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Cafino, Marc Lyndon F.

FCM Assignment

1. How many interlocal health zones are there in the Province of Negros Oriental?
a. There are six interlocal health zones in the Province of Negros Oriental :
■ BINATA (Bindoy, Ayungon,Tayasan), CVGLJ (Canla-on, Vallehermoso, Guihulngan, La
Libertad, Jimalalud), METROPOLITAN (Dumaguete City, Dauin, Bacong, Valencia,
Sibulan, San Jose), MAMABATA PA (Manjuyod, Mabinay, Bais City, Tanjay City, Amlan,
Pamplona), STA BAYABAS (Sta. Catalina, Bayawan, Basay), SIAZAM (Siaton,

2. Who are the members that compose the leadership of one ILZH Dumaguete City?
a. Ms. Jennifer Remollo is the officer in charge/ Provincial DOH Officer/ Development Management
Officer IV in Dumaguete City.
b. The ILZH in Dumaguete City is led by a diverse group including Local Chief Executives,
government officials, the local health office, the ILZH team which encompasses all health workers
and support staff from various healthcare facilities, representatives from DOH-CHD and PHIC,
other governmental bodies, private sectors, NGOs, community volunteer health workers, and
members of the community.
3. What are the responsibilities of each member?
a. Local chief executives and other government officials
■ They guarantee the establishment of ILHZ in the region through local directives:
Governor's Executive Order, LHB (Local Health Board) Resolution, SP (Sangguniang
Panlalawigan) & SB (Sangguniang Bayan) Resolution—providing necessary funds to
uphold the provision of high-quality healthcare.
b. Local health office
■ They undertake the planning, execution, supervision, and assessment of the provision and
administration of healthcare services within the ILHZ.
c. ILZH team
■ They do promotion and prevention aspects of health care and treating patients provide of
quality health care
d. DOH-CHD, PHIC, and other government agencies
■ Offer technical assistance and promote the advancement of local health management
systems, integrating them within the framework of the ILHZ. Review and authorize funding
proposals within the ILHZ intended to fortify healthcare delivery and bolster
community-driven endeavors. Fuse local health strategies into regional schemes and
oversee the progression and execution of ILHS (Integrated Local Health Systems).
e. Private sectors
■ Collaboration partners through:
1. Services
2. Financial Assistance
3. Grants
4. Referral and Information system
f. NGOs

■ They serve as agents of transformation in the realm of healthcare, fostering stronger and
more institutionalized collaboration and partnerships between government entities and
non-governmental organizations/community-based organizations through the ILHZ
g. Community volunteer health workers
■ Front liners in the delivery of primary health careConduits for the two-way channel of
communication for the improvement of health care delivery
h. Community members
■ The purpose and mission of the Interlocal Health Zone (ILHZ) involve engaging
community members as partners in the development and enhancement of primary
healthcare services.
4. Population of each ILZH in Negros Oriental?

According to 2020 Census:

● Bindoy: had a population of around 27,000 people.

● Ayungon: had a population of approximately 45,000 people .
● Tayasan: had a population of roughly 40,000 people
● Canlaon: Canlaon City had a population of around 55,000 people
● Vallehermoso: Vallehermoso had a population of approximately 31,000 people
● Guihulngan: Guihulngan City had a population of about 109,000 people
● La Libertad: La Libertad had a population of roughly 37,000 people
● Jimalalud: Jimalalud had a population of around 36,000 people
● Dumaguete City: Dumaguete City had a population of around 137,000 people
● Dauin: Dauin had a population of approximately 34,000 people
● Bacong: Bacong had a population of roughly 37,000 people
● Valencia: Valencia had a population of about 36,000 people
● Sibulan: Sibulan had a population of approximately 65,000 people
● San Jose: San Jose had a population of around 19,000 people
● Manjuyod: Manjuyod had a population of around 42,000 people
● Mabinay: Mabinay had a population of approximately 64,000 people
● Bais City: Bais City had a population of roughly 81,000 people
● Tanjay City: Tanjay City had a population of about 91,000 people
● Amlan: Amlan had a population of approximately 31,000 people
● Pamplona: Pamplona had a population of around 34,000 people
● Santa Catalina: Santa Catalina had a population of around 36,000 people
● Bayawan: Bayawan City had a population of approximately 131,000 people
● Basay: Basay had a population of roughly 23,000 people
● Siaton: Siaton had a population of around 80,000 people
● Zamboanguita: Zamboanguita had a population of approximately 32,000 people

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