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 It is one of the main functions of management that comes after planning, organizing, and

*controlling is usually performed when the aspects of activities go out of control, when plan and
objectives are not met, we took action by the means of controlling in order to achieve objectives
better in the future.

To sum it up

 It is a process consisting various steps such as:

a) Establishing performance objectives and standards
b) Measure of actual performance
c) Comparing actual performance with the set objectives and standard
d) Taking necessary action based on the results of comparison
 It can be classified as either feed-forward, concurrent, or feedback.
 There are Organizational Control Systems such as:
a) Strategic plan
b) Long-range financial plan
c) Operating budget
d) Performance appraisals
e) Statistical reports
f) Policies and procedures

While on the other hand, Strategic Control Systems consist of:

a) Financial analysis
a) Financial ratio analysis
 Means to identify Control Problems
a) Executive reality check
b) Comprehensive internal audit
c) General checklist of symptoms of inadequate control

When controlling is properly implemented therefore it will help the organization achieve its goal in the
most efficient and effective manner possible.

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