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torek, 05.

september 2023; 08:55


1. Če bi vzel račun na blagajni, bi se lahko pritožil zaradi izdelka z napako. If you had taken the
receit at the checkout , you could have complained about the faulty product.
2. Sodnik je žvižgal enajstmetrovko, ker je eden od igralcev naredil prekršek. The refeere called
an eleven-metter, because one of the players had committed a faul.
3. Trije statisti so bili poškodovani med tem ko so snemali nevaren prizor. (PASSIVE) Three
extras were injured while a dangerous scene was being filmed.
4. On je lahko igral na tekmi kljub poškodbi. He was able to play in the match despite his injury.
5. Učenec čigar oče je ravnatelj naše osnovne šole je bil izključen iz šole zaradi nadlegovanja in
pretepanja. The pupil whose father is the principal of our primary school has been expelled
due to harassment and fighting
6. Oni mogoče niso razumeli navodil. (MIGHT) They might not have understood the
instructions. – PERFECT INFINITIVE. They might have misunderstood the instructions.
7. Rekli so da bodo obnovili hišo, vendar so se kasneje odločili, da jo bodo prodali. They said
that they were going to renovate the house, but then they decided to sell it.
8. Vodstvo podjetja je vprašalo zaposlene če imajo kaj problemov z novo opremo. The
management of the company asked the employees whether they had any problems with
new equipment.
9. Če bi trgovina ponudila več znižanj, bi privabila več strank. If the store offered more
discounts it would attract more customers.
10. Čuval bom hišo mojih prijateljev medtem ko bodo oni na počitnicah naslednji mesec. I am
going to house-sit my friends´s house, while they will be on vacation next month.
11. Prejšnji teden je dobil sporočilo od svojega očeta s katerim ni že več let govoril. Last week he
got a message from his father with whom he hadn´t spoken to for many years.
12. Preveč popustljivi starši dovolijo otrokom, da počnejo kar želijo. Indulgent parents let their
children do what they want.
13. Ne ve če je opravila izpit, ker rezultati še niso bili objavljeni. She does not know whether she
passed the exam, because the results have not been posted yet.
14. Ona obžaluje, da je objavljala svoje osebne podatke na družabnih omrežjih. She regrets
putting her personal information on social media.

*REPORTED SPEECH, ONE TENSE BACK – lahko vedno - uradno. Ne nujno pri splošnih resnicah,
nespremenjenih situacijah in lažeh.


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