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 Angelus
 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
 Song
 Prayer of praise and worship
 Song


I have bought you in to the land of Carmel to enjoy its fruits and
OPENING PRAYER: Dear Lord we gather here this evening to
celebrate the journey of our Aspirants Deepthi Neelima Xa xa,Helen
Hembrom,Nikita Tirkey,Rose Rani Tigga. A journey ended and a
journey begun and yet part of the greater journey where they would
encounter you.
They come open to discover how you are calling them to discover
how you are calling them in to a new way of walking a new way of
journeying and new paths to follow. Guide their steps in the days of
their postulancy so that they may learn ever more surely how to walk
in your way.
REFLECTION: WALKING THE JOURNEY: The shoes that we wear have
a big effect on us. They effect how we walk, what we do and dictate
where we go. Different shoes put us in different frame of mind. They
may be “work shoes” that signify our powerful, competent self, a
self-sufficiency that does not allow help of others or the feel the
need to be in control.
They may be walking shoes that speak a sense of freedom, the open
road. Our old slippers that allow us to relax.
God called Moses to take his shoes for he stood on holy ground. He
stood open and vulnerable before his God. Jesus took off the sandals
of his disciples and washed their feet, the dust a reminder of where
they had been.
God called us to be bare footed in his presence. He wants to help
wash the dust off our feet and our old ways of thinking so that the
dirt of past may not present us seeing the light and promise of
Together we walk bare footed in to that future recognizing that we
stand on holy ground and in the presence of a God who calls us like
Moses to stand before the burning bush of his divine love. We learn
courage to walk in the steps of our teacher and begin a new journey
a journey of love
Relying Upon the Word of God
I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things
have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words
will not pass away.” Luke 21:32–33
We know that life is full of change .It has been said that the one thing
that never changes is change itself. Everything else changes. But
when it comes to earth, it is hard to believe that it will one day “ pass
In a world filled with change and uncertainty, we need some form of
stability. And that stability is the truth found in the Word of God. The
Word of God, as revealed to us through the Scriptures, must become
our rock foundation upon which our whole lives are built and exist.
Pondering, praying with, meditating on, and believing the Word of
God enables us to stand on firm and unchanging spiritual ground as
we go through the change of this life and even the changes that will
come at the end of time. Though this may seem somewhat
mysterious in nature, it is a helpful truth to understand and believe.
Everything will pass away except Jesus’ words. Thus, the most secure
thing we can do in life is to cling to His words and never let go.
Dear Aspirants as we Reflect, today, upon the importance of truly
immersing yourself in the Word of God. How much time do you
spend each week reading it, praying with it and allowing it to become
your daily food? The Word of God is not simply a book of teachings
meant to inspire you or guide you. The Word of God is a Living Word.
It is God in His unchangeable form. God, in His essence, will never
change, and engaging Him through the revelation of His written
Word is one essential way by which you will be able to experience
true stability in life and prepare for each and every change to come
until the final order of life is permanently established.
May I request Sr.Marykutty Antony the provincial superior to present
the word of God to the Aspirants to firm and encounter themselves
with word of God ,the God who created and willing to follow .
Aspirants Prayer :My Eternal Word, You are unchanging and eternal.
You are the rock foundation upon which I must always rely. As I
continue to experience the many changes encountered in this life,
please enter my soul through your written Word, so that I will find
the stability I need. As I stand firm in You, I look forward with joy to
the New Heavens and New Earth that await. Jesus, I trust in You.
FINAL PRAYER: Lord we believe that you are calling these Aspirants
Deepti Nilima XaXa, Helen Hembrom,Nikita Tirkey,Rose Rani Tigga,to
come and follow you. Be with them during their postulancy you be
their protector guide and companion. Help them not to be afraid to
acknowledge and use the gifts you have given them in loving service
of others. Let their postulancy be a school of love where they learn.
May they walk in to the future filled with daring zeal, strengthened
by the knowledge that you are with them.

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