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1) What are the most popular or desired kinds of jobs in your country?

My country's most populars jobs are Engineer, doctor, lawyer etc. People are thinking if I
who have doctor, lawyer etc. I will happy. Because they think, those jobs are not require
respansibility. Actually this situation is false (mistake). Jobs involving creativity the more
hard diğerlerine göre.

2) Is personal satisfaction more important than making money? Why or Why not?

Those two situation have same degree important. If you do not be satisfaction, you do not
work long time. Because you work 8-9 hours in a day. Just you are thinking '' I making
money '' probably you will not happy.

3) Why do people respect certain kinds of jobs and disrespect others?

Becausei, people think if a person is doctor, lawyer or engineer, definitely this person has
money. If she/he has a money, she/he is a good person :)

4) What kind of job would be most satisfying to you?

I am a mechanical engineer. I like my job but if I'll work in international co. For instance;
P&G, Amazon, Grundfos. I will happy. Besides if I work remote this situation very nice for
me :)

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