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Master in Management Program



Syllabus for Semester II Academic Year 2023/2024

Every Monday, 13:30 to 16:00 at Room 303

Facilitator : Rokhima Rostiani, M.Mgt.

OMice : Room S325 of FEB Building
Contact : (email) or +62-858-4861-6675 (mobile)
Consultation : By appointment

Course Description
This course discusses basic concepts of business and management. Topics discussed
in this course are introduction to business environment, definition of management for
business, the functions of internal business and various aspects related to business
strategy management. Further, this course emphasizes management theories, concepts,
techniques, and practice in the context of global and dynamic business. Discussion in-
class will include all of management function such as planning, organizing, directing, and

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to:
1. Understand and able to describe various definition and component of business,
global business, small business, and entrepreneurship.
2. Understand the impact of business environment change and finding ways on how to
manage it.
3. Demonstrate the ability to implement business knowledge in management practice
(planning, organizing, directing, controlling).
4. Demonstrate the ability to solve business problems through creative ideas and
communicate it eMectively, persuasively, and professionally.
5. Demonstrate the ability to make ethical, responsible, and strategic business decision
in various aspect (operations, human resources, marketing, and finance).
This course is designed in accordance with the Faculty’s AACSB standard.
No. AACSB Learning Goals Degree
LG1 Students demonstrate the ability to communicate in an effective, Medium
persuasive, and professional manner
LG2 Students demonstrate the ability to translate business knowledge High
into action
LG3 Students demonstrate the ability to make ethical and responsible Medium
LG4 Students demonstrate the ability to solve practical business High
problems with creative ideas
LG5 Students demonstrate the ability to be a strategic business leader Medium

Main Readings
1. Ferrell, Hirt, Ferrell. 2023. Business Foundations: A Changing World, 13th Edition,
McGraw-Hill (FHF)
2. Jones, G. R., and George, J. M. 2022. Contemporary Management 12th Edition,
McGraw-Hill (JG)

To be announced

Learning Method
This course uses the students centred learning (SCL) paradigm. In this approach,
students are active learners to find and construct their own knowledge. The facilitator
serves only as a facilitator to help students achieve their learning objectives and develop
interpersonal skill (i.e. communication skills in the sense of arguing, reasoning, and
presenting). This course is a mixture of lectures, class-discussion, and presentation.
Therefore, you are expected to be ready with the topics to be discussed in class on each
session. Please read and prepare your assignments carefully before every session.
Because class time is our most precious and inelastic resource, please come to every
class prepared. Essential preparation includes reading the assigned readings and cases,
doing the assignments, and bringing these resources and materials to each class.

Learning activity
The learning activities in this course are conducted online and oMline, whether it is
synchronous or asynchronous. In synchronous learning, the interaction between
facilitator and the students could be direct in-person in the class or online through Zoom
Meeting. In the asynchronous learning, interaction between facilitator and the students
is conducted in eLOK to save learning materials, save the presentation slides, submit the
assignment, and discussion. You can access this course in eLOK ( with
the following enrolment detail.
Course ID : BMN84D
Enrolment Key : BMN84D

Evaluation and Grading: *Remember that grades are earned, not given
The criteria for performance evaluation (on total of 100% points) is as follows:
Mid-term Exam : 25%
Final Exam : 25%
Group presentation, assignment : 30%
Individual assignment, participation : 20%

A: 90-100 B-: 72.5-74.99 C/D: 60-62.49

A-: 85-89.99 B/C: 70-72.49 D+: 55-59.99
A/B: 80-84.99 C+: 67.5-69.99 D: 50-54.99
B+: 77.5-79.99 C: 65-67.49 E: 0-49.99
B: 75-77.49 C-: 62.5-64.99

Grade Explanation
A Like A-, with consistent evidence of substantial originality and
understanding in identifying, producing, and communicating conflicting
arguments, perspectives, or problem-solving approaches; critically
evaluate the problem, its solutions, and the implications of the problem.
A- Like B+, with much evidence of originality in defining and analyzing issues
or problems and in creating solutions; using levels, styles and suitable
communication means to the discipline of science and audience.
A/B and B+ Demonstrate a substantial understanding of basic concepts in various
contexts; develop or adapt convincing arguments and provide a
comprehensive justification; communicating information and ideas
adequately in terms of disciplinary conventions.
B Demonstrate adequate understanding and application of basic concepts
from the field of study; building arguments or decisions and providing
acceptable justification; communicating information and Ideas adequately
in terms of disciplinary conventions.
B- to C Demonstrate a superficial or partial or erroneous (faulty) understanding of
basic concepts of the field of study and the limited ability to apply the
concepts; giving an unsupported or improper argument; communicate
information or ideas with unclear and inconsistent compliance with
disciplinary conventions.
C- to D+ Demonstrate a real shortcoming in understanding and applying underlying
concepts; communicate the idea and information in incomplete ways or
confusing and give just little attention the conventions of the science field.
D Fail to demonstrate the major part or the whole part of learning goals.
E/F There is no work that can be graded.
Mid-term and Final Exam. These two exams will be conducted to examine your
understanding of the concept and topics discussed each session.
Group presentation (GP) and assignment. In particular session, a group is assigned to
deliver their presentation on certain topics and cases for discussion for a maximum of 30
minutes. Class is divided into 6 groups. Each group is free to choose the case to be
presented in class with prior consultation to the facilitator. The case must be real and
recent, happened in Indonesia (preferable), and relevant to the topic discussed. The case
could be obtained from news, popular articles in magazine, or videos in television or
other social media. When consulting to facilitator, link to the source must be attached.
The case is analysed utilising the business and management concept: critically indicate
the alignment or the mismatch between theory and practice. Group that is scheduled to
deliver their presentation next will have to be the group that spark the discussion in class,
so they must prepare questions for discussion. Other students then must follow and
participate in discussion.
The case analysis consists of (1) Introduction – brief explanation of the case, (2)
Issue Identification – the main point discusses, (3) Analysis – critical, analytical, and (4)
Recommendation – the proposed problem solving and actions. This content is used for
presentation and group paper as the group assignment. For presentation, although slides
are not mandatory, each group must present their case and analysis in front of the class
as a stimulation for discussion. For the group assignment, each group must submit a
paper (minimum 5-page, 1.5 space, in formal academic style of Bahasa Indonesia). In
one semester, each group submit two group assignments on the day of the presentation.
The deadline for group assignment submission is at end of the class (approximately at
16:00 GMT) and the assignment is submitted to eLOK.
Individual participation and assignment. To foster a productive learning environment, it is
important that everyone come to class prepared and willing to contribute to discussion.
Ideally, you will make concise, insightful, and eloquent comments in every class.
However, I also recognize the importance of making smaller contributions, including
asking good questions. I believe that the learning environment is best when the
discussion is not dominated by a few but moved along incrementally by all of us. Points
for class participation will be based on facilitator’s notes on each session.
Individual assignment will be in the form of reflection paper to be submitted on
the final-term exam. Students choose their favourite (or maybe least favourite) topics
during the semester and then critically analyse the concept. The analysis could include
reflection regarding the gap between the theory and the practice, best practice, or
analogy to similar business/industry. The last part must exhibit students’ opinion for
improvements. The paper is written in formal, academic style of Bahasa Indonesia with a
maximum of 1,500 words excluding appendix and references.
Rules and Responsibilities
1. Please follow the Faculty Code of Conduct (FEB WAYS) and Academic Rules
2. Please attend 100% of scheduled class sessions. However, tolerable absence of 25%
(3 sessions) by prior permission and strong evidence of urgency and emergency only
is permitted.
3. Please come on time (no more than 15 minutes late).
4. Please refrain to enter and exit the class during the lecture (there will be a 15-minute
break in each session depending on class mood).
5. Please set your phone in silent mode.
6. Provide a conducive learning environment.
7. Please listen and appreciate the other students’ presentation/opinion.
8. Please submit all assignments and exercises on time.

FEB UGM Ethical Values

Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in the eMort to achieve strategic vision done by
referring to five main ethical values, as follows:
1. Integrity. Upholding the principles of honesty, consistency of words and deeds,
commitment to promises, moral courage in defending truth, the interests of the
organization over the interests of groups and individuals and being trustworthy and
2. Professionalism. Playing its role by referring to the quality and performance
standards, conformity with the expertise, expertise and competence, the spirit of self-
development in a sustainable, client-oriented, and accountable manner.
3. Objectivity and Fairness. Giving respect to all citizens, regardless of function, status,
and position, and by not discriminating based on religion, race, ethnicity, and gender,
and appreciating and evaluating performance objectively and fairly.
4. Academic Freedom. Recognizing the concept and practice of academic freedom as
a central behaviour that is to be upheld in learning, teaching, research, and
5. Social Concern. Have a commitment and sincerity to participate and be actively
involved in handling and solving various economic, business, and social problems
faced by the community and are committed to preserving the environment and
behaving in an environmentally friendly manner.

Academic Integrity
As an academic institution, Universitas Gadjah Mada do not tolerate all forms of
plagiarism. Plagiarism may include the use of words, works, opinion, or information from
other sources without citation as well as the use of others’ ideas, material, way of
thinking without recognition. All forms of plagiarism, when detected, would cause a
student to get an E (do not pass the course). For plagiarism detected in group work, all
team members would automatically receive an E (do not pass the course).
Class Structure and Schedule
Session Topic Material Activities LG
1 Syllabus explanation FHF1 Discussion 1,2,3,
Feb 12 The Dynamic of Business and Economics Video 4,5
2 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility FHF2 Discussion 1,2,4,
Feb 19 Case GP1 5
3 Business in a Borderless World FHF3 Discussion 1,2,4,
Feb 26 Managing in the Global Environment JG6 GP2 5
4 Options for Organizing Business FHF4,5 Discussion 1,2,3,
Mar 04 Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Case GP3 4,5
5 Managing Service and Manufacturing FHF8 Discussion 1,2,3,
*Mar 08 Operations Case GP4 4,5
6 Managing Human Resource FHF10 Discussion 2,3,4,
Mar 18 Managing Diverse Employee JG5 GP5 5
7 Customer Driven Marketing FHF11,12 Discussion 1,3,4,
Mar 25 Dimensions of Marketing Strategy Case GP6 5
Mid-term exam
8 Managers and Their Roles JG1,2 Discussion 1,3,4,
Apr 29 The Evolutions of Management Thought Case GP7 5
9 Managers as a Planner and Strategist JG8 Discussion 1,2,4,
May 06 Case GP8 5
10 Decision Making, Learning and Creativity JG7 Simulation 1,2,4,
May 13 Let’s play! Discussion 5
11 Managing Organization Structure and JG10,11 Discussion 1,2,4,
May 20 Culture Case GP9 5
Organization: Control and Change
12 Motivation and Performance JG13,14 Discussion 2,3,4,
May 27 Leadership Case GP10 5
13 Edective Groups and Teams JG15,16 Discussion 1,2,4,
June 03 Promoting Edective Communication Case GP11 5
14 Managing Conflict, Politics and Negotiation JG17,18 Discussion 1,2,3,
June 10 Using Advanced Information to Increase Case GP12 4,5
Final exam – Due for individual assignment

Group Members
1 Awaliana Septiarista Sari
Donny Purnomo
Dimas Bayu Arya Putra
Selsa Nabila
Siska Krisdiana Nofianti
Amira Budi Mutiara
Natya Nindyagitaya
Theodorus Calvin Sugiyono
3 Ega Kurnianto
Muhammad Fahreza Primadi
Hertina Ajeng Rahmawati
4 Tsara Tsurayya Firdalia
Louisa Lintang Hayuningtyas
Rama Radithya Wondy
Rut Paulina Purba
5 Tiara Risa Damayanti
Nafisya Haura Danya
Muhammad Sulthan Achmad Sukri
Hasna Irbah
Ito Wahyu Mukti Prasetyo
Vanessa Putri Sondakh
Amir Rizqi Ramadhan

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