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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course

What is MBSR?

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an 8-week program that teaches you

the skills and practices of mindfulness meditation to help manage stress, improve

well-being, and increase self-awareness.

What will you learn?

● Mindfulness meditation: Techniques to focus your attention on the present

moment without judgment.

● Mindful movement: Integrating gentle yoga postures and mindful movement

exercises into your daily life.

● Mindful awareness: Paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily

sensations with kindness and curiosity.

● Stress management: Developing healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with

stress and difficult emotions.

Benefits of MBSR:

● Reduced stress and anxiety

● Improved sleep quality

● Increased self-compassion and acceptance

● Enhanced focus and concentration

● Greater emotional regulation and resilience

What to expect in the course:

● Weekly group sessions led by a qualified MBSR instructor.

● Guided meditations and mindfulness practices.

● Discussions and group interaction.

● Daily home practice exercises for 30-45 minutes.

Who is this course for?

MBSR is beneficial for anyone seeking to:

● Manage stress and improve mental well-being

● Increase self-awareness and self-compassion

● Develop healthy coping mechanisms

● Enhance personal and professional life


Regular attendance and daily home practice are essential for maximizing the benefits of


Ready to get started?

This course will provide you with the tools and support to cultivate mindfulness and

navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and clarity.

Please note:

● This handout is for informational purposes only.

● Consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about participating in

an MBSR program.

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