

You can only use one Exceed Charge per long rest. The Exceed Charge options are below.

The Pointer normally does not do anything outside of an Exceed Charge. For utility, it
serves as a flashlight.
When you use Exceed Charge, you lock on to your opponent and kick a target in range.
The target must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw at disadvantage. On a success, they take
half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 radiant damage and must make another DC 20
Strength saving throw at disadvantage. If they fail again, they are knocked prone, and do not on a

The Shot is a knuckle-based weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. For utility, it
serves as a camera.
When you use Exceed Charge, you rush at your opponent and crash your fist into their
body. The target must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a success, they take half damage,
but if they fail, they take 5d8 bludgeoning damage and must make another DC 20 Strength
saving throw at disadvantage. If they fail again, they are knocked prone, and do not on a success.

The Edge is a lightsaber-like weapon that acts as a melee weapon of your choice that is
not two-handed or heavy but deals radiant instead of slashing damage. For utility, it does not do
much, as it is simply a motorcycle handle or even just a sword.
When you use Exceed Charge, you rush at your opponent and slash them down. The
target must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a success, they take half damage, but if
they fail, they take 5d8 radiant damage.

The Fire is a gun-styled weapon that when attached to the Phone Pistol, turns the damage
into 1d10 in Single Mode and 1d6 per beam in Burst Mode. For utility, it serves as a camcorder.
When you use Exceed Charge, you fire a deadly shot at a creature within 60 ft.. The
target must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a success, they take half damage, but if
they fail, they take 5d8 radiant damage.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You
can also increase it at 7th and 10th level if you choose not to take another Exceed Charge. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Axel Form:
At 10th level, you gain access to the Axel Watch, a device that allows you to speed up and attack
enemies. When you insert the Axel Mission Memory into your Driver, your armor shifts, and
you gain three Speed Charges, along with the unique Speed Action, Double Finisher. You gain an
extra damage die of damage and deal 8d8 with your Exceed Charges.

Double Finisher: You pick two or one enemy, and enact two finishers upon them, dealing
half damage if you target one enemy, or full damage if you target two. You can use a combo of
exceed charges here, such as slashing at them with the Edge, and then punching them into the air
with the Shot.

After you use all your Speed Actions, your armor shifts back to its original form, and you cannot
enter Axel Form until after a long rest.

Blaster Form:
At 14th level, you obtain a Blaster. This is a specialized rifle and sword combination that allows
you to assume your final form; Blaster Form. By inserting your phone into the Blaster, entering
your combination, and hitting “Enter”, your body overflows with Photon Blood and you assume
Blaster Form. You deal double damage dice in this form and your finisher now deals 10d8.

In Blaster Form, you gain a jetpack, giving you a flying speed of 30 ft., and you gain resistance
to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, and roll double dice for damage. As well, you
gain the Blaster weapon. This is a martial weapon that deals 2d10 radiant damage when fired or
slashed with.

Blaster Finish:
At 17th level, your Blaster is enhanced far above its original capabilities, letting you deal a
finisher with pure Photon energy. As an action, you can choose to use your Blaster Finish on an
enemy. This is an Exceed Charge and follows the rules of such, but the damage dice for this
particular Exceed Charge is 15d4 radiant damage. This also does not count towards your limit on
Exceed Charges. You can only use the Blaster Finish once per long rest.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Royal Suit, Rouzer

Archetype, Rouzer Archetype

2nd +2 Ace Player (1), Ace Machine

3rd +2 Rousing Strength, Ace Player


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack, Ace Player (3)

6th +3 Ace Player (4)

7th +3 Ace Player (5), Rousing

Strength Improvement

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement,

Ace Player (6)

9th +4 Rouzer Archetype feature,

Ace Player (7)

10th +4 Rouzer Archetype feature

11th +4 Ace Player (8)

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

Ace Player (9)

13th +5

14th +5 Rouzer Archetype feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Rouzer Archetype feature

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per rouzer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per rouzer level after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Cards

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand

Royal Suit:
At 1st level, you can select a suit of cards to use and specialize in. Choose from Spade, Heart,
Club, or Diamond as your suit.

As well, you gain a simple or martial weapon of your choice (as long as it is not heavy) to
summon when you Henshin. This is your Rouse Weapon. It is how you scan cards and utilize
their abilities. You automatically gain the Category Ace card of your suit. You also have a certain
amount of AP after you Henshin. This is used to scan Rouse Cards.

The Maximum AP for each suit is listed below.

Suit: Maximum AP:

Spade 5,000 AP

Heart 6,500 AP

Clover 6,000 AP

Diamond 5,500 AP

Ace Player:
At 2nd level, you obtain a set of Rouze Cards. Although you have plenty of them, only one of
them so far contains an Undead. These first two cards can only be a number from 2-6. The others
can be used to seal defeated Undead and use their power. So far you only have one, but the
maximum amount of Undead you can seal increases at 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th
levels. This involves Category 2-10 cards; Category Ace, Jack, Queen, and King Undead do not
count towards this maximum, although you cannot use Jack cards until 10th level, Queen cards
until 9th level, and King cards until 14th level. If you choose the Heart Suit, you can choose a
Category 2 card of your choice if you choose not to obtain Spirit Human as your Category 2.

You can use a Rouse Card as a bonus action, and when used, deducts the AP cost from your Max
AP. Rouse Cards last until the beginning of your next turn unless it increases damage, in which it
lasts until your next attack or finisher. You cannot use a card you scan until the end of your next
turn after you’ve used it.

The cards you can use are below:

Spade Suit:
♠A - Change Beetle (AP: 0):
Is used with Driver to Henshin, and has no effect otherwise.
♠2 - Slash Lizard (AP: 400):
Increases the damage of your melee Weapon Rouzer by 2d6.
♠3 - Beat Lion (AP: 600):
Increases the damage of punches by 2d6.
♠4 - Tackle Boar (AP: 800):
Increases the damage of tackles by 2d6.
♠5 - Kick Locust (AP: 1000):
Increases the damage of kicks by 2d6.
♠6 - Thunder Deer (AP: 1200):
Converts the damage of the attack into lightning damage, and deals an extra 2d6 lightning
♠7 - Metal Trilobite (AP: 1200):
Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

♠8 - Magnet Buffalo (AP: 1400):
Allows control over magnetic substances in a 60 foot radius. When used as a part of a
finisher, it allows you to target an additional creature with the finisher, although they only take
half of the full damage.
♠9 - Mach Jaguar (AP: 1600):
Gain one Speed Charge. When used as a part of a finisher, it allows you to use a Rouze
Card used in the finisher an additional time
♠10 - Time Scarab (AP: 1800):
Stops time in a 15 foot radius. Any creatures in the radius have their turn skipped unless
they have cloth from the Scarab Undead.
♠J - Fusion Eagle (AP: +2400):
Is used to assume Jack Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber, and grants your
Jack Form 60 feet of flying speed.
♠Q - Absorb Capricorn (AP: +2000):
Must be used with the Rouse Absorber to assume Jack Form or King Form.
♠K - Evolution Caucasus (AP: +4600):
Is used to assume King Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber or Wild Form with
the Joker Rouzer.

Heart Suit:
♥A - Change Mantis (AP: 0):
Is used with Driver to Henshin, and has no effect otherwise.
♥2 - Spirit Human (AP: 0):
Is used by Jokers to assume human form, and has no effect otherwise.
♥3 - Chop Head (AP: 600):
Increases the damage of chops by 2d6.
♥4 - Float Dragonfly (AP: 1000):
Allows the user to fly a speed equal to their walking speed.
♥5 - Drill Shell (AP: 1200):
Increases the damage of kicks by 2d6.
♥6 - Tornado Hawk (AP: 1400):
Converts the damage of the attack into force damage, and deals an extra 2d6 force
♥7 - Bio Plant (AP: 1600):
Creates a vine whip from your Rouzer that acts as a whip weapon and allows you to bind
an opponent within 15 feet of you. They must succeed a Strength saving throw against a DC
equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength modifier, or be restrained. They can repeat

this save on both your turn and their turn, and a successful hit from a weapon attack can destroy
the vines. When used as a part of a finisher, the target must roll the saving throw to prevent being
restrained whether or not they succeed the finisher saving throw.
♥8 - Reflect Moth (AP: 1800):
When the user is attacked and is successfully hit, the damage is instead dealt to the
♥9 - Recover Camel (AP: 2000):
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 2d8 + your Wisdom
modifier. When used as a part of a finisher, it allows you to heal a number of hit points equal to
half of the damage dealt with the finisher.
♥10 - Shuffle Centipede (AP: 2200):
Allows you to use another creature’s Rouze Card regardless of Royal Suit as long as it
has been used in a combat encounter before. This cannot duplicate any Fusion, Absorb, or
Evolution type cards.
♥J - Fusion Wolf (AP: +2400):
Is used to assume Jack Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber and grants your
Jack Form 3 Speed Charges.
♥Q - Absorb Orchid (AP: +2000):
Must be used with the Rouse Absorber to assume Jack Form or King Form.
♥K - Evolution Paradoxa (AP: +4000):
Is used to assume King Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber or Wild Form with
the Joker Rouzer.

Club Suit:
♣A - Change Spider (AP: 0):
Is used with Driver to Henshin, and has no effect otherwise.
♣2 - Stab Bee (AP: 400):
Increases the damage of stabbing attacks by 2d6.
♣3 - Screw Mole (AP: 600):
Increases the damage of punches by 2d6, making them more drill-like.
♣4 - Rush Rhinoceros (AP: 800):
Increases the damage of tackles by 2d6.
♣5 - Bite Cobra (AP: 1200):
Increases the damage of kicks by 2d6.
♣6 - Blizzard Polar (AP: 1200):
Converts the damage of the attack into cold damage, and deals an extra 2d6 cold damage.
♣7 - Gel Jellyfish (AP: 1400):

Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
♣8 - Poison Scorpion (AP: 1800):
Converts the damage of the attack into poison damage, and deals an extra 2d6 poison
damage. They must succeed a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your
Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or be poisoned. They can repeat this save on both
your turn and their turn.
♣9 - Smog Squid (AP: 2000):
Converts the damage of the attack into poison damage, and deals an extra 2d6 poison
damage. They must succeed a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your
Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or be blinded. They can repeat this save on both
your turn and their turn.
♣10 - Remote Tapir (AP: 2200):
A Rouse card you choose in your possession is unsealed, and releases the Undead inside.
This Undead is charmed by you as long as it is unsealed in this way and follows your orders.
However, if you unseal another one while the other Undead is unsealed, they are still charmed by
you but are hostile against allies and enemies alike, regardless of your persuasions. When used as
a part of a finisher, you can choose to unseal an Undead in your possession if you wish.
♣J - Fusion Elephant (AP: +2800):
Is used to assume Jack Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber, and grants your
Jack Form the ability to make an unarmed strike to all creatures you choose in a 30 foot square,
but this can be the only attack you make this turn.
♣Q - Absorb Tiger (AP: +2000):
Must be used with the Rouse Absorber to assume Jack Form or King Form.
♣K - Evolution Tarantula (AP: +4000):
Is used to assume King Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber or Wild Form with
the Joker Rouzer.

Diamond Suit:
♦A - Change Stag (AP: 0):
Is used with Driver to Henshin, and has no effect otherwise.
♦2 - Bullet Armadillo (AP: 400):
Allows you to Attack an additional time when using a ranged weapon with the Attack
action. This can stack with Extra Attack. When used as a part of a finisher, it allows you to make
an additional attack with a ranged weapon as part of the damage, automatically hitting (this
counts as 1d6 in terms of finisher dice expended, regardless of the ranged weapon’s damage die).
♦3 - Upper Frog (AP: 600):
Increases the damage of punches by 2d6.
♦4 - Rapid Pecker (AP: 800):

Increases the damage of tackles by 2d6.
♦5 - Drop Whale (AP: 1000):
Increases the damage of kicks by 2d6.
♦6 - Fire Fly (AP: 1000):
Converts the damage of the attack into fire damage, and deals an extra 2d6 fire damage.
♦7 - Rock Tortoise (AP: 1400):
Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
♦8 - Scope Bat (AP: 1200):
Grants advantage on the next ranged attack roll.
♦9 - Gemini Zebra (AP: 1400):
Splits you into two. You can control both yourself and your clone, and this clone is an
exact copy of you. This clone can do everything you can besides scanning Rouse Cards. This
lasts for two turns, you and your clown deal half damage (rounded down with a minimum of 1
damage), and both you and your clone have their current and maximum hit points halved while
in this state. After the effect ends, your clone dissipates and your current and maximum hit points
are doubled back to how they were before. When used as a part of a finisher, it allows you to add
your damage modifier twice, including adding another d6 to the damage.
♦10 - Thief Cameleon (AP: 1600):
Allows you to use another creature’s Rouze Card regardless of Royal Suit. Additionally,
you can become invisible for three turns, or you can change your appearance to any creature of
your size as long as you have seen them before. When used as a part of a finisher, the target has
disadvantage on the saving throw.
♦J - Fusion Peacock (AP: +2400):
Is used to assume Jack Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber, and grants your
Jack Form 60 feet of flying speed.
♦Q - Absorb Serpent (AP: +2000):
Must be used with the Rouse Absorber to assume Jack Form or King Form.
♦K - Evolution Giraffa (AP: +4000):
Is used to assume King Form in conjunction with the Rouse Absorber or Wild Form with
the Joker Rouzer.

Ace Machine:
At 2nd level, you gain your Rider Machine. It’s mostly a standard motorcycle, except that you
can use the vehicle to scan your Rouze Cards instead of your Rouze Weapon. The effects of the
Rouze Card mostly transfer to your vehicle, although some Rouze Cards (like Slash Lizard for
example) simply power up your weapons or body like normal.

Rousing Strength:
At 3rd level, you gain the strength to finish enemies off by using a combo of Rouse Cards. As a
bonus action, you can scan two Rouse Cards instead of one, and execute both of their effects
along with an extra d6 (an extra 2d6 at 14th level). Then, after scanning, you can use your action
to deal the damage. The creature being attacked must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On
a failure, they take the damage damage, and half as much on a success. The damage dealt with
this feature cannot exceed 5d8, 8d8 starting at 10th level, 10d8 at 14th level, and at 17th level
this limit is removed completely. If you reach the limit, deal that damage.

At 7th level, you can instead scan three cards instead of two for your Rousing Strength finisher.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Rouzer Archetype:
At 1st level, you can decide how you can utilize your powers and fight the Undead. You have
two options: to be a B.O.A.R.D. Rider and utilize human technology to fight, or be a Joker Rider,
an Undead who can take the form of Undead at the cost of their humanity. However, despite
human technology being imitations of the Undead technology, the B.O.A.R.D. equipment has its
own advantages, and can fight on par with a Joker.

You must be the Undead race to take the Joker Rider archetype, whereas you can be any race to
be a B.O.A.R.D. Rider.

B.O.A.R.D. Rider:
You use a manmade Buckle and utilize the energy of a Category Ace Undead to fight.

Ace Buckle:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you obtain an Ace Buckle, and with it, a Category Ace
card that matches your Royal Suit. This is a belt buckle that has a slot for your Category Ace
card. When you put it on your waist with the Category Ace card inserted, the belt strap will
automatically tighten around your waist and start making a sound. Then, by doing some sort of
action to the belt, the Royal Suit symbol shows up and projects a screen 5 feet in front of you.
This also serves as an attack, and you can make a Dexterity attack roll to deal 1d4 bludgeoning
damage against anyone in that range. Either way, the target is pushed back 5 feet. Then, by
running through the screen, you Henshin and gain your Rouse Weapon.

Absorb Queen:
At 9th level, you gain the Rouse Absorber, and with it, the ability to use Category Queen cards.
When you use a Category Queen card, you add the number next to the “+” to both your Max AP
and Current AP. This card has little effect (besides AP increasing) on its own, but must be
inserted into the Rouse Absorber to allow changing into the Jack and King Forms.

Fusion Jack:
At 10th level, you have the ability to scan Category Jack cards with the Rouse Absorber. By
scanning it as an action, you assume Jack Form. This is a more ornate, upgraded form with wings
and either a blade extension or addition. If the weapon does not have a blade, it adds one that
deals the same damage as the original weapon, and if the weapon has a blade already, it gains +2
to damage.

In this form, all your Rouse Cards add an extra die to their effect, and you add an AP equal to the
amount next to the “+” on the Ace Player ability to both your Maximum AP and Current AP. You
also deal an extra damage die of damage.

Evolution King:
At 14th level, you can call upon the power of your Royal Suit’s cards and evolve into your King
Form. To scan the Evolution card, you must have every other card in your Royal Suit. By doing
so, you can combine all the cards onto your armor and assume King Form.

In this form, you lose 10 feet of movement, but also gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage. You add an AP equal to the amount equal to your normal Maximum AP to both
your Maximum AP and Current AP. All your Rouse Cards add one extra die to their effect, and
the Metal Trilobite, Gel Jellyfish, and Rock Tortoise instead grant immunity instead of
resistance. As well, your Rouse Weapon transforms into the King Rouzer, a weapon with the
two-handed property that shares the same type as your Rouse Weapon (a longsword into a
greatsword, a pistol into a rifle, etc.) and with a new Initial AP of 9600. You can also optionally
scan two cards as a bonus action freely, but it does not count as a finisher.

You also can execute the King Finisher by putting in cards that correspond to Poker hands. You
can either do a Royal Flush and deal 10d6 damage, or you can mix and match cards. Your cards
do not gain their extra damage dice with this finisher. You can put up to five cards into the King
Rouzer to use this effect as a bonus action. If a combination does not have a King, you can insert
it to deal an extra 4d6 damage. Face cards add 2d6 damage. As well, taking out the Ace card to
scan it does not cancel your Henshin. Then, you can execute the King Finisher, combining the
effects of the cards you’ve inserted that match a poker hand. The AP cost is equal to the
combined AP total of the cards, including Category Jack, Queen, and King cards (if you were a
Spade rider for example and used a Royal Flush, you would add Change Beetle (0 AP), Time
Scarab (1800 AP), Fusion Eagle (2400 AP), Absorb Capricorn (2000 AP) and Evolution
Caucasus (4600) to get an AP cost of 10800 AP).

However, this great power comes at a cost. You have a maximum AP use of 50,000 AP. Starting
with the very first card you use in King Form, keep track of the AP cost of every card you use,
and add it up. If you exceed this cap, you will begin or finish your transformation into a Joker
Undead, a form that you will become at 17th level if you choose to go above the cap. At that
point, nothing will stop it. Every long rest, subtract 1000 from the AP you’ve used in King Form.

The King Finisher can only be used once per long rest.

New Joker:
At 17th level, assuming you’ve exceeded the King Form cap of 50,000 AP, you will finish your
mutation into the Joker Undead. If you are not an Undead already, change your race to the Joker
Undead race, and you gain the Joker Rouzer, Become Queen, Become Jack, and Evolution Wild
subclass features, although you can only use the last one to assume the Category King Undead

You gain the abilities of the Joker Undead listed under the Joker Rider subclass when you
transform as an action, except that you gain the weapon type of your King Rouzer or the weapon
of the Category King Undead of your Royal Suit (your choice).

Joker Rider:
You use the powers of the Joker inside of you to imitate Undead and fight off your enemies. You
must be the Joker Undead race to be this subclass.

Joker Rouzer:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you are able to summon the Joker Rouzer at will. This
allows you to scan a Rouse Card with the belt. You have two options. You can either scan a
Rouse Card in your possession and transform into the Undead on it, using the abilities of the
monster. Secondly, you can scan your Category Ace card and Henshin into that Ace Undead,
also known as your rider form. This form also grants you the ability to use your class features
and Rouse Cards in general, as well as your Rouse Weapon.

By attaching the Joker Rouser to the Rouse Weapon, you can use your Rouse Cards’ effects
rather than transforming into the undead.

You also automatically get the Spirit Human card. This does not count towards your card limit,
and can be replicated.

When you scan the card with your Joker Rouzer to become the Undead, you gain some stat
changes and new abilities, all of which (besides face cards) grant advantages and disadvantages.
Any card you use besides Spirit Human counts as a Henshin. The features you obtain from each
transformation are listed below.

♠A - Beetle Undead:
● Allows you to assume your Ace Form.
● No stat changes.
♠2 - Lizard Undead:
● Increases the damage of your melee Weapon Rouzer by 1d6.
● +1 Strength, -1 Constitution
♠3 - Lion Undead:
● Increases the damage of punches by 1d6.
● +1 Constitution, -1 Strength
♠4 - Boar Undead:
● Increases the damage of tackles by 1d6.
● +10 land movement speed, -1 Dexterity

♠5 - Locust Undead:
● Increases the damage of kicks by 1d6.
● +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution
♠6 - Deer Undead:
● Converts the damage of your attacks into lightning damage, and deals an extra
1d6 lightning damage.
● +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
♠7 - Trilobite Undead:
● Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
● +2 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -10 land movement speed
♠8 - Buffalo Undead:
● Allows control over magnetic substances in a 60 foot radius.
● +10 hit points, +1 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -10 land movement speed
♠9 - Jaguar Undead:
● Gain one Speed Charge.
● +20 land movement speed, -2 Constitution
♠10 - Scarab Undead:
● Stops time in a 15 foot radius. Any creatures in the radius have their turn skipped
unless they have cloth from the Scarab Undead. You can only use this feature
once per long rest.
● +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
♠J - Eagle Undead:
● Grants +2400 AP.
● You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
● You gain advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks.
● +3 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -1 Constitution
♠Q - Capricorn Undead:
● Grants +2000 AP.
● You can fire a ranged attack that deals 1d8 radiant damage as an action.
● You gain a boomerang that instead deals 1d8 slashing damage and always returns,
even on a hit.
● +3 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, -1 Strength
♠K - Caucasus Undead:
● Grants +2800 AP.
● Is used to assume Wild Form at 14th level.
● You gain advantage on all attack rolls.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Constitution modifier
● You gain a one-handed greatsword and a shield
● +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, -3 Dexterity

♥A - Mantis Undead:
● Allows you to assume your Ace Form.
● No stat changes.
♥2 - Human Undead:
● Is used by Jokers to assume human form, and has no effect otherwise.
♥3 - Hammerhead Undead:
● Increases the damage of chops by 1d6.
● +10 water movement speed, -1 Dexterity
♥4 - Dragonfly Undead:
● Allows the user to fly a speed equal to their walking speed.
● +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution
♥5 - Shell Undead:
● Increases the damage of kicks by 1d6.
● +1 Constitution, -1 Strength
♥6 - Hawk Undead:
● Converts the damage of your attacks into force damage, and deals an extra 1d6
force damage.
● +10 air movement speed, +1 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution
♥7 - Plant Undead:
● You can create a vine whip from your Rouzer that acts as a whip weapon and
allows you to bind an opponent within 15 feet of you. They must succeed a
Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your
Strength modifier, or be restrained. They can repeat this save on both your turn
and their turn, and a successful hit from a weapon attack can destroy the vines.
● +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
♥8 - Moth Undead:
● When the user is attacked and is successfully hit, the damage is instead dealt to
the attacker.
● +10 air movement speed, +1 Dexterity -10 land movement speed, -1 Constitution
♥9 - Camel Undead:
● A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 2d8 + your Wisdom
● +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
♥10 - Centipede Undead:
● Allows you to use another creature’s Rouze Card regardless of Royal Suit as long
as it has been used in the combat encounter before.
● +10 digging movement speed, +1 Strength, -2 Constitution
♥J - Wolf Undead:

● Grants +2400 AP.
● You can make a bite attack against a creature in range, and as a bonus action if it
hits, you can attempt to inject them with poison. The DC they must meet or
exceed is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. If they
fail, they gain the alignment and features of a wolf, and will attack the closest
creature to them. If they drop a creature to 0 hit points, they also become this sort
of werewolf. This can only be cured by either using an ability or item that cures
diseases, forcing them into a short or long rest, or if they are dropped to 0 hit
● You can deal piercing and slashing damage with your unarmed strikes, and gain a
● +2 Dexterity, +10 land movement speed, -2 Constitution, -1 Strength
♥Q - Orchid Undead:
● Grants +2000 AP.
● You can create up to two vine whips from your Rouzer that act as whip weapons
and allow you to bind opponents within 30 feet of you. They must succeed a
Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your
Strength modifier, or be restrained. They can repeat this save on both your turn
and their turn, and a successful hit from a weapon attack can destroy the vines.
● You can create flower petals and teleport to a point within 30 feet of you, as long
as it is not being occupied by a creature or other object.
● +2 Constitution, +1 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -10 land movement speed
♥K - Paradoxa Undead:
● Grants +2800 AP.
● Is used to assume Wild Form at 14th level.
● You gain shortswords on each of your arms.
● You can deal force damage, and can do a ranged attack with your shortsword: it
has a range of 60 feet and has to deal force damage.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Dexterity modifier
● +3 Dexterity, -3 Strength

♣A - Spider Undead:
● Allows you to assume your Ace Form.
● No stat changes.
♣2 - Bee Undead:
● Increases the damage of stabbing attacks by 1d6.
● +10 air movement speed, -1 Constitution
♣3 - Mole Undead:
● Increases the damage of punches by 1d6, making them more drill-like.
● +10 digging movement speed, -1 Dexterity

♣4 - Rhinoceros Undead:
● Increases the damage of tackles by 1d6.
● +10 land movement speed, -1 Dexterity
♣5 - Cobra Undead:
● Increases the damage of kicks by 1d6.
● +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution
♣6 - Polarbear Undead:
● Converts the damage of your attacks into cold damage, and deals an extra 1d6
cold damage.
● +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
♣7 - Jellyfish Undead:
● Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
● +10 water movement speed, +1 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
♣8 - Scorpion Undead:
● Converts the damage of your attacks into poison damage, and deals an extra 1d6
poison damage. They must succeed a Constitution saving throw against a DC
equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or be poisoned.
They can repeat this save on both your turn and their turn.
● +2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution
♣9 - Squid Undead:
● Converts the damage of your attacks into poison damage, and deals an extra 1d6
poison damage. They must succeed a Constitution saving throw against a DC
equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or be blinded. They
can repeat this save on both your turn and their turn.
● +10 water movement speed, +1 Constitution, -1 Strength, -1 Dexterity
♣10 - Tapir Undead:
● A Rouse card you choose in your possession is unsealed, and releases the Undead
inside. This Undead is charmed by you as long as it is unsealed in this way and
they follow your orders.
● +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
♣J - Elephant Undead:
● Grants +2800 AP.
● You can lift quadruple the weight you normally can.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Strength modifier.
● +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, -3 Dexterity
♣Q - Tiger Undead:
● Grants +2000 AP.
● You gain one Speed Charge.

● You can run on walls and ceilings, but will fall if you end your turn on those
♣K - Tarantula Undead:
● Grants +2400 AP.
● Is used to assume Wild Form at 14th level.
● You can use the detect thoughts and geas spells once per long rest.
● You gain a claw that is treated as a longsword and you gain a climbing speed
equal to your walking speed.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Constitution modifier.

♦A - Stag Beetle Undead:

● Allows you to assume your Ace Form.
● No stat changes.
♦2 - Armadillo Undead:
● Allows you to Attack an additional time when using a ranged weapon with the
Attack action. This can stack with Extra Attack.
● +1 Constitution, -1 Strength
♦3 - Frog Undead:
● Increases the damage of punches by 2d6.
● +1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution
♦4 - Pecker Undead:
● Increases the damage of tackles by 2d6.
● +10 air movement speed, -1 Strength
♦5 - Whale Undead:
● Increases the damage of kicks by 2d6.
● +10 water movement speed, -1 Dexterity
♦6 - Firefly Undead:
● Converts the damage of the attack into fire damage, and deals an extra 2d6 fire
● +20 air movement speed, -2 Constitution
♦7 - Tortoise Undead:
● Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
● +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
♦8 - Bat Undead:
● Grants advantage on the next ranged attack roll.
● +20 air movement speed, -2 Strength
♦9 - Zebra Undead:
● Splits you into two. You can control both yourself and your clone, and this clone
is an exact copy of you. This clone can do everything you can besides scanning

Rouse Cards. This lasts for two turns, you and your clown deal half damage
(rounded down with a minimum of 1 damage), and both you and your clone have
their current and maximum hit points halved while in this state. After the effect
ends, your clone dissipates and your current and maximum hit points are doubled
back to how they were before.
● +2 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution
♦10 - Cameleon Undead:
● Allows you to use another creature’s Rouze Card regardless of Royal Suit.
● +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
♦J - Peacock Undead:
● Grants +2400 AP.
● You gain the ability to use the magic missile spell three times per long rest
● You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed
♦Q - Serpent Undead:
● Grants +2000 AP.
● You gain two whips that deal +2 damage and don't require a hand to use
● You summon four constrictor snakes that act on their own initiative but follow
your orders; if you are knocked unconsciousness or die, then they attack the
nearest enemy hostile to you
♦K - Giraffa Undead:
● Grants +2800 AP.
● Is used to assume Wild Form at 14th level.
● You gain advantage on all attack rolls.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Strength modifier
● You gain two one-handed greatswords.
● +3 Strength, -3 Dexterity

Joker - Black Joker:

● Grants +4000 AP.
● You gain advantage on all attack rolls.
● You gain a claw that acts as a longsword.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to whatever modifier you wish.
● If you are the last Undead unsealed, 16 Darkroachi will appear in the world, and
will keep coming every minute unless either every creature in the world besides
you and other Darkroachi is dead or someone mutates into a Joker Undead, in
which case all Darkroachi will disappear.
● +1 four times to any ability score or movement option (which it acts like a +10),
-1 four times to any ability score or movement option besides digging, water
movement, or air movement (which it acts like a -10)

Joker - Albino Joker:
● Grants +4000 AP.
● You gain advantage on all attack rolls.
● You gain a claw that acts as a longsword.
● You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to whatever modifier you wish.
● If you are the last Undead unsealed, 16 Darkroachi will appear in the world, and
will keep coming every minute unless either every creature in the world besides
you and other Darkroachi is dead or someone mutates into a Joker Undead, in
which case all Darkroachi will disappear.
● +1 four times to any ability score or movement option (which it acts like a +10),
-1 four times to any ability score or movement option besides digging, water
movement, or air movement (which it acts like a -10)

Become Queen:
At 9th level, you are able to harness the power of the Category Queen Undead of your Royal
Suit. You can scan the Queen card to become the Undead contained in the card.

Become Jack and King:

At 10th level, you are able to harness the power of the Category Jack Undead of your Royal Suit.
You can scan the Jack card to become the Undead contained in the card. You also deal an extra
damage die of damage while in Jack Undead Form.

At 12th level, you are able to harness the power of the Category King Undead of your Royal
Suit. You can scan the King card to become the Undead contained in the card. You also deal an
extra damage die of damage while in King Undead Form.

Evolution Wild:
At 14th level and if you possess every card of your Royal Suit, you can call upon the power of
your Royal Suit’s cards and combine them into yourself to assume your Wild Form by scanning
the respective Category King Undead card. This form gives you the AP Bonus, but you don’t
gain the other King Undead abilities.

In this form, your Weapon Rouzer deals two extra damage dice of damage, and all your Rouse
Cards add two extra dice to their effect. As well, as a bonus action, you can combine all of your
Rouse Cards into a Wild Card. This Wild Card can only be used with your Weapon Rouzer.
When used, you release any effect of any card in your Royal Suit that you choose. If the effect

only powers up a certain kind of attack, it instead powers up your Weapon Rouzer. When used in
the way, the effects of damaging based cards add no additional damage dice from being in Wild
Form. On top of the effects, you deal 2d6 extra damage.

This Wild Card can only be used once per long rest.

True Joker:
As an action, you can Henshin into the Black or Albino Joker Undead (depends on which you
chose for your race), except that you gain the weapon type of your Weapon Rouzer or the
weapon(s) of the Category King Undead of your Royal Suit (your choice).


Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Play Your Beat, Elemental


2nd +2 Disk Sender

3rd +2 Coda

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Ability Score Improvement

7th +3 Gaika

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4 Elemental Breath


10th +4 Kurenai Training

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Armed Saber, Ability Score


15th +5 Elemental Breath


16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d12 per oni level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per oni level after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Disk Animals, a musical instrument of your choice

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, Stealth, Survival

Play Your Beat:

At 1st level, your fierce training and incredible rhythm allows you to resonate with yourself to
become an Oni, a demonic protector of the natural world. You gain a device based on the
instrument you chose for your proficiency, and when you blow, strum, or strike it, you Henshin
and assume your Oni Form. When you Henshin, you gain a weapon of your choice or two light
weapons based on your instrument, and can be used even without Henshining.

Elemental Breath:
As an oni, you have mystical powers beyond that of a human, and that include incineration. As
8an action, you can breathe a deadly ray of an element you choose at your opponents if you are
in your Oni Form. Choose any creatures in a 30 x 15 ft. rectangle directly in front of you. They
must roll a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. If they fail, they take 3d6 damage based on your
element, and half as much on a successful save. This damage increases to 4d6 at 9th level, and
5d6 at 15th level.

This can only be used once per long rest.

Disk Sender:

At 2nd level, you have been able to acquire Disk Animals, small creatures that can be used to
scout out information. You can send out Disk Animals to an area within 6 miles to scout out that
area. After 4 hours, they can return to you, and give you information about the terrain, most
surface details, and if there are any creatures or subjects of suspicion.

At 3rd level, you can use your resonance to annihilate any enemy you come across. You can take
your belt buckle and attach it to your weapon or the enemy and start playing your weapon. The
creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d8 damage based on
your weapon, or 5d8 damage based on your element if it is against a huge or larger enemy, and
deal half as much on a success. If this kills an enemy, the creature will feel the crippling
vibrations through their body, and explode.

This can only be done once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

At 7th level, you have finally been able to gain a handle of a motorcycle. The Gaika serves as
your Rider Machine. Although it’s not used much by Oni, it can be helpful for transportation or
eliminating enemies that have come into the brink of civilization.

Kurenai Training:
At 10th level, you have honed your skills enough to assume a heightened form burning within
you. As an action in your Oni Form, you can assume a higher level of skill. This is your Kurenai
form. While in Kurenai form, your weapons deal an extra damage die of damage, your Coda

finisher now deals 8d8 damage, and you are able to instantly destroy any enemies of a CR lower
than an eighth of your level (rounded down) if you hit them with your Oni Weapon.

Armed Saber:
At 14th level, you have gained the Armed Weapon and are now able to master your Oni form.
Your Armed Weapon is a weapon of your choice, and is a +2 weapon. While the Armed Weapon
can be obtained beforehand, attempting to use it to upgrade your form will cause you to lose your
ability to Henshin for 48 hours.

As an action, you can assume your Armed Form, which will cause your Disk Animals to circle
around you and grant you extra armor. In this form, you gain an AC bonus of +2 and gain
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. While in Armed form, your weapons
deal double damage dice and you are able to instantly destroy any enemies of a CR lower than a
fifth of your level if you hit them with the Armed Saber. Your finisher now deals 10d8.

Zecter Master:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Zecter Summon, Masked

Form, Rider Weapon

2nd +2 Rider Form, Clock Up

3rd +2 Rider Finish, Clocking


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement,

Additional Speed Charge

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Clocking Beyond

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement,

Additional Speed Charge

9th +4

10th +4 Red Shoes, Additional Speed


11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Hyper Zecter, Additional

Speed Charge

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Perfect Zecter, Additional

Speed Charge

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per zecter master level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per zecter master level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Zecters

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation,
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion

Zecter Summon:
At 1st level, you obtain a Zecter, a mechanical insectoid robot. It can be based on arachnids or
insects. As an action, you can summon your Zecter. They can fly or travel towards you, to the
point where they can tunnel through solid concrete to reach you. As well, they can fight on your
behalf before you henshin. It can move 60 feet and deals 1 damage on a hit. If you summon a
Zecter and wish to attack another Zecter user with it, they can summon their Zecter as a reaction
and deflect the attack. It will take both of your actions, however, to henshin with it. When you
slide or place the Zecter onto a belt, brace, Rider Weapon or another item, you Henshin into
your Masked Form.

Zecters have a variety of personalities, and will leave their original owner and go to a new one if
they don't embody the traits they desire. If you do something against the wishes of the Zecter,
roll a DC 5 Animal Handling (Wisdom) check. On a failure, the Zecter will go to someone else
who embodies the traits more, preferably a party member. Every time you go against the wishes
of the Zecter again, roll the check again, but add 5 to the DC for every subsequent roll. If your
Zecter leaves you for someone else, you can roll a DC 20 Animal Handling (Wisdom) check
every 24 hours to take back your Zecter, assuming you go back to the personality traits it sought
in you. This DC stays static.

Choose from one of the options below for your Zecter Personality. Alternatively, you can roll for
the Zecter Personality, or if your DM allows it, to make your own based on three personality

Roll Personality

1 Strong Morality, Upstanding, Virtuous

2 Straightforward, Kind, Righteous

3 Loyal, Rule Focused, Passionate

4 Free, Satisfied, Lives their Own Way

5 Prideful, Pompous, Self-Centered

6 Chaotic, Uncaring, Willing to Fight

Masked Form:
When you Henshin, you first assume your Masked Form. This is a heavily armored state which
is slower but has higher resistance. It acts the same as Rider Armor, except you gain resistance to
slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, and lose 10 ft. of movement. As well, you have
disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws but advantage on Strength saving throws.

This transformation can be voluntarily canceled by simply taking the Zecter off, or involuntarily
canceled if your Zecter chooses to leave you.

Alternate Feature; Hopper Rider:

You no longer have a Masked Form, instead being exclusively locked to your Rider Form. In
exchange for this, you gain +10 ft of jump height, the Hopper Weapon, and the Hopper
Discharge. The Hopper Weapon is a mechanism that is attached to one of your arms or legs, and
deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage, making your unarmed attacks even more powerful.

The Hopper Discharge is an attack that can be activated after landing an unarmed strike, which
pulls back the Hopper Weapon, and slams it down on the enemy, dealing an additional 2d6

Lightning Damage. This Feature can be used once a day (Two times at level 9, and three times at
level 18.)

Rider Weapon:
Like your Zecter, you obtain a Rider Weapon. This can take the form of any simple weapon if
you transform using a belt or brace, or a martial weapon if you insert your Zecter into it to
transform. Your weapon can be used whenever you like.

Rider Form:
When you shift your Zecter in a particular way, you can Cast Off and assume your Rider form as
an action. Anyone within 5 feet of you must roll a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure,
they take 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

Your Rider Form acts like standard Rider Armor, as you no longer are hindered by your extra
armor. However, you no longer have the resistance to physical damage. The primary benefit of
the Rider Form is to Clock Up.

As an action, you can go back into Masked Form.

Clock Up:
At 2nd Level, you gain the ability to Clock Up, along with it, gaining two Speed Charges. You
gain an additional Speed Charge at 4th, 8th, 10th, 14th, and 17th Level.

Rider Finish:
Rider Finish is your finishing move against an enemy. It takes different names depending on
what attack is executed, like a Rider Kick, Rider Punch, Rider Shooting for ranged weapons, and
Rider Slash for melee weapons. Rider Finish can only be executed with a weapon if you
transform with it. Otherwise, you use your body to finish the enemy off.

By pressing a button or doing some combination with your Zecter, you activate it. Choose a
target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they take
half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 lightning damage, 5d8 slashing damage if you use
Rider Slash, and 5d8 piercing damage if you use Rider Shooting.

A Rider Finish can only be performed in Rider Form. This can only be used once per long rest.

Clocking Further:
At 3rd level, you obtain a motorcycle that you can use to travel and attack. This is your Rider

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Clocking Beyond:
At 6th Level, you gain the ability to transform your Rider Machine into its Extender Form.
While in Masked Form and riding your Rider Machine, you can choose to Cast Off alongside it
as a bonus action, causing your bike to enter its Extender Form. While in Extender Form, you
can choose for your Rider Machine to gain one of two options: a sharp piercing weapon extended
from the front which acts as a Glaive, or the ability to gain flying speed equal to the Rider
Machines ground speed. If you use any Speed Actions while your Machine is in its Extender
Form, it will not become frozen in the speed up time, and will instead stay moving. You also gain
the Extender Finisher Speed Action.

Extender Finisher: While your Rider Machine is in its Extender Form, you can use a
Speed Charge to activate Clock Up, and unleash a powerful finisher with your Exetender. This
Finisher has a 20 DC Constitution saving throw, and deals 8d6 Damage.

Red Shoes:

A system built into your Henshin Device awakens. This is known as the Red Shoes system. It
allows the user to quickly and brutally destroy Worms, but at the cost of the user’s senses,
making them a force of destruction to all Worms nearby.

You can activate Red Shoes as a bonus action. You are granted an extra damage die of damage,
all your finishers deal 8d8 damage, and the Barbarian’s Rage ability, as well as the Path of the
Berserker ability of Frenzy.

These abilities however, come at a cost. You become obsessed with the destruction of Worms.
You must attack the closest worm monster or anyone of the Changeling race, and nothing can
stop you from targeting it. If you are surrounded by multiple of these creatures, choose one to
target. You can only target this creature. If the creature you’ve targeted is killed or knocked out
by you, you move on to the next Worm or Changeling. If other creatures attack you, you can
attack them randomly if you cannot reach a Worm or Changeling, or if doing so risks an
opportunity attack.

The Red Shoes system can only be canceled through two methods. The first is if all Worms or
Changelings within 120 feet have been knocked out or killed, or if there are no more of them in
the area. The second is if the user takes at least 20 lightning damage in one attack. This short
circuits the system and ejects one from the Red Shoes state.

After you are ejected, you gain a level of exhaustion. The Red Shoes system can only be used
once every 48 hours.

Hyper Zecter:
At 14th level, you are able to call upon the Hyper Zecter, a device that can be attached to the side
of your belt to activate Hyper Cast Off and assume Hyper Form. You can use a bonus action to
attach the Hyper Zecter to your belt, and when you pull the lever, you can Hyper Cast Off. This
grants you a variety of powers.

You can access Hyper Speed Actions, which are powerful variants of your normal Speed
Actions, along with gaining the ability to transcend time itself.
Hyper Attack now attacks five times instead of three.
Hyper Charge causes the enemy to fail the save automatically.
Hyper Shove sends the enemy 15-60ft back (player’s choice.)
Hyper Grapple can instantly restrain an opponent
Hyper Crossing causes you to simply teleport to your desired location. Well it isn’t
teleportation, but it seems that way. You may also use Hyper Attack or Hyper Grapple
after a Hyper Crossing.

Hyper Sacrifice lets you take half of the full damage.
Hyper Finish allows you to use your normal 5d6 finisher and deal no half damage.

Time Travel: A Hyper Form user may use the ultimate Speed Action, Time Travel, to
move so fast that they slip through the time stream.
In combat, you may use this to Time Travel up to 3 rounds into the past, and
effectively change the future. You also control two versions of yourself during this time
(if you time travel into the same fight you were just in.) Once the 3 rounds are up, your
past self travels back in time as well, to keep the timeline correct. If your past self cannot
Time Travel for some reason, your Hyper Zecter automatically activates, and sends them
back in time itself.
Outside of Combat, you may travel an unlimited time into the past, dictated by
your DM. If your DM doesn’t set limits, it is completely possible to destroy the future as
you know it, unless your campaign works under multiverse theory.
If you use Time Travel in combat, you cannot use it again for 1d4+rounds
traveled back in time days (up to a week.) If you use Time Travel outside of combat, you
cannot use it for another 2d6+Days Traveled (Months or Years if you go that far back.)

Additionally, your Rider Finish damage becomes 10d8, and at any time you can sprout spectral
wings that allow you to fly 30 ft.

Perfect Zecter:
At 17th level, you are able to call upon the Perfect Zecter. This weapon is a longsword that deals
2d6 slashing damage in one hand and 2d8 in two. It can also transform into a gun and deals the
same damage, except it is piercing damage. As well, you can attach up to three other Zecters
onto the Perfect Zecter. With this, you can use an enhanced version of the original finisher. As an
action, you can use a Perfect Zecter Finisher, which deals 10d6 lightning damage.

If you have obtained or attached three Zecters, you can use the Maximum Hyper Cyclone. This
finisher move deals 15d4 lightning damage instead.

The ranged and melee versions deal the same damage. Use whichever you prefer.

You can only use the Perfect Zecter finisher or the Maximum Hyper Cyclone once per long rest.

Fangire Lord:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 King of Vampires

2nd +2 Arms Monsters

3rd +2 Wake Up

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Arms Monsters Improvement

7th +3 Devoted Kivat

8th +3 Arms Monsters Improvement,

Ability Score Improvement

9th +4 Faithful Companions

10th +4 Fully Armed

11th +4 Devoted Kivat Improvement

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5 Faithful Companions


14th +5 Emperor of Vampires

15th +5 Arms Monsters Improvement

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Blade of the King

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d8 per fangire lord level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per fangire lord level after

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: A musical instrument of your choice

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Deception, Intimidation,
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth

King of Vampires:
At 1st level, you obtain a Kivat, a strange creature that allows its user to become like a vampire.
As an action, you can summon your Kivat. They can fly or travel towards you as fast as it can
without taking damage. As well, they can fight on your behalf before you henshin. It can move
60 feet and deals 1 damage on a hit. If you are the Fangire Race, you can summon your Kivat,
grab it, and have its teeth bite into you. This causes your Fangire veins to glow, and summons a
belt around your body. You can then hang the Kivat-Bat on the belt to Henshin.

A non-Fangire can also Henshin, but this is far more difficult. They must roll a DC 15
Constitution Saving Throw to complete the Henshin. If they fail, they take necrotic damage of a
damage die equal to the damage for an unarmed strike at their level, and the DC for the Saving
Throw is reduced by 2. Once you Henshin once as a non-Fangire, you don't have to roll any
more saving throws. You do not need to roll this Saving Throw if you gain this class feature
when your total level is 1.

Kivats have a variety of personalities, and will leave their original owner and go to a new one if
they don't embody the traits they desire. If you do something against the wishes of the Kivat, roll
a DC 5 Persuasion (Charisma) check. On a failure, the Kivat will go to someone else who
embodies the traits more, preferably a party member. Every time you go against the wishes of the
Kivat again, roll the check again, but add 5 to the DC for every subsequent roll. If your Kivat
leaves you for someone else, you can roll a DC 20 Persuasion (Charisma) check every 24 hours

to take back your Kivat, assuming you go back to the personality traits it sought in you. This DC
stays static.

As well, you gain a flying Castle with three Arms Monsters inside of it. They cannot leave the
Castle until you gain more experience, however.

Arms Monsters:
At 2nd level, you gain command of one of the Arms Monsters in your castle. You are able to use
one of the three Fuestles on your belt to gain an auxiliary form as the Arms Monster launches
from the castle, transforming into a weapon of your choice. As a bonus action, however, you can
exit that form and release the original Arms Monster to fight alongside you and you can turn
them back into their weapon, where they will travel up to 60 feet per turn to you until they get
back to you.

You have an Arms Monster Limit determining how many Arms Monsters at a time you can use.
Having an Arms Monster out in battle, whether as a weapon or as a creature, counts towards the
Arms Monster Limit. If another Arms Monster puts you over the limit, the previous Arms
Monster will return to your Castle.

Your Arms Monsters’ ability scores are determined by standard array or point buy, their hit die is
1d6, their unarmed strike damage is at the same level of yours, and their movement speed is 30.
If they are defeated, they return to your castle and cannot be used until they recover.

You gain access to another Arms Monster at 4th and 6th level. As well, your Arms Monster
Limit starts at 1, increases to 2 at 8th level, and increases to 3 at 15th level.

Wake Up!:
At 3rd level, you can bring forth the power of your Kivat to deliver a powerful final attack. By
inserting a Fuestle into your Kivat’s mouth, you can target a creature in range, it must make a
physical saving throw of your choice or take 5d8 damage, or half on a success.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Devoted Kivat:
At 7th level, you can use your Kivat to block attacks by ramming the attack out of the way or
biting it to prevent it from hitting you. As a reaction, you can add your Charisma modifier to
your Armor Class for an attack. If because of this increase the opponent would miss a melee
attack against you, they cannot multiattack or Extra Attack with that weapon until the end of
their turn, although they can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action if they can do so.

At 11th level, your coordination with your Kivat allows you to follow up a successful block with
a retaliatory strike. If you block a melee attack, you can make two unarmed strikes against the
attacking creature. However, they are free to Extra Attack or multiattack with that weapon, and
you cannot use a bonus action unarmed strike the turn after you use this.

Faithful Companions:
At 9th level, the ability of your Arms Monsters to turn into weapons and back has proven to be
an effective tool in combat. Whenever you turn one of your Arms Monsters into a weapon as a
bonus action, before the weapon travels back to you, it can make an attack with a 15 ft. range and
uses your Charisma ability score for the attack and damage modifier.

At 13th level, your weapons can fly around you to protect you from projectiles. You can use your
reaction to deflect the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack, which causes an
Arms Monster in range of being retrieved to fly back into your hand as a weapon. When you do
so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Charisma modifier + your
Fangire Lord level.

Fully Armed:
At 10th level, you gain the ability to use all of your Arms Monster’s forms at once, uniting their
strengths with your own. When you use this form, you gain all their auxiliary effects and gain +2
to AC. Your finisher now deals 8d8 finisher damage.

Emperor of Vampires:

At 14th level, you ascend to become a monarch over everyone else. By using a new tool or even
just willing your form to change, you can assume your Emperor form. In this form, you deal
double damage dice and your finishers deal 10d8 finisher damage. As well, if your finisher in
this form kills someone, you not only break their body but their soul, and as such they cannot be
brought back to life. Additionally, you can steal the life force of your opponents, harnessing your
vampiric nature. As a bonus action, your strikes during your turn restore hit points equal to half
the damage you deal (without modifiers). You can only use this feature a number of times equal
to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest.

Arms of the King:

At 17th level, you gain a weapon of your choice only fitting for a ruler that has powerful
qualities of its own. Whenever you take the Attack action including Extra Attack, you can
choose to store the damage. When you do this, the target does not take any of the damage from
the attack. However, as a bonus action, you can release any stored damage, dealing the stored
damage to the creature as well as an extra die of damage.

World Traveler:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Keys to the Past (1), World

Archetype, World Archetype

2nd +2 Keys to the Past (2), On The

Road, Attack Time

3rd +2 Final Time, World Archetype


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Keys to the Past (3), Extra


6th +3 Keys to the Past (4)

7th +3 Keys to the Past (5)

8th +3 Keys to the Past (6), Ability

Score Improvement

9th +4 Keys to the Past (7)

10th +4 World Archetype Feature,

Keys to the Past (8)

11th +4 Keys to the Past (9)

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5 Keys to the Past (10)

14th +5 World Archetype Feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 The Ruler of Everything

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per world traveler level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per world traveler level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Photography tools, Cards

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation,
Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand

Keys To the Past:

At 1st level, you obtain an object based around other Riders. This comes in the form of the item
your archetype uses, such as a Rider Card, Ridewatch, or others. This is imbued with the power
of a Kamen Rider, and your archetype determines its use. Regardless of archetype however, your
first Key is your original rider, and gains the effects of this class. By inserting it into your Driver,
you can perform an action and Henshin.

At the levels listed on the document, you gain more Keys. These Keys are based on other Riders
in your campaign. In order to use them however, you must gain the blessing of that Rider or the
Rider must be dead. You can also release a Rider’s power from your card in order to gain the
power of a new Rider with the rules above.

Once a blessing has been given, it cannot be revoked.

On The Road:
At 2nd level, you obtain a motorcycle that you can use to travel and attack. This is your Rider
Machine. You also gain a weapon that combines two weapons that are not heavy or two-handed,

such as a longsword/pistol or whip/pistol. This can also serve as a storage mechanism for your
Rider Keys.

Attack Ride:
At 2nd level you gain 2 special Keys to help boost your combat abilities, choose one of the
abilities below for each of them

● Gain the Invisibility Condition for 3 turns

● You can summon four illusions as an action. They copy the gear you have on you
currently, and resemble you exactly. The illusions appear within 30 feet of you, and you
can switch places with one of the illusions if you wish as a bonus action. They can do
whatever you wish, but cannot hit anyone, and their actions cannot affect anything. If a
player or monster intends to hit you, they must roll 1d5 to determine which illusion to hit,
provided it is within range. If an illusion is hit, it disappears, and if the user is hit, the
other illusions dissipate
● Convert the damage of your next attack into an element of your choice and deal an extra
1d6 of elemental damage.
● Have your Rider Clones do a 3rd level Finisher attack together, for each Rider Clone
participating in the Finisher it adds +2 to the damage (Exclusive to Summoner of Worlds)
(Can not be used more than once per long rest)
● Make a small barrier that adds +2 to your Armor Class until your next turn

These Keys can be used as a bonus action but only when you are not using the powers of other
Riders. You also gain another one of these Keys at 3rd and 4th levels

Final Time:
At 3rd level, you can activate your belt or your weapon to finish off an opponent.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type is either the
weapon you use or the type of attack you use.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

The Ruler of Everything:

At 20th level, your abilities transcend time and space to grant you extraordinary power. In this
form, you deal double damage dice and 10d8 finisher dice, as well as the Barbarian’s Rage
feature. Additionally, you gain one of the following abilities:
● You can turn any Rider within 30 feet of you into a Final Form Ride without their
consent, knocking them prone after you use their finisher.
● You gain the ability to reverse time to a more favorable outcome. Once every three turns,
you revert a creature of your choice back to how they were last turn. This also
counteracts any non-critical or finisher damage done by them.

World Archetype:
At 1st level, you can select an archetype to fight others and use the power of Riders.

Destroyer of Worlds:
Destroyers of Worlds can transform into other Riders to utilize their powers to destructive ends.

Just a Passing Through Kamen Rider:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain the ability to transform into other Riders via
your Keys. When you transform using your 1st level key, you gain all the abilities of your
current level in this class. You gain a Driver to transform in this way, but when one of your other
Keys is used in this way, you gain new effects.

When you have obtained the blessing from a Rider and gain full use of their corresponding Key,
you assume their appearance by using their Key and as long as you are in the form, you gain the

class of that rider. When you are in that class, you gain the class features of that class, but as if
you were half of your World Traveler level (rounded down). Forms are changed via additional
cards. If another class has cards, you use their card system, but your cards are not compatible
with those classes’ cards and vice versa. However, you cannot gain another Rider Machine from
the features or their 5d6 damage finisher they gain at 3rd level (without a Final Form Ride card).

For example, if a 7th level Destroyer of Worlds gained the blessing of a Brutalizer, they could
transform into that Brutalizer, and gain the Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher, Bloodletting,
Regenerating Scales, and Control Driver features. The Destroyer could execute Violent Punish
by scanning a Final Form Ride card based on the original Brutalizer, but would otherwise use the
features as normal. As well, since the original Brutalizer can choose to use the Xeno DNA or
Control Driver Henshin options, the Destroyer would have those as separate base form cards.

At 14th level, you can utilize the full powers of each rider. Instead of gaining half a level’s worth
of abilities, you gain the abilities of the class that correspond with your level. The only
requirement is that you cannot assume these classes’ Final Form.

Final Form Ride:

By scanning the Final Form Ride card you obtain with the Rider’s blessing, you can use other
riders to your advantage at 3rd level. By scanning the card as an action, you can reach into the
Rider who gave the card and transform them with their consent. Depending on their class, they
might transform into a variety of things, like a blaster, a monster, or more. Whatever it is, when
you transform them, you can use the rider’s 3rd level finisher ability from their class. If a Rider’s
finisher upgrades over time, then you can use those finishers as well, provided you have the
appropriate levels.

Experienced Traveler:
At 10th level, your experience grants you either a new form or simply an upgrade to your
existing form. Either way, you deal an extra damage die of damage and your Final Times and
Final Form Rides deal 8d8 damage.

Complete Traveler:
At 14th level, you gain access to your Complete Form. This form combines all your keys by
utilizing a phone-like device, and coalesces into an evolution of your base form. For starters, you
deal double damage dice of damage, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage, and your finisher now deals 10d8.

In your Complete Form, you can utilize the abilities of all your Riders. You can freely switch
between classes like with your Just a Passing Through Kamen Rider ability, except your
appearance does not change and you do not need to use an action or bonus action. The only
limitation is that you can only use one class’ abilities per turn: you cannot, for example, utilize
the abilities of a Contractor and a Rouzer in the same turn.

Summoner of Worlds:
Summoners of Worlds can summon other Riders to utilize their powers to destructive ends.

Just a Crackshot Kamen Rider:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain the ability to summon other Riders via your
Keys. However, your Personal Key simply lets you transform. When you transform using your
1st level key, you gain all the abilities of your current level in this class. You gain a Driver to
transform in this way, which you can choose to be any weapon as long as it is not heavy or
two-handed. When you have obtained the blessing from a Rider and gain full use of the Key, you
can summon a Clone of them as an action. When they are summoned, you gain full control of
their Rider Clone, and you roll initiative for them. This Rider Clone shares the same class as the
initial class of the rider it is based on, has a level equal to a quarter of your level, and you can
summon an amount equal to half of the maximum number of Keys you can access (rounded
down). The rider clones’ maximum and current hit points are divided by the amount of Rider
Clones summoned. These Rider Clones disappear when you detransform, are knocked down to 0
hit points, or purposefully as a bonus action.

Final Form Ride:

By scanning the Final Form Ride card you obtain with the Rider’s blessing, you can use other
riders to your advantage at 3rd level. By scanning the card as an action, you can reach into the
Rider who gave the card and transform them. Depending on their class, they might transform
into a variety of things, like a blaster, a monster, or more. Whatever it is, when you transform
them, you can use the rider’s 3rd level finisher ability from their class. If a Rider’s finisher
upgrades over time, then you can use those finishers as well, provided you have the appropriate

Experienced Traveler:

At 10th level, your experience grants you either a new form or simply an upgrade to your
existing form. Either way, you deal an extra damage die of damage, you can summon a Clone
Rider as a bonus action, and your Final Time and Final Form Rides deal 8d8 damage.

Complete Traveler:
At 14th level, you gain access to your Complete Form. This form combines all your keys by
utilizing a phone-like device, and coalesces into an evolution of your base form. For starters, you
deal double damage dice of damage, and you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage, and your finisher now deals 10d8.

In your Complete Form, you can utilize the abilities of all your Riders. You can summon two
Riders as a bonus action, and can have a maximum amount of summons equal to the maximum
amount of Keys you can possess.

Rebel of Worlds:
Rebels of Worlds can transform into Forms inspired by other Riders to utilize their powers to
fight against the dystopian futures that may lie ahead.

Just a Passing Through Rebel:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain the ability to transform into other Riders via
your Keys. When you transform using your 1st level key, you gain all the abilities of your
current level in this class. You gain a Driver to transform in this way, but when one of your other
Keys is used in this way, you gain new effects. When you have obtained the blessing from a
Rider and gain full use of the Key, you assume their appearance by using their Key and as long
as you are in the form, you gain the class of that rider. When you are in that class, you gain the
class features of that class, but as if you were half of your World Traveler level (rounded down).
Forms are changed via additional cards. If another class has cards, you use their card system, but
your cards are not compatible with those classes’ cards and vice versa. However, you cannot gain
another Rider Machine from the features, their 5d6 damage finisher they gain at 3rd level
(without a Final Form Ride card).

For example, if a 7th level Destroyer of Worlds gained the blessing of a Brutalizer, they could
transform into that Brutalizer, and gain the Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher, Bloodletting,
Regenerating Scales, and Control Driver features. The Destroyer could execute Violent Punish

by scanning a Final Form Ride card based on the original Brutalizer, but would otherwise use the
features as normal. As well, since the original Brutalizer can choose to use the Xeno DNA or
Control Driver Henshin options, the Destroyer would have those as separate base form cards.

At 14th level, you can utilize the full powers of each rider. Instead of gaining half a level’s worth
of abilities, you gain the abilities of the class that correspond with your level. The only
requirement is that you cannot assume these classes’ Final Form.

Ride Mazine:
At 3rd Level, you gain a Ride Mazine, a large machine that has a flying speed instead of a land
speed. It is also able to transform into a humanoid robot [that I don't have stats for cause idk
balance]. If you use the key of another Rider while piloting your Ride Mazine in robot mode, it is
capable of utilizing the features of that class as if they were its own features. However, the same
rules regarding Level that apply to you apply to it as well. Whether it can time travel or not is up
to your DM’s discretion.

Out of Time:
At 10th level, you gain the ultimate power to rebel against the potential of a dystopian future by
channeling the potential for a different future. You gain a new form with two modes that you can
change between with a bonus action. This new form gives you a new weapon of your choice that
is one-handed, lets you deal an extra damage die of damage, and makes your Final Times deal
8d8 damage.

In your Speed Form, you gain three Speed Charges. Along with that, if a Creature has the ability
to predict your actions, you still have to tell them the truth about what actions and maybe bonus
actions you would take. However, due to your speed, they can do nothing to stop you from doing
your actions and bonus actions.
In your Bruiser Form, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You
also gain advantage on any Constitution and Strength Saving Throws.

Majesty Time:
At 14th level, you ascend past a mere rebel into a ruler above all. You gain a new Key that
transforms you into your final form. This gives you new armor that allows you to call upon the
powers of other Riders. When in your Majesty Form, you can summon any weapon gained from
a class feature of a level equal to yours from your keys as a bonus action. As well, you can make
a ranged attack roll with these weapons. You can also make up to two ranged attack rolls with the

weapons once every two turns. You also deal double damage dice and your finisher now deals

Prophet of Worlds:
Prophets of the Worlds can transform into Forms inspired by not Riders of the past, but instead
Riders who have yet to make history, utilizing their powers in order to achieve the future you
wish for.

Just a Passing Through Prophet:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain the ability to transform into other Riders via
your Keys. When you transform using your 1st level key, you gain all the abilities of your
current level in this class. You gain a Driver to transform in this way, but when one of your other
Keys is used in this way, you gain new effects. When you have obtained the blessing from a
Rider and gain full use of the Key, you assume their appearance by using their Key and as long
as you are in the form, you gain the class of that rider. When you are in that class, you gain the
class features of that class, but as if you were half of your World Traveler level (rounded down).
Forms are changed via additional watches. If another class has watches, you use their watch
system, but your watches are not compatible with those classes’ watches and vice versa.
However, you cannot gain another Rider Machine from the features, their 5d6 damage finisher
they gain at 3rd level.

For example, if a 7th level Prophet of the Worlds gained the blessing of a Brutalizer, they could
transform into that Brutalizer, and gain the Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher, Bloodletting,
Regenerating Scales, and Control Driver features. The Destroyer could execute Violent Punish
by scanning a Final Form Ride card based on the original Brutalizer, but would otherwise use the
features as normal. As well, since the original Brutalizer can choose to use the Xeno DNA or
Control Driver Henshin options, the Destroyer would have those as separate base form cards.

At 14th level, you can utilize the full powers of each rider. Instead of gaining half a level’s worth
of abilities, you gain the abilities of the class that correspond with your level. The only
requirement is that you cannot assume these classes’ Final Form.

At 3rd level be it through practice or natural suave you gain the ability to give an Iwae die of
inspiration onto an ally. As a bonus action you bestow one ally of your a die equal to your level,

at 3rd level it’s a d4, at 6th level it’s a d6, at 9th level it’s a d8, and at 12th level it’s a d10. These
Iwae Die can be added onto attack roles, checks, and saving throws. You may only cast these
inspiration die by the amount of your Charisma Modifier +1 per long rest.

Experienced Prophet:
At 10th level your experience grants you either a new form or simply an upgrade to your existing
form. Either way, you deal an extra damage die of damage and your Final Times deal 8d8
damage and your amount of cast time of Iwae goes up by +2

Finally The Time:

At 14th level you gain a power that far exceeds the powers of space and time itself! When
gaining your Finally Miride Watch the watch grants you access to three separate forms, each
form allows you to allocate +2 to two different Ability Scores, however each form must have a
different match up for Ability Scores. You deal double damage die, your finisher now deals
10d8, and each form also gains one of the abilities of the following from the list below:
1) You gain immunities to status effects such as a Roidmude’s Slowdown, being poisoned,
being paralyzed, etc.
2) You gain access to 3 Spells that equal to half of your proficiency level rounded down, and
spell slots equal to your highest mental modifier which can only be recharged after a long
3) You gain a number of speed charges equal to your highest physical modifier that can only
be recharged after a long rest.

4) As a Bonus Action, you can target up to two target creatures and attempt to bind them.
They must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus +
your Wisdom modifier, on a failed save the creature is bound and loses all of its
movement speed and attacks against these creatures have advantage. The bind cancels at
the beginning of your next turn and can be done as a bonus action again.

5) Instead of using your Iwae die to give inspiration you can instead use them to heal your

6) You gain two features of your choice they can be either normal feats or racial feats
regardless of your race
Each ability can only be used once, once it has been chosen for one form it cannot be chosen for
another form.

Gaia Detective:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Personal Memory, Detective


2nd +2 Detectives Ride

3rd +2 Maximum Drive, Double

Archetype Feature

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Double Archetype Feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Double Archetype Feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Double Archetype Feature

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per gaia detective level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per gaia detective level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Tinkers Tools, Gaia Memories

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Arcana, Deception, History, Insight,
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion

Personal Memory:

As a Gaia Detective, you gain a personal Gaia Memory that you use to access your base form.
Choose either a Gold or Silver Tip. This is your Personal Memory. Silver Tip Memories deal an
elemental damage of your choice with an unarmed strike, or increase your Wisdom, Intelligence
or Charisma by 2 and Gold Tip Memories increase either Damage, Armor Class, or Strength,
Dexterity or Constitution by 2. You can switch up to two memories as a bonus action. On top of
the aforementioned effect, you can choose an auxiliary effect of your choice.

You also gain another Gaia Memory of your Tip Colour at 2nd and 3rd Levels. If you are an
Accelerating Officier, you can take either Gold or Silver tips, even if you took a different one as
your Personal Memory.

Detectives Ride:

At 2nd Level, you gain access to your Rider Machine, a motorcycle-like land vehicle that you
can use to travel great distances. This can be summoned by you with any piece of technology
that has a telecommunications function that you own.

If you are either a Half-Boiled Detective or Gaia Mastermind, you and your partner share this
vehicle and only one can ride it at a time.

Alternatively, if you are an Accelerating Officier, you can choose to instead transform into your
own Rider Machine whenever you are currently Henshined. As a bonus action, you transform
into your Bike Form. In this form, you are treated as a Rider Machine in terms of movement, but
gain a +3 to Armor Class instead of +2. However you are unable to attack with anything but
unarmed strikes.

Maximum Drive:

At 3rd level, you are able to unleash a powerful blow that can destroy an enemy.

You activate the full power of one of your Gaia Memories and attack with either an unarmed
strike or with a weapon gained from an in use Gaia Memory. Choose a target in range. The target
must make a DC 20 Dexterity or Strength saving throw. On a success, they take half damage, but
if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type depends on the weapon used in the finisher.

This can only be used once per long rest. If used against a Dopant enemy when they are at 20%
health or lower, it can eject their Memory without the Dopant dying.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Detective Archetype:
At 1st level, you choose how you want to use your detective skills to combat the forces of evil.

Half-Boiled Detective:

As a half-boiled detective, you use your naturals wits and street smarts in order to understand the
situations around you, however you have also trained your body to be ready for anything

Twin Transformation:

At 1st level, you gain access to a Double Driver, a Driver that takes 2 Gaia Memories in order to
transform, however you only have one. If you remove the second slot, you can transform
independently with your Personal Memory alone to Henshin. However, your rider form is best
used with a Partner of the Gaia Mastermind Subclass. If both of you decide to work together, you
Partner Up and fight as one.

When you place the driver on your waist, an identical driver will appear on that of your Partner.
As a bonus action, or outside of combat, you and your ally can insert your Memories into your
Drivers and Henshin. When you are Henshined, your Rider Forms Physical Stats (Speed,
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and health) take from your Physical Ability Scores, whereas the
Mental Ability Scores (Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma) of your Rider take from your partner.
These new stats are also used to determine your Riders Armor Class.

In your Rider Form, you are in control of the body. However, your Partner still has a turn, albeit
being more limited than yours. If you do something against your partner’s interest, however,
your Partner can forgo their next turn to attempt to resist your action. Roll opposing Wisdom
Saving throws. Whoever succeeds gains control of the body for that player’s turn, albeit they can
make a maximum of one attack roll and all their checks are at disadvantage. Due to this, it is far
more effective for the two to work together.

Hard-Boiled Machines:

Starting at 3rd level, you gain unique access to additional vehicles that are powered by your
Rider Machine. As a bonus action on your turn, whilst you have your Rider Machine nearby, you
can summon an additional contraption to add to its abilities. Choose a Land, Air or Sea Module.
When the Module is summoned to you, it will attach to your Rider Machine and give it an extra
effect when being ridden by a rider.

- Land: The vehicle’s speed is doubled and it gains extra armor. When you enter the
vehicle, you are unable to be damaged, but the Module is, and has an AC of 16. When the
Module receives damage equal to your level + 3d10, it breaks and loses any extra abilities
it would have had, reverting to a Rider Machine until the end of a long rest.
- Air: The vehicle changes from having a land movement speed to a flying movement
speed. As well as this, you gain advantage on all Dexterity Based Saving Throws you
would make to avoid something whilst you are at least 30 feet in the air
- Sea: The vehicle changes from having a land movement speed to a swimming speed. As
well as this, you can choose to submerge yourself in a body of water to make all attacks
against you that rely on sight or smell to have disadvantage. When you submerge, the
Module extends to provide you space to breathe

As well as these abilities, you may choose 1 of the following abilities to grant your Vehicle:

- Your Vehicle is able to shoot missiles at an enemy, which functions like a 1st level magic
missile spell except the projectiles deal fire damage instead of force damage.
- Your vehicle is able to ram into an opponent to damage them. To perform this attack, you
must roll an attack roll, using your own Arcana Modifier instead of a regular modifier.
On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to your unarmed strike damage and
falls prone.
- Your vehicle is covered in mass amounts of armor that protect you. If not a Land Vehicle,
this vehicle gains a protective shell around you. Whilst it exists, you cannot be attacked,
but the vehicle can, and it has an AC of 15. If the Vehicle takes damage equal to your
level + 2d10, it breaks and loses all of its abilities, reverting to a Rider Machine until the
end of a long rest.

You gain access to another Module at 7th level and a third module at 13th level.

T2 Detective:

At 10th level, you gain access to your T2 Memory, a different version of your Signature Memory
with a Blue Tip. This memory grants you two different abilities. If used with a Lost Driver, or
alternatively in a Double Driver with the second slot removed, you are able to transform on your
own into a separate rider form from your ally. You gain all of the abilities in this form as you
would from your Signature Key only, and you gain an extra die of damage for your weapon
attacks and unarmed strikes. You also keep the extra damage die of damage when you use it in
the Double Driver.

When used within the Double Driver with any of your allies' Memories, it transforms you into a
merged version of your T2 form. Instead of just granting the abilities of your main form, this
accesses the Data within all of your Gaia Memories. You gain access to all 3 abilities of all 3 of
your current Gaia Memories that you use to transform and your finisher now deals 8d8.

Extreme Combination:

At 14th level, you gain access to your Xtreme Memory, a unique memory with a will of its own,
falling under the Neutral Good Alignment. When called upon, it will enable you to transform
into your Xtreme Form as a bonus action. This Xtreme Memory has the same effects as your first
Gold and Silver Tip memories, except the Gold Tip can increase Damage, Armor Class, or
Ability Score by 2 again. As well, whenever your Partner falls unconscious during a
transformation before Entering your Xtreme Form, they are safely stored within the Xtreme
Memory itself to keep them safe from harm.

When you access your Xtreme Form, you gain either a shield and a versatile weapon or 2
versatile weapons to wield. If you are wielding 2 weapons in this form, you are treated as having
the Dual Wielder Feat. As well as this, your weapon attacks, unarmed strikes deal double
damage dice, and your finisher now deals 10d8.

Golden Opening:

At 20th level, you have unlocked the full powers of the Xtreme Memory. As a bonus action, you
can enter your Golden Form. When in your Golden Form you gain a 60 foot flying speed, and all
your attacks are critical hits assuming they hit.

Gaia Mastermind:

As a Gaia Mastermind, you have access to the Gaia Library as well as intense levels of
knowledge, but you physical abilities are relatively low

Twin Transformation:

At 1st level, you do not gain access to a Double Driver, and you only have one Gaia Memory. To
use this class, you must have an ally with the Half-Boiled Detective Sub-Class. You can use their
Lost Driver to transform into a rider yourself, but this is not typically done, as your mental
abilities can far more benefit a fused state.

When your ally places the driver on their waist, an identical driver will appear on your waist. As
a bonus action, or outside of combat, you and your ally can insert your Memories into your
Drivers and Henshin. When you are Henshined, your Rider Form’s Physical Stats (Speed,
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and health) take from your allies Physical Stats, whereas the
Mental Stats (Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma) of your Rider take from your stats. These new
stats are also used to determine your Riders AC.

When you initiate the Henshin, your body will fall under the Unconscious Condition, and will
need to be protected to avoid any damage being dealt to you. Your soul, however, is in your
comrade. While Henshined, you can see through their eyes and you have a turn as normal,
although you cannot move the body you are inside. However, you can make any Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma checks you wish, or expend Gaia Charges.

Otherworldly Librarian:

Starting at 3rd level, you have been chosen as one of the few people able to access the Gaia
Library. Your maximum number of Gaia Charges is 6, and increases by 1 every level. These Gaia
Abilities can be used whenever, but you can only use a Gaia Ability once per turn and twice per
turn at 7th level. The Charges needed increases based on your Gaia Detective Level - Your
Partner’s Gaia Detective Level. The abilities these Gaia Charges can grant, as well as the number
of charges, are listed below:

Charges Needed: Effect

Any You can increase any roll by the number of

Gaia Charges you expend. You can also use it
to increase your Armor Class, but you must
expend two points for every point of AC.

1 You gain advantage on your next

Investigation (Intelligence) and Perception
(Wisdom) check.

2 You know all resistances of a target you can


3 You know a weakness of a target you can see.

If the enemy does not have a weakness, you
calculate a way so that it is weak to an
element of your choice for 1d3 turns.

4 You access the Gaia Library, a vast collection

of knowledge that contains records of
everything that has happened in the world.
When in the Gaia Library, you can use an
action to narrow down the Gaia Library to
specific bits of knowledge. You cannot use
any more Gaia Abilities until you leave the
Gaia Library as a bonus action.

You regain all your Gaia Charges after a long rest.

Wild Memory:

At 10th Level, you gain access to a new memory with a personality of its own.

When you transform using this memory with your ally, you gain both a Gold Tip and a Silver Tip
memory ability from this memory, and your attacks deal an extra damage dice. As well as this,
your ally is the one to fall unconscious and you take control of the body’s physical stats, which
are equal to your mental stats (divided up however you like), and your allies' physical stats
become your mental stats (divided up however they like). As well as this, your Ally must be
moved or they will be open for attacks against them whilst unconscious.

In your Rider Form, you are in control of the body. However, your Partner still has a turn, albeit
being more limited than yours. If you do something against your partner’s interest, however,
your Partner can forgo their next turn to attempt to resist your action. Roll opposing Wisdom
Saving throws. Whoever succeeds gains control of the body for that player’s turn, albeit they can
make a maximum of one attack roll and all their checks are at disadvantage. Due to this, it is far
more effective for the two to work together. Your finisher now deals 8d8.

Extreme Combination:

At 14th level, you gain access to your Xtreme Memory, a unique memory with a will of its own,
falling under the Neutral Good Alignment. When called upon, it will enable you to transform
into your Xtreme Form as a bonus action. This Xtreme Memory has the same effects as your first
Gold and Silver Tip memories, except the Gold Tip can increase Damage, Armor Class, or
Ability Score by 2 again. As well, whenever you fall unconscious during a transformation before
Entering your Xtreme Form, you are safely stored within the Xtreme Memory itself to keep you
safe from harm.

When you access your Xtreme Form, you use a different version of the Gaia Ability table, shown

Charges Needed: Effect

Any You can increase any roll by the number of

Gaia Charges you expend. You can also use it
to increase your Armor Class, but you must
expend two points for every point of AC.

0 You gain advantage on your next

Investigation (Intelligence) and Perception
(Wisdom) check.

1 You know all resistances of a target you can


2 You know a weakness of a target you can see.

If the enemy does not have a weakness, you
calculate a way so that it is weak to an
element of your choice for 1d3 turns.

3 You access the Gaia Library, a vast collection

of knowledge that contains records of
everything that has happened in the world.
When in the Gaia Library, you can use an
action to narrow down the Gaia Library to
specific bits of knowledge. You cannot use
any more Gaia Abilities until you leave the
Gaia Library as a bonus action.

4 You can see the current Hit Points and Armor

Class of a creature you can see.

Golden Opening:

At 20th level, you have unlocked the full powers of the Xtreme Memory. As a bonus action, you
can enter your Golden Form. When in your Golden Form you gain a 60 foot flying speed, and all
your attacks are critical hits assuming they hit.

Accelerating Officer:

As an Accelerating Officer, you are one of the stronger members of the police force and have
been assigned the purpose of fighting as a Kamen Rider.

Quick Transformation:

At 1st level, you gain access to a Driver that takes only 1 Gaia Memory in order to transform. As
a bonus action, or outside of combat, you can insert your Memory into your Driver and Henshin.

Mach Machines:

Starting at 3rd level, you gain unique access to additional vehicles that are powered by your
Rider Machine, or yourself if you transform into your Rider Machine.. As a bonus action on your
turn, whilst you have your Rider Machine nearby, you can summon an additional contraption to
add to its abilities. Choose a Land, Air or Sea Module. When the Module is summoned to you, it
will attach to your Rider Machine and give it an extra effect when being ridden by a rider.

- Land: The vehicle’s speed is doubled and it gains extra armor. When you enter the
vehicle, you are unable to be damaged, but the Module is, and has an AC of 16. When the
Module receives damage equal to your level x 3d10, it breaks and loses any extra abilities
it would have had, reverting to a Rider Machine.
- Air: The vehicle changes from having a land movement speed to a flying movement
speed. As well as this, you gain advantage on all Dexterity Based Saving Throws you
would make to avoid something whilst you are at least 30 feet in the air
- Sea: The vehicle changes from having a land movement speed to a swimming speed. As
well as this, you can choose to submerge yourself in a body of water to make all attacks
against you that rely on sight or smell to have disadvantage. When you submerge, the
Module extends to provide you space to breathe

As well as these abilities, you may choose 1 of the following abilities to grant your Vehicle:

- Your Vehicle is able to shoot missiles at an enemy, which requires a DC save equal to 10
+ ¼ of your level (rounded up) + your Arcana Modifier, as Arcana is often used to
represent technology. On a failed check, the target takes 1d10 Fire Damage, and on a
successful save they avoid the attack
- Your vehicle is able to ram into an opponent to damage them. To perform this attack, you
must roll an attack roll, using your own Arcana Modifier instead of a regular modifier.
On a hit, the target takes 1d6 Bludgeoning damage and falls prone.
- Your vehicle is covered in mass amounts of armor that protect you. If not a Land Vehicle,
this vehicle gains a protective shell around you. Whilst it exists, you cannot be attacked,
but the vehicle can, and it has an AC of 15. If the Vehicle takes damage equal to your
level x 2d10, it breaks and loses all of its abilities, reverting to a Rider Machine

In addition to this, when you have more Modules available, you can choose to combine with both
of them, using a full action instead of a bonus action. When you enter into this combination, you
gain the abilities of both Modules, however you can only access this ability for 3 rounds before
the Modules run out of power and detach from your Rider Machine.

You gain access to another Module at 7th level.

Accelerating Booster:

At 10th Level, you gain access to your Gaia Memory Booster, a device which can be placed atop
a Gaia Memory to boost its powers. When you Henshin with this booster and a memory, you
gain access to an enhanced version of that memory. You gain 2 Speed Charges, deal an extra
damage die of damage, and your finishers deal 8d8 damage.

Trial Run:

At 14th level, you gain access to your Trial Memory, a specific Memory that can help to boost
your speed in combat. When you use this Memory to Henshin, you gain all of the abilities of
your main Memory, as well as having your speed doubled. You gain 3 Speed Charges, deal
double damage dice of damage, and your finisher now deals 10d8.

Medal Counter:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Counter Archetype, Counter

Archetype feature

2nd +2 Vending Driver, Candroid


3rd +2 Scanning Charge, Slotting


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

Counter Archetype feature

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Counter Archetype feature

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement,

Counter Archetype feature

9th +4

10th +4 Counter Archetype feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement,

Counter Archetype feature

13th +5

14th +5 Counter Archetype feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per medal counter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per medal counter level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Medals, Tinkers Tools

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Medicine, Perception,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Survival

Vending Driver:
At 2nd level, you can access the Ridevendor. It is a vending machine-like device that accepts
Cell Medals. If you put in a Cell Medal, it will turn into a Rider Machine.

Candroid Tamer:
At 2nd level, you have been able to acquire Candroids, small creatures that can be used to scout
out information. You can send out Candroids to an area within 6 miles to scout out that area.
After 4 hours, they can return to you, and give you information about the terrain, most surface
details, and if there are any creatures or subjects of suspicion.

Scanning Charge:
At 3rd level, you are able to unleash a powered up attack that can finish off an enemy

You summon your energy and attack an enemy in range with either a melee attack, your Slotting
Slasher, or a CLAW part. Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Strength

saving throw. On a success, they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The
damage type depends on the weapon, form, or CLAW used in the finisher.

Slotting Slasher:
At 3rd level, you also gain a melee weapon of your choice or a ranged weapon that is neither
two-handed nor heavy that you can insert your Cell Medals into to execute your Scanning

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Counter Archetype:
At 1st level, you choose how you can fight against the Greeed. You can either call upon those
desire-based powers for yourself, or use the power of technology to fight them.

King Counter:
Using the very embodiment of desire alchemised into special medals, you transform with a
combination of effects to fight greed itself.

Anything Goes:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you get a Driver that accepts three Core Medals. By
placing it on your waist, you can insert three Core Medals, grab a scanner, and slide it across the
Medals to Henshin. Each of these Medals grant special abilities to you. However, matching Full
Combos allows you to utilize even more unique and special powers. At 1st level, you can choose

a Head, Body, and Leg Medal of any kind, as long as they are all of different colors, to form your
Initial Combo. You also gain two additional Core Medals of any other kind. This Initial Combo
is considered to be a Full Combo. When you gain a Core Medal for the first time, select one of
the Core Effects from the list. You also gain a new Core Medal of any kind every level past 1st.

When you are transformed, you gain the chosen Core Effect from either your Head, Body, or Leg
medal. You can also use a bonus action to activate another Core Effect from another body part,
which lasts until the end of your turn. This is a special ability that augments your capabilities.
Utilizing all the medals of a certain color gains an additional Full Combo Effect. However, at 1st
level, you can choose any Head, Body and Leg Medal as long as they are different colors from
each other, as your first Full Combo. Choose from the options below.

The capitalized portions are those that combine in order to form your Combo name. This does
not apply to Full Combos. You cannot use any Full Combo besides your Initial Combo until
higher levels.

While in a Full Combo or in a Scanning Charge, you gain access to another Core Effect that you
did not initially choose for that medal. You can also choose which aspects of your Core Effects to

Red Medals:
TAka Head:
The Taka Core Medal grants the user one of three abilities:
1. You gain Darkvision equal to your sight
2. You gain the ability to not be able to be surprised as long as they can hear without
3. You gain a flying speed equal to their walking speed.
KuJAku Body:
The Kujaku Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain the ability to use the magic missile spell three times per long rest
2. You gain the Tajaspiner weapon, an automatic pistol that also grants a +2 to
Armor Class
ConDOR Legs:
The Condor Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain slashing damage for their unarmed strike kicks, which you can add their
proficiency bonus to the damage
2. You gain the use of the fire bolt cantrip, one use of the burning hands spell when
you are at 3rd level, and one use of the fireball spell when you are at 5th level.
Your uses of these spells replenishes after a long rest

Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, the burning desire of the TaJaDor
Combo sears within you. You can choose to deal fire damage in place of your weapon attacks or
unarmed strikes and increase your ability scores by 2 for the duration of the transformation, as
long as it doesnt go above 20.

Green Medals:
KuwaGATA Head:
The Kuwagata Core Medal grants the user one of three abilities:
1. You gain the ability to make an unarmed strike with their head
2. You gain the use of the shocking grasp cantrip but with your Strength or Dexterity
modifier added for the damage modifier and for the Spellcasting Ability
3. When a creature rolls to surprise you, they have to roll against a rival Perception
(Wisdom) check instead of against Passive Perception
KamaKIRI Body:
The Kamakiri Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain two arm-mounted blades that act as scimitars but do not require hands to
2. You gain the deflect missiles monk feature when any ranged attack roll that deals
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage is made against you
BAtta Legs:
The Batta Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain the ability to add their proficiency bonus to your damage when using
unarmed strike kicks
2. You gain the ability to double your jumping height.
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, you are able to create up to six
clones, all with the GataKiriBa Full Combo but without their Full Combo ability as an action.
When you are cloned like this, you and your clones divide their damage by the amount of total
clones, including you. You and your clones also divide their maximum and current hit points by
the amount of total clones, including you. They all roll initiative and act according to your
actions. They can only use their Scanning Charge when you choose to do so on your action, in
which case they will all execute the Scanning Charge finisher on your turn.

Yellow Medals:
L(A)ion Head:
The Lion Core Medal grants the user one of three abilities:

1. You gain the ability to gain Darkvision equal to your sight, reflect light, and as an
action when you are in a properly bright area, make a creature in range roll a
Constitution Saving Throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Dexterity modifier; on a failure, that creature gains the blinded condition.
TORA Body:
The Tora Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain the ability to lift up to 500 kilograms
2. You gain two arm-mounted claws that act as shortswords but do not require hands
to use
CheeTAH Legs:
The Cheetah Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain double the movement speed
2. You gain an extra unarmed strike with their feet as part of their bonus action
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, your strong feline nature
escalates the LaToraTah Combo to its fullest potential. You also gain 3 Speed Charges.

Gray Medals:
SAi Head:
The Sai Core Medal grants the user one of three abilities:
1. You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage
2. You gain the ability to make an unarmed strike with your head which you can add
your proficiency bonus to the damage
3. You gain the ability to control gravity; as a bonus action, you can make any
creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you act as if they are in difficult terrain
GORIlla Body:
The Gorilla Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain an upgrade to your unarmed strike damage (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc.)
2. You gain the ability to make an unarmed strike up to 30 feet away.
ZOU Legs:
The Zou Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain the ability to sense sonic vibrations in the ground
2. You gain the ability to make an unarmed strike to all creatures you choose in a 30
foot square, but this can be the only attack you make this turn.
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, the sheer strength of the
SaGoZou Combo rumbles inside you. You can freely manipulate gravity up to the point where

anyone you choose in a 30 foot square either suffers from difficult terrain or gains quadruple
their jump height. You can also make an unarmed strike to all creatures you choose in a 30 foot
square with your arms that deals thunder damage.

Blue Medals:
SHAchi Head:
The Shachi Core Medal grants the user one of three abilities:
1. You gain blindsight whenever underwater
2. You gain the ability to breathe underwater for up to 3 hours
3. You gain the ability to receive and interpret sonic waves, which lets you be able to
hear and talk to your allies up to a mile away
Unagi Body:
The Unagi Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain two whips that deal lightning damage
2. You double your swimming speed
TAko Legs:
The Tako Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
2. You gain the ability to stick to solid objects, allowing a climbing speed equal to
your walking speed
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, the slippery and aquatic features
of the ShaUTa Combo allows you to swim to victory. As a bonus action, you can split your two
legs into eight; this final feature allows you to utilize your legs like arms, deal an extra unarmed
strike with your legs as part of your bonus action, and move through difficult terrain as if it was
normal terrain.

Purple Medals:
P(U)tera Head:
The Ptera Core Medal grants the user one of three abilities:
1. You gain a flying speed equal to their walking speed
2. You gain the ray of frost cantrip, one use of the Ice Knife spell when you are at
3rd level, and one use of the lightning bolt spell when you are at 5th level. Your
uses of these spells replenishes after a long rest
3. You gain the ability to make an unarmed strike that makes the target of a landed
attack roll a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + whatever ability score you use to attack; on a failure, they are grappled.
T(O)ricera Body:

The Tricera Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain +2 to their Armor Class
2. You gain the Medagaburyu, a battleaxe that can also be used as a rifle that deals
ice damage if the user wishes. You can use this weapon in any form, but can only
use the rifle form when using this Core Medal.
TYRAnno Legs:
The Tyranno Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain slashing damage for your unarmed strike kicks, which they can add their
proficiency bonus to the damage
2. You gain the ability to make an additional unarmed strike with your tail as part of
your bonus action attack
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, the thrashing rage of the
PuToTyra Combo wills you to destroy whatever is in your path. You are granted the Barbarian’s
Rage ability, as well as the Path of the Berserker abilities corresponding to your level.

Orange Medals:
CoB(U)RA Head:
The Cobra Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain Darkvision and can see twice as far
2. You gain the Burahngi, a flute that when played will let you summon a Cobra that
can be used to make an additional unarmed strike with your head as part of your
bonus action attack
KAme Body:
The Kame Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain +2 to your AC
2. Your unarmed strikes get upgraded by one die (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc.)
WANI Legs:
The Wani Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You deal Piercing damage with your unarmed strike kicks, and can add your
proficiency bonus to the damage
2. Your walking speed is increased by 50%
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, you can use an action to hold up
the Goura Guardners located on your arms to add your proficiency bonus to your AC for the rest
of the round. You can also cast the Cure Wounds spell at first level an amount of times equal to
half your proficiency bonus

Poisonous Medals:
MUKAde Head:
The Mukade Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. As an action, make a creature in range roll a Constitution Saving Throw against a
DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier; on a failure,
that creature gains the stunned condition for 1d4 turns.
2. You gain blindsight equal to your normal sight
HaCHI Body:
The Hachi Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain an arm mounted blade that acts as a rapier but does not require hands to
use along with an arm mounted shield that adds +2 to AC.
2. You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed, although you can only fly
above a surface at a maximum of 5 feet above it. Your long jump is also doubled,
ARI Legs:
The Ari Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain the ability to walk on walls and ceilings as if they were normal ground
2. Your footsteps are silent and you have advantage on Stealth checks
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, All of your unarmed strikes deal
poison damage and you are unaffected by the Poisoned effect. You can also use the Poison Spray
Cantrip. You also gain the ability to manipulate parts of your body in a unique way, while in this
combo you have an extra 15 feet of range with melee attacks.

Horned Medals:
SHIka Head:
The Shika Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain extraordinary senses. You can hear sounds clearly from up to 60 feet
away, and you can hear it less clearly and quietly from 120 feet. You also gain
advantage on Perception checks.
2. You can make an unarmed strike with your head that deals piercing damage.
GAZElle Body:
The Gazelle Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain two arm mounted horns that act as shortswords but do not require hands
to use .
2. You can use the shoulder mounted horns to add your proficiency bonus to
unarmed strike tackles.
USHI Legs:
The Ushi Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:

1. You gain the ability to add your proficiency bonus to your damage when using
unarmed strike kicks.
2. Your unarmed strike kicks send the target 15 feet back.
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, Your walking speed and jump
heights are doubled. You can also use a bonus action to remove the rings located on your knees,
when done your unarmed strike kicks will now deal an extra damage die but at the start of all of
your turns afterwards you will need to roll a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw on a failure you
take two unarmed strike die of damage, if you choose to you can reattach the rings, doing so will
remove the extra damage die buff but you will no longer need to roll the Saving Throw at the
start of your turns.

Freezing Medals:
SEIuchi Head:
The Seiuchi Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You can see perfectly through lightly obscured areas
2. You can make an unarmed strike with your head that deals piercing damage.
SHIROkuma Body:
The Shirokuma Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You can add your proficiency bonus to your unarmed strike punches and they now
deal cold damage
2. Whenever you hit a creature with a critical hit unarmed strike punch they must
roll a Constitution Saving Throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength modifier; on a failure, they become frozen and gain the
Petrified condition for 1d3 turns
The Penguin Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed
2. You gain the use of the Ray of Frost cantrip
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, You gain advantage on all rolls if
in a cold environment. You also resist cold damage and gain one use of the Ice Storm spell

Aquatic Medals:
SAme Head:
The Same Core Medal grants the user one of four abilities:
1. You gain blindsight whenever underwater.

2. You gain the ability to breathe underwater.
3. You gain the ability to receive and interpret sonic waves, which lets you be able to
hear and talk to your allies up to a mile away.
4. You gain advantage on Navigation checks underwater.
KujiRA Body:
The Kujira Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain +2 to your Armor Class.
2. Your unarmed strikes get upgraded by a die. (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc.)
OokaMIUO Legs:
The Ookamiuo Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain slashing damage for your unarmed strike kicks, and can add your
proficiency bonus to the damage.
2. You gain a swimming speed equal to double your walking speed.
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, You can walk on water as if it
was normal ground and gain three uses of the Ice Knife Spell. You also gain Advantage on all
rolls when touching a body of water.

Arthropod Medals:
EBI Head:
The Ebi Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain extraordinary senses. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
2. You gain the ability to not be able to be surprised as long as you can hear without
KAni Body:
The Kani Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You gain 2 arm mounted claws that act as shortswords and add +2 to your AC
2. You get advantage when trying to Grapple a creature
SaSOri Legs:
The Sassori Core Medal grants the user one of two abilities:
1. You deal slashing damage with your unarmed strike kicks, and you can add your
proficiency bonus to the damage
2. Your walking speed is doubled and you gain +2 to your Dexterity
Full Combo Ability:
When you receive the ability to utilize this Full Combo, Whenever you hit a target with a
Critical hit they must roll a Constitution Saving Throw against a DC equal to 8 + your

proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier; on a failure, they gain the Poisoned condition for
1d6 turns. Additionally once per turn your unarmed strike punches can also deal an extra 1d6
bludgeoning damage

King Over Greeed:

When you reach 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th level, you gain the ability to use a new Full

At 10th level, the Full Combo you choose for this level gains an extra damage die of damage and
finishers deal 8d8.

At 14th level, the Full Combo you choose for this level gains double damage dice and your
finisher now deals 10d8.

Counting Up OOO:
At 20th level, you can utilize all of your forms to fight for you. As an action in the GataKiriBa
Combo, you can have your other clones assume different forms. You assume GataKiriBa, while
your other clones become your Initial Combo and every Full Combo you have obtained. These
clones can use their Full Combo ability, although GataKiriBa cannot use theirs to create more

Alternatively, instead of using multiple Combos with GataKiriBa, you can choose to gain a more
powerful version of either your first Full Combo or your 10th level Full Combo. In this upgraded
form, instead of dealing double damage dice, all of your attacks are critical hits, although you
still have to roll to hit.

Organized Counter:
Using mechanized suits and the backing or organizations, you fight desire with the backing of
weapons and machines.

Birth of a Hero:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you get a Driver that accepts Cell Medals to transform.
By wrapping the belt around your body, you can insert a Cell Medal and pull a switch or knob to

Henshin. Your primary method of accessing your abilities is from these Cell Medals, which are
easily obtained in droves just by hitting them once. As such, you never have to worry about
keeping track of them.

Medal Up:
At 4th level, you can obtain a CLAW system that allows you to expand your versatility and
match the situation. You can summon any of them as a bonus action, but only two at a time can
be used. You gain one at 4th level, and additional ones at 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th level. Your
final one is obtained with your 14th level ability. Once you have received your 10th level CLAW,
they deal an additional damage die of damage, and you can use up to three CLAWs, your finisher
also deals 8d8 of damage. Choose from the options below:

Breast Cannon:
With the Breast Cannon, you can deal a ranged attack that deals 3d6 radiant damage.
However, your movement speed is halved.
Caterpillar Leg:
The Caterpillar Leg allows the bypassing of land-based difficult terrain, and adds 2d6 to
the damage of unarmed strikes.
Crane Arm:
The Crane Arm acts as a whip, except it deals 2d6 damage. It can also be used to climb
buildings easily.
Cutter Wing:
The Cutter Wing allows one to gain a flying speed of 60 feet and can slash through an
enemy and deal 2d6 slashing damage.
Drill Arm:
The Drill Arm allows you to use a drill-based attack that acts as a rapier and deals 2d6
piercing damage.
Shovel Arm:
The Shovel Arm grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage at the
cost of halved movement speed.

Rebirth of a Hero:
At 14th level, you gain your final CLAW, and with it, your final form. As an action, you can
summon all of your CLAWs and have all of them equipped at once. In this form, your damage
dice are doubled and your finisher now deals 10d8.

X Evolution:
At 20th level, you gain three Core Medals, which can either be reskins of existing Medals or
already existing Medals. When they’re inserted into your Driver, you can assume an extra final
form. In this upgraded form, instead of dealing double damage dice, all of your attacks are
critical hits, although you still have to roll to hit. As well, you can use your extra CLAWs to form
a mechanical creature, which has all the effects of your CLAWs and has a number of maximum
hit points equal to half of yours. They act on their own initiative, share your Ability Scores, and
can use the attacks listed under the CLAWs, along with the Extra Attack feature.

Space Student:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Blasting Off

2nd +2 Rider Rocket

3rd +2 Limit Break

4th +2 Switching On
Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per space student level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per space student level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Astroswitches

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Performance,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand

Blasting Off:
At 1st level, you gain a driver that accepts Astroswitches, special devices that allow different
utilities to be used. By placing it around your hip, the belt wraps around you, and you can insert
four Astroswitches to utilize. Then, you press a button or push a lever to activate your Henshin.

At 1st level, you gain four Astroswitches to start, and gain three more each level except for 12th
level where you only gain two. Your four Astroswitches at 1st level need to be one ● Right
Arm-Mounted Module Switch, one ✚ Right Leg-Mounted Module Switch, one ▲ Left
Leg-Mounted Module Switch, and one ◼ Left Arm-Mounted Module Switch. As well, you need
one of each kind in your driver in order to function, and you can have no more than one of each
kind as well in your driver.

You can activate an Astroswitch with a bonus action, although you can only use one at a time
unless you perform a Limit Break. The list of Astroswitches available are below. The effect
below their name is the effect they give as a bonus action.

●1 Rocket:
You add your Strength or Dexterity modifier a second time when you make a punch
attack, and you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

✚2 Launcher:
You can shoot out three missiles from your boot. Each missile can target a creature of
your choice that you can see within range. Make a ranged weapon attack for each missile. On a

hit, the missile does 1d4 piercing damage. If the attack roll scores a critical, the missile does 3d4
piercing damage instead of the 2d4 piercing that you would normally get on a critical. If any of
the attack rolls are a Natural 1, all the missiles explode, dealing 1 piercing damage to you for
each missile.
If you have any effect that adds damage dice to your damage for your Launcher, the extra
d4 damage dice are not added to the damage of the other missiles, but instead act as extra
missiles that you attack with.

▲3 Drill:
You add your Strength or Dexterity modifier a second time when you make a kick attack,
deal piercing damage with it, and can reroll “1” results on your damage dice, but your walking
speed is halved.

◼4 Radar:
You have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks as well as negating the advantages
and disadvantages associated with an invisible creature.

●5 Magic Hand:
One of your unarmed strikes has a range of 30 feet.

◼6 Camera:
You have advantage on Investigation (Intelligence) checks as well as being able to more
closely examine far away and up close objects.

◼7 Parachute:
All of your fall damage is negated.

✚8 Chainsaw:
You gain a chainsaw that acts as a battleaxe.

▲9 Hopping:
Your jump height and distance is doubled

●10 Elek:
This Astroswitch cannot be obtained until 4th level. You gain a rod that acts as a club,
gain resistance to lightning damage, and can choose to deal lightning damage with this weapon.
Your suit also changes color.

◼11 Scissors:

You gain a scissor weapon that acts as a longsword.

✚12 Beat:
You gain an amp-like box that can send a sonic wave that sweeps out from you. Each
creature in a 15-foot cube originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw against a
DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, a creature
takes 3d6 thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, the
creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed. In addition, unsecured Objects that are
completely within the area of Effect are automatically pushed 10 feet away from you by the
attack's Effect, and the attack emits a thunderous boom audible out to 300 feet. It can also be
used as a normal amp.

●13 Chain Array:

You gain a flail.

✚14 Smoke:
You can shoot smoke from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere
for the duration. The smoke spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see through
this smoke, and light can only allow you to see 5 feet around you. This smoke lasts for three
turns or if an area-of-effect attack goes through or hits the center of the smoke.

▲15 Spike:
You add your Strength or Dexterity modifier a second time when you make a kick attack
and deal piercing damage with it.

◼16 Winch:
You gain arm-mounted equipment that acts as both a block-and-tackle and a grappling

●17 Flash:
You can shoot light, and as an action, make a creature in range roll a Constitution Saving
Throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier; on a failure,
that creature gains the blinded condition.

◼18 Shield:
You gain a shield.

▲19 Gatling:
You gain a gatling gun that acts as a submachine gun.

●20 Fire:
This Astroswitch cannot be obtained until 8th level. You gain a flamethrower that acts as
a submachine gun but deals fire damage. As well, you gain immunity to fire damage, and if you
take fire damage, you can add 25% of that damage you took to the damage of your next attack.
Your suit also changes color.

✚21 Stealth:
As an action, you gain the invisibility condition until the beginning of your next turn.

◼22 Hammer:
You gain a warhammer.

▲23 Water:
You can shoot a stream of water within a range of 120 feet that deals 2d8 cold damage.

◼24 Medical:
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 2d8 + your Wisdom
modifier. As your damage dice increase, the amount of d8s this Astroswitch heals increases too.

✚25 Pen:
You have a pen that can negate the invisibility condition if you hit an invisible creature
with it.

▲26 Wheel:
Your walking speed is doubled.

▲27 Screw:
Your swimming speed is doubled.

✚28 Hand:
You gain another hand.

●29 Scoop:
You can lift double the weight you normally can.

●30 N Magnet:
This Astroswitch cannot be obtained if the S Magnet Astroswitch is in your possession
until 10th level. You gain a cannon that acts as a sniper rifle. As well, any magnetic objects

within 60 feet are attracted to you. If you have both the N and S Magnet Astroswitches, you can
fully control magnetic objects up to 60 feet away, and can lift double your carrying weight using
this. You also deal an extra damage die of damage with both of the Magnets, you can use each
cannon with one hand, and your Limit Break deals 8d8 damage.

◼31 S Magnet:
This Astroswitch cannot be obtained if the N Magnet Astroswitch is in your possession
until 10th level. You gain a cannon that acts as a sniper rifle. As well, any magnetic objects
within 60 feet are attracted to you. If you have both the N and S Magnet Astroswitches, you can
fully control magnetic objects up to 60 feet away, and can lift double your carrying weight using
this. You also deal an extra damage die of damage with both of the Magnets, you can use each
cannon with one hand, and your Limit Break deals 8d8 damage.

✚32 Freeze:
You can launch a chilling ray against any target within a 10 foot square. The target must
make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, the target takes 2d8 cold damage, and it has disadvantage
on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

●33 Claw:
You gain a claw that acts as a shield and makes your unarmed strikes deal slashing

▲34 Board:
You gain a snowboard that allows you to negate the effects of land-based difficult terrain.

✚35 Giantfoot:
As an action, you can make any creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you act as if
they are in difficult terrain.

▲36 Aero:
You gain double your flying speed.

◼37 Gyro:
You gain a flying speed equal to half of your walking speed, and you cannot be affected
by difficult terrain in the air.

✚38 Net:

You gain a net, except the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
and it can trap formless creatures.

▲39 Stamp:
You add your Strength or Dexterity modifier a second time when you make a kick attack,
deal fire damage with it. The attack deals double damage, but no damage happens until the end
of the turn after you attack.

●40 Cosmic:
This Astroswitch cannot be obtained until 14th level. You gain a longsword and deal
double the damage dice. You can also summon up to two Astroswitches besides the Cosmic
Astroswitch without needing it to be a Limit Break, and you can either summon any Astroswitch
that is not a ● one or give another Astroswitch the ability of another one as long as they are the
same shape. Your suit also changes color and your finisher now deals 10d8.

Rider Rocket:
At Level 2, You gain a Rider Machine, which has the unique ability to Fly. Its flying speed is
equal to its ground speed, however it can only fly for 3 turns, before running out of fuel, and
gliding safely to the ground. Your Rider Machine refuels every short or long rest.

Limit Break:
At 3rd level, you are able to unleash a powered up attack that can finish off an enemy. During
this Limit Break, you can activate two Astroswitches to utilize as well. You slam a lever or
button and attack an enemy in range with either a melee attack or with an Astroswitch weapon.
Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage, regardless of the Astroswitches
used. The damage type depends on the weapon used in the finisher.

This can only be used once per long rest.

Switching On:

At 4th Level you gain the ability to activate two Switches at once without the need to use a Limit
Break. The amount of Switches you can use simultaneously increases by one at 7th Level and
10th Level.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Ring Mage:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Driver On, Mage Style, Mage

Style Improvement

2nd +2 PlaMonster, Mage Style


3rd +2 Showtime, Mage Style


4th +2 Mage Style Improvement,

Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack, Mage Style


6th +3 Mage Style Improvement

7th +3 Mage Style Improvement

8th +3 Mage Style Improvement,

Ability Score Improvement

9th +4 Mage Style Improvement

10th +4 Mage Style Improvement

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Infinite Potential

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d8 per ring mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per space student level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Deception, Perception, Persuasion,
and Sleight of Hand

Driver On:
At 1st Level, you obtain a Driver and two Rings; one of these rings can be used on your Driver in
order to disguise it as a simple belt buckle. The other ring allows you to transform into your
Rider Form. In your Rider Form, you gain a one-handed, light weapon of your choice.

At 2nd level, you can obtain rings that allow you to summon PlaMonsters, small creatures that
can be used to scout out information or transport small items. You can send out PlaMonsters to
an area within 6 miles to scout out that area. After up to 4 hours, they can return to you, and give
you information about the terrain, most surface details, and if there are any creatures or subjects
of suspicion.

At 3rd level, you are able to unleash a powered up attack that can finish off an enemy. You
summon your energy and attack an enemy in range with either a melee attack or with your
weapon. Choose a target in range. The target must make a finisher saving throw. On a success,

they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type depends on the
weapon used in the finisher.
This can only be used once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Infinite Potential:
At 14th Level, you gain the full powers of your Phantom with a new form. This form allows you
to use each of your previous forms' Signature Spells as if they were its own. You also gain a new
weapon that you can use only while in this form and your finisher now deals 10d8.

Mage Style:
[Filler text]

Elemental Master:
You utilize the powers of the Phantom within you, channeling it into a wide variety of elemental

Change, Please:
At 1st Level, you gain access to the first of your four forms. You also gain a one-handed weapon
that you can use in any of your forms.
Each of your forms are connected to an elemental damage type of your choice. Your unarmed
strikes deal elemental damage based on the element corresponding with the form you are in.
Additionally, each of your forms has access to a 1st Level Spell from any class, known as a
Signature Spell.
At 2nd Level, you gain another form and again at 3rd and 4th Level.

I’m a Wizard:
At 1st Level, you gain cantrips using the Wizard Spell Slot table, although the cantrips match the
Spellcasting Class you choose later. You gain spell slots based on the table below. You gain
spells the same way your Spellcasting Class does. You must choose what Spellcasting Class that
you take your spells from at 1st level for all of your spells thereafter, and your Spellcasting
Ability is the same as that class.
Class Spell Slots per Spell Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 1
2nd 2
3rd 3 2
4th 4 3
5th 4 3 2
6th 4 3 2

Class Spell Slots per Spell Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
7th 4 3 2 1
8th 4 4 3 2
9th 4 4 3 2 1
10th 4 4 3 2 1
11th 4 4 3 2 1 1
12th 4 4 3 3 1 1
13th 4 4 3 3 1 1 1
14th 4 4 3 3 2 1 1
15th 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
16th 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
17th 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
18th 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
19th 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
20th 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1

At 5th Level, you gain a ring that allows you to summon your Phantom from within yourself.
To make a Phantom, decide on a name and determine its statistics based on the Point Buy System
(or rolling if your DM allows it). They get Ability Score Increases at the same levels you do,
have the same Proficiency Bonus you do, their walking speed is equal to yours when you first
gain this feature. They also roll double dice for their health depending on your level. For
example, at first level, their hit points is 16 + their Constitution modifier, and increases by 2d8
(or 9) + their Constitution modifier every subsequent level. At this point, you have decisions:
1. Your Monster gains an additional speed equal to their walking speed, but only gets one
attack option that acts as a weapon of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or
below). They gain Extra Attack at the same level you do, but cannot attack as a bonus
2. Your Monster only has its walking speed, but gets two attack options that act as weapons
of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or below). They gain Extra Attack at the
same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they are dual wielding, although

they can only dual wield light weapons. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting
Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
Regardless of which of these two you choose, your Phantom gains an elemental attack with the
damage type being the same as the form you are currently using and which deals 3d6 damage.
Each Ability Score Increase increases the damage dice of this attack by 1d6. You cannot,
however, use this attack until two turns after you have last used it, and you cannot Extra Attack
with it. This Elemental Attack has a 10x10 foot radius and uses the Monster’s Strength or
Dexterity to attack, depending if it's a melee or ranged attack.

Elemental Might:
At 6th Level, you can enter a deal with your Phantom to obtain a new, more powerful version of
your 1st Level form. This new form gains a new Signature Spell and can also make use of the
Signature Spell of its 1st Level counterpart.
At 6th,7th, 8th and 9th levels you gain stronger versions of each of your forms gained at 1st, 2nd, 3rd
and 4th level. The order the character gains these forms is decided between the player and DM.
Additionally, you gain a new ring known as the Special Ring that allows you to boost the powers
of these forms even further. As a bonus action, you can use the Special Ring to gain one of the
following effects:
● You gain a movement option equal to your base speed.
● Your unarmed attacks deal the next damage die up for Unarmed Strike (1d4→1d6,
1d6→1d8, 1d8→1d10, etc.)
● You can use your Phantom's elemental attack from the Dragorise feature.
● You gain the ability to make an additional unarmed strike with your tail as part of your
bonus action attack.
● You gain an arm-mounted one-handed weapon that does not require hands to use.
● You gain the deflect missiles feature of the monk class.
● You gain 2 extra manipulators that can hold light or one-handed weapons.
● You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

It’s DragoTime:
At 10th Level you gain a wrist watch that allows you access all of your newfound powers
simultaneously. While you are in your 6th, 7th,, 8th, or 9th Level form you can use a bonus action to
summon up to three copies of yourself that assume your other upgraded forms.
Your Hit Points are split evenly among you and your copies. Your copies can only exist for a
limited number of rounds, equal to your spellcasting modifier. When this timer is up, you can
either choose to reset with a bonus action, let it run out and assume your most powerful form yet.

This form uses any one element and gains all four abilities of your upgraded forms obtained from
the Special Ring, an extra die of damage, and your finisher now deals 8d8.

Chimeric Master:
You utilize the powers of a Phantom that was sealed in your Driver. You choose what
Spellcasting Class you take your spells from and your Spellcasting Ability is the same as that
class. Unlike Elemental Masters, you do not gain any spells at a Level. Instead, you gain Spells
with certain features of this subclass.
Class Spellslots per Spell Level
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 2
2nd 3
3rd 4 2
4th 4 3
5th 4 3 2
6th 4 3 3
7th 4 3 3 1
8th 4 3 3 2
9th 4 3 3 3 1
10th 4 3 3 3 2
11th 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Coat of Arms:
At 1st Level, you obtain a ring that allows you to use your first Coat of Arms. Each of your Coats
of Arms can utilize one cantrip and one first Level Spell of a different subclass of your
Spellcasting Class. Additionally, each of your Coats of Arms has a unique ability that is special
to it. When you obtain a new Coat of Arms, you can choose one of the following effects for it:
● You gain a movement option equal to half your base speed.
● You gain an arm-mounted one-handed light weapon that does not require hands to use.
● One of your Ability Scores is increased by 1.
● You can add your proficiency modifier to your damage rolls.
● Your AC is increased by 1.
● Your unarmed strikes deal either piercing or slashing damage instead of bludgeoning
At 2nd Level, you gain an additional Coat of Arms and again at 3rd, 4th and at 5th Level.

At 5th Level, you gain a ring that allows you to summon your Phantom from within yourself.
To make a Phantom, decide on a name and determine its statistics based on the Point Buy System
(or rolling if your DM allows it). They get Ability Score Increases at the same levels you do,
have the same Proficiency Bonus you do, their walking speed is equal to yours when you first
gain this feature. They also roll double dice for their health depending on your level. For
example, at first level, their hit points is 16 + their Constitution modifier, and increases by 2d8
(or 9) + their Constitution modifier every subsequent level.At this point, you have decisions:
1. Your Monster gains an additional speed equal to their walking speed, but only gets one
attack option that acts as a weapon of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or
below). They gain Extra Attack at the same level you do, but cannot attack as a bonus
2. Your Monster only has its walking speed, but gets two attack options that act as weapons
of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or below). They gain Extra Attack at the
same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they are dual wielding, although
they can only dual wield light weapons. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting
Style, that applies to this Monster as well.

Beastial Might:
At 6th Level, you can enter a deal with your Phantom to strengthen your Coats of Arms. One of
your Coats of Arms gains one 2nd and one 3rd Level Spell from its corresponding subclass.
At 7th, another Coat of Arms gains a 2nd and 3rd Level Spell from its subclass and another Coat of
Arms at 8th and 9th level respectively.

Dual Heraldics:
At 10th Level your Phantom allows you to use even more of its powers, allowing you to use two
Coats of Arms simultaneously. You gain an extra die of damage, and your finisher now deals

Dancing Warrior:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Caller of Helheim

2nd +2 Driving Hurricane, Forest


3rd +2 Deadly Strike, Forest


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Ability Score Improvement

7th +3 Genesis Fighter

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Kachidoki Shogun

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Kiwami Overlord, Ability

Score Improvement

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 The One of the Beginning

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per artful gladiator level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per artful gladiator level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Lockseeds

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, History, Intimidation, Nature,
Performance, Sleight of Hand

Caller of Helheim:
Through luck, nepotism, or bargaining, you have gained the Sengoku Driver, a belt that calls
upon the power of Helheim to arm the user with gear and weapons. As well, you have a
Lockseed, a lock-like device based on a fruit that gives its user weapons and armor, and a
Faceplate, essentially a key that gives you your under armor and general appearance. Lockseeds
can be used two ways: to summon Inves or transform into an Armored Rider.

As an action, you can summon an Elementary Inves monster. However, you cannot Henshin
with this Lockseed unless this Inves is dead. You make an Elementary Inves for a Lockseed by
using Point Buy to determine their Ability Scores. Their Armor Class is 11 + their Constitution
modifier, they deal 1d6 damage with their unarmed strikes, and you roll 1d8 + their Constitution
modifier for their hit points, increasing their hit points by the same amount each level.

Alternatively, you can insert your Lockseed onto your Sengoku Driver and use it to Henshin as
an action. A portal from Helheim opens and latches onto your head, folding down into your
armor. As well, this grants you either a simple or martial weapon or a shield. This is your Lock
Weapon. If your Lock Weapon is a shield or a weapon that is not two handed, ranged, or
versatile, you can also gain a Musou Saber. This weapon acts as a longsword, but can also be
used as a ranged weapon to deal 1d6 piercing damage. You gain a +2 to either AC, damage, or an
ability score when you use this Lockseed as well as an auxiliary effect.

This transformation can be voluntarily canceled by taking out the Lockseed and pulling the lever.

Driving Hurricane:
At second level you gain a device that summons your Rider Machine. As well, this allows you
to enter another plane if you stay at a constant speed for three turns in a straight line while on
your Rider Machine.

Forest Blessing:
At 2nd and 3rd level, you gain a new lockseed that changes your armor and eye color. This
grants you a new weapon and a +2 to either damage, an ability score, or AC as well as an
auxiliary effect. To switch lockseeds takes a bonus action to do so.

Deadly Strike:
By slamming a lever or trigger on your Driver, you can activate your Deadly Strike. This is a
finisher that either serves as an unarmed or weapon attack. Either way, it deals the same damage,
although the type differs depending on the type of attack you use.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type depends on how
you are executing the finisher.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Genesis Fighter:
At 7th level, you gain the Genesis Driver, a refined and highly potent Driver that uses new
Energy Lockseeds. Along with the Genesis Driver, you obtain the Energy version of the
Lockseed you gained at Level 1. This Energy Lockseed has three effects.

As an action, you can summon three Elementary Inves monsters. However, you cannot Henshin
with any Lockseed unless this Inves is dead.

The second effect is that you can insert it into the Genesis Driver to gain an enhanced form.
When you Henshin using this Driver, you gain the Rider Armor like normal, but instead of
your Lock Weapon, every Genesis Driver user gains the Sonic Arrow. This weapon deals 1d8
slashing damage when used as a one handed melee weapon (1d10 with two hands), and 1d8
radiant damage when used as a ranged weapon.

Alternatively, you can remove the genesis core and attach it to your sengoku driver, allowing you
to use the energy lockseed along with your main lockseed. This still grants you rider armor and
the sonic arrow, but it also grants you one of 3 abilities
● You gain 3 speed charges that restore after every long rest
● You gain advantage on perception checks and insight checks, through having increased
● You gain the ability to add your proficiency bonus to your damage a number of times
equal to half your proficiency bonus
The downside is that you have disadvantage on dex checks/saves due to the new armor on you.
If permitted by the DM, you can gain two more energy lockseeds if you take this route, although
the restrictions still apply.

Kachidoki Shogun:
At 10th level, you gain your Super Form, the Kachidoki Lockseed. This Lockseed allows you to
assume the powerful Kachidoki Arms, an enhanced piece of armor that is heavily armored and
filled to the brim with weaponry. While you have the Kachidoki Arms equipped, you gain
resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, and deal an extra damage die of
damage, and your finisher deals 8d8.

In this form, you gain two Lock Weapons: the Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju, and the Kachidoki Batas.
The Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju is a two handed rifle that has three separate settings. The first setting
allows for an attack that deals 1d12 piercing damage, the second setting allows for two attacks
that deal 1d6 piercing damage each, and the third setting allows for three attacks that deal 1d4
piercing damage each. The Kachidoki Batas are two flaglike weapons that deal 1d6 bludgeoning

damage each. As well, by inserting the Musou Saber into the Hinawadaidai-DJ-Ju, you can use it
as a greatsword.

Kiwami Overlord:
At 14th level, the seeds of an Overlord have been planted inside of you. While in your Kachidoki
form, you can use an action to assume the Kiwami Arms. This gives you new armor that allows
you to call upon the powers of other Lockseeds, this includes their abilities, however this only
works for as long as you have that lockseed selected. When in Kiwami Arms, you can summon
any Lock Weapon from a Lockseed you have seen before besides the Musou Saber as a bonus
action. As well, you can make a ranged attack roll with these swords. You can also make up to
three ranged attack rolls with the swords, or an amount up to your proficiency bonus, although
this option deals half damage with the swords; you can do these both once every two turns. You
also deal double damage dice and your finisher now deals 10d8.

The One of the Beginning:

At 20th level, you can choose to fully become an Overlord. If you do so, you are no longer
human, and have fully become an Overlord. You can summon portals to Helheim at will, and you
do not lose control from eating its fruit. You can summon armies of Inves, and they can clash
with other armies. If another creature has not summoned an army of Inves or monsters however,
you can summon a number of CRX creatures equal to (insert thing here).

As well, as an action, you can transform into a monstrous Overlord form. This grants you the
ultimate form of your Lock Weapon, and deals an extra damage die of damage, with all attacks
doing crits. As well, you can use the Overlord Finisher. This can either be ranged or melee
depending on the weapon, and its damage type depends on the weapon too. Choose a target in
range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they take half
damage, but if they fail, they take 10d6 damage.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Shifter Archetype, Shifter

Archetype Improvement,
Shift Into Gear, Surprise

2nd +2 Shifter Archetype

Improvement, Shifting

3rd +2 Full Throttle

4th +2 Shifter Archetype

Improvement, Ability Score

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Shifter Archetype

Improvement, Rider Machine

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Shifter Archetype


11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Shifter Archetype


15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Shifter Archetype


Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per shifter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per shifter level after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Land Vehicles

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Perception,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand

Shift Into Gear:

At 1st level, you gain a signature Shift Car/Viral Core that you utilize to fight. This can be
utilized with your Driver to transform.

When transforming with this Shift Car, you will receive your default Rider body. This Rider
body is bestowed with a Shift Tire that possesses no special abilities and can be exchanged with
the help of Shift Tire Shift Cars should your subclass allow for it, keeping in mind that your
default Rider Body only allows you to utilize one ability of a specific Shift Tire Shift Car at a

As an action, you can summon your Shift Car. They can fly or travel towards you, to the point
where they can tunnel through solid concrete to reach you. As well, they can fight on your behalf
before you henshin. It can move 60 feet and deals 1 damage on a hit. If you summon a Shift Car
and wish to attack another Shift Car user with it, they can summon their Shift Car as a reaction
and deflect the attack. Should you have your Shift Car attack or should you react to someone’s
Shift Car attacking, then transforming with it will take up an action.

If someone performs a Slowdown, having a Shift Car in your person makes you immune to the
effects of said ability. As an extra action, you can send out the Shift Cars you have collected and
attribute this immunity to your comrades keeping in mind that you will be unable to use them.

Additionally your Rider Body either:

● Gains two Speed Charges upon Henshin. (Gain an additional charge at 4th, 8th, 10th,
14th, and 17th Level. Only if you selected this as your first shift car.)
● Gains the ability to perform a Slowdown in your Rider form.

Surprise Drive:
At 1st level, you gain your Rider Machine. Unlike most though, it comes in a variety of forms.
It can be any land vehicle from a motorcycle, to a truck, to a sports car. It typically comes in the
form of the vehicles your Shifts are based on. The maximum amount of seats in your vehicle is
four, or up to eight at the cost of -5 ft. speed at each additional seat.

Full Throttle:
By hitting a lever or button, you bounce off your Formula Machine and obliterate a foe in range.
You can either use your Sidearms or your unarmed strikes.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type depends on how
you are executing the finisher.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Top Gear Policeman:

As a Top Gear Policeman you utilize various Shift Cars to fight the forces of evil, utilizing your
natural wit and intelligence to figure out and bring the perpetrator to justice.

Start Your Engine:

At 1st level, you gain a Driver. This Driver can come in the form of a standard belt-like
transformation device or alternatively be sentient, utilizing a brace to work in tandem with the
Driver. By using a Shift Car and inserting it, you can Henshin into your base form.

Shifting Sidearms:
At 2nd level, you obtain both any ranged and any melee weapon that is neither two-handed nor

Shift Tire:
At 2nd level, you gain an extra auxiliary Shift Car that gives you a new Shift Tire, keeping in
mind that it cannot provide you with extra Speed Charges. This Shift Tire gives you an auxiliary
ability of your choice while allowing you to keep your Rider Body’s abilities.

You gain one more Shift Tire at Levels 4 and 6.

Wild Body:

At Level 4, you are given yet another Shift Car which is able to change your Rider Body,

granting you a new base ability, keeping in mind that you can only use one Rider Body ability at
a time.

This body allows you to wield the heavy weapon given to you by the Shift Tire feature without
disadvantage. In addition, it increases your Strength stat and Armor Class by 2 but decreases
your Dexterity by 2. You also gain advantage on either Strength or Constitution saving throws
but disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

Technic Body:

At Level 6, you are given yet another Shift Car which is able to change your Rider Body,
granting you a new base ability, keeping in mind that you can only use one Rider Body ability at
a time.

This body increases your Dexterity and Intelligence by 2 but decreases your Strength by 2. You
also gain advantage on either Dexterity or Intelligence saving throws but disadvantage on
Strength saving throws. It also doubles your jump height. Additionally, you gain darkvision up to
120 ft..

Formula Race Dead Heat:

At Level 10, you gain a Rider Body capable of dealing an extra die of damage for your attacks
and your Full Throttle has 8d8 finisher dice.

Additionally, you either:

● Keep the Rider Body ability from your default Shift Car (and one more Speed Charge if
you picked Speed Actions) as well as gain the Barbarian’s Rage ability. After two turns of
fighting in this form, your Shift Tire ruptures transforming into the Berserk Tire
(removing any abilities you had with that tire) and you get the Path of the Berserker
abilities of Frenzy and Mindless Rage, as you reach your limit, unable to contain the
power of the form any longer. In order to exit the Berserk Tire state, there must either not
be any creatures in range, get hit by a finisher or succeed a DC 15 Wisdom Saving
Throw. If failed, you stay in this form and can redo at the beginning of your next turn.
You are allowed to use Speed Actions in this form during a Super Slowdown but still gain
● Gain immunity to Super Slowdown but you are unable to use your previous Shift Tire

Shift Cars unless given to you by this feature.
○ You also gain three special Shift Tire Shift Cars with the following abilities:
■ If you picked Speed Charges for your base shift car, you unlock the ability
to access Hyper Actions, which are significantly more powerful versions
of your speed actions. If you didn’t pick Speed Charges for your base shift
car, you gain the ability to perform a Super Slowdown.
● Hyper Attack attacks four times.
● Hyper Charge causes the enemy to fail the save automatically.
● Hyper Shove sends the enemy 30-60ft back (player’s choice.)
● Hyper Grapple can instantly restrain an opponent
● Hyper Crossing causes you to simply teleport to your desired
location. Well it isn’t teleportation, but it seems that way. You may
also use Hyper Attack or Hyper Grapple after a Hyper Crossing.
● Hyper Sacrifice lets you take half of the full damage.
● Hyper Finish allows you to use your normal 5d8 finisher and deal
no half damage.
■ You gain the ability to cast Cure Wounds on yourself three times after
which you need a long rest.
■ You gain double movement speed, double jump height and gain 2+ AC.

Trailer Destruction:
At 13th level, you can obtain a heavy two-handed weapon (either melee or ranged) that deals 1d8
bludgeoning damage by default.

Additionally it allows you to perform two unique finishers by loading up different shift cars; you
● Place two of your Shift Tire Cars (including the Formula Dead Heat Race Shift Tire
cars) in it - whatever two cars you use it lets you stack the effects and do 2d6 damage on
top of whatever damage the Shift Cars’ effects would normally cause. For passive effects
it applies them to you for one turn regardless of what form you're in, and if it's a
spell/cantrip, it lets you cast the individual spell/cantrips of the shift car on top of the 2d6
damage but only either the spell or the cantrip for each of the two.
● Place the Shift Car of the Rider Body you're currently using; it lets you do an additional
1d6 damage to that form's regular finisher but- you return to a previous form afterwards.
○ For instance; if I'm in Formula (Level 10 form) I can load it up with the Formula
Dead Heat Race Shift Car (Level 10 form) and do a 9d8 damage finisher but I
return to the Wild Body Shift Car form (Level 4 form). You can only return to a
lower level form. So you can't go from your Level 10 Form to your Level 14 form
that way.

Unlike regular finishers, you can’t decide how many dice out of the amount to use. The damage
of either finisher must all be dealt at once, keeping in mind that if you have already expended
finisher damage dice from another finisher, you cannot use this one.

Unlimited Drive:
At 14th level, you gain your final Shift that resembles your Formula Vehicle. In this form, you
gain a Rider Body which is capable of dealing double damage dice of damage and your finisher
does 10d8 damage. Additionally you either:
● Gain the ability to perform a Tire Blend, an ability that lets you mix your Level 2, 6 and 8
Shift Tire Shift Cars together as well as the three Shift Tire Shift Cars given to you by the
second option of the Formula Race Dead Heat feature, should you have chosen that. If
you picked the first option of the Formula Race Dead Heat feature, you can use the
Barbarian Rage ability as an extra Tire Blending rather than as a Rider Body ability.
○ When you Tire Blend the following conditions also apply:
■ If you picked elemental damage to your unarmed strikes, it now applies to
the weapons you gain through the Shift Tire Shift Car.
■ You can cast your cantrip/spell as an extra action (although the once per
long rest limitation still applies). You can only cast either the spell or the
cantrip as an extra action, as the two extra actions do not stack.
■ You are able to use the three abilities in general without having to change
Viral Cores/Shift Cars.
○ Additionally, you can perform a finisher that blends all your existing tires with the
power of your final form, unleashing a new pure white Overdrive Tire which
allows you to perform a kick that deals 12d8 damage with no modifiers. The
Overdrive Tire finisher can only be used once per long rest and cannot be used if
you have previously used a finisher, as it is either or. As a trade-off, after the
finisher, you cannot use Tire Blends for the next three turns and any Tire Blend
you already have equipped is unequipped after the finisher is done.
■ Unlike regular finishers, you can’t decide how many dice out of the
amount to use. The 12d8 damage must all be dealt at once, keeping in
mind that if you have already expended finisher damage dice from another
finisher, you cannot use this one.
● Gain the ability to put your Rider Form in an autopilot state, which allows it to act
independently from you as another player on the field (much like the Demon Stamper
Class) allowing you to speak through it and control it, although it loses the double
damage dice. This autopilot has a quarter of your current hp, after it is defeated, the gear
immediately goes back to you. The autopilot ability can be used twice before requiring a
long rest. You also keep the ability of your base Rider Body and can use ANY of your

previous Shift Tire Shift Cars with this form. Additionally, you gain a unique Speed
○ Breach: A Speed Reaction, if another creature activates a speed action, you can
breach their speed action and interrupt it, causing nothing to happen. If the
creature specifically stops time, instead of ending the effect early, you gain the
ability to act in the frozen time with none of the downsides afflicting you.

It is important to note that these forms are NOT immune to Super Slowdown.

Spinning Wheel:
● If you picked the second ability of the Unlimited Drive feature, the autopilot gets half
health instead and all your attacks (not your autopilot’s) are critical hits. You also gain
resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage. You also gain innate immunity
to any type of Slowdown. In this form, you also gain the ability to perform Hyper Actions
(listed on the Formula Race Dead Heat feature).
● If you picked the first ability of the Unlimited Drive feature, you gain a final Shift Car
that does double damage die and has a finisher that does 10d6 damage. It lacks the ability
to tire blend (although it keeps the ability to shift tires) but gets the Hyper Actions listed
in the Formula Race Dead Heat as well as the Breach speed reaction listed on the
Unlimited Drive feature’s second option. It also gains innate immunity to any type of

Viral Punisher:
As a Viral Punisher, you act as a force of nature, a grim reaper with only one purpose. However
with a heart of justice still, eventually you come to accept that side of you becoming a full
Kamen Rider.

Break Your Body:

When you take this archetype at Level 1, you gain a driver that is also a light weapon. It can be
used either in close range or long range. When used within 30 ft. of your opponent it either deals
1d8 piercing damage or 1d8 bludgeoning damage; when used within 150 ft. it deals 1d8 piercing
damage. By inserting your Shift Car/Viral Core in your driver you Henshin.

Shift Tune:

At 2nd level, you gain an extra Shift Car/Viral Core that gives you a Tune Extension. This Tune
Extension gives you new abilities while allowing you to keep your Rider Body’s abilities. You
can choose an auxiliary effect of your choice to add.

You gain one more Tune Extension at Levels 4 and 6.

Rider Machine Fusion:

At Level 6, you gain another Rider Machine with similar qualities to your previous one but you
gain the ability to combine both into a faster, more durable Rider Machine, meaning you gain 90
movement speed along with +3 AC while riding it. Additionally, it is equipped with a weapon of
your choice.

Triple Shift Tune:

At Level 10, your Rider Body is capable of dealing an extra die of damage for your attacks and
you have 8d8 finisher dice, as well as the ability to cause a Super Slowdown (regardless of which
ability you first picked). Additionally, you are able to combine the effects of your three Tune
○ If you picked elemental damage to your unarmed strikes, it now applies to the
extensions that make your driver the equivalent of a weapon.
○ You can cast your cantrip/spell as an extra action (although the once per long rest
limitation still applies). You can only cast either the spell or the cantrip as an extra
action, as the two extra actions do not stack.
○ You are able to use the three abilities in general without having to change Viral
Cores/Shift Cars.

Warrior of Justice:
At Level 14, you gain a Rider Body which is capable of dealing double damage dice of damage
and your finisher does 10d8 damage. Additionally you gain innate immunity to any type of
Slowdown and a new Driver in which to use your new Viral Core/Shift Car, which you can lend
to other people or lend your old Driver, allowing you to transform using the new one.

This new Driver is not considered a weapon and does not have the ability to cause damage,
however the new Shift Car that is to be utilized with it has the abilities of your three Tune
Extensions by default. You also gain a new weapon of your choice when in this new form.

Finally, you gain the ability to perform Hyper Speed Actions (regardless of what option you first
picked; if you picked Slowdown you get the same amount of Speed Charges someone at your
Level would) but lose the ability to perform a Super Slowdown.

Golden Evolution:
At Level 20, you get a new golden Viral Core that does double damage die and has a finisher that
does 10d8 damage, allowing for an Over Evolution. You are still able to use Tune Extensions
but can no longer combine them.

If this form is used on your Level 14 Driver:

● You get (Hyper) Speed Actions and a unique Speed Action.
○ Breach: A Speed Reaction, if another creature activates a speed action, you can
breach their speed action and interrupt it, causing nothing to happen. If the
creature specifically stops time, instead of ending the effect early, you gain the
ability to act in the frozen time with none of the downsides afflicting you
If this form is used on your pre-Level 14 Driver:
● You gain the ability to use Super Slowdown once per long rest, keeping in mind that you
cannot use Super Slowdown and Time Stop at the same time.
● As an action while in this form, you can activate time stop. This is not a speed condition,
and no one who can activate that condition can do so with this. As such, nobody can
activate reactions, legendary actions, or any ability once time stop is active. After your
turn concludes, you get an extra turn where you deal half damage. After that final turn
ends, the time stop ends, and you cannot use it until after a long rest.

Slowdown is an ability that (simply put) slows down time and lasts for two turns, giving every
entity around you disadvantages on non-saving throw rolls. This ability does not distinguish
friend or foe as every creature in a 120 ft. radius is affected by it. Players with Speed Charges
can pay one Speed Charge to bypass the ability, however they cannot use Speed Actions at all
while the ability is active.

The only exception to this rule is players who can do Hyper Speed Actions, who are able to use
Speed Actions after bypassing the ability but cannot use Hyper Speed Actions while the ability is
active. Finally, players who can cause either Slowdown or have a Shift Car/Viral Core in their
person can bypass the ability, however Speed Action restrictions still apply.

There is a variation of this ability called a Super Slowdown, which is an improved Slowdown
that slows time further, making it so that every creature in a 120 fr. radius gets disadvantage on
all rolls.

Unlike regular Slowdown, players who can do Speed Actions can no longer pay a Speed Charge
to bypass the ability. Players capable of Hyper Speed Actions, however, can pay a Speed Charge
but can no longer use any type of Speed Action or Hyper Speed Action during the Super

Players that have Shift Cars/Viral Cores or that can cause a Slowdown cannot bypass this ability
anymore unless stated otherwise*. However players that can cause a Super Slowdown can
bypass it*.

*Hyper Speed and Speed Action restrictions still apply.

Both abilities can only be used once per long rest and it’s either or, meaning that you cannot
cause a Slowdown and later a Super Slowdown without a long rest.

Note: If you pay a Speed Charge to bypass either Slowdown, you must remain in a form that can
use the level of Speed Actions as the form you used to bypass the Slowdown.

For example, if you have Speed Charges and Speed Actions in Form A, changing to Form B
(which lacks Speed Charges/Speed Actions) makes you affected by the Slowdown again.
Conversely, going from Form C (which has Hyper Speed Actions) and paying a Speed Charge
during Super Slowdown and then going to either Form A or Form B makes you vulnerable to
Super Slowdown again.

Luminary Spirit:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Let’s Ghost, Kaigan

2nd +2 Making History, Motorized


3rd +2 Omega Drive, Levitating

Specter, Making History

4th +2 Shadow Stride, Ability Score


5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Ghost in the Shadows

7th +3 Shadow Stride Improvement

8th +3 Intangible Spirit, Ability

Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Ghost Art Improvement My

Body My Choice

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Infinite Possibilities, Ability

Score Improvement

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Perfect Ghost

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per luminary spirit level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per luminary spirit level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Alchemist’s Supplies

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Religion,
Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Let’s Ghost:
As a Luminary Spirit, you have unlocked abilities mastering life and death. However, to know
this, you must have experienced death. Luminary Spirits are ghosts, specters, and necrotic
creatures that pass through the physical bounds of the living and utilize it to deadly ends.
Although you must have died if you are a human or other race, Orphnochs, Undead, and
Bugsters have no need for this requirement, as they have already died or know what death is like.

As a Ghost, you have resistance to necrotic damage, advantage on Stealth (Dexterity) checks due
to your footsteps being silent, blindsight equal to your normal sight, and you cannot die. An
excessive amount of pain and exhaustion, however, can knock you out. You can be knocked
unconscious like normal, but if you are reduced to 0 hit points, you do not roll death saving
throws. If you are hit with an attack that deals damage an amount double that of your maximum
hit points, you are knocked out and gain an exhaustion of 5. You can never exceed 5, but it will
take time to recover. You also still require air, food, water, and sleep to maintain the condition of
your body.

Your base form Eyecon grants you an auxiliary effect.

Making History:
At 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level, you gain an auxiliary Eyecon based on the spirit of a historical figure,
allowing you a new Parka Ghost. When you transform with this Eyecon, you can summon a
weapon of your choice (as well as a shield if you have the Shield Master feat and the weapon is
not heavy or two-handed, or an additional weapon if you have the Dual Wielder feat and the
weapon is not heavy or two-handed) and gain an effect off the auxiliary table.

Motorized Horseman:
You gain a Rider Machine.

Omega Drive:
By pulling the lever on your Driver, you call upon the power of your abilities in order to deal a
deadly finishing blow to a foe. You can use either your summoned weapons or unarmed strikes.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type depends on how
you are executing the finisher.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Infinite Possibilities:

At 14th level, you obtain the most powerful Eyecon that allows you to pass through life and
death. While in this form, you deal double damage dice of damage, gain a flying speed double
your walking speed, gain two abilities from the Aux Table but doubled, and gain access to all
weapons from your previous forms. Your finishers now deal 10d8.

Perfect Ghost:
At 17th level, you can use two of your Luminary Spirit features as part of one action, allowing
you to combine effects.

Ghost Art:
At 1st level, you choose how you specialize in your necrotic powers, and how to truly master

Ore no Soul:
Making a deal with the otherworldly, you are gifted with a Ghost Driver and an Eyecon
manifested from your living spirit.

At 1st level, you obtain a Driver that accepts Eyecons, the ghostly manifestations of historical
figures. You gain an Eyecon of your choice that can let you summon a weapon that is not heavy
or two-handed when you transform. To transform, you click the Eyecon once, place it into your
Driver, and pull the lever. You summon a Parka Ghost that flies around you before landing on
your body, creating your faceplate. You are granted a Wisp Horn, a small weapon that can be
used as an unarmed strike that deals piercing damage.

Levitating Specter:
At 3rd level, your ghostly spirit allows you to levitate above the ground to combat your enemies.
You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed, although you can only float above a surface
at a maximum of 5 feet above it, not being able to fly above it. Your long jump is also doubled,
allowing you to somewhat glide.

Shadow Stride:
Mastering the shadows at 4th level, you are able to utilize them to zip away from attacks and
danger. As a reaction, when a creature hits you with a melee or ranged attack, you can roll 1d10
and add your Wisdom modifier and Luminary Spirit level; the amount you roll is the amount the
damage is reduced by. On top of that, you can move 15 feet in any direction. If the damage is
reduced to 0 and you are within melee range, you can make an unarmed strike against the
creature that attacked you. Alternatively, you can use the ability as a bonus action that you hold
until someone attacks you, or you can use it freely as a bonus action.

At 7th level, instead of making an unarmed strike, you can attempt to grapple the creature that
attacked you. If they fail a saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + either
your Strength or Dexterity modifier, they are grappled.

Ghost in the Shadows:

At 6th level, you can make yourself invisible and evade sight. As a bonus action, you can gain
the invisibility condition. While under this condition, you move at half speed, and anytime you
take an action or move, you must roll a Stealth (Dexterity) check against a creature’s Passive
Perception if they do not know you are there or a Perception (Wisdom) check if they are actively
looking for you. Even if you are hit, you can choose to stay invisible, although each hit reduces
your movement speed by 5 ft.. This debuff can only be removed by removing yourself from the
invisibility condition.

Intangible Spirit:
At 8th level, you can go past solids themselves and pass through matter. As a reaction, you can
choose to gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage to that attack. This can
be used along with the Shadow Stride ability to gain an upper hand in battle, but if you combine
that, you can only use the Shadow Stride method of reducing damage; the resistance does not

As well, you can pass through walls and the ground as an action, but you cannot end your turn
inside of a solid object.

Infinite Potential:
At 10th level, you gain a new driver that allows you to fuse all of your Damashiis into you,
gaining their powers and abilities. You gain all the effects of all your Damashiis, and can
summon any of their weapons. Alternatively, you can split your Damashii to fight for you. The

Damashii you gain from Making History can split from you. When you do so as an action, your
hit points are halved; the other half of your hit points are divided between the Damashii. They
gain the weapons and effects that they grant, share your ability scores, and go on their own
initiative. You can only summon your weapon from your 1st level form. You can recall them
back into you as a bonus action, in which case their remaining hit points are added into yours.
You deal an extra die of damage and your finisher now deals 8d8 of damage.

My Body My Choice:
At 10th level, you gain the ability to use other people for your own purposes. If a target isn’t
hostile to you, is not aware of your presence, or is under the surprised condition, you can attempt
to possess them and have them work for you. They must roll a Wisdom saving throw
successfully against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier or be
charmed. They are under your complete control and follow any orders unless it puts them in
unnecessary harm, such as fighting without armor and weapons or jumping off a cliff. Every
20% of their hit points they lose (rounded down) they can reroll this saving throw. On a success,
they are freed from your control.

A possessed person has the eye color of the person who controls them, and those eyes glow
either under intense emotion or any pain.

Pulse Pounding Soul:

Making a deal with the otherworldly, you are gifted with a Ghost Driver and an Eyecon
manifested from your living spirit.

At 1st level, you obtain a Driver that accepts Eyecons, the ghostly manifestations of historical
figures. You gain an Eyecon of your choice that can let you summon a weapon that is not heavy
or two-handed when you transform. To transform, you click the Eyecon once, place it into your
Driver, and pull the lever. You summon a Parka Ghost that flies around you before landing on
your body, creating your faceplate. You are granted a Wisp Horn, a small weapon that can be
used as an unarmed strike that deals piercing damage.

Devilish Persona:

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to infuse unarmed strikes with spiritual energy from the other
side, this enhances your attacks and adds an extra damage die of necrotic damage, however when
used the enhancement lasts rounds equal to your dexterity modifier and cannot be used for your
Omega Drive. Outside of combat, Devilish Persona can be used to gain advantage on
Intimidation and Deception rolls.

You can only use this feature once per short rest.

Enraged Burst:

At 4th level you are able to manifest your emotions and toughen up, you gain the Parry reaction
adding +2 to your AC when targeted by an attack. To do so, you must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon. As a bonus, if the attack still somehow goes through you can roll 1d8
to deduct some of the damage.

At 7th level, the AC boost increases to +3 and the damage reduction roll increases to 2d8. And if
a hit is successfully parried you can attempt to grapple the creature that attacked you. If they fail
a saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + either your Strength or Dexterity
modifier, they are grappled.

Ride on the Soul:

At 6th level, you gain an Eyecon that allows you to access your Rider Machine and transform it
into a Damashii, this grants you a form that allows you access to three Cantrips of your choice
with the downfall of no new weapon or access to previous weapons. You gain a new movement
speed of your choice equal to double your walking speed.

Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object:

At 8th level you gain the ability to tap into the afterlife itself to armor yourself and make your
living soul stronger. As a reaction you can temporarily immerse yourself and gain resistance to
either slashing, bludgeoning, piercing, fire, lightning, cold, force, radiant, acid and thunder
damage. Along with this you can immediately activate your Devilish Persona feature to gain an
upper hand in combat and then gain advantage on your next attack throw.

Deep into the Abyss:

At 10th level, you gain a new fierce and brutal Eyecon, one forged from the abyssal arts and
deep magical pits, the Ganmizers. Once transformed into this form you must make a Constitution
saving throw DC 15 if failed you discharge the excess energy from the Eyecon in a 15 ft square
radius around you, those within the radius must make a DC Con save 15, if failed they take 2d12
force damage from the explosion and are pushed back 10 ft, if saved they take 2d6 instead and
are not pushed back. While in this form you deal an extra die of necrotic damage and your
Omega Drive does 8d8. While in this form you gain access to the Ganmizer Ability Table, giving
you an Element, a Weapon, and Energy Ganmizer power, giving you new abilities and weapons.

To determine which Ganmizers you access from the table you must roll 1d5 per category.

Dice Roll: Weapon: Element: Energy:

1 Blade Fire Time

2 Arrow Liquid Gravity

3 Spear Wind Magnetic

4 Hammer Climate Electric

5 Rifle Planet Oscillation

● Blade-You summon a large greatsword, 2d6 slashing damage, two handed. str mod + PB
to hit.
● Arrow-You summon a heavy crossbow, 1d10 piercing damage, two handed. dex mod +
PB to hit.
● Spear-You summon a glaive, 1d12 slashing damage, can be thrown for 1d8 piercing
damage, two handed. str mod + PB to hit/ dex mod + PB to hit.
● Hammer-You summon a warhammer, 2d4 bludgeoning damage, two handed. str mod +
PB to hit.
● Rifle-You summon a sniper rifle, 2d8 piercing damage, two handed. dex mod + PB to hit.

● Fire-You gain access to the spell Burning Hands and can cast it at a level equal to your
level -1 divided by 2 rounded up. As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and
fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. Each
creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity DC saving throw. A creature takes 3d4
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

● Liquid- You cause a whirlpool to form in the center of the area. The whirlpool forms a
vortex that is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 50 feet wide at the top, and 25 feet tall. Any
creature or object in the water and within 25 feet of the vortex is pulled 10 feet toward it.
A creature can swim away from the vortex by making a Strength (Athletics) check
against your spell save DC.
● Wind-A line of strong wind 40 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts from you in a direction
you choose for the spell's duration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you in a direction
following the line. Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1
foot it moves when moving closer to you. The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it
extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area. It causes
protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance
to extinguish them.
● Climate-A hail of rock-hard ice pounds to the ground in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high
cylinder centered on a point within range. Each creature in the cylinder must make a
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d8 of cold damage and 2d8 of bludgeoning on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Hailstones turn the storm's
area of effect into difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.
● Planet-Choose a point you can see on the ground within range. A fountain of churned
earth and stone erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on that point. Each creature in that area
must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage and falls
prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one and stays standing.
Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared. Each
5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand.
● Time-As a bonus action, you can target one creature you see within 30 ft, that creature
remains frozen in time for one turn.
● Gravity-You can target one flying creature and have it make a Dex saving throw DC 8 +
PB + Dexterity Modifier. If failed the creature plummets to the ground and takes 1d8
force damage, if succeeded the creature only falls by half of its movement speed.
● Magnetic-You can target any metallic object you see within 50 ft of you, roll a wisdom
check and if succeed you are able to temporarily control the magnetic flow of those
objects, these can be used as a shield as a reaction, or thrown as an action.
● Electric-You gain an extra die of damage to your unarmed strikes that deal lightning
● Oscillation-You may target up to three creatures you see 30 ft away from you, they must
roll a wisdom saving throw DC equal to 8 + the Rider’s proficiency bonus + their
Wisdom modifier. If failed the creatures gain disadvantage for a number of turns equal to
your wisdom modifier.

You can also only use each Ganmizer twice every long rest; if one gets used and you do not long
rest, they get temporarily removed from the table until your next long rest.

My Body My Choice:
At 10th level, you gain the ability to use other people for your own purposes. If a target isn’t
hostile to you, is not aware of your presence, or is under the surprised condition, you can attempt
to possess them and have them work for you. They must roll a Wisdom saving throw
successfully against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier or be
charmed. They are under your complete control and follow any orders unless it puts them in
unnecessary harm, such as fighting without armor and weapons or jumping off a cliff. Every
20% of their hit points they lose (rounded down) they can reroll this saving throw. On a success,
they are freed from your control.

A possessed person has the eye color of the person who controls them, and those eyes glow
either under intense emotion or any pain.

Necrotic Soul:
Through the wonders of science and spirits, you dip your hands into the unknown and gain
supernatural new powers. You have also learned how to transfer your mind and soul into an
artificial body leaving yours in a comatose state.


At first level you obtain an Ulorder, a wrist mounted transformation device and an Eyecon
created from a Technological Soul. With this Eyecon however, you do not get a personal weapon
but instead your unarmed strikes deal an elemental damage and you gain a cantrip of your
choice, for each Damashii you acquire later on you may have that Damashii gain an additional
cantrip.. To Transform, you click the button on the side of your Eyecon and place it within the
Ulorder, summoning a Parka Ghost that flies around you before landing on your body, creating
your faceplate with a circular pair of goggles. You are also granted a Sweep Horn, used to
control Ganma Souls that you summon, this horn may also be used to telepathically send
messages to allies.

A drawback of the Technological Souls however is that the transformation has a Time Limit, this
time limit lasts for your Wisdom modifier +Proficiency Bonus in turns. This Time Limit resets

whenever you change to a Historical Eyecon. When the Time Limit reaches 0, your suit
depowers, you keep your henshined AC but your damage dealt is then halved.

Liquidized Cells:

At 3rd level your artificial body becomes adapted to the Quantum Liquid powering the Ulorder.
As an action or bonus action, you are able to liquify your limb into a slime-like state and extend
your reach by 15ft, your slime hand can be used to grab onto objects or ledges, and deal 3 poison
damage if used for an attack. You may also release your limb and create a puddle in a 5ft square,
if a creature were to step into this square they must make a DC Dex save 13 or higher, if failed
the creature slips and falls prone. As the start of your next turn your body grows a new
replacement limb.

You may use this feature x times per short rest where x is your Dexterity Modifier.

Oozing Trap:

Becoming more and more used to your new body, at 4th level you are able to easily phase your
body in and out of your Liquidized state. As a reaction you may roll 1d12 plus your Dexterity
Modifier and Luminary Spirit Level, if the roll amounts to higher than the attacking roll the
damage is reduced by the difference and you are able to move 15ft in any direction, if the
damage is reduced to 0, you gain an opportunity attack and may use an Unarmed Strike.

At 7th level, instead of moving 15ft you can attempt to trap the attack inside your slime body, if
the attacker fails a saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + either your
Strength or Dexterity modifier, it becomes stuck within your body. If the attacker used a weapon,
the weapon becomes trapped and will begin to melt as long as it remains inside, if the attacker
used an unarmed strike then while they are trapped within at the end of their turn they take 1d6 +
your Constitution Mod of acid damage.

As an action, the attack may make another Strength or Dexterity throw to remove their limb or
weapon from your body.

Flowing Fluidation:

At 6th level, you are able to fully immerse your body into a liquidized state, you gain the Fluid
Form trait and are able to move through a space as little as 1 inch without squeezing and gain
double movement speed, this can be used for both vertical and horizontal traversal, however you

are unable to travel in water as it would cause your Quantum Liquid to break down in an
unstable rate. Being in this form requires pure concentration, as if your concentration were to
break you would immediately harden back into your physical form. While in Fluid Form you are
unable to attack, transform, unless you have done so prior, change Eyecons or summon weapons.

Quantum Overload:

At 8th level, you push your artificial body to its limits. By setting the Quantum Liquid flowing
through your Ulorder and your body to its maximum capacity and self-destruct. This action takes
two turns to charge, you cannot attack while charging the Overload but you are able to move
albeit only half your movement speed. When fully charged, you detonate, dealing xd6 damage
where x is half of your current level + your two highest modifiers, and damaging anything within
a 30ft square radius, this can also damage allies. If the damage roll is higher than than your
current HP and reduces you to 0, you are only knocked down to 5 hp and knocked unconscious,
as well as canceling your transformation. You cannot use this feature if your HP is ¼ or lower of
its maximum.

Necrotic Arma :

At 10th level, you gain a three mode weapon that corresponds with your three Damashii, this
weapon can be either one handed or two handed, it may even be heavy with the cost of having
only two weapon modes rather than three. Your unarmed strikes also deal an extra die of damage
and your Omega Drive deals 8d8 as long as the finisher involves your weapon.

Bursting Hope:

At 14th level, you gain an Eyecon birthed from your emotions reaching its apex. While in this
form you also gain double damage dice, your unarmed strikes deal an elemental damage and
your finishers now deal 10d8.

Necromancy Legion:

At 17th level, be it through theft, construction, or anyway possible, you gain three Proto Mega
Ulorders and three more Techno Soul Eyecons, weaker versions of your transformation device,
these can be gifted to anyone you trust. Whenever someone Henshins with these drivers, they
gain a weapon of their choice and a Historical Eyecon, this can be on use by a previous rider, one

of yours, or one that they find themselves. They however do not gain any features involving
Quantum Liquid.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher

2nd +2 Bloodletting, Regenerating


3rd +2 Control Driver, Violent


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack, Machine Raider

6th +3

7th +3 Weaponized Monster

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Bloodletting Improvement

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Neo Evolution

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per brutalizer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per brutalizer level after

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Healer’s Kit

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Medicine, Insight, Perception,
Persuasion, Stealth

Xeno DNA:
As someone with their DNA altered, you can assume a new, monstrous form. By witnessing a
death, a friend or loved one getting hurt, or through other emotional pressure, you can Henshin
into an animal-inspired form. You can also activate them by injecting the DNA into your veins.
In this Origin Form, you can fight wildly, which can serve as an advantage or disadvantage. For
example, you cannot Henshin if you are under the frightened condition, the Weaponized
Monster ability cannot be used, and you cannot speak in any languages. However, when you
Henshin, you can pick a number and roll 1d3. If you guess the number rolled correctly, you gain
the Barbarian’s Rage ability for the combat encounter, although you do not have resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Brutal Slasher:
Along with your newfound form, you gain weapons in the form of claws or arm blades.
Regardless, as a bonus action, you can use your slashers for that turn. If you do so, your unarmed
strikes change into slashing damage, and if you attack an enemy with a resistance to slashing,
they can only negate ¼ of the damage, not ½.


At 2nd level, you can use your knowledge of anatomy and your enemies bodies to use their
weaknesses to your advantage. If you score a critical hit against a target, deal the full damage to
them, regardless of resistances (or half damage on an immunity). This causes the enemy to gain
the bleed condition.

The bleed condition causes the target to take damage equal to the amount that was dealt to them
to cause the effect divided by 8 at the beginning of their turn (rounded down). To prevent this,
the creature must succeed a Bleed Save (Constitution saving throw) whose DC is equal to 10 +
the attacker’s Strength or Dexterity modifier + the attacker’s Proficiency Bonus. They can make
this check at the beginning of each of their turns. On a successful save, they are cured of the
effect. Under the effect however, if an attack is dealt against them that they have resistance
against, that resistance is negated, and if they have immunity, they take half damage from the

At 10th level, you have controlled your ability to hit weak spots so well that you can hit them
with your Bloodletting easier. Instead of needing to score a critical hit to give a target the bleed
condition, you can also achieve the same by simply using your Violent Punish.

Regenerating Scales:
At 2nd level, you can heal yourself from normally dangerous blows. If you are hit with an attack,
you can heal ⅛ of the damage (rounded down). This does not apply if you are sent to 0 hit points
or if a critical hit is dealt to you.

Control Driver:
At 3rd level, you obtain a Driver that can consolidate your feral powers into a more sleek,
humanoid form, known as your Tamed Form. Although it can lower the potential for brutality, it
is far more reliable, allowing for conscious transformation and communication. This can also be
used to Henshin, although now there are no psychological limits to it. As well, when you
henshin, guess a number from 1-6 and roll 1d6. If you guess the number rolled correctly, you
gain the Barbarian’s Rage ability for the combat encounter although you do not have resistance
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Violent Punish:
With your skills honed, you can finish off your opponent at 3rd level. Through willpower with
the Origin Form or by adjusting a part of the Driver with the Tamed Form, you can unleash a
Violent Punish via your weapons or even your Brutal Slashers. As an action, you can unleash it

upon a creature in range. The creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failure,
they take 5d8 slashing damage, and half as much on a success. If this kills an enemy, the creature
will look like the result of a Mortal Kombat fatality, and I believe that’s all that needs to be said.

You can only use your Violent Punish once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Machine Raider:
You gain a Rider Machine.

Weaponized Monster:
At 7th level, when you’re in your Tamed Form, you can pull out a handle from your Driver as a
bonus action. This handle can then become a simple or martial melee weapon of your choice,
provided it isn’t heavy or two-handed. Unlike with the Brutal Slasher, once you’ve pulled out the
weapon, it stays out until put back. You can also use this with your Violent Punish finisher.

Neo Evolution:
At 14th level, you obtain a new evolution of your previous forms. Your Origin Form evolves into
your Evolution Form, and you gain a new Neo Driver that allows you to assume your Neo Form.
The Evolution and Neo Forms function under the same rules as the Origin and Tamed Forms
respectively, but with new additions.

With this, you deal double damage dice and gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage, and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage. As well, you can now create any
simple or martial melee weapon of your choice with your Weaponized Monster feature.

Gamer Medic:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Level 1, Signature Gashat

2nd +2 Level 2, Player’s Ride

3rd +2 Level 3, Critical Strike

4th +2 Level 5, Ability Score


5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Ability Score Improvement

7th +3 Level X

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Level 50

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Level Max, Ability Score


15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Level Unknown

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d8 per gamer medic level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per gamer medic level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Video Games, Tinker’s Tools

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion,
Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Signature Gashat:
At 1st level, you gain a signature Gashat inspired by a video game. This is fine-tuned to your
abilities and the type of games that you have mastered, and as such, you gain a bonus to an
attribute on the Energy Table equal to your proficiency bonus as well as a negative calculated the
same way (although you cannot choose air movement speed as a negative). If you choose an
Ability Score to increase or decrease, you gain -1 to the total bonus for an increase and +1 for a
decrease (minimum of 1 for an increase). This allows your score to go above 20. Movement
speed can be reduced to a minimum of 10 ft.. Every form can gain a bonus and negative like this
except for your Level 3 and Level 5 form, since those are used in tandem with your Signature

Energy Table
1d12 Attribute

1 Strength Ability Score

2 Dexterity Ability Score

3 Constitution Ability Score

4 Intelligence Ability Score

5 Wisdom Ability Score

6 Charisma Ability Score

7 Armor Class

8 Initiative

9 Damage per Attack

10 Attack Modifier

11 Land Movement Speed (x10)

12 Other Movement Speed (x10)

Level 1:
At this level, you gain the Gamer Driver, a special Driver that utilizes Gashats to imbue the user
with armor based on the game. By inserting the Gashat into the Gamer Driver after putting it on
your waist, you can Henshin into a chibi or Super Deformed form. In this form, you gain -2 to
your Armor Class, but gain +2 to attack rolls. When you assume this form, you either gain a
shield or a weapon of your choice as long as it is not heavy or two-handed.

When transforming into this form, Energy Items are scattered within 60 feet of you. You choose
3 different Energy Items of your choice to be placed randomly, and another of each is placed
with every two people in the battle. Anyone can pick it up and use an Energy Item as a bonus
action. You can hold a number of Energy Items equal to half your proficiency bonus (minimum
of 1, rounded down), although you can only have one of each Energy Item. The Energy Items are
listed below:

Energy Item: Effect:

Speed You gain two Speed Charges

Ironbody You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,

and slashing damage at the cost of half your
movement speed for two turns

Instigate You make a target of your choice (and any

other targets within 5 feet of your initial target
if you wish) roll a Charisma check against a
DC equal to your Charisma modifier + 10 +

your Proficiency Bonus. Whoever fails sees
you as an enemy, and will only target you
unless someone else attacks them. While they
are focused on you, they gain disadvantage on
any checks that use sight. If every creature
you target succeeds, this Energy Item is not

Jump Your Jump Height is tripled for two turns

Muscular You add your proficiency bonus to your

damage for two turns

Recover You can either cast cure wounds at a level

equal to half your level - 1 (rounded down) to
a maximum of 5th level, or can cure a status
condition of a creature within 15 feet of you

Shrink You can cast the enlarge/reduce spell once on

a creature, except their size must be reduced

Giant You can cast the enlarge/reduce spell once on

a creature, except their size must be enlarged

Invisible You cast the invisibility spell on yourself

Confusion For two turns, a target within 15 feet of you

gains disadvantage on attack rolls and
Intelligence/Wisdom checks and saving

Christmas In whatever form you are in, you and all

Riders and monsters are adorned in Christms
attire, you gain a weapon of your choice, and
you get a +2 to an attribute listed on the
Energy Table (+1 for Ability Score Increases).
You and your DM can decide whether this
Energy Item can only be used during the
holidays or not.

Emission You can cast the daylight spell once, except it

is always centered on the user, and any targets
within 10 feet of the user gains the blindness
condition. The spell wears off at the
beginning of their next turn.

Liquefaction For one turn, your body liquifies. You can fit

in spaces as small as 1 cubic foot and
creatures get disadvantage to hit you.

Separation You are able to create up to eight clones.

When you are cloned like this, you and your
clones divide their damage by the amount of
total clones, including you. You and your
clones also divide their maximum and current
hit points by the amount of total clones,
including you. They all roll initiative and act
according to your actions. They can only use
their Critical Strike when you choose to do so
on your action, in which case they will all
execute the Critical Strike finisher on your
turn. At the end of your next turn, they
disappear, and all their hit points add back up
to form your current hit points.

Dark You can cast the darkness spell once


Sleep You can cast the sleep spell once

Reflect As a reaction when a creature hits you and

deals damage, you take no damage and
instead the attacker takes all the damage from
that attack. The reflection wears off after
reflecting that one attack, and cannot reflect
Finishers, critical hits, or spells.

Level 2:
At 2nd level, you can reach Level 2 by flipping the lever on your Gamer Driver as an action, or
immediately transform into this form as a bonus action. By doing this, your Level 1 form shifts
and alters until you assume a sleek, more humanoid form, discarding the effects of Level 1.
When you assume this form or any future form, your weapon from Level 1 is upgraded to a
weapon of your choice, or if you choose a shield, you gain a weapon of your choice as long as it
is not heavy or two-handed. Going back to Level 1 will revert the weapon. On your chest, your
hit points and any spell slots are displayed.

Alternatively, you can turn into a rider vehicle, with the option to keep your Level 1 bonuses
without the minuses.

An option for the weapon is the Gashacon Bugvisor, a weapon that can be used as a dual melee
and ranged weapon that deals 1d8 slashing damage in melee mode and 1d8 piercing in ranged
mode. It has a range of 30/120 feet, and has the light property. It can also be used as your Driver
in Level X, Level 50, Level Unknown, and Level Max, where it can still be used as a weapon.

Player’s Ride:
At 2nd level, you can summon a rider vehicle with a special gashat.

Level 3:
At 3rd level, you gain a new Gashat that can be used in tandem with your Level 1 and 2 Gashat
to enhance your versatility and fighting ability. When in this form, you gain a weapon of your
choice, and you gain +2 to an attribute listed on the Energy Table (+1 for Ability Score
Increases) that is not the same as your Signature Gashat.

Critical Strike:
You can insert your Gashat into your weapon or Driver to execute your Critical Strike. As an
action, you can unleash your attack upon a creature in range. The creature must make a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the enemy takes 5d8 damage and half as much on a success.
The damage type depends on the method of finishing.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Level 5:
At 4th level, you can reach Level 5 using a new Gashat. When you assume this form as a bonus
action, you gain three weapons of your choice that are not heavy or two-handed. These weapons,
however, do not take up a hand. As well, you gain the Barbarian Rage ability. However, you can

only use this form for three turns. If you do not change this form at the end of that third turn, you
are ejected from your Henshin.

Alternatively, you can choose to give the three weapons to other creatures, although each
creature can only have one of these. Then, you maintain the Rage ability, but you will not get
ejected from your Henshin.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Level X:
At 7th level, you gain a new Gashat that powers up your capabilities. You can choose not to take
this form in exchange for two Level 50 forms. As well, you can choose one of the following
abilities below.
● When you are healed above your maximum hit points, you can convert those additional
hit points into temporary hit points. You can only store up to 25 hit points in this way.
● When you are hit below 0 hit points, it isn’t Game Over yet. Instead, the damage you take
adds to your negative hit points. For three turns, you can keep on fighting. Any damage
you take is added to your negative hit points. For example, if you are at 0 hit points and
take 10 damage, you now have -10 hit points. Any healing will reduce your negative hit
points back towards 0, but never above 0. At the end of your three turns, you are knocked
out and the negative hit points are dealt to you in damage. If the negative hit points dealt
equals your maximum hit points, you die.
● You can split your body into two, dividing the hit points evenly between you and your
clone. You both deal half damage.

Level 50:
At 10th level, you ascend into your upgraded Level 50 form using a new Gashat. By inserting it,
you can enhance your power. In this form, you deal an extra damage die of damage and gain +2
Armor Class, as well as one of the options below. However, you move at half movement speed
after all other modifiers have been applied. You deal an extra die of damage and your finisher
now deals 10d8 damage You can gain two Level 50 forms if you choose not to take a Level X

● You can summon any number of guards whose challenge rating equals your level divided
by 20 (rounded down) once per long rest as an action. These guards are under your
complete control and all act on one initiative that you roll when you summon them.
● You gain two of a weapon of your choice and can use them as if they are light.
● As an action roll 1d12 on the Energy Table three times per turn, rerolling if you get a
repeat. Then, you can choose up to three creatures and increase or decrease that value by
2 for one of those creatures. You can freely distribute these buffs or debuffs. After you do
this as your action, you cannot do this again for two more turns.
● You gain a mech that makes you become large and gain a +2 weapon of your choice to
wield in Level 50. You can fly a speed equal to your walking speed, but get another
negative on the Energy Table. You can also choose to leave the mech and assume a form
similar to your base form. If you do this, you maintain your extra damage due and your
+2 weapon.

Level Max:
At 14th level, you go beyond the limits of games into godlike powers. Your damage dice are
doubled and you gain one of three options below, based either on whether you wish to go beyond
yourself, or destroy anyone attempting to.

1. In this form, you are unaffected by any negative status effects other than exhaustion. As
well, you can gain three Speed Charges and the unique Speed Action, Breach.
Breach: A Speed Reaction, if another creature activates a speed action, you can breach
their speed action and interrupt it, causing nothing to happen. If the creature specifically stops
time, instead of ending the effect early, you gain the ability to act in the frozen time with none of
the downsides afflicting you.

2. In this form, your strikes are able to debuff your opponent. You can also assume any
previous form such as Level X or Level 50 as well while maintaining these powers.
When you attack and hit an opponent, roll 1d12 on the Energy Table below. This is the
attribute that you reduce by the modifier you use to attack. You can have up to a -5 per
attribute and -10 across all attributes at a time, and the debuff wears off at the beginning
of your next turn. The turn the debuffs wear off, you cannot debuff until the end of your

3. As an action while in this form, you can activate time stop. This is not the speed
condition, and no one who can activate that condition can do so with this. As such,
nobody can activate reactions, legendary actions, or any ability once time stop is active.
After your turn concludes, you get an extra turn where you deal half damage. After that
final turn ends, the time stop ends, and you cannot use it until after a long rest.

No matter the choice, you deal double damage and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage.

Level Unknown:
At 20th level, you combine all your powers into one incredible form. You maintain your feature
and the double damage dice of Level Max, but get to choose another one of the options. If the
second feature of Level Max is used in this form, you cannot use the abilities of other forms such
as Level X or Level 50.

Bottle Brain:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Signature Bottle, Hazard

Level, Bottle Archetype,
Bottle Archetype Feature

2nd +2 Phone Gadget, Bottle

Archetype Feature

3rd +2 Vortex Finish, Bottle

Archetype Feature

4th +2 Bottle Archetype Feature,

Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Bottle Archetype Feature

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Hazard Overflow

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Bottle Archetype Feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Hazard Level Improvement

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Golden Evolution

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per bottle brain level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per bottle brain level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Tinkers Tools, artisan’s tools

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Arcana, Deception, History, Insight,
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion

Signature Bottle:
At 1st level, you gain a special bottle, known as a Fullbottle. Other Fullbottles can only be used
to transform, but your Signature Bottle allows you to use abilities outside of your Henshin. The
Signature Bottle can also be used as a Biotic Bottle when you do Henshin. With a bonus action,
you can shake the Bottle, and its effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn, although this
can only be done when you are not Henshined. Choose one of the following effects:
● Dealing an elemental type of damage.
● Being able to cast a cantrip as an action, with your Intelligence as your Spellcasting
● Being able to cast cure wounds once every two turns
● Dealing +2 damage
● Gaining 20 feet of jump height
● Gaining +2 to Armor Class

Hazard Level:
Your ability to transform relies on your Hazard Level. Your Hazard Level is equal to your
Proficiency Bonus. When you gain a Biotic Bottle for one of your forms, you can distribute the

Hazard Level points into the categories bulleted below. You will gain the bonuses of that Hazard
Level distribution whenever you Henshin into a form using a Biotic Bottle:

● Damage dealt
● Number of Extra Attacks (divided by 2, rounded down) (Only accessible by Pugilist)
● Both proficient saving throws
● Jump Height in feet (multiplied by 10)
● Movement option (multiplied by 15)
● Armor Class
● Two skill proficiencies
● Being able to cast a cantrip as an action, with your Intelligence as your Spellcasting
Ability (No distribution, requires 1 Hazard Point)
● Being able to cast cure wounds once every two turns at a level equal to your level divided
by 3, rounded down (minimum of 1) (No distribution, requires 1 Hazard Point)
● Being able to deal an elemental damage type with your unarmed strikes (No distribution,
requires 1 Hazard Point.

An Inventor can distribute their Hazard Level points into up to four of the above categories, but
can only increase each to a maximum of 3. A Pugilist can distribute the Hazard Level points into
up to three of the above categories, but can increase each to a maximum of 4. Regardless of
subclass, if you are sent to three quarters of your maximum hit points, your Hazard Level
decreases by 1, and decreases by 1 again if you reach half of your maximum hit points and again
if you reach a fourth of your maximum hit points to a minimum of 1.

If there is any conflict with distributing Hazard Points, simply redistribute the points amongst the
categories picked for the Biotic bottle(s).

At 17th level, your Hazard Level using your Signature Bottle increases by 2 to a maximum of 7.

Phone Gadget:
At 2nd level, you gain a phone that can accommodate a unique Fullbottle. When you insert the
Fullbottle, you can press a button to turn it into a Rider Machine.

Vortex Finish:
At 3rd level, you can spin a part on your Driver in order to unleash a powerful attack, utilizing
your Fullbottles’ abilities to annihilate the enemy. You can use this with the weapon granted by
any Fullbottles, or with an unarmed strike. As an action, you can unleash your attack upon a

creature in range. The creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take
5d8 damage, and half as much on a success. The damage type depends on the method of

Hazard Overflow:
At 10th level, you gain access to the Hazard Trigger, a module that can attach to your Driver to
increase your Hazard Level. When you use this with any Best Match, Sparkling, Genius, or
Knuckle Bottle, you gain a Hazard Level increase of 1, creating a powerful new combination.
When you are in this Hazard Form with a form besides Genius or Knuckle, you deal an extra
damage die of damage. However, if your Hazard Level maximum is at 3 or below at any point
when using the Hazard Trigger, you must roll a DC 20 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, you
go berserk, attempting to kill all that try to harm you. Choose an enemy in range. You must only
target that enemy with attacks, or the closest nearby enemy if you cannot reach the one you
targeted. You can only cancel your transformation if you or the enemy you target reaches 0 hit
points. If you succeed, you do not lose control, but must repeat the save if you still have it
equipped at the start of your next turn. Additionally, your finisher now deals 8d8 damage

Golden Evolution:
At 20th level, your Signature Bottle evolves into a new form, typically becoming gold or silver.
Unlike other Left Bottles, you can pair this with either a Right or a Left Bottle, and either way, it
will achieve a Best Match. When you transform using your Signature Bottle, your Hazard Level
stays at 7 no matter what and all of your attacks are critical hits.

Bottle Archetype:
At 1st level, you pick an bottle archetype, choosing between the Genius Inventor, and use
multiple bottles to defeat your enemies, or the Powerful Puglisit Class, and stack your Hazard
Level to dish out extreme damage.

The Inventor subclass specializes in combining two full bottles, one biotic and one abiotic (alive
and not alive.) to create powerful best matches, and defeat your enemies.

The One With the Best Match:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you gain a Driver that accepts two Fullbottles. Along
with this Driver, you gain an Abiotic Bottle that forms a Best Match with your Signature Bottle.
An Abiotic Bottle gives you a weapon of your choice. When you put a Biotic and Abiotic
Fullbottles in the Driver, you can turn the lever and Henshin, gaining the effects of both
Fullbottles. If you transform with a Best Match, you gain a +1 to two Ability Scores that you
decide when you receive the Best Match, or +2 to one Ability Score.

You gain another Best Match (a Biotic and Abiotic Bottle) at 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level.

Sparkling Power:
At 6th level, you gain a Double Bottle that takes up both slots on your Driver and that harnesses
the power of your Signature Bottle’s Best Match. This counts as a Best Match and uses the same
Hazard Level distribution as your Signature Bottle’s Best Match. However, if your Hazard Level
is reduced, you can increase your Hazard Level by 1, possibly negating the decrease. However,
you can only do this once per long rest.

As well, you can summon any Right Bottle weapon from your previous Best Matches as a bonus
action, and can get rid of them as a free action.

Genius Inventor:
At 14th level, you construct a Genius Bottle, a Double Bottle that allows the user to combine all
types of Fullbottles into one that can adapt to any scenario. You can choose whatever Hazard
Level distribution when you Henshin with this Genius Bottle. In this form you deal double
damage dice. As well, as a bonus action, you can alter your Hazard Level distribution in
whatever way you wish as long as it follows the criteria listed in the Hazard Level feature.

The Pugilist Archetype uses the power of the full bottles to stack their Hazard Level, and hit hard
and fast like a real boxer.

Master Brawler:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you do not start with a Rider System. Instead, you
have an unbreakable bond with your Signature Bottle, being able to use it to powerful effect

outside of suit. On top of your Signature Bottle Effect, you can choose one more effect from the
list that activates at the same time as your first effect, as well as deal unarmed strike damage as if
you were wearing Rider Armor.

Alternate Feature; Mystifying Transformation:

With this feature, you gain a Transteam Gun, a device that accepts a singular Lost Bottle and
deals 1d8 piercing damage. By inserting this Bottle into the gun, you gain a suit of armor with
AC equal to 11 plus your highest modifier and gain a +1 to one Ability Score of your choice.

Additionally you gain a short sword weapon known as a Steam Blade, and later at lvl 3 you gain
the ability as a bonus action to combine your weapons into a rifle dealing 1d10 of piercing
damage. As well, when combined into Rifle Mode, you may as a bonus action roll a 1d4 to select
a different damage type, the 4 damage types are determined by you before acquiring the Steam
Blade, however one of them must be Piercing.

Fierce Transformation:
At 3rd level, you gain a Driver as well as an Animal Gadget that resembles an animal based on
your Biotic Bottle. It has either a flying speed of 30 or walking speed of 60, has 10 in all Ability
Scores, and deals 1 damage on a hit. You can place your Signature Bottle into this Animal
Gadget and turn it into a Double Bottle that you can put inside your Driver and Henshin. When
you transform, you gain +2 to an Ability Score you decide.

Weaponized Fighter:
At 3rd level, you gain a weapon of your choice when you transform, as well as a Fighting Style
from the Fighter class.

Greater Brawler:
At 4th level, you gain a new Biotic Bottle that you can distribute your Hazard Level into..

Sclash Enhancement:

At 6th level, you gain a Driver that takes a specialized Jelly to transform. You use the same
Hazard Distribution as your 2nd level form, and you gain a weapon that can harness your power
for devastating effect. As an action, you can make a single attack (Extra Attack does not apply)
where you gain a number of Hazard Points equal to your own, your Hazard Limit is doubled and
can add these points to the attributes allowed with your Hazard Level. However, after the attack
until the end of your next turn, the excess Hazard Points you added become negative.

For example, if you are a 6th level Pugilist who has +3 damage with your Hazard distribution
and you use this attack, you would gain 3 more Hazard Points. If you distribute that into damage,
you would gain a +6 damage to the attack. However, until the end of your next turn, you would
have a -3 to damage.

Ignited Soul:
At 14th level, you gain a Knuckle Bottle that is a Double Bottle that can attach to your Driver to
unleash your full power. You can choose whatever Hazard Level distribution when you Henshin
with this Knuckle Bottle. In this form, all of your attacks deal a type of elemental damage, you
gain resistance to that element, and you deal double damage dice, and your finisher now deals
10d8 damage. As well, as a bonus action you can gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage and get an extra Hazard Point in your Ignited Mode. You can only be in Ignited
Mode for three turns. However, when you leave Ignited Mode, you take all the damage you
halved due to your resistance, proving a deadly drawback for weaker users.

Company Rider:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Signature Key, Company

Archetype, Company
Archetype feature

2nd +2 President’s Ride, Attache

Weapon, Signature Key

3rd +2 Final Impact, Signature Key


4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Assault Key

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Company Archetype feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement,

Company Archetype feature

13th +5

14th +5 Company Archetype feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Find a New Life

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per company rider level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per company rider level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Cards

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Perception, Performance,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand

Signature Key:
At 1st level, you gain a signature Progrise Key that you utilize to fight. This key can be utilized
with your Driver to transform. By clicking the top button once, it declares your key’s ability.
Your upgrades maintain this Signature Key effect. The list of possible abilities for your key to
grant you from the Auxiliary Table

If you choose to get an elemental damage type at higher levels when your Signature Key effect is
doubled, the element that is doubled cannot be used to deal damage. Instead, any attack that
lands with this elemental damage deals an Elemental Augment as if you had hit an enemy twice
in a turn.

At 2nd and 3rd level, Company Presidents gain a new Signature Key, at 2nd level Military
Crackshots gain one, and Liberating Terrorists don’t get any.

President’s Ride:
You gain a Rider Machine.

Attache Weapon:
At 2nd level, you gain a type of weapon that allows you to utilize your Progrise Key to deal
increased damage to finish off an enemy. Currently, you cannot do this, but you can still attack
with it. You can choose any weapon as long as it is not heavy. It starts out in a suitcase-like form
before folding out to reveal its true form.

Final Impact:
You can press a button or slam in your Progrise Key to fully utilize its power and destroy the
enemy once and for all. You can either launch a physical attack, or load the key into your Attache
Weapon to finish the enemy. You can also use weapon-based Drivers like the Shotriser or
Slashriser to do this. As an action, you can unleash your attack upon a creature in range. The
creature must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d8 damage, and half
as much on a success. The damage type depends on the method of finishing.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

At 6th level, you gain an Assault version of your Signature Key that can be used to amplify the
effect. While in this form, your Assault Key shares the same effect of your Signature Key, but it
is doubled. You can also gain a weapon of your choice in this form. The Assault Grip amplifies it
further, allowing you to either gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, or
gain three Speed Charges.

However, using the Assault Grip in tandem with the Assault Key results in dangerous effects.
After using the key, you gain two levels of exhaustion once you cancel the Henshin, and if your

effect was gaining resistance to damage, you take the excess damage that you canceled while you
were Henshined, but it can never kill you.

Find a New Life:

At 20th level, you obtain one final Progrise Key, the final culmination of your abilities. At this
point, you can either take the Path of Humanity or the Path of Ark. The descriptions for both
paths are below.

● Path of Humanity: You gain a Progrise Key based on your original Signature Key, but has
all the effects of the form you gain as 14th level. Instead of dealing double damage dice,
all of your attacks are critical hits, although you still have to roll to hit. You can also use
this with either a copy of your original Driver or an Authorizing Driver, allowing a
comrade to use your 14th level form while you use your 20th level one.
● Path of Ark: You gain a new Driver, whether an original one or Authorizing Driver, that
you can use an Ark Key in. This can be the same one from the Chosen of Ark feature, or
an original one that has the same features as Chosen of Ark. You maintain the double
damage dice that your final form gained, but do not gain the additional effects. However,
you gain new abilities. Subtract your current Armor Class by 10 to determine your Ark
Points. You can spend these Ark Points on the effects below. You can dismiss any of
these effects as a bonus action. If you dismiss an effect that summons a weapon, that
weapon disappears.

Ark Point Cost Effect

1 Extends your attack range by 10 feet

(Requires Bonus Action)

2 Summons any melee weapon either into

your hand or at any point within 30 feet of
you that will not injure a creature
(Requires Bonus Action)

3 Summons any melee weapon either into

your hand or at any point within 30 feet of
you that will not injure a creature
(Requires Bonus Action)

4 Levitates three melee weapons that you
summoned within 15 feet of you that each
fly at a target in range for a ranged
weapon attack made by you for each
weapon (Requires Action)

5 Levitates three ranged weapons that you

summoned within 15 feet of you that each
shoot at a target in range for a ranged
weapon attack made by you for each
weapon (Requires Action)

6 Summons weapons in a 60 foot area, with

each weapon being in a separate 5 foot
square. As a free action, you can choose to
pick up a random Attache Weapon or
Shot/Slashriser by rolling on the table
below, or a bonus action to pick up a
specific weapon. This weapon will break
after any successful attack roll is made,
and any Shot/Slashrisers will only allow a
transformation for one turn.

1d20 Weapon

1 Attache Longsword/Battleaxe

2 Attache Greatsword/Greataxe

3 Attache Longbow/Shortbow

4 Attache Whip

5 Attache Knuckle

6 Attache Rifle

7 Attache SMG

8 Attache Sniper Rifle

9 Attache (Automatic) Pistol

10 Attache Shotgun

11 Attache Spear

12 Attache Warhammer

13 Attache Boomerang

14 Attache Dagger

15 Attache Glaive

16 Attache Lance

17 Attache Shortsword

18 Slashriser

19 Shotriser

20 Weapon of your choice

However, every time you untransform after you have used an Ark point transformed, roll a DC
10 Wisdom Saving Throw. If this roll is failed, you gain Short Term Madness, and the next time
you need to make such a roll, it is DC 15. If you fail the DC 15 roll you gain Long Term
Madness, and the next time you need to make such a roll, it is DC 20. If you fail the DC 20 roll,
you gain Indefinite Madness, but the DC does not change. If you already have a type of
Indefinite Madness and roll for that one, reroll until you get a different result. A successful
Wisdom saving throw reduces the DC by 5 to a minimum of 10. The tables for Madness are
below for convenience:

Short Term Madness

d100 Effect (lasts ld10 minutes)

01-20 The character retreats into his or her mind and

becomes paralyzed. The effect ends if the
character takes any damage.

21-30 The character becomes incapacitated and

spends the duration screaming, laughing, or

31-40 The character becomes frightened and must

use his or her action and movement each
round to flee from the source of the fear.

41-50 The character begins babbling and is
incapable of normal speech or spellcasting.

51-60 The character must use his or her action each

round to attack the nearest creature.

61-70 The character experiences vivid hallucinations

and has disadvantage on ability checks.

71-75 The character does whatever anyone tells him

or her to do that isn't obviously

76-80 The character experiences an overpowering

urge to eat something strange such as dirt,
slime, or offal.

81-90 The character is stunned.

91-00 The character falls unconscious.

Long Term Madness

d100 Effect (lasts ld10 x 10 hours)

01-10 The character feels compelled to repeat a

specific activity over and over, such as
washing hands, touching things, praying, or
counting coins.

11-20 The character experiences vivid hallucinations

and has disadvantage on ability checks.

21-30 The character suffers extreme paranoia. The

character has disadvantage on Wisdom and
Charisma checks.

31-40 The character regards something (usually the

source of madness) with intense revulsion, as
if affected by the antipathy effect of the
antipathy/ sympathy spell.

41-45 The character experiences a powerful

delusion. Choose a potion. The character
imagines that he or she is under its effects.

46-55 The character becomes attached to a "lucky

charm," such as a person or an object, and has
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks,
and saving throws while more than 30 feet
from it.

56-65 The character is blinded (25%) or deafened


66-75 The character experiences uncontrollable

tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on
attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws
that involve Strength or Dexterity.

76-85 The character suffers from partial amnesia.

The character knows who he or she is and
retains racial traits and class features, but
doesn't recognize other people or remember
anything that happened before the madness
took effect.

86-90 Whenever the character takes damage, he or

she must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
throw or be affected as though he or she failed
a saving throw against the confusion spell.
The confusion effect lasts for l minute.

91-95 The character loses the ability to speak.

96-00 The character falls unconscious. No amount

of jostling or damage can wake the character.

Indefinite Madness
d100 Flaw

01-15 “Being drunk keeps me sane.”

16-25 “I keep whatever I find.”

26-30 “I try to become more like someone else I
know­adopting his or her style of dress,
mannerisms, and name.”

31-35 “I must bend the truth, exaggerate, or outright

lie to be interesting to other people.”

36-45 “Achieving my goal is the only thing of

interest to me, and I'll ignore everything else
to pursue it.”

46-50 “I find it hard to care about anything that goes

on around me.”

51-55 “I don't like the way people judge me all the


56-70 “I am the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest,

and most beautiful person I know.”

71-80 “I am convinced that powerful enemies are

hunting me, and their agents are everywhere I
go. I am sure they're watching me all the

81-85 “There's only one person I can trust. And only

I can see this special friend.”

86-95 “I can't take anything seriously. The more

serious the situation, the funnier I find it.”

96-00 “I've discovered that I really like killing


Company Archetype:
At 1st level, you can select the method that you use to fight for your Company. Whether a
military organization, a general goods distributor, or even a leading innovator in tech, you are the
warrior for your company. However, you might not even fight for a company, but a resistance
group or for yourself. Whatever you choose, your Archetype determines how you fight in this
new world.

Corporate President:
Corporate Presidents authorize their operations and fight on the behalf of their multinational

Authorizing Driver:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you obtain the Authorized Driver. This requires direct
permission from the company that produced the Driver in order to use. By scanning a Progrise
Key and receiving Authorization, the Key unlocks, and you can insert it into your Driver to

Clustered Dominance:
At 10th level, you gain an upgraded version of your Signature Key that when used gives you
heavy armor you can utilize to your own ends, as well as an extra damage die of damage.
Subtract your current Armor Class by 10 to determine your Cluster Points. These Cluster Points
are used to activate a variety of effects, at the cost of your Armor Class. You can use a bonus
action to execute any of these. You can dismiss any of these effects as another bonus action, at
which point the Armor Class you subtracted is added back.

1 Point - Extends your attack range by 10 feet

2 Points - Summons any melee weapon that is not two-handed or heavy
3 Points - Summons any ranged weapon that is not two-handed or heavy
4 Points - Summons any melee weapon
5 Points - Summons any ranged weapon
6 Points - Makes any terrain difficult within a 30 foot square centering on you, from which you
and any targets you wish are unaffected.

In this form you deal an extra die of damage and your finisher deals 8d8 of damage.

Let’s Give You Power:

At 14th level, you gain a new Driver that fully upgrades your base form. When in this form, it
has the same effect as your Signature Key ability, but it is doubled, and you deal double damage
die, and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage. You can also use this new Driver to perfectly
predict your opponent’s moves. As a bonus action, you can choose a creature in range. This

creature must say what action and possibly bonus action they will take on their turn, and when
their turn comes, they must do the action and possibly bonus action that they said they would do.
If the creature has the Let’s Give You Power or Chosen of Ark feature, they can choose to lie
about the action and maybe bonus action that they will take.

You can also gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, or gain three Speed

Military Crackshot:
Military Crackshots utilize weapon-based Drivers to shoot and slash their enemies to bits. These
Crackshots tend to be arms manufacturers or military organizations.

Tactical Driver:
When you take this archetype at Level 1, you obtain either the Shotriser or Slashriser (your
choice). They are light weapons, and the Slashriser is finesse. They deal 1d8 piercing and 1d8
slashing damage respectively. By wrapping the belt around your body and inserting your
Signature Key into your Riser, you can flip over the cover inside and pull the trigger to Henshin.
Typically, this is by firing a bullet or slashing an opening that you hit to summon the armor.

Zetsumerising Fury:
At 10th level, you can utilize a Zetsumerise Key to call upon its power to gain a new, wild fury.
This can either be the Key of another rider, or your own original one. Regardless, this new key
has a new effect, and the effect is doubled. As well, your unarmed strikes deal an extra damage
die of damage. You can also utilize a new effect. You summon five illusions. They copy the gear
you have on you currently, and resemble you exactly. The illusions appear within 30 feet of you,
and you can switch places with one of the illusions if you wish as a bonus action. They can do
whatever you wish, but cannot hit anyone, and their actions cannot affect anything. If a player or
monster intends to hit you, they must roll 1d6 to determine which illusion to hit, provided it is
within range. If an illusion is hit, it disappears, and if the user is hit, the other illusions dissipate.
While the illusions are on the field, you can utilize your Final Impact, but it deals 8d8 instead of
5d8 damage.

Rampaging Warrior:

At 14th level, you can combine the effects of your Progrise Keys and assume a new form,
Rampage Form. Select up to 10 standard Progrise Keys with different effects, including your
own. If there are not 10 Keys that you have seen, you can make up their effects. When in
Rampage Form, you can utilize all 10 effects and gain double the damage dice of your attacks.
However, you cannot use all of them at once. You can always use your Signature Key’s effect,
but the others have to be divided up. You can use a bonus action to switch to a set of three Keys,
and you can use those three effects at once, not counting your Signature Key’s effects. You also
gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, or gain three Speed Charges. You
now deal double damage die and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage

Liberating Terrorist:
Liberating Terrorists hack into Humagears and fight with great power and fear.

Forceful Warrior:
When you take this archetype at Level 1, you obtain the Forceriser. This accepts Zetsumerise
Keys, powerful Keys based on extinct animals. Your Signature Key is one of them. By putting it
around your waist, you can insert your key and Henshin. If you are a Humagear, you can do this
easily. If you are not a Humagear however, it takes far more difficulty. For the first three combat
encounters you fight in, you gain disadvantage on all actions, and your key acts like a normal
Signature Key. However, once your body has adapted to it, you can use your Zetsumerise Key to
its full effect.

The Zetsumerise Key acts like a normal Signature Key, but it's unusable by anyone besides those
with Forcerisers and those with the Zetsumerising Fury subclass feature. As well, you can double
the effect of the Key, making you a force to be reckoned with.

Fighting For All Humagears:

At 10th level, you gain an upgrade to your original form. This comes in the form of a similar but
upgraded Zetsumerise Key based on the same animal and same effect. Your new key amplifies
your power further, allowing you to either gain an extra damage die when you attack. As well,
you can choose to use another Driver, either gaining the Authorizing Driver or Tactical Driver
class feature to transform.

Your Final Impact also now deals 8d8 damage instead of 5d8.

Chosen of Ark:
At 14th level, you have the ability to call upon Ark and assume your Ark form. This doubles
your damage dice for your attacks, grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage. As well, you can choose to use another
Driver, either gaining the Authorizing Driver or Tactical Driver class feature to transform. You
can also use this new Driver to perfectly predict your opponent’s moves. As a bonus action, you
can choose a creature in range. This creature must say what action and possibly bonus action
they will take on their turn, and when their turn comes, they must do the action and possibly
bonus action that they said they would do. If the creature has the Let’s Give You Power or
Chosen of Ark feature, they can choose to lie about the action (and bonus action) that they will

Ambitious Usurper:
Ambitious Usurpers authorize their operations and fight on the behalf of their multinational

Best of Both Worlds:

When you take this archetype at 1st level, you obtain the Permille Driver which is capable of
using both a Zetsumerise Key and a Progrise Key. By pressing a button on the Progrise Key, the
Key unlocks, and you can insert it into your Driver alongside the Zetsumerise Key to Henshin.
However, certain features of this subclass are tied to your Progrise Key while your Zetsumerise
Key is considered your Signature Key.

Corporate Espionage:
At 2nd level, instead of gaining any additional Progrise Keys or Zetsumerise Keys, you gain the
ability to use your enemies’ strengths against them. If you are hit by the attack of a creature
within melee range of you, you can use your reaction to roll a weapon attack with your Attache
Weapon. However, instead of dealing damage to the enemy, you absorb the powers of the attack
dealt to you. The first time you hit with a weapon attack on your next turn, you deal your
unarmed damage die of the triggering attack’s damage in addition to your weapon’s damage.

If you use this feature against a finisher however, things work a little differently. You gain
disadvantage on your Saving Throw against the finisher but if you survive, that finisher’s powers

are now permanently saved on your Progrise Key, ready to be used by you instead of your own
finisher. Currently, you cannot do this, but you can still use this feature against finishers.

Insider Info:
At 3rd level, you get an ear-mounted device known as a Zaia Spec which can be worn while in a
Hesnhin and outside of it. Additionally, once obtained, the Zaia Spec is treated as an item and
can be worn by anyone. After any long rest, the wearer of the Zaia Spec may roll 1d8 three
times. These three results are your Insider Infos. These Insider Infos can be used for any
Intelligence or Wisdom roll whatsoever that you make. Once you use an Insider Info, you lose it,
and your current Insider Infos are removed after a long rest. You can have a maximum of three
Insider Infos at any given time.

Final Destruction:
You can slam in your Progrise Key or Zetsumerise Key to fully utilize their power and destroy
the enemy once and for all. You can either launch a physical attack, or load the key into your
Hijacking Weapon to finish the enemy. As an action, you can unleash your attack upon a creature
in range. The creature must make a DC 20 saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d8 damage, and
half as much on a success. The damage type depends on the method of finishing.

Additionally, if you use your Progrise Key to execute this finisher, you can use any finisher
feature you have used your Corporate Espionage feature against instead.

Promotion Commotion:
At 10th level, you gain an upgrade to your original form with either a new Zetsumerise Key or
Progrise Key. Choose from one of the options below:
● You gain an upgraded Zetsumerise Key based on the same animal and same effect. If you
chose an elemental damage type for your Signature Key, it now inflicts an Elemental
Augment of that element instead.
● You gain an upgraded Progrise Key based on the same animal. This new Progrise key
allows you to use the Corporate Espionage feature just like your original one. On top of
that, you can now use a bonus action to imbue the next melee attack of an ally within
range with the damage type you stored up.

Your Final Impact also now deals 8d8 damage instead of 5d8, and you deal an extra die of

I am the President:
At 14th level, blablabla flavor text I can’t be fucked to do this right now. Instead of requiring an
attack, you can now simply absorb any attack sent your way by being hit from it and are even
able to store damage types inflicted to you. Additionally, while in this form, you deal double
damage dice and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage.

Scribbling Swordsman:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Writer of a New Story

2nd +2 Storybook Cycle, Volume Up

3rd +2 Writing the End

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Ability Score Improvement

7th +3 Full Collection

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Awakening Thyself

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Rewrite the Story, Ability

Score Improvement

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Almighty

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per scribbling swordsman level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per scribbling
swordsman level after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Books

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation,
Performance, Sleight of Hand

Writer of a New Story:

Using your knowledge of old stories and tales, you gain any sword of your choice to utilize as
your Personal Sword. You also gain an Element of your choice and a Wonder Ride Book to go
with it, this being your Personal Book. As an action, you can insert the Wonder Ride Book into
either a Driver that serves as your sword sheath or into your sword to Henshin. Choose one of
the effects below from the Auxiliary Table.

If your sword is two-handed or heavy, it only has one Wonder Ride slot, whereas other swords
allow you to insert more than one. You can also choose two light swords as your Personal Sword,
although again, only one book can be used. As well, you can gain a light sword, but it can turn
into a light gun weapon as a free action.

Every Book you get for a new form can gain an effect from the list above of your choice.

Volume Up:
At 2nd and 3rd level, you gain a Wonder Ride Book based on either a God Beast, an Animal, or a
Story. When you transform with this new book (along with your initial book if you have more
than one slot), you choose an effect from the Auxiliary Table to give to the book.

Storybook Cycle:

At second level you gain a device that summons your Rider Machine. As well, this allows you
to enter another plane if you stay at a constant speed for three turns in a straight line while on
Ayour Rider Machine.

Writing the End:

By slamming a lever or trigger on your Driver, you can activate your Deadly Strike. This is a
finisher that either serves as an unarmed or weapon attack. Either way, it deals the same damage,
although the type differs depending on the type of attack you use.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 saving throw. On a success, they take
half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type depends on how you are
executing the finisher.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Full Collection:
At 7th level, you expand your abilities beyond that of simple additions into a new, fully upgraded
form. Choose from one of the options below.

● You gain the ability to use three of your Books from Volume Up at the same time. You
also gain four more Volume Up books when you gain this feature. When in this form, you
gain the effect of three books of your choice that you can switch out. If you only have one
Book slot, you gain a new book that combines the Volume Up books’ effects. In this
form, using the first three books you select, you deal your Element’s elemental damage
with your Personal Sword.

● You gain a new book that allows you to command a Familiar. You can send out this
Familiar as a bonus action and can command it as an action. It acts after your initiative,
and when you use your action to command it, you choose whatever actions and bonus
actions it takes. At the end of your turn, it disappears, and cannot be used again until after
two turns have passed after you command it as an action. If your Familiar is killed, it
disappears and comes back after a long rest.

To make a Familiar, decide on a name, an elemental resistance (which will be the same as
yours) and vulnerability they have (they must be different), and determine its statistics
based on the Point Buy System (or rolling if your DM allows it). You can choose to have
no vulnerability, but at the cost of no resistance either. They have the same Proficiency
Bonus you do, their walking speed is equal to yours when you first gain the monster, and
you gain the resistance and vulnerability your Familiar has. At first level, their hit points
is 10 + their Constitution modifier, and increases by 1d10 (or 6) + their Constitution
modifier every subsequent level. At this point, you have decisions:
1. Your Beast gains an additional speed equal to their walking speed, but only gets
one attack option that acts as a weapon of your choice (provided it deals 1d10
damage or below). They gain Extra Attack at the same level you do, but cannot
attack as a bonus action.
2. Your Beast only has its walking speed, but gets two attack options that act as
weapons of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or below). They gain
Extra Attack at the same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they
are dual wielding, although they can only dual wield light weapons. If you have
the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
3. Your Beast only has its walking speed and its halved, but gets two attack options
that act as weapons of your choice, regardless of damage value. They gain Extra
Attack at the same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they are
dual wielding if the weapons are not two-handed or heavy. If you have the
Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
Regardless of which of these three you choose, you gain an elemental attack with the
damage type being the same as your resistance and which deals 3d6 damage. You cannot,
however, use this attack until two turns after you have last used it, and you cannot Extra
Attack with it. This Elemental Attack has a 10x10 foot radius and uses the Beast’s
Strength or Dexterity to attack, depending if it's a melee or ranged attack.

Alternatively, you can fuse with your Familiar. This follows the same rules listed above.

Awakening Thyself:

At 10th level, you gain your Super Form in the form of a new book. When in this form, you gain
the effect of your Personal Book. With this book, you deal your Element’s damage with your
Personal Sword, deal an extra damage die of damage, deal 8d8 damage with your Writing the
End, and gain even more features. As well, you gain an additional Book Effect. Choose one of
the following options below:

● You gain a new book that makes you lose control, containing a primeval power that
cannot be contained. When you transform with this book, you are granted the Barbarian’s
Rage ability, as well as the Path of the Berserker abilities of Frenzy and Mindless Rage.
When you start your turn in this form, you must roll a DC 20 Wisdom Saving Throw. If
failed, you must attack the closest creature to you. In order to exit this form, there must
either not be any creatures in range or you must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom Saving Throw.
If failed, you stay in this form and can redo at the beginning of your next turn.

● You cannot take this option if you have taken the second option of Full Collection. This
book, when used, grants you a scanner that can utilize books to dangerous effect. By
using a bonus action, you can scan a book to unleash an attack of elemental damage upon
those in a 15 foot square. If they are hit, they take 2d6 damage of your elemental type. As
well, you gain command of a God Beast.

You can send out this God Beast as a bonus action and can command it on its turn. It acts
after your initiative, and when you use your action to command it, you choose whatever
actions and bonus actions it takes. At the end of your turn, it disappears, and cannot be
used again until after two turns have passed after you command it as an action. If your
God Beast is killed, it disappears and comes back after a long rest.

To make a God Beast, decide on a name, an elemental resistance (which will be the same
as yours) and vulnerability they have (they must be different), and determine its statistics
based on the Point Buy System (or rolling if your DM allows it). You can choose to have
no vulnerability, but at the cost of no resistance either. They get Ability Score Increases at
the same levels you do, have the same Proficiency Bonus you do, their walking speed is
equal to yours when you first gain the monster, and you gain the resistance and
vulnerability your God Beast has. At first level, their hit points is 10 + their Constitution
modifier, and increases by 1d10 (or 6) + their Constitution modifier every subsequent
level. At this point, you have decisions:
1. Your Beast gains an additional speed equal to their walking speed, but only gets
one attack option that acts as a weapon of your choice (provided it deals 1d10
damage or below). They gain Extra Attack at the same level you do, but cannot
attack as a bonus action.

2. Your Beast only has its walking speed, but gets two attack options that act as
weapons of your choice (provided it deals 1d10 damage or below). They gain
Extra Attack at the same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they
are dual wielding, although they can only dual wield light weapons. If you have
the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
3. Your Beast only has its walking speed and its halved, but gets two attack options
that act as weapons of your choice, regardless of damage value. They gain Extra
Attack at the same level you do, and can attack as a bonus action as if they are
dual wielding if the weapons are not two-handed or heavy. If you have the
Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style, that applies to this Monster as well.
Regardless of which of these three you choose, you gain an elemental attack with the
damage type being the same as your resistance and which deals 3d6 damage. You cannot,
however, use this attack until two turns after you have last used it, and you cannot Extra
Attack with it. This Elemental Attack has a 10x10 foot radius and uses the Beast’s
Strength or Dexterity to attack, depending if it's a melee or ranged attack.

Alternatively, you can fuse with your God Beast. This follows the same rules listed

Rewrite the Story:

At 14th level, the words of a new story weave inside of you, granting you the ability to decide
your own tale. When in this form, you deal double damage dice, your finisher now deals 10d8
damage, and you choose one of the following features.

● You gain a new Personal Sword, known as a Kenshi Sword. This gives you new armor
that allows you to call upon the powers of other Swords. When in this new form, you can
summon a replica of any Personal Sword from a Wonder Ride Book you have seen before
as a bonus action, although you cannot transform with this replica. As well, you can make
a ranged attack roll with these swords. You can also make up to three ranged attack rolls
with the swords as an action, although this option deals half damage with the swords; you
can do these both once every two turns. Whilst in this form, you gain the effect of your
personal book although doubled, you can also use up to three Wonder Ride Books as long
as they do not take up more than one slot in your Driver, all their effects are doubled as

● You gain a new Wonder Ride Book that fills all slots of the Driver. This book grants your
sword a new Elemental damage type and two cantrips of that same Damage type. When
making this book, you may select four non-humanoid creatures below Challenge Rating
10, and as a bonus action you may roll 1d4 and whatever the landing result is you gain

the aspects of that creature. For example, if you were to select a Mammoth you would
gain the Gore and Stomp action as well as the Trampling Charge condition. However
once a Creature has been used it cannot be used again for two turns, so if the dice roll
lands on that creature before the two turns, you must reroll.

Demon Stamper:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 liveDevil, Stamper

Archetype, Stamper
Archetype feature

2nd +2 Demon Bike, Stamper

Archetype feature

3rd +2 Demon Finish, Stamper

Archetype feature

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 Stamper Archetype feature

7th +3

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Stamper Archetype feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Stamper Archetype feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Stamper Archetype Feature

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per demon stamper level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per demon stamper level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Stamps, Phones

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation,
Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand

At 1st level, you gain a driver that utilizes Vistamps, as well as a custom Vistamp tuned to your
abilities This is your personal Vistamp, not based on any other rider. Most Vistmaps, however,
are based on any Kamen Rider you have encountered. When you stamp your main Vistamp
against your body, your demon appears, who shares the same class as you, although the Ability
Score Distribution can differ. Unless stated otherwise, you cannot transform while your demon is
out. Alternatively, you can stamp it upon your driver and pull a switch or press a button to
Henshin. This brings out your inner demon depending on your subclass.

Demon Bike:
At 2nd level, you gain the option to utilize a Rider Vehicle with a flying speed instead of a land
speed. However, in order to do so, you must use one of the Vistamps that you obtain after 1st
level. By stamping it with your driver, you can summon the motorcycle. It also grants you all the
class effects you normally would as with any Vistamp. For example, a Double Demon Stamper
would have their Buddy Demon become the vehicle (if the Stamper rides the Vehicle, it counts
as a Remix, and regardless if the Stamper is on the vehicle or not, they can deal full damage at
the cost of the Buddy Demon dealing none, and as well the Stamper can have full HP), a VS
Demon Stamper would simply gain a vehicle from the Stamp, and a Mix Demon Stamper could

have their Stamp summon a vehicle. However, it is not needed to obtain a Rider Vehicle if the
user does not want one

Demon Finish:
At 3rd level, you can activate your belt or your weapon to finish off an opponent.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage. The damage type is either the
weapon you use or the type of attack you use. If you are a Buddy Demon Stamper, you roll 2d8 +
2d4 for you and your Buddy Demon.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Stamper Archetype:
At 1st level, you can select an archetype to fight others and use the power of Riders.

Buddy Stamper:

In this form, you utilize your demon by excising them from your body to fight alongside you.

Buddy Up:

At 1st level, you can transform to have your Buddy Demon fight alongside you. It transforms
with you and appears when you do, granting them Rider Armor. It acts on your turn, and is
treated as a separate creature that has an action and bonus action. It also follows your commands,
but how well it follows them depends on the details of your Contract. Its Ability Scores are
distributed in any way you choose, although each score cannot be the same as they are for you.

When this demon is out, you can choose how many hit points to give to this demon. If you have
100 hit points, you can give your demon as many as 99 hit points or as few as 1. However, if you
are knocked unconscious, your demon will return to your body. As well, both you and your
demon deal half the damage that you would usually deal.

Alternatively, for any form you gain besides your 10th level form, you can choose to instead turn
your demon into a weapon of your choice. In this form, you get all the effects of whatever form
you assume, but you do not halve your hit points for your demon or deal half damage. Instead,
you deal full damage and have your unchanged maximum hit points.

Vistamp Collector:
At 2nd and 3rd level, you obtain an object based around other Riders. This comes in the form of
a Vistamp. You can stamp it against your Driver and have you and your Buddy Demon Henshin
into a form akin to that of another Rider, going so far as becoming that class and subclass. When
you are in that class, you gain the class features of that class, but as if you were half of your
Demon Stamper level (rounded down). Forms are changed via variant Vistamps. However, you
cannot gain another Rider Machine from the features or their 5d6 damage finisher they gain at
3rd level. You also gain a weapon that is not two-handed or heavy, and can gain a shield if you
have the Shield Master feat, a heavy or two-handed weapon if you have Great Weapon Master, or
an extra weapon if you have Dual Wielder.

When you change forms at all, your Buddy Demon returns to a spot within 5 feet of you.

For example, if a 7th level Demon Stamper gained a Vistamp based on a Brutalizer, they could
transform into that Brutalizer, and gain the Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher, Bloodletting,
Regenerating Scales, and Control Driver features. As well, since the original Brutalizer can
choose to use the Xeno DNA or Control Driver Henshin options, the Stamper would have those
as separate base form cards.

At 14th level, you can utilize the full powers of each rider. Instead of gaining half a level’s worth
of abilities, you gain the abilities of the class that correspond with your level. The only
requirement is that you cannot assume these classes’ Final Form.

By moving your Driver in a certain way at 3rd level, you can fuse yourself with your demon to
form a Remix Form based on your current Vistamp. In this form, you two are combined into one
being, and your unaffected maximum hit points are the hit points of this Remix, and the same
applies to your damage. Your movement speed is doubled, your size increases by one, you deal
an extra damage die of damage, and if your Key’s class grants flying speed in any way, you can
choose to fly in your Remix form. Although you cannot execute any of the other abilities, you
can use the rider’s 3rd level finisher ability from their class. If a Rider’s finisher upgrades over
time, then you can use those finishers as well, provided you have the appropriate levels.

Trial by Fire:
At 6th level, your bond with your Buddy Demon has manifested into a blazing new form. With
the Vistamp you get at this level, you and your Buddy Demon can use a type of elemental
damage (either the same or different), and gain a cantrip whose damage type is the same as the
element you choose. As well, your Buddy Demon gets either a shield or a weapon of your choice
as long as it is not heavy or two-handed.

Demonic Fusion:
At 10th level, you and your Buddy Demon have found a connection so strong that you can fuse
into one. In your civilian form, you two can be fused into your body, with your Demon’s features
occasionally making themselves present. However, you gain a Vistamp that can put this fusion to
excellent use. In this form, you and your Demon are together, meaning you have your full hit
points and deal normal damage. You also gain a weapon of your choice that is not heavy or
two-handed, can deal a type of elemental damage of your choice, and either gain resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing, or gain three Speed Actions. You deal an extra die of
damage and your finisher now deals 8d8 of damage.

Perfect Teamwork:
At 14th level, you and your demon have created such a bond that you can each fight to your full
potential. Your demon can gain a driver identical to yours, and with two new Vistamps, you gain
further power. You do not halve your hit points, and you each deal normal damage dice, but with
an extra damage die of damage. As well, you and your Buddy Demon can create a number of
clones equal to the difference between your party and the enemy group. However, each of those
clone pairs divides their hit points and damage by the number of pairs on the field.

Alternatively, you can gain a new form that allows your demon and you to come together into an
unstoppable force. In this form, you can gain a weapon of your choice, increase all your ability
scores by 2, deal double damage dice, and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage.

Friends Forever:
At 20th level, you and your demon’s bond allows you to bypass any limits. This is the same as a
form gained from Perfect Teamwork, but with changes depending on what option you take.

For the first option, you and your demon can be in any form without the other, which allows you
and your demon to be in different forms as long as it is not a form that fuses the two of you. As
well, you still deal your extra damage die, allowing the two of you to be almost any form while
gaining the benefits given by those forms.

For the second, you gain the Action Surge ability from Fighter, and your attacks all deal critical
hits, regardless of the form you’re in.

VS Stamper:
In this form, your demon assumes the form of an alter ego, a shadow of your true self.

VS Up:
At 1st level, you have a demon inside of you that is a humanoid that shares the same stats and
properties as you, but with a radically different personality. This being, a Shadow Demon is
composed of the worst aspects of your person, or the self that you want to hide to the point of
denying its existence. You can utilize a weapon as your Driver of any type provided it is not
heavy or two-handed. You can turn this weapon into any ranged weapon if your main weapon is
melee, or into any melee weapon if your main weapon is ranged. Each form brings out either
your true personality or your Shadow Demon, although whoever is in control will have to decide.

After every long or short rest, you must roll a Wisdom saving throw for both you and your
Shadow Demon. You must determine which roll is for yourself and which is for your Shadow
Demon. Whoever succeeds takes control of your body. Work with your DM to come up with
personality traits and ideals for this Shadow Demon. As well, your Alignment completely

If a 3rd level finishing move is executed upon a VS Stamper and they fail the saving throw, they
will switch forms.

Vistamp Taker:
At 2nd and 3rd level, you obtain an object based around other Riders. This comes in the form of
a Vistamp. You can stamp it against your Driver to Henshin into a form akin to that of another
Rider, going so far as becoming that class and subclass. When you are in that class, you gain the
class features of that class, but as if you were half of your Demon Stamper level (rounded down).
Forms are changed via variant Vistamps. However, you cannot gain another Rider Machine
from the features or their 5d6 damage finisher they gain at 3rd level.

For example, if a 7th level Demon Stamper gained a Vistamp based on a Brutalizer, they could
transform into that Brutalizer, and gain the Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher, Bloodletting,
Regenerating Scales, and Control Driver features. As well, since the original Brutalizer can
choose to use the Xeno DNA or Control Driver Henshin options, the Stamper would have those
as separate base form stamps.

At 14th level, you can utilize the full powers of each rider. Instead of gaining half a level’s worth
of abilities, you gain the abilities of the class that correspond with your level. The only
requirement is that you cannot assume these classes’ Final Form.

VS Trigger:
At 6th level, you gain the ability to more willingly switch between your personalities to deadly
effect. When you change between your forms as a bonus action, you gain a +1 to attack and
damage rolls. This can stack up. The maximum bonus you can obtain is equal to your Demon
Stamper level divided by 4. However, you must switch every turn to obtain this cumulative
bonus, or else the count will reset.

Holy Demon:
At 10th level, you take control of your other self, making it dead in your eyes. However, it is not
truly dead yet. If you defeat your Shadow Demon, you gain its powers and ascend to a more
ethereal state. Its stats are the same as yours and shares your hit points and AC, and you must
stamp your body with your first Vistamp to summon it and send it to 0 hit points in order to gain
your Holy Demon form, in which case you are sent back to full hit points and transform into this
form. You gain an extra damage die of damage, your Stamping Finish deals 8d8 damage, and
you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.

Beyond Good and Evil:

At 14th level, you ascend or descend to your highest power, fusing with your other self. In order
to do so, you must duel your other self in single combat. If you defeat your Shadow Demon, you
join together and assume your final form. In this form, you deal double damage dice, you can
increase your VS Trigger ability by simply hitting a target, and your finisher now deals 10d8
damage. You also gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and gain resistance to ranged

Deciding Morality:
At 20th level, you and your demon have created such a bond that you can each fight to your full
potential. Your demon can gain a driver identical to yours, and with two new Vistamps, you gain
further power. This allows you and your demon to gain the effects of your Beyond Good and
Evil form and fight alongside each other simultaneously, except instead of dealing double
damage dice, you both only deal an extra damage die.

Mix Stamper:
In this form, you use a demon-possessed Driver to add on modules to destroy your foes.

Dominate Up:
At 1st level, you obtain a Vistamp and Driver. This is your initial Vistamp that you use to fight
alongside your other modules. Inside the Driver is your internal Demon, with a different
alignment and containing the parts of yourself you wish most weren’t there. However, you are
able to make a deal with this devil and fight alongside it. By stamping this Vistamp against your
driver, you Henshin. As a bonus action, however, you can stamp it again to either gain a new
movement option of your choice besides a flying speed, or double your walking speed until the
end of your turn, where you cannot use it again until the end of your next turn.

Vistamp Dominator:
At 2nd level, you obtain an object based around other Riders. This comes in the form of a
Vistamp. You can stamp it against your Driver as a bonus action to add a module to your body.
When this module is attached to you, you gain all the features of that class and subclass of a level
equal to your current level divided by the amount of modules you use at once (rounded down).
However, you cannot gain another Rider Machine from the features or their 5d6 damage
finisher they gain at 3rd level. As well, you can only use a maximum of one module.

For example, if a 7th level Demon Stamper gained a Vistamp based on a Brutalizer, they could
gain a module based on that Brutalizer, and gain the Xeno DNA, Brutal Slasher, Bloodletting,
and Regenerating Scales features.

At 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels, you gain more stamps like the ones above. You can stamp up
to two modules as a bonus action when you can use more modules at once.

At 6th level you can use two modules at once, and at 10th level you can use three at once, have
your Stamping Finish deal 8d6 damage and gain an extra damage die of damage when you have
three at the same time. Your initial Vistamp’s ability does not count towards this total.

Demon Over All:

At 14th level, you achieve a powerful new form that outclasses any other Mix Stamper. Choose
from one of the options below:

● You gain a new Vistamp that allows you to gain double damage dice and resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. You transform straight into this form, meaning you
can use modules and still gain double damage dice, and your finisher now deals 10d8
damage. You can only use up to two modules at a time in this form
● You can use four of your stamps gained by Vistamp Dominator and gain double damage
dice. However, every two turns you use this form, you get a level of exhaustion.

Complete Domination:
At 20th level, your prowess as a Rider has given you full command over both yourself and
others. Choose from one of the options below:

● You gain two extra Drivers identical to your own, but with new Vistamps that transform
the user into soldiers based on your initial form. When anyone Henshins with one of
these Vistamps, they use the Demon Stamper class and Mix Stamper subclass, but they
only gain the Dominate Up feature regardless of level. However, they also gain a weapon
of their choice. You can give these new tools to anyone of your choice to gain invaluable
● You can use four of your stamps gained by Vistamp Dominator and gain an extra damage
die doing so. This stacks with the damage dice Demon Over All gives, although you must
double your damage dice first, then add an extra one.

Desire Fighter:

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Desired Archetype, Desired

Archetype feature, Welcome
to the Prix

2nd +2 Desired Archetype feature

3rd +2 Grand Victory

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Desired Archetype feature,

Extra Attack

6th +3 Ability Score Improvement

7th +3 Desired Archetype feature

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4 Desired Archetype feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Desired Archetype feature,

Ability Score Improvement

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6 Desired Archetype feature

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6 Desired Archetype feature

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per desire fighter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per desire fighter level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Two tools of your choice

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Perception,
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Welcome to the Prix:

At 1st level, you gain access to a Driver as well as an ID Core specific to you. By placing the ID
Core into your Driver, you can Henshin into your Entry Form. This Entry Form grants you all
the abilities of a Henshin, but not much else. However, you do get a Passive Ability, an effect
that always applies as long as you are Henshined. Choose from the options below:
● Gain expertise in a skill you are proficient in
● Gain a new movement option (or a boost to your jump) equal to half of your walking
● Gain a feat (or a racial feat regardless of your race)

Grand Victory:
At 3rd level, you can use your buckles to unleash a powerful finishing attack upon an enemy in
range. Have the target roll a DC 20 Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw (your
choice). On a failure, they take 5d8 damage based on your method of finishing, and half as much
on a success.

If you use Grand Victory with the Boost Buckle, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage and the
enemy gains disadvantage on the saving throw. However, at the end of your turn, the Boost
Buckle leaves and disappears, returning back to the Raise Table.

Ability Score Improvement:
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Desired Archetype:
At 1st level, you can select the method that you use to achieve your Desire.

Desire Player:
[filler text]

Raised Stakes:
Along with the chance to fight, you also gain access to a table of Raise Buckles that you can gain
access to, the Raise Table. If you are the only Desire Fighter, you can design these yourself, but
if there are others, then there is a way to design the Raise Table to appeal to everyone. There are
a number of Large Buckles equal to the number of Desire Fighters in the party or campaign + 2,
and each Desire Fighter designs one of these. These Large Buckles grant a shield or a weapon of
the creator’s choice that is not heavy or two-handed along with a +2 to a designated Ability
Score. The Large Buckle you designed is called your Signature Buckle. The weapon you choose
can have one of three effects. Choose one below:

● As a bonus action, you can convert the weapon into a weapon of your choice
● As a bonus action, you can convert the weapon into two weapons that the creator of the
Buckle is able to dual wield
● Your weapon can deal a type of elemental damage of your choice

As well, there are also Armed Buckles, weaker buckles that still grant weapons and options

nonetheless. When designing an Armed Buckle, select either a weapon of your choice that can be
wielded with one hand, or two light weapons. There are a number of Armed Buckles equal to the
number of Desire Fighters in the party or campaign multiplied by 2, and each Desire Fighter
designs two of these. For both, you gain one auxiliary effect you choose for that buckle, or two
auxiliary effects if you are using your Signature Buckle:

You can place the Raise Buckle on the Top Half or Bottom Half. In either case, you gain the
weapons and effects that these buckles grant. However, if you wish, you can choose for the
weapon(s) granted by a Big Buckle to be integrated into the Bottom Half. If used like this, then
those weapons can be used alongside kicks, allowing you to use Dexterity for these attack rolls
unless the weapon(s) used are heavy or two-handed, in which case they use the Ability Scores
they normally use. You can place one buckle each on the Top and Bottom Half, allowing
customizability and variation.

Once per turn as a bonus action, you can Revolve On. This simply switches the Top and Bottom
Half. However, once per turn, you can also do it as a reaction to a single attack, and gain a bonus
to your Armor Class equal to half your Dexterity modifier (rounded down) for that one attack.

Arrange all the created Buckles on a table, with each assigned to a number to make it as even as
possible. Add any buckles that you gain access to at higher levels when at least one Desire
Fighter has reached that level. This is an example of a Raise Table at 1st level with one Desire

1d6 Buckle

1 Big Buckle 1

2 Big Buckle 2

3 Big Buckle 3

4 Armed Buckle 1

5 Armed Buckle 2

6 Reroll

You can either find these buckles as rewards for completing certain tasks, or from finding them
on the field. If you cannot find one, you automatically gain an Armed Buckle not yet taken at
2nd level, and a Big Buckle not yet taken at 3rd level. Due to storage, you can only carry two
Armed Buckles and two Big Buckles.

Boosted Potential:
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to find the Boost Buckle, a special and one-of-a-kind Raise
Buckle that allows you to surpass your standard limits. When the first Desire Fighter reaches 2nd
level, add the Boost Buckle to the Raise Table. Regardless if you are transformed or not, you can
activate the Boost Buckle to summon the Boostriker, a Rider Vehicle that functions as a normal

The unique feature of transforming with the Boost Buckle is that it is a wild card. When someone
obtains the Boost Buckle, they assign whatever Effects and Ability Score increases they wish as
if they were making their own Big Buckle. However, you do not get any weapons from Boost.

Building Fever:
At 5th level, you gain a new Buckle that augments your abilities into one that can build into a
dangerous combination. Choose from one of the options below:

● The Fever Buckle is added to the Raise Table. When you use the Fever Buckle, flip a
coin. On Heads, it acts like a Big Buckle of your choice. On Tails, roll on the Raise Table
to determine which Buckle it mimics.
● The Powered Builder Buckle is added to the Raise Table. When this Buckle is obtained,
you also gain the Gigant Container Buckle; a special buckle holding 3 Gigant Buckles
inside it. Gigant Buckles are a variant of Armed Buckles with the main differences being
they can only be used inside the Powered Builder Buckle and they must be a two-handed
or heavy weapon. Along with these you also gain a 4th Gigant Buckle based on the
weapon of your Signature Buckle. Once the Powered Builder Buckle is inserted into your
Driver, you gain 2 extra manipulators and +2 to an Ability Score of your choice. As a
bonus action you can insert a Gigant Buckle into the Powered Builder Buckle to gain its
weapon and effect. You can also choose to sacrifice using a second buckle by inserting
the Gigant Container into the other slot in your Driver, by doing so you gain the ability to
summon the weapons from up to 3 Gigant Buckles but you only get the effects from the
first 2 Gigant Buckles used.

Commanding Presence:
At 7th level, you add a buckle to the Raise Table that allows you to command the battlefield.
There are two options for what this Buckle is:

1. You add the Command Jet Buckle to the Raise Table. By inserting this Buckle into your
Driver, you enter a Raising Form, which only grants you a longsword with a non
removable Cannon Command Buckle attached. Once you deal damage equal to or higher
than ⅕ of your maximum hit points at the level you gain this form, the Command Buckle
on the sword is unlocked, allowing you to transform into a Command Form. Each Buckle
grants an Ability Score Increase of +2 to two different Ability Scores, similar to Big
Buckles. You also gain a Big Buckle effect for each, but gain an additional one depending
if Jet or Cannon is the Top Half. If Jet is in the Top Half, you gain a flying speed equal to
double your walking speed. If Cannon is the Top Half, you gain a sniper rifle on each
shoulder that can be used without any hands.
2. You add the Jyamato Buckle to the Raise Table. By inserting this Buckle into your
Driver, you gain the powers of Jyamato, giving you immense natural power at the cost of
your humanity. When you use this Buckle, you gain +1 to all your Ability Scores, and
can use a host of abilities at the cost of your health. After each use of an ability, you
reduce that ability’s hit point cost by 1d4 for whenever you use it, being able to reduce
the cost to a minimum of 1. However, you must keep track of how many hit points you
sacrifice to use these abilities. When you have used 100 hit points worth of abilities, you
turn fully into a Jyamato, losing all sense of reason, control, and humanity. The list of
abilities you can use are below, as well as their hit point cost.

Hit Point Cost: Ability:

2d8 You can make an extra unarmed strike as part

of your bonus action unarmed strike with a
vine that sprouts from your body.

2d6 You can make an unarmed strike against

someone up to 30 feet away from you.

2d8 You cast the ensnaring strike spell. The

maximum level you can cast this spell is equal
to your Desire Fighter Level + 1 divided by 2,
for a max of 5, and costs 1d8 more hit points
for each level you cast it at.

2d10 You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,

and slashing damage for three turns, but you
take the damage that you reduced at the end
of the third turn, possibly knocking you to 0
hit points or killing you.

Evolving Mark:

At 10th level, you gain a new form that enhances your abilities past the bounds of the game. You
deal an extra die of damage and your finisher now deals 10d8 damage. Choose from one of the
options below:

● You gain a new buckle that boosts your abilities to an extreme and powerful degree. Your
new buckle has the abilities of two big buckles, except they do not have weapons. On top
of dealing an extra damage die of damage and dealing 8d6 damage with your finishers,
choose another effect from the ones below:
○ You gain two weapons of your choice that can deal elemental damage of your
○ You gain 3 speed charges.

However, every three turns you use this buckle, you gain a level of exhaustion to a
maximum of 3 levels, making extended use dangerous.

● You gain a double buckle that equips you with any kind of weapon of your choice,
including a heavy or two handed weapon, one side of this buckle also adds a +2 to two
Ability Scores of your choice, the other half of this buckle doubles the effect of the
corresponding buckle that you have equipped.

● You gain a new signature Buckle that only gets a +1 to two different Ability Score and
only two effects from your original signature buckle, however while using this Buckle
you can add half of your proficiency bonus rounded up to your attack rolls, as well as
your regular proficiency bonus to your AC as a reaction once every x rounds where x is
half of a Spellcasting Ability Score Modifier of your choice.

● Your ID Core evolves to a great extent that grants you the power to make your desire
reality. Whenever you use a big buckle alongside your Signature Buckle, you gain an
extra effect from Welcome to the Prix.

● You can only take this ability if you have taken the Jyamato buckle. Instead of gaining a
new buckle for a form, you gain the ability to completely transform your human body
into one similar to a Jyamato and grants you a +1 to three Ability Scores of your choice.
In this form your AC equals 10 plus your two highest modifiers and your unarmed strike
goes up by one. This form also grants you resistance to Slashing and Piercing Damage
and allows you to make a ranged attack with an elemental damage type of your choice.

Beyond Desire:

At 14th level, you gain a new form that makes you godlike in your abilities and arsenal. You can
additionally choose any of the forms from Evolving Mark, except dealing the enhanced damage
of a final form. Choose from one of the options below:

● You gain the ability to control Desire itself, becoming a God of Creation. You gain two
new big buckles, but only get the weapon of one. By putting them both in, you gain the
effects of both buckles, as well as gaining a number of Creation Points equal to your
Proficiency Bonus multiplied by 1.5 (rounded down). You can spend these Creation
Points on the following effects:

Creation Point Cost Effect

1 You repair everything in a 15 foot square,

sending it to the state it was a turn ago.

1 You create a spectral staircase of a length

equal to your walking speed and can go up
or down a height equal to half of your
walking speed. This staircase dissipates at
the start of your next turn, but any step
that something is occupying stays put until
it leaves it.

2 As a reaction, you become immune to a

condition inflicted on you. This includes
time stop and slowdown.

2 You gain resistance to an attack made

against you.

2 You use the shield spell.

3 On a creature of your choice, you revert

them back to how they were last turn. This
also counteracts any non-critical or
finisher damage done by them.

● If you picked Option 2 with Evolving Mark, you can choose this ability to upgrade the
form you got with Evolving Mark instead of gaining a new form altogether. When using
both halves of this buckle you gain a +2 to your AC. However if you were to switch out
the top half of this buckle the AC bonus goes away. If used with another Buckle replacing
the top half, the other half doubles the personal effects of said buckle, e.g. double Ability

Score Increase, increasing damage resistance from 20% to 40% etc etc, and if using a
buckle that isn’t your signature you still gain all three effects.

● If you picked Option 3 with Evolving Mark, you can choose this ability to upgrade the
form you got with Evolving Mark instead of gaining a new form altogether. You can
choose one weapon type that must be not heavy, this weapon can be summoned in an
astral form that can be either held for a close up melee attack or can be sent up to 50 ft
away. This form also grants you 4 spells that can be casted at a level equal to or lower
than half your current level -2 to a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5.

● If you picked Option 4 with Evolving Mark, you can choose this ability to upgrade the
form you got with Evolving Mark, but you can only choose this feature if you upgrade
that form with this feature. When you become this form, you gain resistance to all
damage dealt by people wearing Rider Armor.

Trust Last:

Desire Master
[filler text]

At 1st level, you gain access to a special Driver that can only be activated with your fingerprint.
By scanning your fingerprint and swiping a special Card, you can Henshin into your Rider form.
You gain +2 to an Ability Score of your choice, and two auxiliary effects.

Master Ray:
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to use the Rays located on various parts of your suit to help
give an edge in combat. You can only use one ability per turn and they can each be used thrice
per long rest. You gain another one at levels 5, 7, 10, 14 and 17

Number Ability

1 Choose a Rider within 15 ft of you; they must
roll a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom
modifier. If they fail a Ray will attach to their
helmet and they will be under your control and
must attack any creature you choose. At the start
of their turn they can reroll the saving throw

2 levels after you get this ability you can hack

two Riders at once and 2 levels after that you
can hack 3 Riders at once. For every extra Rider
you hack the DC is decreased by 2 with a
minimum of 15

2 As an action you can use the Ray to launch 3

ranged attacks that each deal 1d8 Radiant

3 As an action you can use the Ray to launch 3

melee attacks that each deal Bludgeoning
damage equal to your unarmed damage dice
upgraded by one (d4>d6 etc)

4 As a reaction you can add half of your

Proficiency Bonus to your AC until the start of
your next turn. But when used you aren’t able to
use another Ray Ability during your next turn

5 As a bonus action you can use the Ray to add

your proficiency bonus to your damage dealt
until the end of your next turn

6 As a bonus action you can use the Ray to gain a

new movement speed

Reality and Control:

At 10th level you gain a new form or an upgrade to your current form that lets you use 2 Ray
abilities at per turn.You also gain an extra damage die to your attacks and your Grand Victory has
8d8 finisher dice.

The Power of a Zillion:
At 14th level, your powers as a Game Master expand to give you total control over everything.
When in this form you only have two Rays. However, your Grand Victory has 10d8 finisher dice,
you deal double damage dice, and you gain a number of Control Points equal to your Proficiency
Bonus multiplied by 1.5 (rounded down). You can spend these Control Points on the following

Control Point Cost Effect

2 If you have a Buckle in your possession, you can

use it with this effect. If there are no Desire
Fighters, you gain two Big Buckles of your
choice or a Big Buckle and the Boost Buckle.
When you use it, you levitate two versions of the
base Buckle weapon that you summon within 15
feet of you that each attack a target in range for a
ranged weapon attack made by you for each

2 You can use any speed charge ability.

3 On a creature of your choice, you revert them

back to how they were last round. This also
counteracts any non-critical or finisher damage
done by them.

4 As an action while in this form, you can activate

time stop. This is not the speed condition, and no
one who can activate that condition can do so
with this. As such, nobody can activate
reactions, legendary actions, or any ability once
time stop is active. After your turn concludes,
you get an extra turn where you deal half
damage. After that final turn ends, the time stop
ends, and you cannot use it until after a long rest.

At 20th level, you gain complete control of all of your powers with an extra bonus, given by
either sheer power or a goddess. You gain a new form that resembles your base form but has far

more power over your Rays. You deal double damage dice, have 10d8 finisher dice, and have
control of all your Rays at once.

Alchemical Collector:

Level Proficiency Bonus Feature

1st +2 Collector Archetype,

Collector Archetype Feature,
Signature Chemy

2nd +2 Collector Archetype Feature,

Gotcha Catch Em All

3rd +2 Eureka! Fever!

4th +2 Ability Score Increase

5th +3 Extra Attack, Collector


6th +3

7th +3 Collector Feature

8th +3 Ability Score Increase

9th +4

10th +4 Collector Feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Increase

13th +5

14th +5 Collector Feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Increase

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Increase

20th +6 Collector Feature

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Alchemical Collector level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per alchemical collector
level after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Two tools of your choice

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from, Perception, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, History,

Signature Chemy:

At 1st Level, through either capture or through other means, you acquire a Chemy. Outside of
being used to Henshin, a Chemy can be summoned from its card and commanded, as well as
being used in a Chemy Riser for out of Henshin attacks or other abilities. Each Chemy gains two
auxiliary effects, though you cannot pick the same effect for one Chemy. Whenever you do
Henshin, each card adds an additional +1 to two different Ability Scores of your choice, the only
exception of this is the Level Number 10 Chemy which does not grant you any ASI

Each Chemy Card is numbered 1 through 9. And must match up with a corresponding number to
equal 10 and fall into one of 10 Categories: Insect, Vehicle, Job, Plant, Animal, Artefact, Occult,
Ancient, Cosmic, and Fantastic.

Big Shot Alchemists gain 2 Signature Chemy at 1st Level, Ionizing Alchemists start with only 1
Signature Chemy but gain a second one at 10th Level, and Artificial Alchemists start with 1
Signature Chemy and gain more at higher Levels.

At 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level, Big Shot Alchemists gain an additional pair of matching Chemies.
Ionizing Alchemists gain singular additional Chemies at levels 2, 3, and 4 and then additional
Chemies beyond Level 10. Artificial Alchemists gain an additional 3 cards at levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
and 7.

Although you may gain more Chemies through other means.

In addition to this, you have the ability to summon your Chemy from their cards. A Chemy’s
stats are determined through point buy and gain Ability Score Increases and Feats at the same
levels as you. A Chemy’s maximum hit points at 1st level is equal to 2d6 + their Constitution
modifier and increase their hitpoints by 1d6 + their Constitution modifier whenever you gain a

You cannot assume a form with that Chemy until it is resealed back into its card.

Gotcha Catch Em All:

At 2nd Level, you gain a Chemy Riser, a device that allows you to capture unsealed Chemy.
When doing so, you must succeed on an Animal Handling check with a DC equal to your current
level + Proficiency Bonus + 8. Capturing a Chemy requires you have a blank Ride Chemy Card.
The starting amount of Blank Chemy Cards you have is equal to a d12 roll plus your choice of

As well as this, with a bonus action or reaction, you can insert a currently unused Chemy card
into your Riser, and gain one of its effects until the end of the current turn.

Eureka! Fever!:

At 3rd Level, by tampering with your Henshin Device you can utilize the power of the Chemies
to their full potential.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 saving throw depending on how the
finisher is executed. On a success, they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d8 damage.
The damage type depends on how you are executing the finisher.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Collector Archetype:
At 1st level, you can select an archetype to fight others and use the powers of Alchemy.

Big Shot Alchemist:

Big Shot Alchemists specialize in finding the perfect match for their Chemies, adding their
numbers to 10 to create powerful and special forms.

Gotcha and Go!:

When you take this archetype at 1st Level, you gain a driver that takes two Chemy Cards that
match together. Whenever you insert two cards into the Driver and activate it, you Henshin into
your Rider Mode, gaining each Chemy’s Ability Score boosts. You choose one effect from each
of your Chemies to use with your Rider Mode.

Wild Science!:

At 1st Level, you also gain the ability to Henshin into a non-humanoid fusion form of your two
Chemies known as Wild Mode, every Chemy Match has their own Wild Mode. This form can
either take the shape of a creature, or weapon, and change your size to one of your choice. You
pick your size from the Size Table in the Henshin section. While in this form, you gain three out
of the four effects from your two Chemy Cards.

This form lasts for turns equal to your Proficiency Bonus and then you are forced back into your
Rider Mode.

Got Charged Weapons:

At 2nd Level, you gain two Light weapons of your choice. What makes these weapons special
however, is their ability to utilize a Chemy’s power in their attacks. As a bonus action you may
scan one Ride Chemy Card, and on the next attack you can add your proficiency bonus to the
damage roll.

At higher levels, you may scan a second card at level 5, and a third card at level 7.

Cross the Limit:

At 5th Level, your skills in alchemy allow you to transmute with an even stronger Chemy, a
Level Number 10 Chemy, you also gain a new light weapon of your choice. This new form can
be accessed with your base form matching Chemy Cards, and by attaching your new weapon to
your Driver before inserting the Level Number 10.

A Level Number 10 Chemy gets two auxiliary effects. However they gain an additional ability
from a new table exclusive only to these types of Chemies. Pick from the table below:
● You gain the Barbarian’s Rage Ability without any of the resistances.
● You gain the ability to cast counterspell at 3rd Level twice per long rest.
● You gain two heavy weapons that do not take up a hand slot.
● Pick an elemental damage type, you gain the ability to fire a blast of that damage type in
a 30 ft cone 15 ft away. Any creatures within this area must make a Dex Saving Throw
equal to 8 + PB + Dex or Con, on a failed save the creature takes 6d4 of the chosen
damage type.
● You can detach parts of your suit into a pair of attack drones. These drones share
Initiative with you and take their own turns, they can make a Melee Attack dealing either
1d6 Bludgeoning Damage or a Ranged Attack dealing 1d6 Radiant Damage. As a
reaction each Drones can intercept an attack, rolling 1d6 each and subtracting combined
roll from the attack roll. Each Drone has 10hp and a 14 AC, once their hp reaches 0 they
reattach to your armor.
● You gain 1 additional Speed Charge.
● You gain an additional attack that stacks onto your Extra Attack.

● As a reaction, you can forgo your next attack action and roll an opposing attack action
against an attack rolled against you. If the attack hits and you roll damage, the total
damage from both parties is halved.

A Level Number 10 Chemy can only have two of its abilities active at once, and can switch the
current active abilities through switching forms.

You gain two Level Number 10 Chemies.

Ignite the Fire:

At 7th Level, you gain a new attachment to your Driver, igniting the powers of your Chemy to
the next level. In this form your unarmed strikes now deal a type of elemental damage of your
choice, if your Chemy’s ability already deals that type of damage you immediately then deal an
Elemental Augment. While using a Chemy Card with this attachment, the Chemy gains an
additional aux table effect, and as a bonus action you are able to switch your current active
abilities without changing forms.

Ionizing Alchemist:
Ionizing Alchemists, while not Riders, still use the power of Chemies to fight for their virtues
and beliefs.

Tune Up N’ Rush:

When you take this Archetype at 1st level, you gain a weapon of your choice that takes a
singular Chemy card that allows you to equip yourself with a suit of armor, granting you an AC
of 11 your highest Physical Modifier, and gaining both effects and the increases to Ability Scores
from said Chemy. The weapon can either be heavy or it can be two two light weapons combined
into one.

Fully Customisable:

At 2nd Level, you gain the ability as a bonus action to replace your current Chemy card with
another of the same Category, gaining one of the new Card’s effects and one increase to Ability

Score. However, you gain one disadvantage from the table below. You may either roll for each
disadvantage or choose.

1d8: Disadvantage:

1 You become vulnerable to a damage type of

your choice.

2 You are dealt half a die of damage rounded

down each turn you use this Chemy Card. The
die starts at 1d4 and scales to your Unarmed

3 While using this card you lost 10 ft of all

movement speed.

4 You take an additional die of damage

whenever hit by a critical hit.

5 You cannot take reactions as long as this card

is equipped.

6 Your bonus unarmed strikes deal half damage.

7 You gain disadvantage on ability checks.

8 You gain disadvantage on saving throws.

At 2nd Level you may equip up to only one Custom, at 5th Level you may equip up to two
Customs, and at 7th Level you may equip up to three Customs. Whenever you equip more than
one Custom, you gain one ability and all Disadvantages for each card currently equipped.

Find Your Drive:

At 10th Level you forgo your previous title and take the name of Kamen Rider. You gain a
Driver that allows you to Henshin using an evolved version of your Signature Chemy as well as
a new Signature Chemy who’s number must match with your original Signature Chemy’s. When
you are Henshined using these cards and this Driver, you gain all 4 abilities of your pair of
Chemies, losing all the Disadvantages from when you weren’t a Rider, additionally you gain
three more matching Chemy Cards for the Chemies you acquired at levels 2, 3 and 4 which can
be used to change into brand new Customs. You still keep your weapon from your Tune Up N’
Rush feature.

With these new Customs, you keep one ability each of your base form Chemies and one ability
each of the new cards used for your Custom, you also gain all increases to Ability Scores,

As well as this, you gain the ability to switch your current active abilities as a bonus action
without needing to switch forms.

Artificial Alchemist
Through the power of draining Chemies, Artificial Alchemists can become an unstoppable force
with their Repli Chemy.

Type 0:

When you take this Archetype at 1st Level, you obtain a Driver and a Repli Chemy that allows
you to Henshin by scanning and inserting it into the Driver. RepliChemy are soulless copies of
Chemy that gain an additional effect from the Auxiliary table You gain all effects of your Chemy
Card when Henshined.


At 2nd Level, you gain the ability to drain the RepliChemy of their powers for your own use. As
a Bonus Action, you can scan one RepliChemy card and gain one effect of the scanned Chemy
for a number of turns equal to your Proficiency Bonus. However, when you reach the end of the
last turn, whether you are still in your Rider armor or not, you take a set amount of Necrotic
damage die that cannot be reduced in any way. You take a die of damage equal to your Unarmed
Strike + 2, if you were to scan another card, the turn limit until you take damage resets, however
the amount of damage die then stacks until the damage is dealt to you.

At later Levels, you can scan up to two cards at 3rd Level, 3 cards at 5th Level, 5 cards at 10th
Level, and finally 6 cards 14th as a Bonus Action.


Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Support From the Shadows,

A Seat in the Audience

2nd +2 Help From Above

3rd +2 Anti-Kaijin Menace

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack

6th +3 [Insert Bad Pun 6], Ability

Score Improvement

7th +3 A Seat in the Audience


8th +3 [Insert Bad Pun 8], Ability

Score Improvement

9th +4

10th +4

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 King of Support, Ability

Score Improvement

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per supporter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per supporter level after

Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Two tools of your choice

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose three skills of your choice.

Support From the Shadows:

At 1st level, you are able to find the peculiarities of life far more easily. You gain proficiency in
the Investigation skill, and you +2 to finding information or data on Kamen Riders or Kaijin.
You gain a specialized way of communicating with these other characters, such as a piece of
paper that transfers your writing onto it, speaking through a statue, or communicating emotions
through a piece of jewelry. You also gain advantage on Deception (Charisma) checks when
attempting to hide your true identity as a Supporter of theirs.

Additionally, you gain a weapon that is not heavy or two-handed.

A Seat in the Audience:

Starting at 1st level, you use your connections, technology, or innate abilities to aid your allies in
battle and outside of battle. To do this, you have a number of Support Charges that can be spent
to help your friends. Your maximum number of Support Charges is 8, and increases by 1 every
level. These Support Abilities can be used whenever, but you can only use a Support Ability
once per turn and twice per turn at 7th level. The Charges needed increases based on your
Support Level - the Level of the character you use it on. The abilities these Support Charges can
grant, as well as the number of charges, are listed below:

Charges Needed: Effect

Any You can increase any roll by the number of

Support Charges you expend. You can also
use it to increase a target’s Armor Class, but
you must expend two points for every point of

1 You give a target advantage on checks that

involve Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
(you choose when you use this) for 1d3 turns.

2 You know all resistances of a target you can


3 You know a weakness of a target you can see.

If the enemy does not have a weakness, you
calculate a way so that it is weak to an
element of your choice for 1d3 rounds.

3 You increase a target’s Ability Score of your

choice by 2 for 1d3 turns + 1.

4 You grant double damage dice to a target for

1d4 turns. However, after the turns have
ended, they subtract all your rolls by your
proficiency bonus for 2 turns.

Help From Above:

At 2nd level, you gain a movement option equal to half your walking speed and can use a cantrip
of your choice an amount equal to your Proficiency Bonus + 2. The amount of times you can use
the cantrip recharges after a long rest.

Anti-Kaijin Menace:
At 3rd level you gain enhancements to your weapon to better handle kaijin. If you chose a melee
weapon at first level, you upgrade the weapon to better battle kaijin, and if you choose a ranged
weapon, you gain 30 anti-kaijin rounds for the weapon you chose. You can create more
ammunition at a rate of 5 rounds per hour spent working on them with tinker’s tools. Regardless
of which, using the weapon or ammunition allows you to bypass a creature’s resistance to
weapons not gained by a Rider class feature, allowing more damage output.

Ability Score Improvement:
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, and 19th level, you can
increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

[Insert Bad Pun 6]:

At 6th level, you can choose one of the following abilities:

● You gain a Rider Form based on another class. When you do so, you gain that class’s 1st
level abilities, and your base form gains the powers of that class’s 6th level form, or the
abilities of the form closest to 6th level (such at 5th or 7th). You also gain all the abilities
that do not grant forms of that class up to 6th level, ignoring Ability Score Increases and
Extra Attack. Regardless, you gain that class’s 3rd level finisher ability, and from now on
you gain the features and forms of this class for all future levels in Supporter besides the
10th level form which you get at 8th level.

To transform, you can use an item different from that of your class normally, and can
transform with a weapon that is not heavy or two-handed, such as a longsword or pistol.

● You gain the ability to use whatever tools you have to implement elemental qualities into
weapons. Choose three types of damage. You can imbue up to fifteen rounds with each
element for a ranged weapon, or be able to deal the elemental damage with a melee
weapon, switching the elemental type as a bonus action. For ranged weapons, you can
imbue more after a long rest, but can only have a maximum of fifteen rounds for each

[Insert Bad Pun 8]:

At 8th level, you gain an extra damage die of damage, your finishers deal 8d6 damage, and you
can choose one of the following abilities:

● You cannot gain this ability if you have taken the first option at 6th level. You gain a
Rider Form based on another class. When you do so, you gain that class’s 1st level
abilities, and your base form gains the powers of that class’s 10th level form (the extra
damage die does not stack with the one you are already given), or the abilities of the form
closest to 10th level (such as 8th). You also gain all the abilities that do not grant forms of
that class up to 10th level, ignoring Ability Score Increases and Extra Attack. Regardless,
you gain that class’s 10th level finisher ability and from now on you gain the features and
forms of this class for all future levels in Supporter.

As well, this rider form grants you even more power than normal. You can choose to
become another size listed on the size table.

To transform, you can use an item different from that of your class normally, and can
transform with a weapon that is not heavy or two-handed, such as a longsword or pistol.

● When in your rider form, you gain a newfound ability that further enhances the one you
gained at 6th level. You gain an extra damage die of damage, your finishers deal 8d6
damage, and you gain a movement speed of your choice equal to your walking speed. As
well, you gain advantage on Charisma checks involving the one you support.

[Insert Bad Pun 10]:

At 10th level, your transformation device or item becomes a Berserk Tamer, which is an item
that acts according to the Berserk Taming optional rule for a player’s 10th level form. The rule is
below for convenience:

Many Rider Systems cause the user to go berserk, gaining power at the cost of their sanity. Any
form that grants the user the Barbarian’s Rage ability is counted as a Berserk Form. However,
many Riders gain items or find ways to calm their mind or circumvent the dangerous tendencies
of these new forms. Two levels after you gain a Berserk Form, you gain a new item or mindset
that keeps the rage ability, but removes the limitations that the form has on your actions. This can
also be applied to any form with a downside, such as the 10th level form of Desire Player.

It takes the form of an item that a class of your choice can use. When they use it, if you use a
weapon to transform, they gain that weapon. While you grant someone this Berserk Tamer, you
cannot transform. If there are no negative side effects associated with the 10th level form, they

instead deal an elemental damage they choose with their weapons and gain a weapon of their

King of Support:

At 14th level, you gain the final form of the class you chose as well as the abilities until that
point. As well, you subtract the amount of charges from your support abilities by half of your
proficiency bonus (rounded down), but the abilities work as if you did not pay any less charges.

[Insert Bad Pun 20]:

At 20th level, you can choose one of the following features:

● You gain the 20th level feature of the class you chose as well as any features from 14th to
20th levels.

Double Rider (Legacy):

Level Proficiency Bonus Features

1st +2 Signature Style (1), Double

Archetype, Double Archetype

2nd +2 Drone Gadget, On the Double

3rd +2 Final Drive

4th +2 Ability Score Improvement

5th +3 Extra Attack Signature Style


6th +3

7th +3 Signature Style (3)

8th +3 Ability Score Improvement

9th +4 Signature Style (4)

10th +4 Double Archetype Feature

11th +4

12th +4 Ability Score Improvement

13th +5

14th +5 Double Archetype Feature

15th +5

16th +5 Ability Score Improvement

17th +6

18th +6

19th +6 Ability Score Improvement

20th +6

Class Features:

Hit Points:
Hit Dice: 1d10 per double rider level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per double rider level
after 1st

Armor: Rider Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Tinkers Tools, Gaia Memories if Gaia Detective, a type of artisan’s tools if Bottle Brain

Saving Throws: Two of your choice, however it cannot be both Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Animal Handling, Arcana, Deception, History, Insight,
Investigation, Perception, Persuasion

Signature Style:
At 1st level, you can decide what type of Switch you use. These can either be called Gaia
Memories or Fullbottles depending on your subclass, but they will generally be called Memories.
You can utilize Silver Tip and Gold Tip Memories, although Gaia Detectives can only specialize
in one kind. Silver Tip Memories grant a special ability and a smaller effect, whereas Gold Tip
Memories give a weapon and a smaller effect.

Silver Tip Memories deal an elemental damage of your choice with an unarmed strike, and gain
the ability to either extend your range by 15 feet, push someone in a direction you choose by 15
feet, increase your base movement speed by 15 feet, give you two extra manipulators (that can
only hold light weapons in each hand, even with Dual Wielder), or gain a flying speed equal to
your movement speed.

Gold Tip Memories increase either Damage, Armor Class, or Ability Score by 2, and gain a
weapon of your choice.

You gain one Memory of the type you choose, gain another at 5th level, another at 7th level, and
finally another at 9th level. You can only choose one feature for a Memory, and it cannot be

Drone Gadget:

At 2nd level, you have been able to acquire Memory Gadgets, small creatures that can be used to
scout out information. You can send out Memory Gadgets to an area within 6 miles to scout out
that area. After 4 hours, they can return to you, and give you information about the terrain, most
surface details, and if there are any creatures or subjects of suspicion.

On the Double:
At 2nd level, you obtain a motorcycle that you can use to travel and attack. This is your Rider

Final Drive:
At 3rd level, you can activate your belt or your weapon to finish off an opponent.

Choose a target in range. The target must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. On a success,
they take half damage, but if they fail, they take 5d6 damage. The damage type is either the
weapon you use, the type of attack you use, or the elemental type of the Silver Tip Memory.

You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Ability Score Improvement:

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one
ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack:
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack
action on your turn.

Double Archetype:
At 1st level, you can select the method that you use to combine powers and fight.

Gaia Detective (Legacy):

Gaia Detectives combine the efforts of two individuals to work together and fight crime.

Double Detective:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you obtain the Double Driver. This is a Driver that can
take both a Silver and a Gold Tip Memory. When you obtain this, select a Partner. This Partner is
the one you fuse consciousnesses with in order to transform.

One of the Partners, the Body, places the Driver on their waist and inserts their Gaia Memory.
This places a copy of the Driver on the other Partner, the Transfer. The Transfer can then place
their Memory in this Driver to transfer the Memory to the Body. Then, the Body can flip the
switch and Henshin. The Body utilizes their Physical Ability Scores, while the Transfer
temporarily replaces the Body’s Mental Ability Scores with their own as long as they are
Henshined. While in this state, the Body gains the effect of both the Gold and Silver Tip

Both of the Partners need to agree on an action within a minute while together, or they must roll
a Wisdom check against each other. Whichever Partner gets higher than the other can execute the
action they desire, although at disadvantage.

Alternatively, you can remove one of the switches from the Double Driver to use the Lost Driver.
This allows one to transform using one Memory and maintain all their ability scores.

Sentient Memory:
At 10th level, you gain a powerful Sentient Memory that allows them to bring about your mental
powers in a physically deadly way. One Partner can insert it into their Driver and assume their
new form. In this form, your attacks deal an extra damage die of damage, and the Partners swap
their mental and physical ability scores. The Partners can also swap their Physical Ability Scores
with their Mental Ability Scores in a way they see fit while in this form

As well, you can summon a weapon of your choice, as long as it is not two-handed or heavy.

Xtreme Memory:
At 14th level, you combine your strengths and assume your most powerful form. You can call
upon your flying Xtreme Memory and use it to upgrade your current form. In this state, your

damage dice are doubled, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage,
your elemental damage can be dealt with weapons, the 15 feet limit is changed to 30 feet, and the
+2 bonus you gain from the Gold Tip increases to +4.

As well, you can summon a one-handed weapon and a shield.

Bottle Brain (Legacy):

Bottle Brains utilize Fullbottles to shake and mix to assume new, powerful forms.

Building Up:
When you take this archetype at 1st level, you obtain the Build Driver. This is a Driver that can
take both a Left and a Right Tip Device. By placing the two Tips in the Driver, you can spin the
lever on your Driver and Henshin. In this form, you gain both effects of your Tips.

Hazard Rising:
At 10th level, you gain either a Sclash Driver and a Jelly Bottle of your choice, or the Hazard
Trigger. The Jelly Bottle acts as a combination of two Left Tip abilities and one Right Tip ability,
while the Hazard Trigger doubles the effect of the two Tips used. The Hazard Trigger is also
allowed to change Tips while maintaining the Hazard Trigger, while the Jelly Bottle’s effects
cannot be changed. Either way, in this Hazard Form, you deal an extra damage die of damage,
gain the Barbarian Rage ability, and deal 8d6 damage with your Final Drive. However, you must
roll a DC 20 Constitution saving throw every three turns. If you fail, your Driver is ejected and
you gain a level of exhaustion. Every success and failure reduces this DC by 2, and when the DC
reaches 10, you no longer need to roll to use the Sclash Driver or Hazard Trigger.

As well, you can gain a weapon of your choice, as long as it is not two-handed or heavy.

Genius Move:
At 14th level, you combine your strengths and assume your highest form. This comes in either
the form of the Genius Bottle or the Knuckle Bottle. The Genius Bottle grants you three Left Tip
abilities and three Right Tip abilities, while the Knuckle Bottle gains only a Left and Right Tip
ability and scores a critical hit on a d20 roll of 18-20. In either of these forms, you deal double
damage dice of damage, and your Final Drive deals 10d6 damage.

The world is full of new types of monsters, and with this, comes the ability for anyone to be a
Kamen Rider. As of now, there are eleven additional races a Rider can be: the Cyborg, the Lord,
the Orphnoch, the Undead, the Worm, the Fangire, the Greeed, the Roidmude, the Bugster, the
Humagear, and the Megid

Cyborg Traits
As a cyborg, you are the next step in humanity's future, for better and worse. Cyborgs are a
subrace of humans, but with additional features.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1, and your Intelligence score increases by 2.

Cyborgs age at the same rate as humans. However due to being modified, they appear younger
than they are, allowing them to keep their physical and mental prowess until the end of their

Enhanced Biology
Cyborgs can survive without oxygen for an extended period of time. When calculating how long
your character can hold their breath, add an additional minute.

Efficient Machine
Unlike humans, Cyborgs do not require long periods of rest to gain back their energy. A Cyborg
can take a long rest with only 4 hours, instead of the usual 8 hours.

Human No More
Due to your cyborg transformation, on occasion your humanity slips away from you, but this
makes it even easier to deceive those who are human. You have disadvantage on insight checks
on humans, but advantage on deception checks against humans.

Lord Traits
Lords can be any 5e race besides human or half-elf, except that they gain more traits, at the cost
of no humanoid transformation option. As well, if that race knows Common, that language must
be replaced with any language but Common. A Lord is free to learn Common later, however.

Lords are immortal until killed.

Human Superiority
Lords are immune to all ranged weapon attacks from weapons that are not gained from a class

Orphnoch Traits
As an Orphnoch, you are blessed or cursed with a new biology that grants you new physical and
mental prowess.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases
by 1.

Orphnochs, being the result of a dead person coming back to life, have a drastically shortened
lifespan. Roll 4d4. This is the amount of years you can live past the time you have become an
Orphnoch. At the end of this new lifespan, you will disintegrate unless you receive a blessing
from the Orphnoch King. However, this blessing prevents you from ever assuming a human form

Orphnochs are not a part of normal society, and most of them are either forced to work for Smart
Brain or hunted down. Those compliant tend to be lawful, while the Renegades who oppose
them are usually chaotic. Many of them lean evil due to past trauma that humans have committed
against them, but they have the full capacity to be good as well.

Orphnochs share the same general size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Due to your newfound evolution, you gain enhanced sight capabilities. You can see in dim light
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Audial Sensor
Along with your heightened sight, you also have extraordinary hearing. You can hear sounds
clearly from up to 120 feet away, and you can hear it less clearly and quietly from 240 feet.

Human Disguise
As a bonus action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics
of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height
and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a human,
though none of your game statistics change. You can only create your human form once. If you
were already a human before you became an Orphnoch, your human disguise resembles your
appearance when you were human.

Orphnoch Transformation
As an Orphnoch, you can transform and assume a form that is the true evolution of both man and
animal. As a bonus action, you can assume your Orphnoch Form. This grants you natural armor
with an AC of 10 + your two highest modifiers. This is a gray and humanoid form that bears
resemblance to an animal. Choose a Beast of a Challenge Rating equal to 1 or lower. This is the
Origin Animal you resemble and gain abilities from. As well, you gain the features of the animal
you choose. If it involves a saving throw DC, it is equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + the
modifier it calls on.

You can also summon a weapon of your choice that you decide at 1st level. If you kill a
humanoid creature that cannot revive while in your Orphnoch Form, they roll a d20, on a 20,
they revive and become an Orphnoch, on a fail, they revive for a few short seconds before fully

Animalistic Shift
As a bonus action while in your Orphnoch Form, you can assume an even more animalistic form
that resembles your Origin Animal further. While in this Animal Form, you gain its movement
option or speed, or an attack if your speed is equal to or above the speed mentioned. You can
only be in this form for 1d4 - 1 turns (for a minimum of 1 turn), and your size becomes either
Medium or Large. If your Origin Animal is Large, however, you automatically become Large.

You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Undead Traits
As an Undead, your warring spirit urges you to fight other Undead and become the victor of the
Battle Fight

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Undead live forever and cannot age. As well, they can never die, only be sealed.

Undead are fundamentally chaotic due to being created in the primordial state of the Earth. Many
fight for themselves, although some are good and wish to protect humans.

Undead share the same general size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Due to your keen senses, you gain enhanced sight capabilities. You can see in dim light within 60
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Undead Tracker
Due to your instincts, you can sense other Undead from an extraordinary distance. You are aware
of the presence of any Undead within half a mile. If you lock eyes with an Undead, you must roll
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, you must fight them.

Human Disguise
As a bonus action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics
of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height
and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a human,
though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you
have seen. You can only create your human form once.

Undead Transformation

You can assume an Undead form that grants you monstrous power. Choose an Undead from the
list below:

Suit: Ace: Jack: Queen: King:

Spade Beetle Undead Eagle Undead Capricorn Caucasus

Undead Undead

Heart Mantis Undead Wolf Undead Orchid Undead Paradoxa


Clover Spider Undead Elephant Tiger Undead Tarantula

Undead Undead

Diamond Stag Beetle Peacock Undead Serpent Undead Giraffa Undead


Joker N/A N/A N/A (Albino) Joker


If you are the Rouzer class, you must be an Undead that matches your Royal Suit, in which case
you instead gain the ability to summon a copy of your own card at the appropriate level (you
cannot release it with Remote Tapir’s effect. If you are the Joker Rider subclass, you must be the
Joker Undead.

However, the opposite does not necessarily apply. If you are the Joker Undead, it does not mean
you are locked to the Joker Rider subclass.

Whatever Undead you choose, check the powers you obtain by viewing the Joker Rider Rouzer
subclass. Ace Undead can transform into their Undead Forms from Level 1 onwards. Jack
Undead can transform into their Undead Forms from Level 8 onwards. King Undead can
transform into their Undead Forms from Level 12 onwards. Joker Undead can transform into
their Undead Forms from Level 17 onwards.

Immortal Trump
As an Undead, you have existed for countless years. You cannot naturally age, and can never die.
However, you can be sealed. If you are reduced to 0 hit points while in your Undead Form, you
are knocked unconscious like normal. However, your Ouroboros Buckle opens, and you can be
sealed by a blank card gained from the Rouzer class. You can only be sealed when your hit
points hit 0. When sealed, you cannot be unsealed except by the Remote Tapir card, or by the
destruction of your card.

You can speak, read, and write Common and Undead.

Worm Traits
The Worm race is identical to the Changeling race, except that they gain one more trait.

Worm Form:
As a bonus action, you can assume your Larval Form. This grants you natural armor with an AC
of 10 + your two highest modifiers. You gain resistance to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning
damage, and lose 10 ft. of movement. As well, you have disadvantage on Dexterity saving
throws but advantage on Strength saving throws. As a bonus action, you can shed this extra
armor to go into your Core Form. This maintains your natural armor, but takes away the other
positive and negative effects. However, while in this Core Form, you gain three speed charges.

Fangire Traits
As an Fangire, you walk the line between human and monster as you try to suppress or let loose
your vampyric instincts.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases
by 1.

Fangires can live much longer than normal humans. The oldest Fangires can live up to three

Most Fangires are chaotic, but their morals depend. Some of them eat humans out of necessity,
some do it for the simple pleasure, and others suppress their urges.

Fangire share the same general size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Due to your newfound evolution, you gain enhanced sight capabilities. You can see in dim light
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Audial Sensor
Along with your heightened sight, you also have extraordinary hearing. You can hear sounds
clearly from up to 120 feet away, and you can hear it less clearly and quietly from 240 feet.

Human Disguise
As a bonus action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics
of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height
and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a human,
though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you
have seen. You can only create your human form once.

Fangire Transformation

As a Fangire, you can transform and assume a form that is the peak of your vampiric abilities. As
a bonus action, you can assume your Fangire Form. This grants you natural armor with an AC of
10 + your two highest modifiers. This is a stained glass-like and humanoid form that bears
resemblance to an animal. Choose a Beast of a Challenge Rating equal to 1 or lower. This is your
Vampiric Animal you resemble and gain abilities from. As well, you gain the features of the
animal you choose. If it involves a saving throw DC, it is equal to 8 + your Proficiency Bonus +
the modifier it calls on.

You can also summon a weapon of your choice that you decide at 1st level. Any creature you kill
in your Fangire Form shatters into glass.

Life Drain
As an action while in your Fangire Form, you can suck the life force out of a creature. Using a
Strength or Dexterity melee attack roll, deal 1d6 necrotic damage on a success and add the
appropriate modifiers. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
necrotic damage taken, and the Fangire regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction
lasts until the target finishes a long rest.

Symphonic Being
You gain proficiency with the Performance skill and one musical instrument of your choice.

You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Greeed Traits
As a Greeed, you become an embodiment or antithesis to desire itself, and harness those

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1.

Greeed can live forever, as long as their Personal Medal is still intact.

Nearly every Greeed is Chaotic, as their desire for worldly pleasures drive them to do anything.
Their moral alignment, however, depends.

Greeed share the same general size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Human Disguise
As a bonus action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics
of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height
and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a human,
though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you
have seen. You can only create your human form once.

Greeed Medals
You are able to utilize the Core Medals of a specific type. You start off with 1d4 + 2 Core Medals
of one of the six types listed under the King Counter subclass of Medal Counter. One of these
must be a Head Medal, known as your Personal Medal. Of each Medal Type, there are three
Head Medals, three Body Medals, and three Leg Medals. When you first obtain your initial
Greeed Medals, you can choose the distribution of the Core Medals you obtain. You have a -2 to
Perception (Wisdom) checks, and have disadvantage if you have less than three medals

If your Personal Medal is destroyed, you immediately die.

Greeed Transformation

As a Greeed, you can transform and assume a form that combines your Medals into one cohesive
form. As a bonus action, you can assume your Greeed Form. This grants you natural armor with
an AC of 10 + your two highest modifiers. You gain the effects of a Full Combo of a King
Counter Medal Counter if you have at least 7 of your original Core Medals. However, your
capabilities are expanded or reduced depending on how many of your Greeed Medals you have
in your possession. Those effects are listed below.

Number of Medals Effects

0 Unconsciousness

1 -2 Armor Class, -3 to Attack and Damage


2 -2 Armor Class, -2 to Attack and Damage


3 -1 Armor Class, -1 to Attack and Damage


4 -1 Armor Class

5 N/A

6 +1 Armor Class

7 +1 Armor Class, +1 to Attack and Damage


8 +2 Armor Class, +2 to Attack and Damage


9 +2 Armor Class, +3 to Attack and Damage


Wealthy Desire
When you roll for money, you add an extra 1d4 to your roll.

You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Roidmude Traits
As a Roidmude, you seek to continuously evolve to become more like a Human. All Roidmude
are typically assigned a number 1-108. Additionally Roidmude are assigned with three types:
Cobra, Bat and Spider.

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 1. In addition, one other ability score of your choice with the
exception of Wisdom and Charisma increases by 2.

Roidmude are artificial creations and do not have any specific lifespan.

While they can be of any alignment, most of them are typically Chaotic Evil.

Roidmude share the same general size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

You can speak, read, and write Common.

Human Sync
As an action, you gain the ability to copy the appearance of a living being that you have seen
before. You can’t duplicate the appearance of a creature you’ve never seen, and you revert to
your natural form if you die.

Additionally, you are able to combine attributes of various living beings to create a mish-mash
form of various beings you’ve copied, however, you must maintain a human shape when doing

Numbered Core
Your true form is a Core shaped like your corresponding number. In this form you gain flying
speed equal to your movement speed.

This state is a replacement for the unconscious state for Roidmudes. In your Core Form, you
share all of the conditions of the unconscious state, except you are aware of your surroundings
and can move. Additionally, in this state, you cannot perform any type of actions besides those
involving movement.

Plain Form
As a Roidmude you can assume your Plain Form. This is the form you start out with and it is
your natural form. This grants you natural armor with an AC of 8 + your two highest modifiers.

Additionally, your fingers are fit with holes at their tips capable of shooting small energy bullets
which do ranged 1d4 piercing damage.

Pick between Cobra, Bat and Spider as a motif for your Plain Form.

You cannot utilize this Form’s special abilities while transformed into a Rider.

This form is destroyed if you revert to your Core Form and you lose access to it.

Advanced Form
By transforming into a Human with the Human Sync feature, you sync up with that Human. So
that you must continue evolving, you must help the Human with a task. This can be coordinated
with your DM. Alternatively, you can consume a Viral Core per long rest with a minimum of
three to unlock your Advanced Form.

This form grants you natural armor with an AC of 10 + your two highest modifiers. Additionally,
you are granted two of these abilities keeping in mind that you cannot pick the same one twice:
● Granting an elemental damage to your unarmed strikes
● Granting resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
● Allows you to cast a cantrip that can only be used once per long rest, utilizing your
intelligence as your spellcasting ability.
● Allows you to cast a Level 1 Spell that can only be used once per long rest, utilizing your
intelligence as your spellcasting ability.

● Gain a new movement type of your choice.
● Grants you the invisibility condition until the end of a turn where you attack.
● You get the Path of the Berserker abilities of Frenzy and Mindless Rage.

From this form onwards you gain the ability to perform a Slowdown (see Shifter Class).

You cannot utilize this Form’s special abilities while transformed into a Rider with the exception
of Slowdown.

This form is destroyed if you revert to your Core Form and you lose access to it.

Over Evolved Form

After unlocking your Advanced Form and by syncing up with a Human’s specific emotion,
feeling it deep within your core, you unlock your Over Evolved Form. Discuss how this happens
with your DM. Alternatively, you unlock this form upon reaching Level 14.

In this form, you gain the ability to use Super Slowdown once per long rest, keeping in mind that
you cannot use Super Slowdown and Time Stop at the same time. Additionally, you gain all the
benefits of your Advanced Form.

You cannot utilize this Form’s special abilities while transformed into a Rider with the exception
of Slowdown.

This form is destroyed if you revert to your Core Form and you lose access to it.

Viral Core
As a Roidmude you start with 1d4 + 2 Viral Cores. If you revert to your Core Form, you can
consume one Viral Core to restore your Plain Form as well as any Forms you had already
unlocked prior.

Consuming three Viral Cores (2 in your Advanced Form) will shift you into a giant car monster
that shares a motif with your Plain Form.

● You are a Cobra-type you gain double movement speed.
● You are a Spider-type you gain the ability to deal with difficult terrain.
● You are a Bat-type you gain flying speed equal to your movement speed.

Regardless of type, your size becomes Gargantuan and you gain the Barbarian’s Rage ability.
Due to your massive size and resistance, your AC becomes a 8 + your two highest modifiers.

After rolling a 1d4+2, you can also optionally roll a 1d20. If you roll 16 or above you gain a Neo
Viral Core. These allow you to fuse with players or NPCs (with their consent) to temporarily
unlock an extra Advanced Form, gaining all of the benefits and features for as long as you’re
fused. This Fused Advanced Form is separate to your regular Advanced Form and can have
separate benefits.

When you do so, you and the other player take three Ability Scores and place them into your
Ability Scores. As well, you take your hit points and add 50% of the other player’s hit points to
the total, and use it as the hit points of your merged form.

If you use your Fused Advanced Form after Level 12, you can unlock your Over Evolved Form.
If you haven’t unlocked an Advanced Form before then, you also unlock it.

Bugster Traits
Bugsters share very similar traits to humans, but with a twist. This is a subrace of normal
Humans. Variant Humans cannot obtain this subrace.

Life Taken
As a Bugster, you are either birthed from the death of an infected patient or through other means.
If you gained your human form through the death of a patient, you gain the memories of that
patient in the form of occasional visions.

As this race, whenever you get a weapon from a class, you can instead choose to gain the
Gashacon Bugvisor, a weapon that can be used as a dual melee and ranged weapon that deals
1d8 slashing damage in melee mode and 1d8 piercing in ranged mode. It has a range of 30/120
feet, and has the light property. If you are a Gamer Medic, it can also be used as your Driver in
Level X, Level 50, Level Unknown, and Level Max, where it can still be used as a weapon.

Regardless of class, you can choose to transform with this Bugvisor, assuming a monstrous virus
form. Your Armor Class is 8 + your two highest modifiers, and you gain the ability to infect
others with the Bugster virus, a powerful life-threatening strand of DNA. Each creature in a 10
foot radius must roll a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they gain the infected

If a creature has the infected condition, they must roll a DC 5 Wisdom saving throw whenever
they are hit. This DC increases by 5 every turn the creature has the condition. If the creature
succeeds the check when it is DC 15, they are cured from the condition. If they fail any of the
Wisdom saving throws while infected, a Bugster is summoned from them that has the stat block
of a creature with a challenge rating equal to ⅛th of the creature’s level or challenge rating
(rounded down to the nearest challenge rating). Any Bugsters summoned from it attack the
creature they were spawned from unless attacked by another creature, in which case they are free
to attack other creatures.

Bugsters, especially in your state, can be revived. If your data is backed up (a process that can be
done with a full long rest if you succeed a DC 15 Medicine (Wisdom) check), you can be revived
through a successful Medicine (Wisdom) check against a DC of 20. If they fail, you cannot be
revived for one more day. If you do not have your data backed up, you will be dead forever.

Humagear Traits
As a Humagear, you are specialized to deal in certain areas.

Ability Score Increase

Any ability score increases by 2.

Humagears do not have any specific lifespan. However, they must be repaired occasionally.

Humagears can become any alignment, although most are programmed to be lawful at first.

Humagears share the same general size as humans. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Specialized Worker
As a Humagear, you are tailor-made to fulfill the role of your master or former master. You can
select up to four tool proficiencies or skill proficiencies (you can have a mixture however as long
as the maximum amount is four), although you can only obtain a maximum of two additional

Mechanical Mind
You gain resistance to psychic damage.

Humagear Repair
If a Humagear is knocked unconscious, they gain a level of exhaustion unless they are repaired
using a successful tinkers tools check.

You can speak, read, and write Common and another language of your choice.

Megid Traits
As a Megid, you are born from the magic of Alter Ride Books, sources of magic that house the
records of different books. Megid come in four types, Phantom Beasts, Animals, Stories, and

Ability Score Increase

Different type of Megid are granted different ability score increases
Phantom Beast: Increase Strength by 2 but decrease Wisdom by 1
Animal: Increase Constitution by 2 and Dexterity by 1 but decrease Intelligence by 2
Story: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by 2 but decrease Strength by 3
Hybrid: Increase three abilities by 1 each and then decrease the other three abilities by 1

Many Megid can live for thousands of years, as the power of the Almighty Book grants you
everlasting youth. However Megid spawned from Alter Ride Books are as old as the day they
were spawned from their book.

Megid can be whatever alignment they want, however if someone was to have possession of
your Alter Ride Book you must fall under their alignment.

Megid have the same general size as humans, your size is medium.

Your base speed is 30ft, however if you’re an Animal Megid your speed is increased by 10.

Human desiguse
As a bonus action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics
of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height
and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a human,
though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you
have seen. You can only create your human form once.

Written Magic
Being a Megid grants you access to two Cantrips and one First Level Spell, if you are a Story
Megid/Majin you can learn an extra three Cantrips and an extra First Level Spell.

Hardback Transformation
Most Megid have the ability to switch between a human appearance and their monster form.
While in your Megid form you have an AC of 10 + your two highest modifiers, if you are a
Phantom Beast Megid it is instead 12 + two highest modifiers. This form takes the appearance of
the Phantom Beast, Animal, or Story that your Alter Ride Book is based off of, if you are a
Hybrid Megid your form is a mismatch of all three themes you’ve chosen.

You also gain a weapon of your choice that you decide on at level one whilst in this form.

A New Chapter
If you ever reach 0 hit points and die in battle, a creature can reopen your Alter Ride Book and
with a successful Arcana check can summon you back to full health. If failed you are only
summoned with health equal to 1d10 + the Intelligence Modifier of the creature who summoned

Bound by Pages
If you were to ever lose possession of your Alter Ride Book to someone else you are forced into
servitude to them, whilst they have possession of your Book you must follow every order they
give you until you are able to liberate your book from them. However if your book was to ever
be damaged you become gravely wounded and have a harder time regenerating. If your book is
ever fully destroyed, then you cannot be revived when you next die and instead you fade away
from existence.

Modern Items:
Every class gains starting money equal to 5d4 x 10 gp.

Armor Properties:

Bulletproof. Bulletproof armor protects especially well against many types of bullets and
projectiles. Bulletproof armor makes the wearer resistant to ranged attacks dealing non-elemental
damage with rubber bullets and resistant to normal ranged attacks dealing non-elemental damage
with standard bullets. Bulletproof armor takes six ranged attacks before the resistance wears off
with standard bullets, instead reducing any more ranged attacks by 2 damage until the armor is
repaired as part of a long rest. AP bullets can only be reduced by -2.

Armor Cost Armor Strength Stealth Weight Bulletproof




Weapon Properties:

Ammunition. The ammunition of a firearm is destroyed upon use.

AP. Firearms with the AP property treat all attacks with rubber bullets as if they are using
standard bullets, and standard bullets as if they are using AP bullets.

Burst Fire. Burst fire is a weapon feature able to be used by certain firearms. When you make
the Attack action, you can instead choose to attack all creatures in a 10 x 10 foot square and
make them each roll a Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus

+ your Dexterity modifier. On a success, they take half damage, and on a failure, they take full.
However, when you roll for damage, you do not add any damage modifiers. Burst Fire can be
used for ranged attacks done with Extra Attack too. This action uses ten pieces of ammunition.

Reload. A limited number of shots can be made with a weapon that has the reload property. A
character must then reload it using an action or a bonus action (the character's choice).


AP Bullets. AP bullets deal more damage to bulletproof armor, but are more expensive

Rubber Bullets. Rubber bullets deal reduced damage against bulletproof armor, but are more
nonlethal. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with an attack with a rubber bullet,

Standard Bullets. Standard bullets are normal ammunition with no particular special effects.

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties


Knuckle 5 gp Next damage die 1 lb. N/A

up for Unarmed
Strike (1d4 ->
1d6, 1d6 -> 1d8,


Pistol, standard 10 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition

(range 50/150),
reload (6 shots)

Pistol, automatic 15 gp 1d8 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition

(range 40/120),
burst fire, reload
(15 shots)

Rifle 25 gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition

(range 80/240),
reload (6 shots),

Submachine 30 gp 2d6 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition

Gun (range 60/180),
burst fire, reload
(30 shots),

Shotgun 25 gp 2d8 piercing 7 lb Ammunition

(range 30/90),
reload (2 shots),

Sniper Rifle 75 gp 3d6 piercing 8 lb Ammunition

(range 100/400),
reload (3 shots),

AP Bullets (10) 6 gp

Rubber Bullets 2 gp

Standard Bullets 2 gp - 1 lb.


Name Cost

Auxiliary Item 25 gp

Cell Phone 10 gp

Smartphone 20 gp


Name Cost

Minivan 135 gp

Motorcycle 75 gp

Sports Car 100 gp

Magic Items:

Although magic items from official Dungeons & Dragons materials are recommended for
campaigns, there are magic items that fit specific Rider universes or the franchise as a whole that
can additionally be used.

Potion of Transform One-Shot

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you can transform using a Rider System that usually requires a
specific race like Photon Fighter, Fangire Lord or Liberating Terrorist as if you were that race.
Once you detransform, the effect of the potion wears off and you are once again subject to its

Notes: Utility, Consumable

Armed Weapon
Weapon (any), rare (requires attunement by an Oni)

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

As a bonus action, you can engulf the Armed Weapon in your Elemental Breath, allowing it to
deal an additional 1d6 of the same type of elemental damage as your Elemental Breath.

Attempting to use this weapon to upgrade your form before 14th level will cause you to lose
your ability to Henshin for 48 hours.

Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage: Slashing, Piercing, Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Force, Thunder,
Radiant, Necrotic, Poison

Weapon (Greatsword), rare (requires attunement by an Imagin Host)

When you attune to this magic weapon, the faces of each of your forms appear on the front face
of it. As a bonus action, you can turn this front face to treat this weapon as the weapon of that
form, keeping the amount but not the type of damage this weapon deals in its default state.

Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage: Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning

Pseudo Memory
Wondrous Item, uncommon

The Pseudo Memory cannot be used to transform. However, it can be used in a Maximum Drive
Slot or a weapon to augment your finisher. When doing so, you can change the damage type of
the finisher to a damage type of your choice.

When the Pseudo Memory has been used to do three different damage types for finishers, it is
only capable of doing these damage types from that point onward.

Notes: Utility, Damage: Slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning, Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Force,
Thunder, Radiant, Necrotic, Poison

Backup Key
Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement by a Humagear)

When attuning to this item, you create a backup of your own consciousness. Should you die, a
successful Arcana Check with a DC of 10 + your Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency Bonus by
another creature can restore you into any empty Humagear body. Doing so consumes the Backup

Notes: Utility, Consumable

Zaia Specs
Wondrous Item, uncommon

After any long rest, the wearer of the Zaia Spec may roll 1d8 three times. These three results are
your Insider Infos. These Insider Infos can be used for any Intelligence or Wisdom roll
whatsoever that you make. Once you use an Insider Info, you lose it, and your current Insider
Infos are removed after a long rest. You can have a maximum of three Insider Infos at any given

Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)

Seikens are the powers that shape our world in the form of a magic sword. As such, you can use
a bonus action to turn the damage it does from slashing to the Seikan’s elemental damage type.

Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage: Slashing, Piercing, Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Force, Thunder,
Radiant, Necrotic, Poison

Giff Stamp
Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires Attunement)

When attuning to this item, you can seal a contract with the entity connected to it. If you do, for
as long as the Giff Stamp remains intact, you cannot die. Instead, when you are lowered to 0 hit
points, you get a point of exhaustion to a maximum of 5.

As an action, you can stamp a nearby CR 0 Humanoid, sacrificing them to their inner demon,
turning it into a Gifftarian under your control. Its Ability Scores are its host’s + double your
Proficiency Bonus.

Notes: Utility, Summoning

Giff Junior Stamp

Wondrous Item, Rare

You can summon any number of unarmed guards whose challenge rating equals your level
divided by 20 (rounded down) once per long rest as an action. These guards are under your
complete control and all act on one initiative that you roll when you summon them.

Notes: Utility, Summoning

Alchemist’s Ring
Ring, rare (requires attunement)

When worn on the index finger, the Alchemist’s Ring dresses its user in an Alchemist uniform
representing their rank within the Alchemist Academy. Additionally, you can cast Mage Hand
and gain a +2 bonus to Arcana Checks while wearing the ring on your index or ring finger.

Notes: Buff, Utility, Jewelry

Optional Rules:

The rules below can be used at your Dungeon Master’s discretion. These are fully compatible
with all classes, rules, and abilities listed above.

Berserk Taming:
Many Rider Systems cause the user to go berserk, gaining power at the cost of their sanity. Any
form that grants the user the Barbarian’s Rage ability is counted as a Berserk Form. However,
many Riders gain items or find ways to calm their mind or circumvent the dangerous tendencies
of these new forms. Two levels after you gain a Berserk Form, you gain a new item or mindset
that keeps the rage ability, but removes the limitations that the form has on your actions. This can
also be applied to any form with a downside, such as the 10th level form of Desire Player.

Deadly System:
Some Rider Systems, usually prototypes, give greater power than most other Systems but at the
cost of the user’s health. If you are allowed to use a Deadly System, you can add your
proficiency bonus to your damage rolls and gain an Ability Score Increase when you are
transformed. However, you gain a level of exhaustion every three turns that you are transformed,
which all take effect three turns after you detransform.

Fusion Riders:
Riders with a close enough connection or with a special item can fuse together into one body,
fighting with their combined abilities. This applies to Riders without an already given fusion
form, such as Buddy Stampers. For an item given at a level when you get a new form, you and
another player can choose to fuse when you use the item. When you two use it, your bodies
disappear for the duration of the transformation, forming a new fused body as the rider form.
When you do so, you and the other rider take three Ability Scores and place them into your new
body’s Ability Scores. As well, you take the rider with the highest hit points and add 50% of the
other rider’s hit points to the total, and use it as the new body’s hit points. You two may decide
the level distribution of levels from your classes as long as it adds up to the average total level of
the both of you (rounded up). Additionally, regardless of level or form, you gain an extra damage
die of damage.

Orphnoch Siring:
Under the Orphnoch Transformation section of the Orphnoch race, a creature killed by an
Orphnoch can become an Orphnoch themselves. Your Dungeon Master can choose to apply this
to all deaths, not just those caused by Orphnochs. The Dungeon Master can also choose to make

those killed by Orphnochs roll a Wisdom Saving Throw with a DC of their choice (preferably
15). If someone killed by an Orphnoch succeeds this Saving Throw, they change their race to
Orphnoch but are still “alive”

Legend Rider Items:

Legend Rider items might be gifted or found over the course of the campaign. This can come in
the form of newly summoned belts for Mystic Warriors, new Fuestles for Fangire Lords, cards
for Rouzers and Contractors, a new Combo of Core Medals, etc.. World Travelers already use
Legend Rider Items so it is irrelevant for them.

Once one has obtained the necessary items, they can simply use it like they would use any other
transformation item.When it’s activated, the user changes into the class and/or subclass of the
Legend Rider. For example, if you are an Ancient Hunter of the Artificial Attacker subclass and
use a Fuestle that represents a Fangire Lord, you switch your subclass as long as you have the
Fuestle activated. Like the World Traveler class, you are half the level in your new class as you
were in your old one.

Most of the time, you do not completely resemble the Legend Rider. Instead, your items summon
a module that attaches to you and gives a similar appearance to the original rider.

Speed Condition:
Instead of using the Speed Actions, you may instead use this rule. Speed is a condition granted
by certain class features in this module, and has detailed rules that go along with it.

The speed condition allows you to go so fast that time almost seems to stop. You gain two turns
where you are the only one who acts, but you deal half as much damage against enemies without
the speed condition. This all happens in the space of one turn. If you do an action to cause the
speed condition, someone else within 120 feet who can normally do it as an action can instead
activate the speed condition as a reaction. If that happens, any creatures who go under the
condition go after the first person in initiative. In this case, initiative works like normal for
everyone under that condition. All people under the condition have the three turns like normal,
but they deal normal damage to each other; they don’t halve it. As well, unlike people without
the condition, they can act during combat for those three turns. You can only use the speed
condition once per long rest. If you select this rule, Zecter Master and Shifter’s Hyper Forms
gain Four Rounds of Speed instead of Hyper Actions.

WARNING FOR DMs: The Speed Condition is extremely unbalanced, even with half damage.
However, the primary issue it shows is that it is simply boring, and ruins the flow of combat for
any player without it. However, if most of your players have the condition, it allows for an even
playing field and creative environmental use. Use at your own discretion.

Tactical Effect of Complex Hits, or T.E.C.H. are a significant addition that allows players to
replicate more complex fighting moves and add more strategy to battle. There are two elements
to T.E.C.H., those being Stances and Techniques.

Stances are a passive ability that applies whenever you are in combat. If you are not in
combat, you can apply a Stance as a bonus action, although you will have disadvantage on
Charisma-based checks if you are not in a hostile situation. When entering combat, you may
select your stance at the start of your turn as a free action. Swapping stances is a bonus action.
Some stances require certain weapons, but others can be done regardless of weapon or position.
You gain the neutral stance + one other stance of your choice at level 1, and gain another at
Levels 7, 14, and 20. Stances also have ranks, this is both to keep them useful, and make sure
they don’t become imbalanced. At level 8, your stances increase to Rank 2, and at level 16 they
increase to Rank 3. Some stances previous ranks can still be used if desired, these stances are as
follows: Guardian, Offensive

Aggressor Stance:
In this stance, you can make an unarmed strike against a creature that leaves your range
regardless if the movement was forced or not, but you take 2 extra points of damage if you’re hit.
Rank 2: 4 Extra Points of Damage
Rank 3: 8 Extra Points of Damage

Guardian Stance:
In this stance, you gain +2 to your AC, but gain -2 to damage rolls.
Rank 2: +3 AC, -6 to Damage Rolls
Rank 3: +4 AC, -10 to Damage Rolls

Liquid Stance:
In this stance, all attacks have disadvantage to hit you, but you gain disadvantage on
attack rolls.

Neutral Stance:
In this stance, you do not gain any benefits or disadvantages to your attributes.

Offensive Stance:

In this stance, you gain +2 to damage rolls, but gain -2 AC.
Rank 2: +6 Damage, -3 AC
Rank 3: +10 Damage, -4 AC

Snake Stance:
In this stance, when you’re attacked by an enemy, you can use your reaction to attempt to
grapple them, but you take 2 extra points of damage if you’re hit while not grappling a creature.
Rank 2: 4 Extra Points of Damage
Rank 3: 8 Extra Points of Damage

Retaliatory Stance:
In this stance, you can make an unarmed strike against an enemy in range that hits you,
but you have disadvantage to hit these attacks.

Wrestler Stance:
In this stance, you can grapple as many creatures as you have arms, but your movement
speed is halved.

Flanking Stance:
In this stance, if an enemy is facing away from you, you gain +2 to damage against that
Rank 2: +6
Rank 3: +10

Shuffle Stance:
In this stance, you can use a bonus action to replicate another party members or enemy's
stances for 1d4 rounds. Once that timer is up, you have a -2 damage penalty for however many
rounds you were copying another stance. After this is up, you may copy another stance again.
Rank 2: 1d6 Rounds, -8 Damage Penalty
Rank 3: 1d8 Rounds, -15 Damage Penalty

Polearm Stance:
While in this stance, if you are wielding a polearm, such as a spear or staff, you may use
your bonus action to attack with your weapon in place of an unarmed strike. (Requires a

Duelist Stance:
While in this stance, you suffer a -4 AC Penalty. However, if you are fighting a single
target, with no other enemies OR allies present within 50ft of you, you gain a +8. (+4 AC Total,
because 8-4.) (Requires a Single Handed Finesse Weapon)

Maelstrom Stance:
While in this stance, you suffer -4 AC Penalty. However, for every enemy within 50 ft of
you, you gain a +2 AC (Up to a +8.) (Requires a Versatile/Two Handed Weapon.)

Improviser Stance:
While in this stance, any light weapons you throw will boomerang back to your hand
after you have thrown them. (Requires Light/Throwable Weapons)

Ranger Stance:
While in this stance, you can attempt to make a ranged attack as a bonus action following
a normal attack. This attack cannot be burst fire, and you do not add your proficiency bonus to
the attack roll. (Requires Ranged Weapon)

Slugger Stance:
In this stance, as a bonus action you may roll your damage dice for your weapon, and
whatever the roll, move that many feet on the battlefield by propelling yourself forward with
your weapon (rounded to the nearest 5.) (Requires Blunt Weapon)

Counter Stance:
While holding this stance, you can only attack once per turn, regardless of any extra
attacks or feats. However, when you are targeted by an attack with a bladed weapon, you can
attempt to counter the weapon, by rolling an opposed roll with your own weapon. If you succeed,
you successfully deter the attack, and step onto the enemy's blade. You can attempt this once per
enemy’s turn. Until your next turn, the targeted opponent cannot move, unless they let go of their

Shinobi Stance:

In this stance, you can hide in light cover and foliage, and if you are hidden, you can take
stealth attacks on unsuspecting enemies. Stealth attacks have advantage to hit, and deal an
additional 1d4 damage.
Rank 2: 1d6 additional damage
Rank 3: 1d8 additional damage

Techniques are special actions which replace your normal attacks. Techniques take a full
action, and you cannot use the Extra Attack after using a Technique. You gain a technique of
your choice at level 1, and gain another at Levels 7, 14, and 20. A list of usable techniques is

Sweeping Attack:
Target one opponent in range, and drop down at them and make an attack at their legs.
Roll an attack roll, and your target must make a DC Dexterity saving throw against your attack
roll. If they fail, they are knocked prone, and if they succeed they take half damage and are not
knocked prone.

Pinpoint Strike:
Focus on a single part of your enemy's body, and attempt to strike it. When you strike at
your enemy using pinpoint strike, you may select one of their body parts from the table, and roll
with disadvantage to strike it. If you hit, a debuff will be applied for three rounds wherever you
hit them (except for a strike against the head).

Body Part Effect

Head The enemy becomes stunned (until the end of

your next turn)

Torso -2 AC to the enemy hit

Arms The enemy gains -3 to hit on Unarmed


Crotch Next Attack Against Enemy Hit Has


Legs The enemy’s Ground Movement Speed is


Power Strike:

When using powerstrike, you may reduce your modifier to hit by a certain amount (up to
-10), if this attack hits, you’ll deal however much you remove off your modifier more damage.
For example, if you take -3 off your modifier to hit, when your attack lands, you’ll deal +3.

Nelson Hold
You attempt to grapple a creature, using the normal grapple rules. However, if you
succeed, you put the enemy in a nelson hold, preventing them from taking any actions while
being grappled, but this applies to you as well.

You may use your attack action to Guard, which adds your proficiency bonus to your AC
until you are hit, or drop your guard. If you are hit, or you drop your guard as a bonus action, you
may not guard again for another turn.

Prone Strike
You may only use this technique when prone. Launch up from your prone state, and
attempt to attack the nearest enemy. If you hit, force the enemy to make a DC Dexterity Saving
throw against your attack roll, and if they fail, you toss them to the ground and cause them to
become prone.

Forgo making an attack, and instead rush at an enemy, and leap over their head. Make an
acrobatics or athletics roll against the enemies AC, if you succeed, you jump right over them,
and can move past them without provoking an attack of opportunity. If you fail, you get put 5ft in
front of the enemy.

While grappling an enemy, you may throw them, releasing them from your grapple.
Throws come in three varieties.
Suplex: Slam your enemy onto the ground, make a damage roll, and add your proficiency
bonus to the total damage.
Judo: Trip your enemy over your leg, and put them in the prone position.
Toss: Throw your enemy 5d6+Str Mod ft away from you.

Piercing Shot
Aim a powerful shot at an enemy, with the intent to hit two targets. If you hit an enemy
with a ranged attack while using this technique, the enemy must make a DC
10+Dex+Proficiency Constitution saving throw. On a fail, the attack pierces through the enemy,
and hits anyone in a 20ft line on the opposite side they were hit, regardless if the original attack
beat their AC. Anyone hit by the attack takes half the damage from the original attack. If the
enemy succeeded in their saving throw, nothing happened.

Ricochet Shot
When making a ranged attack using this technique, cover is ignored.

Palm Strike
When you hit an enemy with a melee attack while using this technique, they get pushed 5
ft away, and if they are pushed into an object or wall, the next attack made against them has

Alternative Feature; TECH Forms

Instead of gaining Stances and Techniques as you level up, if you are playing a class that has a
heavy amount of form shifting, such as Ancient Hunter, you can assign a stance and one
technique to each of your forms.

Suggestions Under Consideration:

● Kaijin Transformation Items

● Birth X Core Medal Effects
● King Fusion ≠ All Card Fusion
● Feats
○ Changing forms as a reaction
○ Heroic Push
○ Protagonist Syndrome
● Geats Mk. III option
● G3 Mild Moment
● AOE Finisher option
● Lil Gadget friends for all classes
● Necrotic Soul final form revamp
● Diversify classes with supplementary features that impact both gameplay and roleplay
○ Lifespan expansion (Mystic Warrior) for Ancient Hunter
○ Skill and tool expertise for Photon Fighter
○ Charisma and wildlife abilities for Oni
○ Features based on Tendo, Kagami, TheBee, and Sasword
○ “Rumor” feature for Space Student, something to convey high school life
○ More robust summoning for Dancing Warrior

● King Lion / Dragonic Booster (scan books with an Action/Bonus Action to increase
damage by Proficiency * scanned books perhaps?)


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