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Iron is a lustrous, ductile,

malleable, silver -gray metal group. It
i s known to exist i n four distinct
crystalline forms . Iron rusts i n damp
air, but not i n dry air. It dissolves
readily i n dilute acids .

I t’s estimated that p eo ple hav e b een

using iron fo r mo re than 5 ,0 00 yea rs . Iron
items that can be trac ed b ack to a round
3 ,500 BC h ave been found in E gyp t – they
contai n approxim a tely 7.5% nickel , an
indication that they had meteoric origin .
I ron was smel t f rom i ts ores a round 1,50 0
BC , which created a stronger metal tha t
off ered econo mic a nd pol itical power and
started the Iron Age.

I n 1722 , René An toin e Ferchau lt the

Réaumur wrote a book abou t the differen t
types of iron, and how steel, wrought iron
and cast iron could be distin gu ish ed by the
amount of carbon th ey possessed . Th is
element was key durin g the Indu strial
Revolution, which began soon after, an d was
vital to the developm en t of mach inery,
buildings and tools .
Iron is the second most common metal in Earth's crust
after aluminum, but because it reacts so readily with
oxygen it's never mined in its pure form (though
meteorites are occasionally discovered that contain
samples of pure iron). Like aluminum, most iron "locked"
inside Earth exists in the form of oxides (compounds of
iron and oxygen) .
Iron oxides exist in seven main ores (raw, rocky minerals
mined from Earth) :

Hematite Limonite Geothite Magnetite Pyrite Siderite Taconite

• iron is a silvery-white metal that's easy to work and

shape, ductile, malleable, and thermally


• chemically active and dissolves in dilute acids

• ferromagnetic

• lron is believed to be the tenth most abundant

element in the universe


Pig ir on - Basi c raw iron is cal led pi g iron

becaus e it's produced in t he form o f chunky
mo l ded bl ocks known a s pi g s . (S t eel Col umn)

Cas t ir on is simpl y l iquid iron that has been

cas t : poured i nto a mold and all owed to cool
and harden to form a fi nished st ruct ural
s ha pe, such a s a pipe, a g ear, o r a big g i rder
fo r a n i r o n bri dg e .

Wr ou ght iron is a very di fferent material

03 made by mi xi ng l i qui d i ron w i t h some sl ag
A metal is a material (an element,
compound, or alloy) that is typically hard,
opaque, shiny, and has good electrical
and thermal conductivity. Metals are
generally malleable that is, they can be
hammered or pressed permanently out of
shape without breaking or cracking-as
well as fusible (able to be fused or melted)
and ductile (able to be drawn out into a
thin wire). About 91 of the 118 elements in
the periodic table are metals; the others
are non-metals or metalloids

Put in the simplest terms, ferrous metals are those which

contain iron, whilst non-ferrous metals don't have any iron
content. There are, however, other differences between the two
types of metal which have a strong bearing upon the tasks which
they are usually called upon to perform.

• Carbon content • Carbon content • Made up of Iron, • carbon 2% - 6% • Composed of

of 0.1 to 0.3% of 0.6 to 1.4% nickel and and lron at 94 almost 100%
and Iron and Iron chromium. to 98%. iron
content of 99.7 content of 98.6 • Resists staining • Very strong but • Used to make
- 99.9% to 99.4 %6 and corrosion brittle items such as
• Used for • Used to make and is therefore • Used to omamental
engineering cutting tools used for the manufacture gates and
purposes and in such as drill bits likes of cutlery items such as fencing
general, none and surgical engine blocks
specialized instrumentation and manhole
metal products covers
• An alloy of • Copper is a • combination of • Mainly a natural • naturally
aluminium, natural copper and substance, but occurring
copper and occurring zinc, usually in mixing with substance
manganese. substance the proportions copper creates • It is heavy and
• Very lightweight • conducts heat of 65% to 35% sterling silver. very soft and is
and easily and electricity respectively • Used in often used in
worked. for it is used for • Is used for jewellery and roofing, in
• Used in aircraft wiring, tubing ornamental ornaments, and batteries and to
manufacture, and pipe work purposes and also to solder make pipes
window frames within electrical different metals
and kitchenware fittings together
• Steel is an alloy of iron and other elements,
primarily carbon, that is widely used in
construction and other applications because of
its high tensile strength and low cost.
• improved strength and fracture resistance
compared to other forms of iron. Many other
elements may be present or added.

• The earliest known production of steel

is seen in pieces of ironware excavated
from an archaeological site in Anatolia
and are nearly 4,000 years old, dating
from 1800 BC.
• 1900 U.S was the largest producer and
lowest cost producer
• ASTM issues standards on material
and design

• After iron ore is mined, it is melted at

2800 degrees f
• Then carbon and other elements are

Two Different Processes:

• Blast furnace
• Electric arc furnace
• Highly versatile and depends on carbon content
• Increased carbon increases strength and

• Lower ductility
• Lower melting point (the higher the
carbon the lower the melting point of
the steel)
• Harder to weld
Carbon steel is broken down into 4 groups :

• Lower-Mild Carbon Steel

• Medium Carbon Steel
• High Carbon Steel
• Ultra-high Carbon Steel
Low Carbon Steel or Mild Steel High carbon steel or carbon tool steel

• Carbon content (0.04-0.3%) • Carbon content (0.6-1.5%)

• Cheapest most versatile form • This material is extremely hard and brittle
• It is malleable, ductile, tough, very easy to • Because of this it is very hard to bend, weld
weld, and one of the cheapest form of steel or cut
• Example: 1018 steel • Used in heavy duty springs, edged tools, and
high strength wires

Medium carbon steel Ultra-high carbon steel

• Carbon content (0.3-0.6%) • Carbon content (1.5-2%)

• It is stronger and harder than mild steel but • It can be heat treated to exceptional
it is more difficult to weld and form hardness
• It is common in large parts, forged parts, • Best for specialist knives, axles, and
and automotive components punches are typically made of ultra-high
• Example: 1045 steel carbon steel

• The most common elements

include manganese, chromium,
nickel, silicon, boron,
molybdenum, and vanadium
• Adding other element to iron and
carbon can improve a range of
properties including strength,
hardness, toughness, wear
resistance, corrosion resistance,
and hardenability.
Alloy Steel is broken down into 2 groups :

• Low-alloy Steel
• High-alloy Steel
Low-alloy steel High-alloy content

• Range from 1-5% alloy content • Have alloy level in excess of 10%
• Easily weldable with appropriate • Giving them outstanding
precautions properties
• This high chromium and carbon
content give stainless steel its
iconic corrosion resistance,
hardness and strength
• We can generally find an alloy of
stainless steel for any project we
could imagine
• At present there are over 150
specific alloys of stainless
• This is why stainless steel is used
in everything from medical
equipment, cheap knives, to
spacecraft and airplane hulls
• It is particularly well-suited for
making tools because of its
distinctive hardness, resistance to
abrasion and ability to hold a
cutting edge at elevated
• The 4 major alloying element in
tool steel are tungsten, chromium,
vanadium, and molybdenum
• Often used by blade smiths in
making knives, axes, swords, and

The carbon content of steel is between 0.002% and

2.1% by weight for plain iron-carbon alloys. These
values vary depending on alloying elements such as
manganese, chromium, nickel, iron, molybdenum,
carbon and so on. Basically, steel is an iron-carbon
alloy that does not undergo eutectic reaction
• Manganese (Mn): Manganese is often added to steel to improve its strength,
toughness, and hardenability. It also helps in deoxidizing the steel.
• Chromium (Cr): Chromium is used in stainless steel to enhance corrosion
resistance and provide a lustrous finish. Stainless steel typically contains around
10-20% chromium.
• Nickel (Ni): Nickel is another element used in stainless steel to improve corrosion
resistance, as well as to modify the steel's microstructure and increase its strength.
• Iron (Fe): Iron is the primary component of steel and forms the basic matrix of the
material. It provides structural strength and durability.
• Molybdenum (Mo): Molybdenum is added to certain types of steel, especially
those used in high-temperature and high-stress applications, to increase strength
and resistance to corrosion.
• Carbon (C): Carbon is a critical element in steel. It influences the hardness,
strength, and other mechanical properties of the steel. The carbon content
typically ranges from 0.02% to 2.1% in steel.

Different types of steel are produced according to the mechanical and

physical properties required for their application. Various grading
systems are used to distinguish steels based on these properties, which
include density, elasticity, melting point, thermal conductivity,
strength, and hardness (among others). To make different steels,
manufacturers vary the type and quantity of alloy metals, the
production process, and the manner in which the steels are worked to
produce particular products.
Advantages of steel
• Ease of fabrication, lower production cost, it is recyclable
• Possesses desirable physical properties

High strength – particularly tensile strength

• can be temporarily deformed by a force and return to its original shape

• can withstand extensive deformation under tensile stress before facture
• gives warning before failure (necking)
Disadvantages of steel
Maintenance and corrosion
• susceptible to corrosion if exposed to air, water, acids, and so on.
• Can add elements like copper and chromium
• Or coat the steel
Fireproofing cost
• Steel is incombustible
• But it softens and its strength decreases at high temperature
• As the length of slenderness of a compressive column is increased
its danger of buckling increases
• Ductility – it can be stretched and drawn into thin wires (wire fences) or pressed into
different shapes (auto body panels)
• Toughness - Steel exhibits toughness, meaning it can absorb energy without
fracturing. This property is essential in applications where impact resistance is
• Durability - Steel is highly durable and can withstand harsh environmental conditions,
making it suitable for long-term use in construction and infrastructure.
• Malleability - Steel is highly malleable and can be shaped, formed, and molded into
various structures and objects through processes like rolling, forging, and casting.
• Conductivity - Steel is a good conductor of electricity and heat, making it suitable for
electrical and thermal applications.
• Weldability - Steel is easily weldable, allowing for the fabrication of complex
structures and components.
• Strength - Steel is known for its exceptional strength, making it capable of
withstanding heavy loads and resisting deformation or breakage. Different types of
steel can be engineered to have varying levels of strength.

Rebar steel is shorthand for

reinforcing steel. It is
commonly used as a tensioning
device to reinforce concrete
and other masonry structures
as structural reinforcement. It
is usually a carbon steel and
has ridges that ‘grip’ onto the

Material testing of a steel bar is crucial,

and it is similarly put under examination
to recognize its various specific uses. It
involves the estimation of attributes
and behavior of substances like metals,
plastics, and ceramics under varying
conditions. Steel bar reinforcement is
essential to inspect and test
periodically to decide its adequacy

• Tensile Strength Test

• Flexural/Bending Strength Test
• Rockwell Hardness Test.

This tensile test process is one of the

crucial tests of steel bars. A tension test
of steel materials is a damaging
procedure that gives data about the
elasticity, tensile strength, and yield
strength of the sample. This tensile test is
done to decide how the material
responds when you apply a force to it.
• UTM – Universal Testing Machine
2. Reinforced steel bar
3. Digital Weighing Scale

4. Measuring Tape and Vernier Caliper

Safety and Precautions:
• Before conducting test, use safety gloves, safety shoes & apron
at the time of test
• After test switch off the machine
• Keep all the exposed metal parts greased
• Keep the guide rods firmly fixed to the base & top plate
• Equipment should be cleaned thoroughly before testing & after
testing; and
• Before conducting the test, make sure that no one is around (1-
meter radius from testing machine)
Test procedure:
• Prepare three any diameter of reinforced steel bar specimens are subject for tensile strength
• Check the color, length, weight and diameter of the sample then record it;
• Make sure that the length of the specimen should not be greater than 600 mm to avoid stacking
in clamp while operating
• Check if (UTM) is clean before using it and take a look on the joint arm part if it is greased
• Remove any unnecessary material in the clamp surface
• Hold the reinforced steel bar specimen (vertically) at the middle part and align the upper part of
specimen to the upper clamp of the UTM before pressing the upper clamp remote
• Then align also the lower part of the specimen to the lower clamp of the UTM before pressing the
lower clamp remote
• Check the upper and lower clamp surface if it is properly molded to the specimen
• After checking, set up the computer system to stress strain diagram or test displacement
diagram to determine the output
• The load shall be applied slowly at a rate of 5mm/min until the specimen reaches its yield and
breaking points
• When specimen breaks stop the operation of the machine and remove the unnecessary debris
under break specimen
• Take a photo on the break specimen and record all the data in the monitor
• Calculate the weight of each specimen:
W = (0.888 kg/L)(L)
2. Determine if the tensile strength of structure is passed or failed
If W > 0.888 – passed
If W <0.888 – failed
Bend testing on steel bars takes into
consideration that materials resistance to
fracture, ductility, fracture strength, and
bend strength. These qualities can be
utilized to decide if a piece of equipment
will fail under pressure and are essential
in any construction procedure, including
plastic materials loaded with bending
1. UTM

2. Test specimen

2. Bending fixture
Test procedure:
• Take a test specimen of the steel rod.
• Measure the diameter of the steel rod.
• Take at least 3 readings and calculate the mean.
• Now place the test specimen in the bending table specimen should be kept in the bending table
in such a way that the plane
• Intersecting the longitudinal ribs is parallel to the axis of the pin.
• Select suitable rang of scale.
• Start the machine and start applying load continuously and uniformly throughout the bending.
• As the load is applied on the rod it will start bending.
• Discontinue the application of load when the angle of bent specified in the material specimen
has been achieved before rebound.
• Take out the specimen and examine the tension surface of the specimen for cracking
(Bar # 3 to Bar #11 should bend up to 180 deg. without crack)
(Bar # 14 & Bar # 18 should bend upto90 deg. without crack)
(This all specification has been given in AASHTO (American Association for State Highway and
Transportation Officials)

The Rockwell test is commonly

simpler to perform, and more exact
than different kinds of hardness
testing techniques. The Rockwell
steel bars test strategy is utilized on
all sorts of metals, except for in
conditions where the test metal
structure or surface conditions would
present an excessive amount of
• Rockwell hardness machine
2. Specimen material (steel bar)

3. Different Indenters
Safety and precautions:
• Before conducting test, use safety gloves, safety shoes & apron
at the time of test
• After test switch off the machine
• The indenter and anvil should be clean and well seated
• The surface should be flat and perpendicular to the indenter
• The speed of application of the load should be standardized
• Equipment should be cleaned thoroughly before testing & after
• Before conducting the test, make sure that no one is around (1-
meter radius from testing machine)
Test Procedure:
The following procedure was adopted in ensuring that the data to be record from Rockwell
hardness test specimens was taken in an organized and consistent manner
1.Prepare and clean the metal specimen. It should be free from any unnecessary debris
2.Check the loading and unloading lever, Make sure that the lever Is in unloading position
3.From table 9.1, select the suitable indenter and weights according to the scale
4. Place the indenter in the Rockwell hardness machine;
5.Switch on the power supply of the machine and carefully place the specimen on the bench
6.Turn clockwise the handwheel until the tip of identer and top surface of the specimen touches
7.Set up the minor load, make sure that the small needle arm to touch the left red dot and put
the big needle arm to zero by simply adjusting the scale ring
8.The machine is hydraulic control, the lever of the major load is located in the right side of the
9.Apply the load by just pushing the lever down
10.Wait for the big needle arm to settle and released the load
11.Read the hardness number value in the gauge and record the data
12.Repeat it again in different point of location(same specimen and identers) at least three times
and average to get the Rockwell hardness number of the specimen
Tabulation data:
Table 9.0 and 9.1 are sample data gathered from the commercial specimen subject for Rockwell
hardness test. The material and equipment in this test is based on the present apparatus
available in CE lab and commercial product that conforms with the ASTM specification.
Based on the hardness value and types of identer used in 9.0 you can determine that would be
the application of the metal with the help of Rockwell hardness scale (table 9.1)
Masonry is the building of structures from individual units,
which are often laid in and bound together by mortar; the
term masonry can also refer to the units themselves. The
common materials of masonry construction are brick,
building stone such as marble, granite, travertine, and
limestone, cast stone, concrete block, glass block, and cob.
Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction.
However, the materials used, the quality of the mortar and
workmanship, and the pattern in which the units are
assembled can significantly affect the durability of the overall
masonry construction. A person who constructs masonry is
called a mason or bricklayer
The Egyptian Pyramids, the Colosseum in Rome, India's Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China
- some of the world's most significant architectural achievements have been built with masonry.
Through civilization, architects and builders have chosen masonry for its beauty, versatility, and
durability. Masonry is resistant to fire, earthquakes, and sound. Artistic and durable, masonry
structures can withstand the normal wear and tear of centuries.

The most frequently used products, are clay brick and concrete block by masons. Brick is
man's oldest manufactured product. Sun-baked clay bricks were used in the construction of
buildings more than 6,000 years ago. In order to prevent distortion and cracking of the clay
shapes, chopped straw and grass were added to the clay mixture. The next big step in
enhancing brick production occurred about 4,000 B.C. At that time manufactures began
producing brick in uniform shapes. Along with the shaping of brick, the move from sun- baking
to firing was another important change. This improved the durability of the brick.
As brick construction became more elaborate, the use of brick became more sophisticated. The
evolution of brick construction design led, in part, to the development of concrete block.
The manufacturing and uses of concrete block evolved over a long period of time. This evolution
was prompted by the development of cavity walls. When originally developed, cavity walls
consisted of two separate brick or stone walls with about a 2-inch air space between them.

Cavity walls were developed to reduce the problems associated with water penetration. Water
that would seep inside the outer wall would then run down that wall, while the inside wall would
remain dry. Cavity walls soon became recognized as the best way to build, not only because they
helped reduce problems with water penetration, but because they could support a heavy load
such as a roof or floor. In 1850 a special block with air cells was developed. Over the years
modifications to this product were introduced until the industry arrived at the standardized
product we see today.
Concrete blocks are produced with a mixture of cement, sand, and crushed stone, or
lightweight aggregate. Today's concrete block plants are totally automated. The raw
materials are loaded from trucks or railroad cars into bins. From there the mix is weighed,
transported to a mixer, and fed into the block machine. If necessary, color is added. It takes
the machine about six seconds to mold a block. The freshly molded blocks are put into
pallets and placed in steam-curing rooms. After the curing process, they are stacked and
taken to a storage yard for delivery.

After more than 6,000 years, masonry is still used today. As you look around at office
buildings, schools, houses, patios, and fireplaces, you will notice that there are many aspects
of society where you will see some form of masonry.
• Termite Resistant • Expensive
• Maintenance Fee • Moisture absorber
• Weather Resistance • Color Deterioration
• Environmental Friendly • Needs heavy Foundation
• Fire Resistant • Needs more skill labor
• Great Sound Proofing
• Increased Resale Appeal
Two main types of masonry work:
1. Veneer masonry - Veneer masonry is
usually put to use for aesthetic purposes as
opposed to creating a sturdy structure. This
type of masonry includes pasting together
materials to the outside of another structure,
which provides the base for support.

2. Solid masonry - Solid masonry can hold

itself up and fight off the elements; it is built
free standing and is not attached to anything
1. Brick Masonry
Brick is the most popular form of masonry requested
today. Bricks are known to be durable and good looking,
lasting many generations and still remaining in style.
Bricks also come in a wide variety, from more traditional
blocks to modern textures and colors. Bricks are typically
made using clay, sand, water, and sometimes lime or
2. Stone Masonry
Two types of stones can be used to create stone
masonry, either dressed or undressed. Dressed stone is
going to come in more fluid sizes and patterns.
Undressed stone, also known as rough stone, is laid as
'rubble masonry,' which provides a less clean look, and
includes putting a wall together without a regular
pattern. Instead, undressed stone provides a more
authentic or natural appearance, which might sound
messy, but actually offers great-looking result.
3. Concrete Blocks
Concrete is laid similarly to brick, with one cinderblock
being pressed atop the other in a staggered formation.
Since concrete blocks are much larger than bricks, it takes
far less time to lay them.

For this reason and more, concrete masonry units are very popular
construction building materials. They tend to be more affordable and
they are also fire resistance. Concrete masonry units come in a variety
of sizes, shapes, and specialty forms making them a versatile building
material. Schools, factories and residential buildings all often rely on
concrete blocks as the bones of a masonry structure.
Types of masonry walls are based on the
type of individual units used for masonry
walls are:

a. Load Bearing Masonry Walls:

Load bearing masonry walls are
constructed with bricks, stones or
concrete blocks. These walls directly
transfer loads from the roof to the
foundation. These walls can be exterior
as well as interior walls.
b. Reinforced Masonry Walls:
The use of reinforcement in walls helps
it to withstand tension forces and heavy
compressive loads. The un-reinforced
masonry walls are prone to cracks and
failure under heavy compressive loads
and during earthquakes. They have
little ability to withstand lateral forces
during heavy rain and wind. Cracks also
develop in un-reinforced masonry walls
due to earth pressure or differential
settlement of foundations. To overcome
such problems, reinforced masonry
walls are used.
c. Hollow Masonry Walls:
Hollow or Cavity masonry walls are
used to prevent moisture reaching
the interior of the building by
providing hollow space between
outside and inside face of the wall.
These walls also help in temperature
control inside the building from
outside wall as the hollow space
restricts heat to pass through the
d. Composite Masonry Walls:
These walls are constructed with two
or more units such as stones or
bricks and hollow bricks. This type of
masonry wall construction is done for
better appearance with economy.

e. Post-tensioned Mason Walls:

Post-tensioned masonry walls are
constructed to strengthen the
masonry walls against the forces that
may induce tension in the wall such
as earthquake forces or wind forces.
f. Autoclaved aerated concrete

Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)

blocks are a widely used building
material and are considered to be a
suitable choice for many
construction projects. Some of the
benefits of using AAC blocks include
their lightweight, thermal insulation
properties, fire resistance, durability,
sound insulation, ease of cutting and
shaping, and environmental
g. Lite Block:

It is a lightweight prefabricated
construction material for partitions
and walls. The shape of this material
has some similarities with the hollow
block shape. The Liteblock
manufacturer creates this
construction material from sand and
cement mortar infused with micro
air bubbles and reinforced with
tension fibers.
h. SRC Panels:

SRC (steel reinforced concrete) panel

is a type of composite sandwich
structural panel whose composition
consists of concrete plaster as the
exterior faces, high tensile wires
densely wired together, and an EPS
(expanded polystyrene) core.

Restoration of one material is important in construction. It can

save life of structure that can cause lot of destruction. Cleaning is
part of restoration that is subject for quarterly schedule.

1. Tuckpointing - The tuckpointing process can improve the masonry facades because it is a method
where a mason will use two contrasting mortar colors in the joints or brickwork. The work must give an
asymmetrical look.
2. Repointing - The repointing process differs from the tuckpointing since the masonry expert, or you will
have to fill up the gap caused by the damaged mortar joints.
3. Replacement and Resettling - The repair process for this type of masonry restoration is done by
dealing with a fallen and deteriorated stone, brick, and block. Some masonry specialists will resettle the
damaged units in place with a new mortar, but some do replacements using old units.
4. Parging - This is another type of masonry restoration; however, in this one, a cement mortar is applied
on an exposed wall surface. Make sure that it is just a smooth coat since it is done to walls that are
5. Chemical Cleaning - It is highly suggested to clean areas using water, but mild chemical cleaners and a
soft brush can do, also. However, make sure to stay away from abrasive cleaning methods as they can
damage the structures.
6. Chimney Crown Restoration - What can a damaged chimney crown do? It can allow water, erosion, and
heat exposure if neglected. It is recommended to do an action if your chimney top gets damaged; you
can opt to have a crown coat repair for waterproofing.
7. Fireplace Refacing - Fireplaces get impaired over time, too! However, you can prevent that by doing a
fireplace refacing, requiring you to use new materials to redo the mantle.
In everyday life there are four causes of deterioration; list are as
1.Freeze/Thaw Cycle - causes fractures; process that occurs when water
enters small holes or crack in brick, freezes and expands as the
temperature drops, and thaws, leaving the brick with even larger areas
of damage, allowing more water in.
2.Wet/Dry Cycle- capillary action (spontaneous flow of liquid into
narrow tube or porous material) produces force that is stronger than the
3.Thermal Expansion/Contraction -entire structure expands/contracts
with change in temperature
4.Salt Crystallization — if on surface of masonry will cause
efflorescence; if under surface may lead to crumbling; The reason salts
pose a problem to masonry is because they are soluble and can dissolve
and recrystallize, often within the pores of the stone at the point of

Cleaning is usually carried out as the final step when

building new masonry, removing mortar smears, grout spills,
and other construction-related stains. Dirt, pollutants,
biological growth, paint, and graffiti is removed from existing
masonry to improve its appearance and maintain long-term

1. Solvent-based Cleaning
2. Physical Cleaning
Mortar is a workable paste used to bind building blocks such as
stones, bricks, and concrete masonry units together, fill and seal the
irregular gaps between them, and sometimes add decorative colors or
pattems in masonry walls. It must conform to ASTM C270 that is
composed of Porland cement, hydrated lime, sand and water.

• Have a tendency to shrink very little

• Have a high degree of resistance to moisture


• Possess adequate strength to resist the forces

applied to it

• Provide aesthetic qualities to the structure

through the use of color and type of joint


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