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Women Empowerment Talk: Discovering Your Inner Superpower (Ages 13-18)

I. Introduction (5 minutes)

● Welcome and introductions: Briefly introduce yourself and your passion for

women's empowerment.

● Icebreaker activity: Engage the girls with a short, fun activity that encourages

interaction and sets a positive tone (e.g., two truths and a lie, word association

related to strength).

● Introduction to the topic: Briefly define women's empowerment and highlight its

importance in their lives.

II. Understanding Empowerment (10 minutes)

● Breakdown the concept: Discuss the different aspects of empowerment, such

as self-confidence, independence, voice, and agency.

● Challenges and obstacles: Acknowledge the challenges girls might face that

hinder empowerment, like societal expectations, body image issues, and limited


● Shifting the narrative: Emphasize that these challenges are not inherent

limitations but rather external factors that can be overcome.

III. Cultivating Your Power (15 minutes)

● Identifying strengths: Guide the girls through an activity to identify their unique

strengths, talents, and passions (e.g., creating a personal mission statement).

● Building self-confidence: Share tips on how to build and maintain

self-confidence, such as positive affirmations, setting achievable goals, and

celebrating successes.
● Developing a growth mindset: Explain the concept of a growth mindset and its

importance in learning, overcoming challenges, and embracing opportunities.

IV. Finding Your Voice (10 minutes)

● The power of communication: Discuss the importance of expressing oneself

clearly and confidently, both verbally and non-verbally.

● Standing up for yourself and others: Encourage the girls to advocate for

themselves and others when faced with injustice or unfair treatment.

● Developing healthy communication skills: Briefly share tips on assertive

communication, active listening, and respectful dialogue.

V. Inspiring Action (10 minutes)

● Role models and mentors: Showcase inspiring stories of women who have

overcome obstacles and achieved great things.

● Taking action in your community: Encourage the girls to identify ways they can

contribute to positive change in their communities, schools, or personal lives

(e.g., volunteering, starting a club, becoming a mentor).

● Call to action: End with a powerful and inspiring message that motivates the

girls to embrace their potential and use their inner superpower to make a


VI. Closing (5 minutes)

● Open forum for questions: Encourage the girls to ask questions and share their

thoughts on the topic.

● Wrap-up and resources: Summarize the key points and provide resources for

further exploration (e.g., books, websites, local organizations supporting women).

● Thank you and closing remarks: Express gratitude for the girls' participation

and reiterate the message of empowerment.

Additional Tips:

● Use interactive activities, visuals, and storytelling to keep the girls engaged

throughout the talk.

● Maintain a positive and encouraging tone throughout the talk.

● Tailor the language and content to be age-appropriate and relatable to the


● Be mindful of the diversity of experiences and backgrounds within the group and

create a safe space for open discussion.

Absolutely, including healthy boundaries is crucial for empowering young women.

Here's how you can integrate it into your talk outline:

III. Cultivating Your Power (15 minutes)

● Identifying strengths: (as mentioned previously)

● Building self-confidence: (as mentioned previously)

● Developing a growth mindset: (as mentioned previously)

● Setting healthy boundaries:

○ Define healthy boundaries and explain their importance in fostering

self-respect and healthy relationships.

○ Provide examples of different types of boundaries (physical, emotional,

mental, etc.) and how to set them effectively.

○ Emphasize the importance of respecting other people's boundaries as


○ Role-play scenarios where the girls can practice setting boundaries in

various situations (e.g., with friends, family, on social media).

Additional Tips:

● When discussing boundaries, emphasize that setting them is not about being

selfish but rather about taking care of oneself and creating healthy relationships.

● Use clear and relatable language to explain the concept of boundaries and avoid

using overly technical terms.

● Encourage the girls to practice assertiveness when setting boundaries and to

communicate their needs and expectations respectfully.

Icebreaker Activity: Discovering Your Hidden Symbols (Ages 13-18)


● Pens or pencils

● Paper or notecards

● Optional: Magazines or pictures cut from them for inspiration (optional)


1. Welcome and Introduction: Briefly explain the activity and its connection to

discovering "inner superpowers."

2. Individual Brainstorming (5 minutes):

○ Ask the girls to think about their unique qualities, strengths, and passions.

What makes them special?

○ Encourage them to visualize an object, animal, or symbol that represents

their inner strength and superpower.

○ If using magazines or pictures, allow time for them to browse and find

visuals that resonate with them.

3. Drawing and Writing (10 minutes):

○ Provide each girl with paper and a writing utensil.

○ Instruct them to draw their chosen symbol or object on the paper.

○ Below or around their drawing, ask them to write down 3-5 words or

phrases that describe the qualities and strengths represented by their


4. Sharing and Discussion (15-20 minutes):

○ Invite volunteers to share their symbol and the words they chose with the


○ Encourage others to ask clarifying questions or make connections to the

participant's explanation.

○ Emphasize the diversity of symbols and the unique strengths each

participant brings to the group.


● Pair Sharing: Instead of group sharing, girls can first share their creations with a

partner, then share with the entire group if comfortable.

● Group Creation: If time allows, girls can work together in small groups to create

a collective symbol representing the group's combined strengths.

● Guessing Game: After sharing their explanations, girls can try to guess each

other's symbol and why they chose it.


● Spark conversation and self-reflection.

● Promote creativity and self-expression.

● Create a sense of connection and community.

● Introduce the concept of "inner superpowers" in a fun and interactive way.

This activity serves as a springboard for the following talk on discovering their full

potential and embracing their unique strengths.

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